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Do you like board games? I love it. I find it a good way, especially in winter or summer nights, to play a good time with friends and/or family. It is a healthy activity, where for a while people stop watching TV, console, phones and laugh with joint activity.

What games are you most liked? Any recommendation to buy for Christmas? What kind of games do you like? Do you have anecdotes?

A good criterion for knowing if the game is good, is the Spiel des Jahres prize, which is like "The Oscars of board games". I have checked, game with prize, good game. To see the winners, just look at the corresponding Wikipedia article:

👍 8 👎 0


Defectable  7. 981 6 288 👍 -4 2018 12 30 20. 15 h 
& gt; ctrl+f & gt; fauna & gt;

The fauna is a cool.

▴ #9677200 👍 0 👎 0 Faraday  1. 513 7 👍 1. 193 19. 06. 2019 15. 37 h 

Hey, never brake! I think I already released here that every Friday there is a game club in Vic. Well, I take the thread to say that there is also a play club in Tona too! In this case it is on Saturdays every 15 days. There are this Saturday. From 21:30 in case anyone is near, he is fond of board games and encourages him.

▴ #9677200 👍 1 👎 0 CASPANYOL_ INTOLUNTI  2, 844 6 699 👍 3, 833 27. 06. 2019 15. 24 h 

I will give a gift to the readers of this thread.

I am not a big fan of board games, but I realized that I love to contemplate them, they are very original and visually interesting creations. And Denne filmed Har Jeg Forklart Mer.

Apparently, we are in the golden age of board games: there are thousands, of many different types and themes and with a very high quality level.

Right now, one of my favorite hobby is watching youtube videos with board game analysis (OS Recommend the Canales Off the Shelf Game Board Reviews and 3 Minute Board Games), but I realized that I was spending a lot of time by diving between the Videos of these Kanaler to find the best games and then typing their name in the YouTube search box, adding "Review" and "Board".

The BoardGameGeek page contains a ranking of the most popular games, and with Notepad++'s copy-and-refill text string technique, it allows you to create a game list web page containing the top 20 ranking pages. By clicking on the video title, the browser goes to search for analysis of that video on Youtube, without having to click on any other links.

This is a searchable web page. També l'he pegat dins el secret:

▴ #9677200 👍 1 👎 0 Faraday  1. 513 7 👍 1. 193 06. 27. 2019 16. 29 h  Jo sóc més de Zacatrus! i Juegos de mesa 221B, però gràcias igualment! ▴ #10204627 👍 1 👎 0 Caspanyol_Involuntari  2. 844 6 699 👍 3. 833 27. 06. 2019 23. 24 h 

Un altre que m'ha atret bast, a més del Lords of Xidit, és el Tiny Epic Tactics: https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=3YmPWjk94uM

▴ #9677200 👍 0 👎 0 Faraday  1. 513 7 👍 1. 193 06. 28. 2019 00. 07 h 

No hi he jugat (encara) però m'agrada molt que la semse caixa serveci com escenari. I pel què tinc intés el mesmes joc offers les options de jugar de forma competitive o cooperative, en solitaire o per equips. Té bona pinta.

▴ #10204967 👍 1 👎 0 Caspanyol_Involuntari  2. 844 6 699 👍 3. 833 28. 06. 2019 15. 26 h 

Quins són els jocs de taula més espectaculars que connoxeu (including wargames), sense tenir en compte si són bons o no?

A mi em ve al cap el Chthulhu Wars:

▴ #9677200 👍 0 👎 0 Caspanyol_Involuntari  2. 844 6 699 👍 3. 833 30. 06. 2019 22. 24 h 

El Warhammer Quest is also good, but anyone can mount the figurines.

▴ #10205466 👍 0 👎 0 Faraday  1. 513 7 👍 1. 193 30. 06. 2019 23. 49 h 

Probably the most spectacular games you will find will be Ameritrash com el Descent, Zombicide, Las mansiones de la locura or Arcadia Quest, precisely for the figures. Si vols spectacle visual, una bona partida a Warhammer. I don't say that the Eurogames are not good, they don't have to carry a fotimer of cubs and tables and a thousand things to keep in mind, but the figures of plastic or resin are always resalted more.

▴ #9677200 👍 1 👎 0 Caspanyol_Involuntari  2, 844 6, 699 👍 3, 833 07/01/2019 16:36 h 

Thank you! I just looked them up on Youtube and the truth is that they are spectacular, I am enchanted by the designs (and some mechanics seem amusing, like the tables that represent doors, open for one band and tancades for another, or the app del Mansions):

▴ #10207681 👍 1 👎 0 Faraday  1. 513 7 👍 1. 193 07/15/2019 12. 51 h 


Botticelli was still too busy working on the pigments and the tranquillity of the pintar tranquilament, because his contemporaries were not able to follow the rhythm of the fugues and the fugues of the estudi.

The Ticià has failed to make its diners and its citizens, as well as the patrons of the tornadoes, accept their own encàrregs.

Bellini, en canvi, does not patia pels diners. I am still left with the fact that the pigments of the market are no longer my concern, but I do not want to be a part of all the jobs that I have, and I do not want any of them.

Tots ells, però, will take away the mateix, the favour of the bisbe, tots will take away the reconeixement, the fama. We will restore the millors parts of Fresco.

Així és FRESCO, published in the Republic of Ireland, a Eurogame, of between six and four Member States, with an approximate increase in the number of Member States per Member State over the last 10 years. It is a challenge, for this family, because it is necessary to increase the complexity and the pace of the three expansions included - which are impressive for all Member States -. FRESCO has made efforts to find the right treballadors, recourses and programmes for action, and there is a set collection when the expansions are implemented.

De wedstrijd bestaat uit de overwinningspunten (PV) restaurant el fresc de la catedral. Daarnaast is elke ronde verdeeld in twee delen: de tijd kiezen om te spelen en de acties programmeren en uitvoeren.

In de eerste fase beslist elke speler op welk tijdstip hij wil spelen, in omgekeerde volgorde van de PV die elke speler speelt. Degene die in de eerste fase speelt, bepaalt als eerste het uur en de eindtijd van de speler die op dat moment speelt. Je moet de klok echter laat opheffen om bij de zes conseqüències te komen. Aan het einde van de dag werd de humor van de oudste studenten op de markt ontcijferd. In de nabije toekomst zal de humor van de jongste mijnwerkers op de markt toenemen. De tegenstrijdigheid van dit alles is dat de volgorde die we moeten volgen de volgorde is van de realisatie van de acties van de volgende fase. Degene die tot de cinc is verheven realiseert de zeven handelingen, in tegenstelling tot degene die tot hen is verheven.

Den Andre Fasen er den som fører til handlingsprogrammet, we are starter på tidspunktet for utskillelsen neste morgen. We all have positioned the Minyons at once will be the time to take the actions, in order of the time we have got up and also following the order of the actions panel. We will go to the market, paint, ask for alms from the patrons, mix colors and finally we will go to the theater a little. Thus we will win PV until only six slabs or less in the cathedral, which will activate the final turn.

Spillet, and Versjonen for To Spillere, Inkluderer Også in Fantastisk More Navn Leonardo. And Detest Spillet Er en Av Spillerne Portrettert and Hvert Mål, Og Det er mye Strategi Og Direkte Interaksjon Mellom Riviuthene.

Mye God Actions programming, resource management and workers' positioning, which with the expansions gives more hand to follow various strategies to score and just round out the experience. Det er følelsesladet på slutten, already, at Forskjellen and Poeng Normal Ikke Er Stor, Og På Slutten Av Det System Maleriet ER DET IKKE KLLART HVEM Som er den Mest Anerkjente Kunstneren.

▴ #9677200 👍 2 👎 0 JLCT  526 5 👍 262 15. 07. 2019 16. 16  Do you know of board games that are in Catalan? ▴ #9677200 👍 0 👎 0 GRINFILD  25. 860 21 51 👍 6. 315 15. 07. 2019 16. 50 h 

카탈루냐: 카탈루냐, 카르카손에 devir 의 숙소가 숙소가.

라 팔라베라 칼라베라에 것을 환영합니다.

▴ #10220525 👍 2 👎 0 JLCT  526 5 👍 262 15. 07. 2019 18. 49 h  The other day I was recommended the Catan precisely. It makes me play, the truth. ▴ #10220548 👍 0 👎 0 패러데이  1. 513 7 👍 1. 193 15. 07. 2019 23. 45 h 

카탄, 팬데믹, 웰컴 하시아 엘 호가르 호가르, 카스텔러!, 칼소타다 전쟁 ,.

▴ #10220525 👍 1 👎 0 패러데이  1, 513 7 👍 1. 193 04. 10. 2019 20. 34 h 

사그라다: 알-엘루이아, 독일인!

사그라다 궁전이 무너져 내렸습니다! 엘 조크 델스 비탈스 비탈스 토르나 아빈세사 아빈세사 페르 네 크리티카 크리티카.

The game, played by four players, is a single competition in which the aim is to compete against other players to achieve the highest score at the end of the two rounds that the game lasts. The interaction between the players is non-existent or indirect, the only moment in which the players can harass each other is when one of them attacks the queen that is attacking the other. Visually it is a very attractive game with different colours, a game that stands out above all for its appearance. It is a simple game to explain, which loads the neurons with a good feeling and with a certain difficulty as the time progresses. The player also managed to take the one, three at a time, which meant that they could break the norms in some cases or reform the glass they created. The hardest thing is to follow the pattern you can use because it is the most flexible, and the hardest thing is to use the pattern because it is the hardest thing to do your job. This recurs equilibra bastant bé la partida.

In addition, one must take into account the three public objectives that we want to achieve with the repetition of colors or lines without repeating the result, and a private objective which is to mark the most colors with a certain color.

And finally, the sort factor that also inspired him to send a game of dice with him. It could have been more discussed here about the game. Some of the conflicting points are that the game is for two or four without eliminating dice from the boss. N'hi ha noranta en total i en funció del número de jugadors se'n hauràn d'agafar més o menys durant la partida, per tant és possible que en una partida amb pocs jugadors, per atzar, no surti cap dau d'un color específic i això creï a desavantatge clar en el jugador que The object is private and has a specific color. Evidentment també fa més difficult or impossible aconseguir objectius públics de color.

Another issue is the complexity of the cards, which I personally don't find that difficult to understand.

I am very happy with the way the apparatus was used and commented on, and I am very happy that we were able to use the multi-solitary trencaclosques (or the gairebé). I am very happy that we had something to say. Finally, I also noticed the solitary version of the game, which was more difficult than a divided part. It is a positive result that may indicate that we need to redo the parts to sort them out.

▴ #9677200 👍 0 👎 0 - Another option is the Warpath universe of the Mantic brand, the Warcraft game is very baroque. On the matixes figures, Mantic offers a number of interesting hybrid characters from Taula in Wargame: Dead Zone. The problem is that the figures cannot be printed and painted. In this case, Games Workshop offers the first version of the quest híbrid: Kill Team. It's a shame that in the Dead Zone the miniatures don't have any signage, because they want to be spectacular and they always have the opportunity to see them. The miniatures have their own name, they are in a building and they are also in a small coat of arms.

- Em semblava una mica estrany que cap empresa oferís wargames amb les figures ja muntades i, a la fi, m'he alegrat quan he trobat dos juegazos que vénen amb les miniatures ja fetes: Dust Tactics, a joc molt senzill ambientat en la segona guerra mundial però amb mechs, i Carnevale, un joc molt original de combat de miniatures ambientat a Venècia. Tots dos vénen amb escenaris tridimensionals i son molt atractius visualment.

- Per acabar, commentar que m'ha semblat molt curiós el Frostgrave Perilous Dark, una expansion de l'Frosgrave que permet campanyes d'un sol jugador. The object is located on the old coast of the scenes and the enemics of each other and is attached to the atzer.


Elim Rim - Journalist, creative writer

Last modified 25.05.2025

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