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Sackler Gallery of Egyptian Antiquities - The Ashmolean Museum

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© The Ashmolean Museum, 2003 Texts by Tom Hardwick, Judith McKenzie, Andres Reyes, Christina Riggs, Andrew Shortland and Helen Whitehouse Sackler Gallery of Egyptian Antiquities Egypt from the 1st Dynasty to the Byzantine period, 2950 v. Chr. To 641 AD a virtual guide for visitors

  • Page 2 and 3: Note for the reader This is a copy of the document
  • Page 4 and 5: Case 34: Töpferwaren over time
  • Page 6 and 7: Case 35 Prevention for the next life
  • Page 8 and 9: Figure 5 cases 34 to 38
  • Page 10 and 11: Dynasty An1933. 1031: A. H. Sayce Be
  • Page 12 and 13: copper model of an altar, with a shell
  • Page 14 and 15: 2 copper can and bowl, two shapes
  • Page 16 and 17: housing 38/39 sculpture for survival
  • Page 18 and 19: Case 40 from the table to grave 1. Inte
  • Page 20 and 21: An1913. 502: BSAE and ERA excavations
  • Page 22 and 23: Case 41 central weak point, local strat
  • Page 24 and 25: mirror disc, found in the box; lime
  • Page 26 and 27: 5 yellow sandstone statuette from Thr
  • Page 28 and 29: An1896-1908 E. 1968: EEF excavations
  • Page 30 and 31: 3 Faience Löwe and Weight An1896-19
  • Page 32 and 33: To honor and honor Osiris
  • Pagina 34 EN 35: 9 Travertijn Ogen uit een Kist of
  • Pagina 36 EN 37: DOOS 45 BROOD EN Beer 1e Intermed
  • Pagina 38 EN 39: Tempera Copy Door Nina Davies van de
  • Pagina 40 EN 41: Model van Een Militaire transport boat
  • Pagina 42 EN 43: Anhydriet Uit Graf X 36, HU; 2E
  • Pagina 44 EN 45: Typical Ontwerpen - Een Steenbok, Illegibl
  • Pagina 46 EN 47: An1927. 1390: BSAE ER ERA Opgravingen
  • Pagina 48 EN 49: Uit Het Graf van Maket in El-Lahun;
  • Pagina 50 EN 51: 2 Bronzen Bijlen, Gerraveerd Met D
  • Pagina 52 EN 53: Case 51 Aardewerk en het decora deep
  • Pagina 54 EN 55:10 Vaas in DE VORM VAN EEN EGEL,
  • Pagina 56 EN 57: ZAAK 52 Koptos en Sinaï Nieuw Kingdo
  • Pagina 58 EN 59: Voor Seti I en Ramesses II An1896-1
  • Pagina 60 EN 61: ZAAK 53 State religious Privé
  • Pagina 62 EN 63: 6 de Koninklijke family Aanbidt de
  • Pagina 64 EN 65: Casus 54 Egypt en de Wijde Wereld N
  • Pagina 66 EN 67: 6 Fragment van Een Wagenwiel: DE
  • Pagina 68 EN 69: Geval 55 Een Raadelachtige Ontdekking in M
  • Pagina 70 EN 71: 11 Aardewerk Pot; Faience en Aardewerk
  • Pagina 72 EN 73: Case 56 Wijn, Olie En Wierook Nieuw K
  • Pagina 74 EN 75: An1893. 1-41 (271): Flinders Petrie
  • Pagina 76 EN 77: 3 Kohl-Buizen in DE VORM Van Een Colum
  • Pagina 78 EN 79: Verkenning) 17 Glass en faience M
  • Pagina 80 EN 81: Basic rin g-redeumed silica, in twee fo
  • Pages 82 and 83: found in the mass burials of the ro
  • Pages 84 and 85: AN1879. 349: Henderson Collection St
  • Pages 86 and 87: faience or glass inlay. The red j
  • Pages 88 and 89: piece Provenance unknown; late Ptol
  • Pages 90 and 91: 3 bronze mirrors with a wooden handle
  • Pages 92 and 93: from area H5, Saqqara; late period
  • Page 94 and 95: Case 61 The Greeks at Naukratis Lat
  • Page 96 and 97: 12 Wooden tablet with Greek inscription
  • Page 98 and 99: Greeks from Memphis were known as traders
  • Page 100 and 101: Case 62 Magic and Religion Late Per
  • Page 102 and 103: a sun god Origin unknown; Pto
  • Page 104 and 105: Isis with the attributes of Thermut
  • Page 106 and 107: Origin unknown; Late Period and
  • Pages 108 and 109: 18 Mosaic glass plaque with lotus
  • Pages 110 and 111: All electrotypes British Museum, ex
  • Pages 112 and 113: excavations, 1909-10 and 1912-13 12
  • Pages 114 and 115: AN1896-1908 E. 3805 (provenance unknown).
  • Pages 116 and 117: 5 Lamps Probably from Naukratis; La
  • Pages 118 and 119: Box 66 Christianity and the Coptic Faith.
  • Pages 120 and 121: 8 Bronze hanging lamp and a lamp or
  • Pages 122 and 123: 8 Earthenware ostracon with inscription in Gre
  • Pages 124 and 125: Case 68 'I am a good scribe for m
  • Pages 126 and 127: Case 69 'Be a scribe. ' Scribe
  • Pages 128 and 129: Case 70 Language and Script Ancient
  • 130. un 131. lappuse: Atēns...” No el-Amarnas; 18. dyn.
  • 132. un 133. lappuse: 2 kaļķakmens izmēģinājuma gabals, uz kura redzams a b un 135. lpp: Gadījums 72 Dzīve Jaunajā karalistē M 136. un 137. lappuse: un vīriešu, sieviešu un bērnu kap enes.
  • 2012 2013) epizodes (2. daļa) Ja viņi varēja sadalīt visu sēriju divās daļās, kāpēc es nevaru sadalīt šo rakstu divās daļās? Lai nu kā, laipni lūgti atpakaļ pie mana Doctors Kas 7. sērijas pārskata! Pēc slikākā, ko piedāvāja šī sērija (galvenokārt Klāra), aplūkošanas, tagad mēs saņemsim veselīgu pozitīvisma devu, jo es tikko aprakstīju labāko.
  • Ja neesat lasījuši 1. daļu, tad iesaku to izlasīt šeit. Tagad ķersimies pie recenzijas!
  • 9 - Daleku patvērums
  • This is an episode that people often point to when they criticize Moffat’s representation of the Daleks, and I can’t say I disagree entirely. The Daleks asking the Doctor to solve a problem because they’re too scared to do it themselves seems incredibly counterproductive. That said, I think the justification given for it would have made some sense… if the “mad” Daleks had actually been depicted in such a way that they seemed different to regular Daleks. That was my biggest problem with this episode, it spent a lot of time telling us that these were “mad” Daleks that were so much worse than regular Daleks, but when the time came to show us that, they didn’t seem all that different from anything we’d seen before. Oswin was the only exception, and that’s a good place to start talking about that.
  • Personlig synes jeg dette var en radiende idé. Med tanke på at Jenna Coleman allrede hadde blitt annonsert som den new følgesvennen da denne episodes ble sendt first gang, var det en genial idé å skape blest rundt characters hennes. Episodes holders are welcome to the film, they are released to the public and are ready to go with their faktisk and they can share the TARDIS team in the episodes before they are ready to be released. I have to wait until I get to know Astrid, I have always come to terms with this more and one episode, but I have learned more about Oswin's history and are happy to see you again.

Alt annet runs episodes there are still very enjoyable. Selv om jeg ikke er en fan av Ponds skilsmisse, skjedde det teknisk sett i en webseries, ikke i denne episodes, så jeg skal la det gå. I still tell you how to do this, but it is also a matter of time, inkludert and av mine favorit subtile øyeblikk noensinne in series. Here's to Amy Sier til The Doctor «You can't fix this like you fix your bowtie», and serene episodes, after The Doctor fixer for mellom Amy and Rory, there is the short picture of ham some fixer sløyfen sin. Det er Edgar Wright level.

It leans a bit heavy on the humor, but unlike other comic episodes, this series is most jokes really funny, so it works rather in favor of this episode than to the disadvantage. I always have to chuckle the sentence "don't be honest with the Dalleks if they fire me on a planet" and I think it's great that Rory - who has never met the Dalleks before - thinks the balls in their abdomen are eggs.

The only big problem I have with the episode is that the plot is rather weak. The purpose of the episode is quite vague and most time is spent on discussing other plot threads that have nothing to do with the task. There is also not really a feeling of danger, I know that they are surrounded all the time by Dalleks, but every meeting is handled so quickly that it could not have happened just as well. The last turn, in which Oswin knew the doctor from the Dalek's database, would be interesting if it was ever used for something worth mentioning. Instead, it is quickly reversed after it has hardly been mentioned and may as well have been an outright Retcon.

Asylum of the Daleks does not really treat the biggest villains of The Doctor as a real threat. Yet the majority of the other factors in the episode are good enough to create something that I enjoyed quite a lot of pleasure and that can be reviewed.

8 - Cold war

If you bring back a monster from the classic series of Doctor Who, it is always difficult to say whether it will really be worth it. From a modern perspective it is nice to look back on old episodes of Doctor Who and see the miserable costumes and special effects. It is when the same effects appear in a modern episode, surrounded by all the high (er) quality stuff, that it can fall a bit flat. The Ice Warriors are one that suffer from that problem, I think. Their costumes are incredibly rude and made clear from very cheap plastic in which patterns seem to be carved of about the same quality as you would expect from a middle class action figure.

So when it came to bringing them into a modern setting, the team of Doctor Who had to find a way to avoid it, and I think they succeeded in astonishingly well. The team, which worked on the episode, seemed to be very careful with every recording in which the armor occurs, and made sure that too many details were not shown at once to avoid this cheap look. In addition, the relatively dark lighting of the scene offered many ways to cover certain details if necessary to ensure that the new ice warrior looks more impressive than silent.

It was also worked on involving new aspects of the tradition of the monster. Something that doesn't always work, but in this example it worked. As soon as the ice warrior leaves its armor, the entire tone of the episode changes towards a creeping panic, and I think that makes the feeling of tension very well. In the entire episode up to this point, the doctor spoke in detail about how honorable the ice warriors are. This means that if he describes the despair of the warrior who leaves his armor, it has much more weight than if it had not been mentioned by then, as is the case in many other episodes with such turns.

Het proCes en de uitindelijke oplossing van de aflevering is ook erg goed uitgevoerd en exciting. De Doctor Bevindt Zich Weer Eens In a situation Waarin Hij Wordt Omringd Door Mensen The will vechten, Maar hij moet een manier vinden om ze van het tegendeel te overtuigen. Het zijn deze moments waarop the doctor in de natuur van een other Wezen duikt en de best manner vind om hen te overtuigen van zijn own perspecief, the aantoonbaar op zijn best zijn. In Deze Aflevering Laat Smith veel van zijn maffe trekjes varen en concentreert hij zich op het seriesuze.

However, it's not a perfect episode, which is why it's not higher on the list. A lot of the reasoning behind the Ice Warrior's actions is not entirely clear to me, especially towards the end where he suddenly turns around and decides not to blow up the world. The episode slowly built up to that point, but I feel like it only got about halfway through before jumping ahead a bunch of steps to the end. Also, Clara is once again a non-factor. She has a tense scene where she is forced to come face to face with the alien, but it doesn't really do much for her character. It's a scene that does wonders for the tension of the episode as a whole, but when it comes to giving Clara a defining experience in her adventure with the Doctor, it doesn't quite hit the mark.

In the end, Cold War is a good episode, but not particularly memorable. It did a decent job of bringing back the Ice Warriors, and had several cool or exciting scenes. But for some reason it failed to make any lasting impression on me.

7 - The journey to the center of the TARDIS

The TARDIS is always an interesting and mysterious topic in Doctor Who, but I don't know. Net als de echte naam van de Doctor vind ik dat we nooit te veel moeten weten over de TARDIS. Partly because if too many rules are set up, many things in the series are not more logical, but also because a device must be used to raise our understanding. Dit is een machine die op elk punt in ruimte en tijd tegelijk kan bestaan, er zou geen enkele possible explanation voor de werking ervan moeten zijn die een mens zou kunnen grämpsen.

Dus, met dat gesätt, zou je denken dat ik deze aflevering niet leuk zou vinden omdat het wat van dat mystery wegneemt, toch? Well, actually nothing.

Het zit zo, hoezeer dit ook een afleveringen is waarten we literally verkennen de TARDIS, we komen er einlich nietz nieuws over te knowen dat niet al in eeterere afleveringen was mentioned. Er zijn de gegenden series al verschiedelden grappen gemaakt over de bibliotheek en het zwembad, en gewelen we dingen als het Eye of Harmony nog noiott hebben gezien, weten we dat ze bestaan. Instead, this episode served more to get a better picture of the character of the TARDIS.

I know it was done last season in The Doctor's Wife, but in this case, it was deliberately given a human personality, when it is not realistic. The Tardis with which we fly with each episode is not a human and since there has been a kind of conflict between Clara and the Tardis in this series, I think it is important to understand a little what 'He feels. We have a good part here, because he does things like getting rid of doors to prevent people from stealing his things, or just making loops in the corridors when people threaten to explode the walls. Even something as simple as a "groan" to scare people in her damaged machine room gives this machine more character and life than she has never had before.

Friend at Cselekményt Illeti, Nem Túlságosan Meggyőző. Az Egesz Ötlet, Hogy A Tardis Vedekezését Csak Azért Csökentik, Mert Olyan üzemmódban van, Amely Megkönnyíti Az Emberek Számára A Repülést, Bizarr Tervezési Döntésnek Tűnik. From Ha Ez Kell Ahhoz, Hogy Az Epizód Létrejöjön, Akkor Rendeben, Akkor Ráharapok. A Másodlagos Karakterek Nem Túl vonzóak. Az Egyiknek Klasszikus „Bunkó a Bunkóság Kedvéértrt” Hozzállállása van, friend NEM TUDOT Kevésbé Érdekelni, Függetlenül Attól, Hogy Az Epizód Milyen Drámai Megváltást próbál a vege a fejébe vágni. A másik Két mellékszereplő csak a fő mellékszereplő törtenetenek cselekménye, és mint ilyen, nem kapnak semmi említére meltót.

Ich bin auch kein großer fan von der lösung der episode. Die Lösung „es ist eigentlich nie passerine, weil die zeitreise“ ist beim besten willen nicht clever interesting, aber diese episode will unbedingt beid haben. Sie will, dass die ursprüngliche zeitlinie abgebrochen wird, so dass alle beteiligten die ereignisse der episode vergesen. Sie will aber auch, Dass Die Ganze Charakterentwicklung, Die Sie Gemacht Hat, Trotzdem Stattfindet. DAS BEDEUTET, DASS WIR EINE SZENE BEKOMMEN, in der Die Beiden Brüder Ihre Beziehung Scheinbar Wiederhergestellt Haben ... Nur Dass Die Ereignisse, Die Sie Dazu Veranlasst Haben, Nie Stattgefunden Haben. EST Keine Situation, in der Man Sich Aussuchen Kann, Woran Sich Die Charaktere Erinnern und Woran Nicht, denn entwed ist ALLES PASSIERT ODER NICHTS DAVON.

Wie Die Meisen Episoden Dieser Serie Ist Auch Diese Fehlerhaft, Aber Ich Habe Trotzdem Eine Menge Dinganden, Die Mir Gefallen Haben.

6 - Die macht derii

OK, let's first agree that the episode should have been called "cubed". Yes, I know the whole point is "The Power of Three" which refers to the doctor, Amy and Rory, but I think it would have been better as a nice little twist at the end, instead of being blown right out in front of you from the start of.

If there was ever an episode screaming for two parts, then it was this one, because I think it could certainly need some extra time, even 10-15 minutes extra would have helped lift this episode to the top positions on this list . Instead, it had several points that felt very rushed.

First, the mystery of this episode is completely brilliant. As we have seen with Chibnall's writing since he took over as the main author, he knows how to build a good mystery, and it is shown full here. The idea that millions of these cubes could only emerge from nowhere without anyone on earth having seen the moment they did it is a bit incredible, but I'm willing to play with it. The episode immediately gives us this tangible thing that we know is going to be crucial to the episode, but we have absolutely no idea how or what it is.

Tokijken Hoe was called Tardis team called Mysterie Probeert Op Te Lossen Opent de Deur Voor Zoveel Verschilling Mogelijkheden, a they were the afterdue in Op Al Deze Mogelijkheden. Almarorst Probian De Doctor Een Normaal Live Tea Leiden. DEZE The whole Reex was Een Beetje Flauw, MAAR IK DEN IK HAND HEEL AMUSANT ABOUT TE ZIEN HOE DE DOCTOR IN EEN UUR TIJD TONNEN HUISHOOUTELIJKE KLOKE CAPTAPTE, WAARONDER EEN WISHTODY ONMOGELIJK AANTAL SCHOPPEN. Na zijn Erbarmelijke performance in dinosaurs on a spaceship Krijgt Brian hier in the end of the tea Schitter ALS Personage. Hij is Zo Volledig Toegewijd Aan Zijn Taak about the cubus in the street tea houden dat Ik niet Anders can dan hem steunen terwijl hij was named super serial nemt; Hij Documenterterte named Complebrek Aan Wat de Kubussen Doen, Elk uur, Elk uur.

The episode also perfectly succeeds in switching from comedy to comedy, inserting some serious scenes where Cubes do certain things, between comedy moments, and after moving to unit scenes, we get out of it completely. I liked the sequence when Cuba suddenly started to do any random things you can only come up with, it just increased the secret of the surrounding them and caused some pretty funny moments.

Another important theme of this episode is the impact of traveling with a doctor on the life of Ponds. I think this episode took more time because it was pressed among all things about Cuba, so very rarely had the time to breathe and eventually seemed quite forced because it was the last episode before the bond departure.

When it comes to rush when the Cuba opens, the episode breaks slightly. There are some really exciting scenes, for example, when the doctor has one of the hearts, as well as how the team goes to the hospital to find out where Brajan was taken. Then they enter the spaceship and face the forks, and everything breaks down into the chips. There is a conversation that explains absolutely everything, then the doctor literally wakes up with a magical rod (an audible screwdriver), and everything is fine. There is not even anything that can prevent him from doing it, the ship just has artificial intelligence that is deactivated, and all, suddenly all is well again.

If this episode had been two parts, I would have ordered the first part to end the opening of the cubes and then spend the whole part in an attempt to eliminate their threat. The fact that the Doctor just entered that thing and immediately resolved it, without any obstacle, was extremely disappointing and felt disappointed at the end of a really good episode. (In addition, the fact that the episode was in two parts meant that you could call the first part "cube" and the second - "Three Power" and I would not have needed to write this text at the beginning of this piece.)

5 - Akhaten Gredzeni

Giving a companion his first trip in the Tardis can often be quite a challenge, because you can tackle it in different ways. You can turn it into a character, such as The Fires of Pompeii or The Beast Below. In this way we get a much better picture of this new character than in the opener of the series. You couldn't make anything of it, such as The Shakespear Code. Or finally you can roll out all the costumes that you happen to be in the studio, build a bizarre complicated set and flood with everything that is strange and great about Doctor Who. The Rings of AkHaten does the latter.

Just like The End of the World from Series 1 (I am almost certain that even a few costumes are being reused), this episode is entirely focused on seeing the wider universe from Clara's earthly perspective. It is one of those episodes that I will recommend to people who want to get a good idea from what the series is about, because it really has a bit of everything. There is humor, there are aliens, there is character and there is even an epic speech. The only real problem is that by putting all these things in, some elements do not come out as well as could have been possible. Although that is not a major problem in this episode.

Eines der Konzepte, von dem ich mir wünschte, dass es etwas mehr zum tragen käme, is that idea einer wirtschaft, that auf dem fühlswert basiert. Ich Weiß, dass er Beseitigung des Monsters Eine Große Rolle Spielt, Aber Wie Würde Eine Wirtschaft, who basiert Darauf, im Alltag Tatsächlich Functionieren? Wenn man ständig für were sehlen und sentimental gegenstände aufgegeben muss, gehen einem that thinge, who einem am herzen lie, ziemlich schnell aus. Auch Die Leute, Die Gegenstände Nehmen, Haben Nichts Davon. Sie Können Diesen Gegenstände Nicht pampered, um für dinge zuzahlen, Weil sie für sie keinen sentimentals wert Haben. Stimmt's? Ich Weiß nicht, es ist eine neat idea und passt thematic zu der episode, Aber es wirkt auch dumm. Man can be also aussuchen, denke ich.

I was allowed to commit that art und Weise, who of Doctor Claras Leben Untersuchte, UM Uns Etwas Kontext Zu, the Wir Später in the Episode Brauchen. Im nechhinein wirkt es ein wenig erreuken, abber ich denke, es functions trotzdem. Apropos, wir Können auch über den Höhepunkt of the episode sprechen, denn of a bisschen seltsam tackled.

To begin with, the speech of the doctor is fantastic. Without a doubt one of the best speeches of all time in Doctor Who. Only the fact that he does not win in one way or another makes him less good. Seriously, why wasn't this the resolution of the episode? Everything about it, from music to the pace and the words themselves, said it should definitely be the solution. But somehow that is not the case. This is not the only time that Doctor Who uses this turn and sometimes it works, sometimes not. This was one of the times it didn't work. I understand that this gave Clara her heroic moment, but it felt so unnecessary and it sucked the air from the episode. Not to mention the fact that during her time Clara in the Tardis, Clara will get a lot of hero moments (I would even say too many). As an isolated scene, however, it is a very well written moment and it is one of the few times in the series that I really felt that Clara was a person.

Apart from the pace of the final, this was a solid episode. It gave me hope for Clara's direction as a character (next time more about how that works out) and it told a solid, sel f-standing story. Plus the speech.

4 - A city called grace

How did it take so long before Doctor Who made a western? It would have been one of the first ideas on my list. Sci-Fi and Westerns are two genres that fit together so perfectly and this episode is proof of that.

A trope that I often noticed during Moffat's reign is that a kind of story is told at the start of the episode. It must sound as if the story describes The Doctor, but then it turns out that they actually describe the main villain of the episode. It's a bit of a strange trope, but the way it keeps coming back gives me the feeling that Moffat is trying to make a point somewhere ... Or he's just not so good at putting villain and the audience has to tell what a bad guy They are, instead of just showing us ... Choose.

One of the best things about this episode is that there is so little action in it. I know this doesn't sound like a compliment, but stay with me. Firstly, Doctor Who is a series that has always thrive more on conversations than on fight scenes. Secondly, it works perfectly on how Westerns work. If you look at most classic westerns, you will see that many people hang out and discuss the plot. Occasionally there is a shooting to break things up (which we also get here), but the driving force is the interaction between the characters. It leads to scenarios in which, when the weapons are finally drawn, the scene has so much more weight because of everything that has sat in it. There is a reason why Mexican Standoffs are a main component of the genre: build up slowly for a quick and satisfying completion for minutes.

Denne Episodes Gjør Akkurat Det Samme. VI Får and Liten Jaktsekvens I Midten, OG climak set Har and Blanding AV de To, one detums bærer episodes there are hoved persons sum Snakker Sammen og prøver Å Forstå Hverandre. Dette ikke bare for Å løse mysterite heller, vi får and skikkelig Forståelse Av Karentene sum there. VI Føler Det Sinnet Som Doktoren Føler Når Han Innser at JeX Har Løyet, Fordi VI Har BULT and Så Stor del AV Episoden På Å Investere I Løgnene Han Har Har Presentert for Oss. Disse Samtalene Har Både Høydepunkter og Bøledaler I Intensitet, OG Gir Oss Ladede Scener of Doctors Crisher Jex for Å Lyve, Helt Ned Til and Langvarig Og Anspent scene På Grenten, Ut ikk for ir ikke.

Episodens oppløsning Spiller Også Godt På Disse Estable characteristic. Noen som har gjort forfe r-part ting, swallow vi blir fortalt at jex har gjort, aldri can be virky bli frelst, one jeg følte absolute sympati for ham orret seg. Jeg licked Også at Revolvermen Blir and Person Som Beskytter byen Når Doctors Drar, Selv to Jeg Tror Det Ville Ha Truffet Litt Dryed Hvis Vi Had Hatt and Dypere Forståelse Av Hans Mentalitet.

Mówiąc najprościej, uważam, że ten Odcinek był świetną zabawą. Dobrze Połączył Klasyczne Momenty Westernu Z Toettingamością Doctora Who. Odgrywał Wolniejsze Tempo, Które Absolutnie zadziałało, dając took znaczną inwestycję w kluczowe postacie. Ta inswestycja oznaczała, że ​​mogli oni udźwignąć odcinek, pozwalając postaciom branch amy I rory (którzy zwykle są głównymi bohaterami) after zajęcie odajgina.

3 - Czas Doktora

I will always be dead, but this episode should be called "Twelfth Night", so that it has good symmetry between it and "Eleventh Hour".

I know that this episode is mainly considered by the fans to be not so good, but I still have to do it, saying that I really like it. Although it is not perfect, only two episodes in "Dr. Mystery" are perfect.

At the beginning, this episode was very interesting. No matter what you say, Matt Smith suddenly unlimited his hair, Clarra's frightened look always made me laugh, and you couldn't change anything. The plot related to the sense of mind is a bit strange, and the joke is getting boring soon, but this is still a stupid concept I can accept. I also believe that in this episode, we have the opportunity to see all aspects of the doctor played by Smith. I have said before that I have never liked him to become so cartoon. In this episode, we saw Smith's doctor's calm, calm and direct bad guy image.

Mēs redzējām atGriešanos dīvainā daleka pārvērvanas livea, ko mēs saņēmām asSysylum, kas nebija lieliski, bet, Izņemot to, man patika visuļaundaru atGru IE eAnās. Es zinu, ka daudzi no viņiem līdz šim brīdim bija kļuvuši diezgan pārlieku izmantoti, betrs š only ES Neiebilstu Pret Pagarinātu Ceļojumu Pa Atmiņu Joslu. Diegs Starp Klāru un do Mazliet dīvains, un tas, ka viņš turpin viņu sūtīt prom, vairāk at gādina Attaisnojumu, lai mēs varētu sekotoram cauri 900 viņa dzīves gadiem, paties over , Neierosinu, Ka Mums Patiešām vajadzēja SEKOTOKTORAM VISU šO LAIKU, ES Tikai Domāju, Ka to Varēja Panākt Daudz Patīkamāk, IzmanTojot Citu metodi, NEVI s a doktoram news nepārtraukti laužot klāras sirdi.

Then there is the element of the regeneration of the doctor itself. I thought it was quite nice. Firstly, I appreciated the fact that they have tackled the things that they could have easily ignored (namely the War Doctor and Tennant that regenerates twice), and the way they have given The Doctor new lives was elegant and logical. Even if Chibnall later made sure that it made no sense at all, but that is not the fault of this episode. The scene in which it happened was a bit over the top and rather manic, but man I thought it was great. I know it was cheesy and a bit stupid, but the way it was built with the music and the growing intensity of the doctor's speech made up for me.

Vienīgā Krapikika, Ko Esmu Redzējis Šai Epizodei un ko es Absolūti nesaprotu, ir tā, ka viņa rewarderācijas runa neara pārāk Gara un pašapmierinoša. Es to nesaprotu divu iemeslu dēļ, pirmkārt, tennanta reverseenerācijas sekvence neara daudz garāka, un bag fishmiei patīk. Otkārt, tā ir lieliska runa. Jā, dažas no viņa tiktajām letām nebija gluži loodeiskas seriāla kontekstā, the kopumā mofats vienkārši zina, kā uzrakstīt labu runu un kā to padarīt pārsteidzozuāli. Mūzikas uzburšanana ir vienkārši perfectekta, rindiņa “es vienmēr atcerēšos, kad Doctors ata es" tik labi tik smita sentimentālajā tēlā tēlā tēlā tēlā tiktā pēlāņā, at the visle, v visosciage, v visoscealth, vickaby, at the vēlētuā, at the vēammā, at the vēammā, vipes. Gift bag ata beidzies, rewarderācija notika ātri kā zibšņi, un mēs turpinām jaunus piedzīvojumus. Man bag pateck.

2 - Eņveenļi Ieņem Manhetenu

Es skatījos Šo Epizodi, kad to pirmo traveli pārraidīja 2012. gadā, un daļa manas dvēseles joprojām raud par tās beigām.

Dies war bei weitem niece of the best auftritt, die weeping angels you huts, und ich denke, dass ein großteil der Aura, that sie umgab, zu diesem zeitpunkt shone, aber fand sie ever neither as a fessoned bösewaarte. Was diese folge trug, war das mysterium um die Gescherennisse in New York und das Character drama Zwischen the protagonists, so dass everything, was man Brauchte, Ein Monster War, Das Herumstehen und Bedrohlich Sein Konne; niece reason. That angel fit perfectly in Dies Rolle.

Speaking of the mystery, it is played in a pretty interesting way. The thing is that already from the first scene we know that the angels are behind everything (the title of the episode reveals it). This means that instead of "who", the episode focuses entirely on "how". It is a trick that does not always work, but in this episode it succeeds. There were a few moments where the characters worked on things that the audience had already learned, and I wanted them to "get started" at a few points, but there were few of them.

The character drama varies the extent to which it hits. On the one hand, you have the melodrama between the doctor and the river, which does not work at all. The doctor is not a character suitable for the relationship drama, and any attempt at it appears boring. The rationale given for why everyone is suddenly annoyed at the doctor makes no sense to me at all, and it is completely forgotten five minutes later, so what was the point of having it?

Kalbant apie dalykus, kurie nenusileidžia. Concepcija "Laiko Negalima Perrašyti, kai apie jį perskaitai", curry man tiesiog neturi jokios prasmės. Žinaou, kad ji buvo įvesta tik tam, kad kapas pabaigoje tourėtų daugdesnį svorį (o jis visiškai toki toks ir buvo), bet coke koks atities įVykio aspects, apie cureį perskaityta, lemiah, kad jama Šiame Serial Matėme Daugybę Kūrinių, Kurie Buvo Pakeisti, Kad Atitiktų naują ateitį. Jei Tai Būtų Visiškai Naujas Serialas, curio dėsniai dar nebuvo iš naujo ir iš naujo sukonstruoti, tada crazy tai irveijtų, bet Ši's aspects PRIEštarauja Guilding,

Deja ... Dabar Turime Pereiti Prie Širdgėlos, dėl curio Šis Epizoda's toxoda Nuostabus. Amy Ir Rory Pasitraukimas Iš Serialo. Iki Šio Momento Amy Ir Rory Buvo Pagrindinės Daktarų Companionės Yeah You Puse Metų, Jau Nekalbant apie Tai, Kad Iki Tol Jos Buvo Vienintelės Companionės, Kurias Turėjo Vienuoliktasis Daktaras. Mylėjau Juos Abu Kaip Personažus, Todėl Jie Nusipelnė Geriausio Išėjimo, Ir Būent to Toks Jiem's ​​Ir Buvo Susteistas. Geriausia Tai, Kad Jie Net Turėjo Galimybę Prieš Išsinešdindami Priešais Mouse Pasipuikuoti.

The jump from the roof was a brilliant scene. We went from the high-speed chase around the hotel to this calm and cold scene where Rory has to make the decision to throw himself into his inevitable doom. Then Amy comes and joins him. The whole thing is staged in such a way that it feels incredibly suspenseful. It makes it seem like something is about to magically come and save them, but it doesn't happen. They sacrifice themselves to prevent the paradox, which gives them one last heroic moment before everything turns out well and they survive.

Then it really happens.

Can I see how logical it is that the angel survived? That could be possible, but it can't blame me, even the others in that scene were perfect. Rory's verdwijning is based on the plot that has been raised before the work by Amy who wants to do it. Normaal sproken zou ik zeggen dat dat a slechte zaak is, maar het is precies wat this scène nodig had om de emoties in a few seconds van nul naar honderd te laten stijgen. Then Amy makes her hair last. The dog is very attractive with the Doctor of Leven and Rory. What this means is that the aspect of the scene can never be tested and printed, so the publication can be made in the same way. This is what I want for the Moffat to have been written in two letters in places of everything from the sky to the legs.

Tajā mirklī, kad Eimija novēršas no eņģeļa un atvadās no viņa, ir pārņemoša neapstrādātas traģēdijas sajūta. Viss, sākot ar Doktora sejas izteiksmi un beidzot ar Riveras piekrišanu, ka tas ir labākais, un beidzot ar to, ka Doktors patiesi nebija vainīgs, ka viss notika tieši tā, kā notika. Tomēr epizode nav beigusi vilkt jūsu sirds stīgas, tai vēl ir vēl viens dūzis piedurknē - grāmatas, kuru Doctors lasīja epizodes sākumā, pēdējā lappuse. Līdz šim brīdim man bija nedaudz asaras, bet es turējos savaldīties, taču aina, kurā Doctors skrien atpakaļ pa paciņu, lai paņemtu grāmatas pēdējo lapu, bija brīdis, kas atvēra plūdu vārtus, and it has a rough visual appearance.

Tā, bez šaubām, ir labākā pavadoņa aiziešana no seriāla, kāda jebkad ir bijusi, un šis aspects vien to šajā sarakstā pacēla par 3 vietām uz 2. vietu. It's all right, there's a joke, there's a picture in it, there's something to be said about it, there's something to be said about it, there's something to be said about it, there's something to be said about it.

1 - Doctora diena

This is the best-determined episode of the Doctor Who, which was a fully fantastic commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the series. I intend to divide it one by one, because there is so much here.

First of all, John Hurt, what a show. Although I cannot deny that I will always be a little sad that the Eklston has not returned to play this role, I really can't complain about the person they got in his place. The idea that the doctor would have had all the extra life he had been hiding throughout the year has so much meaning that I really like it. Even better is the character of this doctors, the appearance and voice of John Hurt is perfect for a hardened but warned old man who is just desperately looking for a way to end violence. The scenes in which the Hurt doctor is considering what he intends to do with the moment, is so important and in his own way tragic, it was a masterful acting.

Apopos Øyeblikket, Dit Var et Glimrende Skrevet aspects AV episoden. Det Får Ikke Mye Forclaring, OG DET ER NETOPP SLIK DET VATE, DET GI GIG ENTO AIRA AV å Være Hinsides vår Forståelse. VI bar in Aksepterer Dettum at Den Kan Bryte Tidslåsen Fra Tidskrigen Og Visue Doctoral Framidige Jeg, for Hvorfor SKULLE DEN IKKE Være I Stand Til Til å Gjøre Det? Den Stiller Disse Spørsmålene Til Publicum for å Få Oss til å Revurdere Denne Hendelsen Som VI Allerede Har Rettferdiggjort i Tanne Våre Utallilige Ganger. VI HAR ALLTID TATT Doctoral Students Ødeleggelse AV Gallifrey for Gitt, OG TRODD AT DEN VARDIETIGET FIRDI DET ER DET DET DET DOCATEN TROR. Øyblikkett er der som en re UPARTISK Kilde Som Stiller de Vanskelige Spørsmålene. SELV noe så enkelt som «hvor Mange Barn erlast på gallifrey?» Er Nok til å snu hele sitajonen på hodet.

Dan Zijn Er Nog de Leuke Dingen. Smith en Tennant Waren Een Acturesdo Dat Voor Elkaar Gemaakt Leek Tez. HUN VERTOLKINGEN VAN The Assistor Hadden Veel Overekomten, Maar Dit Was Een Scène Die Er Alles Aan Deed Om Hun Muingrijkst Verschillen Te Laten Zien, Met Brillian Commission Result. De Grappen Die Zear Elkaar Uithalen Zijn Zo Verschillend Dat Ze Niet Als Precies Dezelfde Persoon Aanoelen, Wat Zo'n Beetje alles Samenvat Wat Geweldig is Aan the Doctor Alsage. Zelfs Wanneer de Assistor van Hurt Opduikt, Past Zijn Stijl van Komedie Goed Bij Die van de Ander. De hele scène in het bos is a met Gemak een van de grappigste en leukste scènes uit de geschiedenis van de serie.

About the middle of the episode, everything becomes epic. The entrance of the doctors to the black archive is exaggerated, but only in the right way. Perhaps in other circumstances, I would underestimate it, but it's the 50th anniversary, it's a comprehensive celebration of the series, and the doctors themselves, so I say let him enter cheese but epic. The following scene, where there is a quarrel of people and zigons, always fascinates me how heroic the doctor looks.

In addition, it is genius in that it serves a much more important purpose - to help Hurt doctor understand what wonderful person he will become after the war. He even provides a counterargument to the argument "But he will kill all the children." Even Klera, by directly saying Hurt's Doctor, will regret it for the rest of his life every day and do his best to change it, Hurt's Doctor simply replies very calmly, "How many lives has been saved by his regret?". It makes you imagine the universe where the doctor never suffered the injury when he lost everything he had ever cared and did not take advantage of this motivation to become an incredible hero, which we have just seen in a easily preventing war.

Then we get the most important heroic moment of the doctor. A big, impressive and extremely fun moment when the doctor clearly explains how he will end the war and save Gallifrei. In addition to witnesses and without remuneration, he literally uses all his experience and knowledge in the form of all of his previous "I" (and one future self). He corrects the biggest mistake ever made. It removes the terrible cloud of the massacre, accompanied by a doctor throughout the modern series, and presents it as the purest good in the whole universe.

This episode is so nice to watch again and again. It has a lot of laughter, a lot of emotions and incredibly settled for lon g-standing storylines. Even Tom Baker showed up and performed a fantastic show. In fact, I can't imagine a better way to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the best television program ever created.

That's it! Thank you very much for taking the time to read it all. Message me what you think of these episodes, in the comments below, or Twitter @10Reswoo. Finally, be sure to come back here at this time next week as I will describe Nxt Takeover: in your house!

Ranking all Doctor Who episodes from series 7 (2012 and 2013) (Part 1)

Series 6 was a bit of an oddity with a big gap in the show halfway through. The BBC decided to go one step further with series 7 and make the first and second half of the series very different from each other. So much so that the first half of series 7 could easily be mistaken for series 6.

Despite this, series 7 was very much a series of farewells. First we said goodbye to the Ponds, and eventually to Matt Smith as the Doctor. We got three Christmas episodes spread over three years, and even got a giant 50th anniversary episode (featuring the first full-length story featuring multiple Doctors).

You’d think with all the crazy stuff going on that this would easily rank as one of the best series of the show ever, right? Well… not really. It had its highlights (which I'll get to in a moment), but for me there were a lot of things I didn't like and a surprising amount of just average stuff to deal with. So let's stop generalizing and go episode by episode, starting with...

17 - Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

They're great, the last part of it is great. But even though they're great, the series is great, the last part of it is great, and the title was a little bit about Doctor Who's second lie. (My absolute lie is the last thing I noticed.) Also, das Wichtigste zuerst: Es passiert VIEL zu viel mit den Charakteren. Während ich seinen späteren Auftritt in der Serie genossen habe, ist Rorys Vater, Brain, in dieser Folge absoluter Quatsch. Er ist nichts weiter als ein stümperhafter Idiot, der ziemlich gut mit einem Werkzeugkasten umgehen kann, und obwohl es ein paar lustige Momente gibt, sind es meistens nur Witze, die nicht auf seine Kosten gehen. Dazu gehört der schlechteste Witz in der Geschichte von Doctor Who, in dem er gefragt wird, ob er etwas in seinen Taschen hat, und Brain antwortet: „Nur meine Eier“ ​​und... ich weiß nicht, was ich dazu sagen soll. Doctor Who ist kein Fremder, wenn es um sexuelle Witze geht (“Besorg dir eine Freundin, Jeff“ ist immer noch einer meiner Lieblingseinzeiler in der Geschichte der Serie), aber was sie so lustig macht, ist, dass sie subtile kleine Sticheleien gegen die verklemmte BBC One sind; und irgendwie macht die “Ich meine diese Golfbälle“-Vortäuschung es nur noch schlimmer. Wenn man sich schon auf den Witz einlässt, sollte man wenigstens die Eier haben, dabei zu bleiben.

Back to the plot itself, it has no idea what it wants to be. The whole concept of a spaceship full of dinosaurs should be enough to carry the mystery, but we clearly had to add a whole bunch of unnecessary layers to it. So the Indian Space Agency asks the Doctor to investigate it to see if it's hostile, because they plan to shoot it down if it is. So the Doctor goes there, investigates the place, discovers that it's not hostile, but is carrying an extremely valuable cargo of REAL LIVE DINOSAURS, and the ISA... decides to shoot it down anyway? With everything on board? What? It makes absolutely no sense, and the whole idea of ​​having to limit the time to put pressure on the heroes is completely unnecessary when you consider the villain's actual plan.

This is a great story. This is a great story. This is a great story, this is a great story. This is a great story, this is a great story. Tai tiesiog senas vyrukas, kuris nori parduoti pavogtus daiktus juodojoje rinkoje, o tai yra beveik paprasčiausias blogio siužetas, kokį tik galima sugalvoti. Iš pradžių jis nori parduoti dinosaurus, bet sužinojęs, kad su juo yra Egypto karalienė Nefertitė (nes Daktaras be jokios priežasties atsivedė her ir kažkokį atsitiktinį medžiotoją), nusprendžia, kad verčiau parduos her. Tai vėlgi neturi jokios prasmės, nes kas visoje visatoje patikėtų, kad ji tikra? Kaip galėtum tai įrodyti potencialiam pirkėjui? Dinosaurus lengva parduoti, nes kas gi nenusipirktų tikro dinosauro, jei tik galėtų? Bet jūs tiesiog ištrauksite atsitiktiny moterį, apsirengusią tam laikotarpiui tinkamais drabužiais, ir tvirtinsite, kad ji tikra? Niekas tuo nepatikės.

Så har vi den mest idiotisk klisjéfylte og telegraferte oppløsningen noensinne, der dette skipet tilfeldigvis trenger to personer fra samme familie for å kunne styre det. Har du sett hvor heldige vi er? Rory tok med seg faren sin! For en fantastisk opplevelse! Det er så utrolig dumt og som tatt rett ut av et Cbeebies-program som prøver å lære barn om teamarbeid. Apropos barnslig, så er det også disse to robotene med Mitchell & amp; Webbs stemmer. Jeg elsker den duoen i deres andre serier, men her blir de brukt til den mest grunnleggende barnevennlige humoren man kan tenke seg, og det var ikke morsomt i det hele tatt.

This entire episode is a mess from start to finish. With a lot of threats because of the threats, a plot that is entirely based on coincidences and a few of the worst jokes and character moments I have ever seen the series perform. What a mockery. At least from here it only goes up ...

16 - nightmare in silver

... but not that far up.

With this episode, I was honestly convinced that Moffat had a kind of Vendetta against the cyberms and she wanted to show it as the most boring and worthless villains in the hope that he could remove them from the series forever.

First this. Angie & Amp; Arty. They are worthless characters. They are not much more than conceited, entitled children who never undergo a change process and only prevent in the episode to be imprisoned and to give The Doctor and Clara some sort of commitment to the fight. The entire opening piece with the theme park was rather lifeless. It was not a purpose for the plot and certainly did not give us no sense of character in the children, not to mention the fact that the moment you see the "dead" cyberman, all the tension from that part of the episode Has disappeared because it is clear what will happen.

Auch those Neben figures in the episode sind im allgemeins Furchtbar. Der Charakter von Warwick Davis Hat ein pair neat moment, that Szene, in the er Clara vom Krieg Erzählt, War Ganz Nett, Aber Ansonsten Gibt es Nichts interesting, was that others character of the Geschichte Zu Beeten Hätten. Sie sind einfach nur ein pair tropics with names, that I mich nicht einmal ansatzweise erinner, obwohl that meisten von ihnen's selchrols.

Whoever Bereits im Ersten Absatz Dieses Eintrags Erwähnt Habe, War das shlimmst an dieser folge, dass sie that cybermen einfach Total Verarscht Hat. Ich Meine Damit, Dass Sie Buchstäblich zu den Borg Wurden. Sie haben nicht mehr nur who got the girne of the menschen entfernt und in einen emotions metallanzug, sondern stattdessen implantate eingesetzt, who was toughly verändern, Ziemlich was Borg-like. Außerdem Können sie sich Jetzt im Handumdrewen aufrüsten, um sich an who waffen anzupassen, mit danes sie an angegriffen; Auch das Ist ein Ziemlich Borg-ähnliches Merkmal. Eines der Größten Probleme mit den Cybermen ist, dass sie einfach ein bisschen fade sind, und dass sie fast identical with others, weitaus besseren sci-fi-böseweal sind, hilft nicht im smallests.

The resolution is also stupid. Davis’ character just says “oh yeah, I can safely teleport us all out of here and kill all the Cybermen” and it makes everything up to this point completely pointless.

The whole episode is just a series of bad creative decisions that lead to a simply bad episode. It wasn’t as catastrophically bad as “Dinosaurs on a Spaceship”, but it wasn’t much better.

15 - The Word of the Doctor

This episode felt like it was a victim of circumstance. It was the finale of series 7, but at the same time its hands were tied in terms of what great plot threads it could have wrapped up. So many of the mysteries surrounding the events of series 7 were tied to the upcoming 50th anniversary and regeneration episodes later that year, so very little of any real significance actually happened. We got the reveal of the “Impossible Girl” arc, but that was it. As such, this was more of a mid-series finale, similar to A Good Man Goes to War, only not as good.

My biggest problem with this episode is that you can watch the first five minutes, skip most of the episode and watch the last 10-15 minutes and have almost the same experience. The middle of the episode is filled with so much stuff that I almost stopped paying attention until I get to the moment where something at least a little significant happens. I liked to see the devastation on the battlefield on Trenzalor (although the regeneration episode showed that this is not actually happening), but it doesn't get much further than that. There is no tension in the scenes where the Whisperers are chasing the Doctor and Clara, because what are they going to do? To take them to the place where they have already gone.

Then there is the matter of the timeline. What, mechanically speaking, is okay. I agree that a being like the Doctor has it in his crypt instead of a body, and I like the concept that someone goes through this time stream to rewrite the life of the doctor. Then Clara jumps in and everything goes down the stream. First of all: How can Clara's presence keep the great intelligence of doing what she wanted to do? The great intelligence now has practically the omnipotence over the entire life of the doctor, and how can Clara, who scattered over the timeline, stop him? Especially when it is said in the episode that the doctor is very rarely aware of her presence, so it is not the case that she warns him of what is going on.

Αυτό που ε ενοχλεί περισότερο είναι όOT πρόκειται γι εξαιρετικά σπαταλημένες δυνατητες. Αυτό θ μορούσε είχε ίελιχθεί σε μια από τις πιο συναρπαστικές, καθώς η πρέπει π ν τάά οημοσύνη κυριολεκτικά σε ό όω ζωή του δόκτωρ. Θα ήταν απίστευτο κατόρθωμα εισά σ σημαντικές σε όλες προύμενες τεριες του Doctor Who πει ν έ έ τ τρόπο ν σταματήσει τεγά νοημοσίνη, με πολλές εκδοχές ε του itself β β π π ί. Αντ 'αυτού, αυτό σου συμβαίνει είναι ... βασικά τίποτα, φαίνεται ό α η πράη τηird ει εντελίς μεγά νοημοσύνη από τπαρξη, κάτι που δεν βγάει απολύτως κανα κ και δεν εηγεί ποτ complex.

Επίσης, παρά γεγονός ό έχει ειπωθεί αρκετές φορές ί ί ίσοδος της Clara χρονική του θτ ή ή θient θαινε, στην πραγματικότητα είναι μια χαρά. Αυτό επίσης δεν εξηγείται ποτέ. Ξέρω ο δόκτωρ μπαίνει μέσα για τ σώσει (πρά π που δημιουργεί περαιτέρω ερωτα), αλλά ό τ το νταν τι η είσος στη ροή χρόνου σκόνου σκόρπισε τδια της ύπαρξη σ σ ζωή του δτωρ, πώς μ ί α απ σε ένα ελαφρίς καπνισμένο δωμάτιο περιμένοντας να σωθεί;

Vienintelis Šio Epizodo Gelbėjimosi Ratas, Mano Etymu, Yra Džono Hurto Pasirodymas Pabaigoje. Hurt'o ir Smith'o Pokalbis pirmyn ir Atgal prieš pat klifą sukelia Šiurpulpuluiukus Ann nugaros, ir nors aš būčiau norėjęs pamatyti ecclestone'ą, vis tiek tai buvo puiku.

Unfortunately, that's about all I liked about this episode. It's an absolute mess that only answers one of the many questions this episode asked viewers, and even that answer wasn't satisfying. It's full of funny inconsistencies (inconsistencies that only get bigger thanks to various revelations in the following episodes) and leaves me somewhat satisfied with the amount of time I invested in watching the series. While I love the setup of the 50th anniversary episode at the end, it doesn't save this thing.

14 - The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe

After absolutely slaying his first Christmas special, Moffat decided one was enough and immediately smeared everything bad with this show. Another parody is never going to be a brilliant idea (especially since the whole point of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is that it's NOT Christmas), and I certainly don't think this movie landed as well as last year's A Christmas Carol.

In the ratings of the 6 series, the only doctor is slightly left, who is gradually getting dumber and quieter, I wonder when this episode will be at the top. The scene where the Doctor shows the house to the family and shows them all the insanely heavy modifications that he has done here starts out as a pleasant scene, but quickly goes out of sequence into "this is too much" territory, the peak of which was undoubtedly when the Doctor showed up the hammocks are not noticed, and when they appear, they say: "I find when this hammock is kept." As I've said many times, I'm a fan of the comedies "Daktare Haus", I think that's why some of the best episodes of the series have become legendary, but this whole scene could have been written for a comic series. I could have installed a funny track in the hamako scenes at the end, it is not at all out of place; it was just a step too far, because I didn't know the tone of the series, it really hit me.

As soon as we get to the actual drama of the plot, it seems a bit… “meh”? The film takes the most basic elements of the source material and throws them at the wall in a way that doesn't really work. A boy goes out into the woods alone, so the others try to find him, only to realize that they are all in danger. Again, the episode's threat doesn't really feel like it's huge, and I'm not sure how melting something with acid turns it into fuel, but oh well, whatever. Also, you're seriously telling me that at no point once they got on board and were tied up did any of these three well braced miners have a chance to overpower Madge and take away her relatively primitive weapon? And then suddenly she's able to pilot a giant mech... until it comes to her comical advantage to crash it; laugh track again.

Slutten er söt, men den säust ikke fortjent. De spilte litt på ideen om at Madge skøbte ektemannens død for barna, men det ikke akkurat som om hun gikker gjennom noen form for karakterutvikling på grunn av det. Selv når barna får vite at han er død, får det ingen konseksät, for about ett minutt later viser det seg at han actually continued lever, så det spiller ingen role at hun løy om det.

Jeg kan ikke være så streng mot denne episoden siden det er en juleepisode, og de har en tendend til å være litt mer simplisset plotmessig. Når det er sagt, synes jeg ingeben at den er blant de lämmste i gängen.

13 - Den blodrøde skrekken

Ærlig talt, det er en genial tittel, og jeg skulle wrone den ble brukt på en bedre episode.

In dieser Folge gibt es einige Konzepte die mir gefallen, aber ich glaube nicht dass eines von ihnen wirklich voll ausgeschöpft wird. I mag zum Beispiel die Idee dass die erste Hälfte der Geschichte aus der Sicht einer Gruppe von Charakteren erzält wird - in diesem Fall der Paternoster-Band -, die langsam das Geheimnis entdecken, bevor sie auf halbem Weg in das Abenteuer des Doktoren geraten . Das ist eine viel interessantere Art und Weise, ein Geheimnis zu lüften, die es erlaubt, dem Publikum nicht gleich zu Beginn alles zu erzählen, weil der Doktor in der Mitte auftauchen und die Lücken füllen kann.

As it stands, I quite like the Paternoster gang too. Strax can sometimes stray too far into the silly, but there were still a decent number of jokes he made here that made me giggle. Vastra and Jenny are pretty good, and Vastra in particular is a competent breath of fresh air, as most of Moffat's supporting characters end up being pretty stupid; though I think they wear the whole lesbian thing between the two a bit thin. You can only make as many raunchy jokes as you want before it gets awkward.

This is still a scenario where the weird main motivations are just too obvious and clear for me. Anyone who wants to be able to see the nivået in a person who is bare in the "perfect" men's and women's shoes, who have a very good view of the world, can be classified in this way, and is available to them for blind people. It's brighter than ever before you plan. Et samfunn som folk melder seg inn i, men som de aldri ser igjen, he en ekstremt overspilt trope i all fiksjon, spesielt i sci-fi, og det var ikke noe spesielt med dene episodes som rettferdiggjør bruken av tropen. The virker kanskje ikke som en stor greie, men for meg, så snart jeg fikk konseptet med at det var et samfunn der folk forsvinner, visste jeg in grove trekk hva som kom til å skje gjennom resten av episodes.

Klimakset is great, men don't have a chance to play. The classic "skurken gjør et siste forsøk som nesten lykkes, helt til the viser seg at de gode allrede hadde stoppet thet"-sekvensen, and nok en gang var det ikke noe bemerkelsesverdig med dene inkarnasjonen av den. You can also use the Skyldfrie drape to squirt the faller into the dead, so you can't attack.

Visa tai atrodo kaip “nieko ypatingo” epizodas. Vienintelis dalykas, the kurio šis epizodas iš tikrųjų primena “Daktarą Kas”, yra personažai, bet net ir jie nėra tokie stiprūs. Klarai tenka labai menkas vaidmuo, išskyrus tai, kad pirmąją pusę ji yra nelaimės ištikta mergina. Vietoj to ją nukonkuruoja Paternosterio gauja, kuri dominuoja beveik visą gerųjų vaikinų ekranizacijos laiką. Tai nebūtinai yra blogai, bet manau, kad viskas galėjo būti subalansuota šiek tiek geriau, kad kiekvienam veikėjui būtų suteikta šiek tiek daugiau vaidmens, ypač atsižvelgiant į tai, kokį didelį vaidmenį. jie visi atliks serijos finale.

12 - Snieguoles

This episode seems to have been written in the wrong way of thinking. Instead of putting the plot and putting the plot thread in the next series, this episode was written only for the purpose of introducing Clara and the great intelligence, and then seemed to try to configure the plot around them. I didn't succeed.

One of the biggest problems of this episode is Dr.. Mopat later made a masterpiece around the scene where the doctor who lost Clara was sad, but in this episode, he missed the point in the scene where the doctor lost his pond and grieved. Instead of thinking about everything about her, she sits on Tadis and only shows her pouting. It understands that the sorrow side can potentially want to block someone, but especially the way the doctor falls into sadness and falls out whenever a plot demands.

Aralime Pakalbėti Apie Tai, Kaip Ne įtikėtinai Sugalvota, KAD KLARAI TAIP Atsitiko KINYS “IR šMušti jį š vėių? Aš nuoširdžiai Juokiausi, kai tai Išgirdau Kodėl klara Apskritai Pasirinko žodį į tvenkinys “? Suprantu, Kad Tai Vyksta tvenkinyje, Bet Man Atrodo, Kad š Ledo Padarytas ip vienintel žodį.

KalBant APIE PIKTADARIUS ... Viskas Gerai. Tai Kalėdinis Epizodas, Taigi siužete turi būti kažkas kažkas kažkas, o jei tai turi blogieji sniego Seneliai, tada nesvarbu. Didysis Intelektas Yra Savotiškai įDomus, Kol Daktaras Būdas, kuriuo daktaras įkalba SIMEONą štrinti savo patts atmintį, protingas, better nesijau čiau pakankamai

Galiausiai šis Epizodas Padar ė Tai, Ką Norėjo, IR SUKūrė Abi Paslaptis apie klar U IR, KAIP JAU Paaiškinau, nebuvo Išspręsta taip gerai.

1 1-Paslėpti

Tai Solidus 30 Minučių Trukmės Epizodas, Kurį, Deja, Teko Ištempti IKI 45 Minučių.

Clara continues to play a role as a plot, rather than a character in this series, and in turn, it has little effect on the plot, which is a topic that penetrates most episodes of this series. The doctor, on the other hand, is very good at taking control of the stage throughout this Ennitre. In this episode, his attitude cannot be compared with any of the 11th doctor stories, but because of the lack of Clara's personality, the weight of this episode is focused on his shoulders and he works great. The supporting characters are fine, but they have a pretty basic personality, so it was hard to catch my eyes when they appeared on the screen.

The episode of the episode was fine, but nothing was special. I was interesting to be a time traveler where the ghost was trapped somewhere, and it was especially interesting to see the doctor's history of the earth to confirm his theory. I made time travel creatively, but it was a material that I didn't deal with more often than I thought.

DESSVERRE FIKK EPISODEN DET JEG VIL KALLE «Iron Man 3» -Probblemet. DET VIL SI at Halve Episoden Går Med Til å bygge Opp et Stort Monster Som Skal Være Skurken I Stykket, Bare for at Det Skal Vise Seg å være en Fake-out. På DETESPUNKTET BLIR VI Introdusert for Den Virkelight Skurken, Men de ER IKKE I Nærheten AV v Episoden Var Dedikert Til å Etablere Noe Annet. Monstrene I Hide Er Ganske Overfladiske, Spør Du MEG, OG JEG SYNES IKKE De Fungerte SOM en Trussel Mot Doktoren.

Episoden Prøver å bruke mange SKREKFILMTEKNIKKER Når Det Kommer Til Skapningene, Men Bruker Dem OFTE På Feil Måte, Eller Kaster Bort HELE GREIA. For eksempel, når vi Først Blir Introdusert for Konseptet Med Dem ET HELE HA Blitt Ganske Spennende. DET SOM BLE GJORT I Stedet, VAR AT EPISODEN AVSLørte Dem KLART SOM DAGEN OG Jager Doktoren. SAKEN ER AT DOKTOREN FAKTOREN FAKTISK SLIPPER HOPNERER SKAPNENEREENE GANSKELT, Så I Stedet for å Tilbringe TOREN MøTE DEM Igjen, Føler JEG Ingen Spenning Fordi Auraen av mystikk OG Frykt som om Omga Dem ER borte.

Returning to the storyline, I think the episode had to end up at about when the doctor saves the trapped traveler on time and is able to escape the creatures himself. It looked like a natural end point for the episode, all the main strings of the characters were completed, and when the doctor realized he had to go back to help the beings seemed to be trying to fill the time. This is a beautiful turn, but not the one that would have been created enough to feel deserved. The only real clues we received about this turn were things you couldn't know that it was a hint before you didn't know the solution, which is not how smart information is done.

Although in the second half of the episode, the episode lost its momentum very quickly, I think the first part was quite interesting, and in this episode it was done enough to climb a few steps up.

10 - the bells of St. John

This is a strange episode because it refers to its characters quite strongly (especially Klara), but does not yet create the right feeling for them.

Zu Beginn Dieser Folge Haben Wir Wir Gener Version von Clara Aus Dem Viktorianischen London Kennengelernt und sie sleri sleri Sehen. Theoretisch ist das Coole Idee, und ich mag die tatsache, DASS der Doctoral Auf Eine Andere Version von ihr Trifft. DAS problem entstehht, Wenn Die Serie Anfängt, So Zu Tun, Als Wären Sie Dieselbe Personal und gesamte characteristung, Die Wir von der Viktorianischen Clara Kennen, Bleibt Erhalten (Abzüglich des Für die Zeit Relevanten Dialekts). Ich Verstehe, Dass Sie Mechanisch Gesehen Genu Dieselbe Person Sind, Aber Sie Haben Unterschiedliche Leben Mit Unterschiedlichen Erinnerungeen Geführt. Wenn Wir Also Die Clara von Heute Kennenlernen, Fühlt Sie Sich Wie Eine Ganz Andere Person An, und EU Ist andritierend, Wenn Die Serie so tut, als obi obi dieselbe Wäre.

Wo Wir Gerade Beim Thema The Impossible Girl Sind: Das Ganze Geheimnis Um Claras Herkunft Ist Einer der Größten Factoren, Warum Ich Kein Fan von Clara in Dieser Serie bin. Meinung über Sie ändert sich Während Ihrer Zeit Mit Capaldi, Aber Ihre Zeit Smith Ist Eine Schreckliche Einführung Für Sie. Als Folge Davon, Dass Sich Alles, Was Mit IHR ZU TUN HAT, UM DAS Thema Das Unmögliche Mädchen Dreht, Bekommt Sie Absolut Keinen Muscle, UM Irgendeine Art von Persönlichkeit Zu Entwickel, und t habe, Tut Sie in Dieser Serie Nicht Wirklich Etwas, ES Sei Denn, ES Steh in Diretem Zusammenhang MIT DESEM GEHEMNIS. Auch Wenn Sie Später Ein Art von Persönlichkeit Entwicelt, ähnew Sie Während Ihrer Gesamten Zeit in Serie 7 Einem HandlungSelement Als Einer Person.

Speaking of action: If the episode is not exactly focused on the characters, I think that there is a pretty funny plot with many exciting moments. It is nothing spectacular, but I found the scenes in which the doctor tries to keep Clara from upload, or when he races on the splinter to confront the villain (as silly), very exciting. If the episode had not also had the task of introducing the modern Clara, in my opinion you could have made a little more out of the concept. "Evil Wi-Fi" is an idea that can be used to do a lot (as many other sci-fi stories have proven over the years), and this does nothing special to stand out from the rest.

I certainly have my problems with this story, but many of them have more to do with what they prepare for later in the series than with what actually happened here. In addition, the action scenes were still fun, even if they are not particularly remarkable in the long run, so I am glad that I can classify this film in the middle.

To wszystko, Jeśli chodzi o część 1! Dziękuję bardzo za poświęcenie czasu na przeczytanie tej listy i upewnij się, że śledzisz mnie tutaj i na twitterze @10ryawoo, Aby być na bieżąco, gdy częque 2 spadnie za kilka tygodni. Chętnie Poznam Wasze Na Temat Tych Odcinków I Koniecznie Wróćcie Za Tydzień, Gdzie Będę Relacjonował Galę Wwe Money in the bank!

Każdy Odcinek Doctor Who Series 5 (2010) W Rankingu

Stare Odchodzi, Nowe Przychodzi ... No, W Każdym Razie Nowe Z Perspektywy 2010 Roku. Never trzeba dodawać, że Matt Smith Miał Przed Sobą Never Lada Zadanie, Bo Musiał Zastąpić Davida Tennanta W Roli Doktora, Który Był Najbardziej Ukochanym Actorem, Jaki Kiedykolił Się Rolę. Czas Smitha Jako Doctora Jako Całości Był dość Interesujący, Poneważ Type Osobowości, Który Portretuje W Serii 5, Wyraiffe Różni Się or Reszty JEGO SERII, Ale to Jest Coś, Co Omówię, Gdy Do Nicht Dotrzemy.

Seria 5 była pierwszą szansą na zurpełnie Nowy Start Serialu Od 2005 Roku, z nowym doctor, Nową Townzyszką, Nowym Głównym scenarzystą i wieloma Nowymi pełniącymi Główne Role Za Kulisami. Nadszedł czas na zurpełnie inny styl pisania i opowiadania historii i przynajmniej w przypadku serii 5 powiedziałby, że był to sukces.

How big is the success? Let's take a look at it. I rate every single episode of season 5.

10 - The Vampires of Venice

In the end, this episode had many elements that did not quite come together as I believe that the authors wanted it, both from the perspective of a single episode and from the perspective of the entire series.

First: "Vampires, but extraterrestrials" is simply a lazy premise. Of course, this does not automatically make it bad (just look at what kind of thrill was "tooth and claw"), but the fact is that the idea that it is extraterrestrials, did not add any additional levels, apart from that, apart from that That she allowed the authors to give them a more exotic technology, it felt more like an action element. Not to mention that the main plan of the bad guys was a little silly: "We are in Venice ... I know, let us flood it!" I mean, come, try to look a little outside the box.

시리즈 전반을 또 다른 이야기는 이야기는 에이미와 로리의. 시리즈의 이 로리가 처음에 것보다 더 중요한 역할을 될 것이 것이, 모팻이 모팻이 이 완전히 확신하지 못했다는 못했다는. 아마도 배우들이 얼마나 이 확신할 확신할 수 없었기 없었기, 이들의 관계에 풀어가는 데 있어 계획이 계획이 많지 않았기 때문에 다소 다소 다소 다소 다소 서두르는 서두르는.

그렇긴 하지만 표현되는 방식은 마음에 들었습니다. 괴물로부터 도망치는 너무 시간을 할애하는 큰 멜로드라마로 만드는 대신 줄거리에 줄거리에 교묘하게. 닥터와 로리는 괴물로부터 동안 대한 대한 대화를 대화를, 이는 에피소드의 에피소드의 스토리가 에피소드의 하고 긴장된 순간에 경쾌함을 더하는 데.

Ultimately, this is not necessarily a bad episode, but with a pretty weak villain and action lines that compared to the direction they would finally go to appear strangely, this episode ends up at the bottom of the stack as a sequence, that I don't particularly like to look at again.

9 - The beast from below

This episode is brilliant in one thing, but rather mediocre in everything else.

AMY (and viewers) is well able to know the new doctors' mindset really well when they have to face difficult situations. No matter how great the "eleven o'clock" (we get to it), the doctor never comes back, it always controls the situation and only experiences a temporary obstacle, so this episode takes the opposite and inserts the doctor in a situation where he has no idea is going on, and faces a terrible solution when he finally understands everything.

Seeing any character in his lowest position is always the best way to understand who he really is, and that's what we see from the doctors here, but since we see it most from the perspective of Amy, it means that we also have the opportunity to see her head, When she understands exactly how the doctor works, she creates that inexplicable connection between them, which later becomes so important.

Leider Ist Das Mehr Oder Weniger Das Einzige, Was Mir An Dieser Folge Wirklich Gefällt. EU GIBT WIE VERSONEN DER "Anständigen Gesellschaft Mit Einem Schrecklichen Geheimnis Geschichte, und Diese Gehört Nicht Nicht Den Besten. Zum Einen Wird Un for Sofut Eines der Schrecklichen Dinge Gezegt, So Dass Es Für Den Rest der Folge Kein Großes Geheimnis Mehr Darstellt und Viel von der Spannung NIMMT. Außerdem Machen Die Element Dieser Gesellschaft Nicht Sehr Viel Sinn. Ich Kann Mir Zwar Vorstellen, Dass Sie Kinder, Die Es Nicht Zu Etwas Bringen, Nehmen und Sie Arbeiten Lassen, Aber Die Methode Erscheint Mir Unglaumich Dumm. Also Verbieten Sie Ihnen, Den Aufzug Zu Benutzen? Das Schent für Alle Be Bemeligen Unbequemer Zu Sein Als Alles Angeles, Sie Entführen Sie Nur, Wenn Sie Nicht Tun, Was Man Ihnen Sagt, Das Wirkt Einfach so Seltsam.

Ich bin auch Kein Großer Fan von Liz 10s character. EU Riecht Nach überforderung, Wenn ihr Mich Fragt. Ja, Wir Haben Es Verstanden, Sie isto Königin, Die Sich Nicht So Verhält, Wie Es Sich Für Eine Königin Gehört, Aber Die Episode Besteht Darauf, UNS DIESE TATSACHE STändig Unter Die Nase Zu Reiben Einen EinflusSreichen character.


8 - Dalekkenes seier

Dette er kanskje Definijonen På EN 50/50-Eepisode. DET ER Så Mye å Like, Men Like Mye å Misslik.

Let's pick up the elephant in the room first, the paradigm valleys. I have always thought that the designs were a little too much, sting for the sake of the vocality, if you will. If they were not immediately scrapped as an idea, I might have looked past the visual design if they became much more interesting as a concept; The idea of ​​Dalecs with assigned roles is very exciting for me. Ultimately, these designs were immediately rejected, and all the plans that may have existed for them were scrapped, and they have existed as background scales since then, and I can't say I blame them, the golden Dalek design that had been used Until this time, it was just so perfect that a change would never go well.

While we are in the negative, I have never quite believed in the idea that Bracewell can be disarmed just by proving that he has human memories and feelings, especially since the Dalekes should not even understand feelings other than hate. It also takes the sting of the fact that the Dalekene overlisted the doctor, because it should have been a big deal for him, but is immediately swept under the blanket when Bracewell survives.

Tagad piev correctimies pozitīvajiem aspectiem, un uzreiz milzīgs īkšķis uz Augšu pair two, ka daleki atkal Šķiet Patiešām Inteliģenti Unsudīgi. IR Pagājis Pārāk Ilgs Laiks, Kopš Mēs Redzējām, Kā Daleki Intriģē un izstrādā plānu ārpus "At The West Milzīgu Armiju, Lai Visus Nogalinātu". Veids, kādā taken apgāž visu, ko mēs zinām par daleķiem, lai redzētu, ka viņi rīkajas kā izpalīdzīgi roboti, untlājums, ka is taken certain bija tricks, lai apmānītu doctie Eniāls pavērsiens. Nemaz nerunājot pair two, Ka Viņi to Atkārto, Kad Atklāj, Ka Bracevels Bija Bumba, Piepiežot Doctoru Pārtraukt Uzbrukumu Kuģim, Lai Tā Vietā Varētu Glesht Zemi. Lai arī Šis briven teak ātri pārmests, Tomēr Iri Lielisks, Kad is taken notiek.

Manuprāt, galvenais iemesls, kāpēc Šī epizode teak pieemirsta, ir taken, ka tā galu galā nekādā veidā no fedekuja daleku, jo vienīgās izmaiņas tika uzta's negatīvi unnetika netatijties. Jauninājumu ieviešana ar daleķiem Ir tik bīstama spēle, ka, manuprāt, vienīgā reice, kad tā jebkad ir izdevusies mūsdienu kungā, bija Šī gada rezolūcija's epizode, Bet Couples to Mekim.

7 - The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood

There are many episodes of this show that I would say it took more time to fully explain their story, which is one of those rare cases where I really think that the division of this episode into two was a bit too much.

The pace of this episode is a bit of Start-Stop. The episode begins very sharply and almost immediately after the Doctor and Co finds out what is happening, abducted AMY. This event had to take place at the end of the second step to get the action to climb, but instead we have to go through many different stages where the pace is completely suppressed until suddenly we press the pedal again to see a decent cliffhanger.

The second part is also very inflated: people wandering around the base of the silhour, falling captive, liberating them, being prisoner again, running away, and so on. There are good elements here, such as looking at what people will do when their family is in danger, and how people break through pressure. The problem is that here we have seen it in previous series with "midnight", which played that string much better than here.

I think it was possible to cut a large part of the middle from this episode, especially in the part where the silage rises to the surface and the doctor catches one of them. Its sole purpose of it is to provide viewers with information, which could still be done in a different way when the doctor descended on the Silur base. If this episode had been a little more concentrated, I think it might have been really fun, but unnecessarily turned into a tw o-part story, which greatly interfered with what he wanted to tell.

6 - The Lodger

It is very strange for me to go back to this episode and watch it, because all its elements are the ones I would not expect that I will love it, but eventually they are quite intertwined.

I have never been a fan of James Corden as a comedian, he fits much more in the American style of comedians and that is a style that I am not so fond of, so in general I don't think much of his work is funny. That said, I think he was doing great in this episode and I think Craig is really a nice character. Because it is an episode that is almost entirely focused on comedy, there were always a few jokes that did not happen, but for the most part I always have to laugh when I look back on this episode.

The way in which the dynamics between The Doctor and Craig develop is very well done, although it is perhaps a bit exaggerated that The Doctor is better in everything than Craig, I don't think it was necessary to see how The Doctor slaughtered everyone at Football for example. Anyway, the way Craig responds to the unintended destruction of his life by The Doctor and the awkward, vote that Craig deals with all this is hilarious British.

Where the episode falls a bit flat is in the main mystery, because unlike most episodes where we get small hints and instructions drop by drop before the great unveiling of what is actually going on, but this episode gives us nothing all the time Until everything is suddenly revealed at the end and it all feels a bit underwhelming, not to mention that it is a bit strange that there is just a bungalow in the middle of a street with terraced houses, but what does it matter.

This was an episode that decided to focus more on the characters than on the plot and although that leaves a strikingly weak point in the episode, it is still a nice episode to watch.

5 - Amy's choice

Amy's relationships with both the doctor and Rory were a constant theme during her time in the Tardis and it eventually became a bit of support to lean on when it came to creating conflicts between the trio, but this episode was a great example of What that conflict looks like when it is done well.

There is the classisk eksempel på hvordan alt virker så mye mer dramatis og viktig når man Viser I Stedet for Å Fortelle. Så Mange Av Disse Argumentene Handler to HvA SOM * KAN * SKJE HVIS AMY OG Rory Lever Sine Normal Liv Sams, OG HvA SOM * Can * Skje Med Amy Hvis their Tilbringer for Long På Reise Med Doctors. I Stedet Slipper Denne Serien Oss Midt I Begge Disse Potensielle Fremtuidene For Å Gi Oss and Dryed Forståelse Av Hvordan Det Å Gi Opp and AV Dem Ville Påvirke Amy Følelsesesig.

The Dream Lord is also a great villain, which the doctor can show its dark sides without taking the way of madness and jealousy that gives us a villain like The Mater. In this episode, Toby Jones achieved a brilliant achievement as someone who has almost divine control over the dream worlds and the way in which the character is written feels for me as an accurate representation of what the doctor would be like if he would decide to start a villain existence .

Although it is true that both worlds between which the trio had to dream were, it removed much of the tension from the episode with retroactive effect, but the emotional impact and the decisions that the characters had to make were still very real and that is what one lasting impact on them.

This episode not only gave us a compelling view of Amy's inner conflict, but also did so through an intriguing mystery and a great and written villain. Very good.

4 - The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone

Many fans of the modern Doctor Who will soon tell you that Blink is the only good story in which the Weeping Angels appear, but those people are wrong, because this is brilliant.

Pirmoji Dalis Meistriškai Valdo įTampos Ir Paslapties JAUSMą. Ne Tik Anthrą kartą istorijoje Pasirodo River Song, toodes iš Naujo išvystame Visas ją gaubiančias paslaptis, the ir Pradedame gilintis į išsamnes žinias apie angelų galias. Epizodo Pradžiojeje Epizodo Scena, Kurioje Amy Iš Arti Susiduria su Angelu Tapusio Angelo Atvaizdu - Beje, Tai Puiki Idėja - Pasitarnavo Ankstyvai įTampai Padidinti įtampsų Metampsi.

Tokia didelė grupė žmonių, kartu su Daktaru tyrinėjančių griuvėsius, galėjo tapti katastrofos receptu, tačiau jie labai greitai vienas po kito nužudomi už kadro, todėl visa ta įtampa gražiai virė iki pat pabaigos. Pirmosios Dalies Paslaptis Parašyta Puikiai, Nes Visi Elementai, Reikalingi Jai įMinti, Yra Nuo Pat Pradžių; Mums Labai Aiškiai Pasakyta, Kad Aplanai Turėjo Dvi Galvas, Ir Aiškiai Matome, Kad Statulos Turi Tik Vieną, Bet Tai Mums Taip Akivaizdžiai Krenta į Akis, Kad Tiesiogti, Kolunasa Ana Epinio, Nors Ir šiek tiek Šykštaus, Cliffhangerio.

In the second part of the story, the secrets are left aside and focusing on the action. One might think that there are not many interesting ways to organize a chase scene when the beings persecuted are statues, but in this episode it succeeds, and the first side of the episode is very interesting when the crew finds the way through Byzantium. When things slow down again, we actually look at a 5-series secret box with a crash of the universe skin, do something we have never seen in Davis times, and understand what exactly this delicacy is and what it means until we fully explore it in the series finals.

De Aflevering is echter niet fooutloos. Ik geef toe dat de Scène Waarin Amy Zich Blindelings Een Weg Door Het Bos Moet Banen, Terwijl de Englen Elk Moment Kunnen Aanvallen, Erg Spannend Was Om Naar Te Kijken, Maar Als Jeer Dan Een Paar Seconden Over Naden. Absoluut Nergens Op Slaat. Ik dacht dat hele punt van de Engine dat heet fysiek onmogelijk voor ze was a bewegen als er Iemand Keek, Maar Dit Concept Liat Lijken Alsof Ze Eigenli echt Wilden? IK Weet DAT de Assistor Zei Dat de Englen Bang Waren, Doll Hun Instincten Zouden Uitgeschakeld Zijn, Maar Dat Voelt Niet Als GenoEeg Om de Probleen Die Ik Ermee Heb Ope Te Lossen.

UITINDELIJK IS DAT EENE KLACHT KLACHT IN THE VERGELIJKING MET de Rest van de Afleverring, Want Als Geheel Heft Dit Verhaal Een Dosis Van Alles Wat Doctor Who Spannend Maakt. ER IS EENE Goed Geschreven Mysterie, Spannende Actie En Een Iconische Schurk, Naast Een Klein Beetje-Wimeness Om Onze Eetlust Ot Wekken de Seizensfinals. ALS VERVOLG OPLLINK VIND IK DAT HET de Lore van de Weeping Angels Goed EN LAAT Zien Hoe Spannend Ze Kunnen Zijn Als Ze Goed Geschreven Zijn.

3 - Vincent en dekter

간단히 말해서, 모든 '역사적 인물 에피소드가 에피소드가 할 할 종류의 에피소드입니다.

In earlier episodes, similar to this, the Doctor spent a lot of time admiring what they meet with, and here's a certain aspect, but quite different. In this episode, Van Gogh is written first as a character, and then as Vincent Van Gogh, which should be done with such episodes because it is good to spend time with a famous person, but why I should care about everything that happens to him, If I do not understand his character well.

This episode has a lot of mystery and an invisible monster that has created some strange action scenes and was a reasonable way to save CGI's budget, but it is mainly used as a tool to tell Van Gogh's story. Van Gogh can see what no one else sees, but more than he feels that he is a societal rejected and feels as if he just don't understand how to join the world around him.

Dit Alles let Tot Het ontrorende Einde van de Afleverring, Waarin de Assoctor Van Gogh Naar de Modno Tijd Brengt Om Te Zien Hoe Zijn Schilderijen, Die Hij - En Idereen uit Zijn Tijd - Volstrekt Waardeloos Vindt, Worden Aanbeden Enden Mensen , Terwijl Een Kunstexpert Uitlegt Wat Een Brilljant Genie Van Gogh Volgens Hem Was en Hem Laat Zien Hoe Werkelijk Gewaardeerd Hij Zal Worden. OM HET VERVOLGENS VAN JE AF TE SchUDDEN MET DE OTHULLING DAT HIJUDANK NOOIT ZIJN DEMEN OVERWONNEN, MAAR HET VOELT NOG STEEDS NET ALS LIBDESverDriet, Omdat de Toepraak Van de Mokactor Oons Gerastelt Dat Allene al Eliifd Hij Zou Worden , Genoeg Was Om Zijn Leven op een Dieupe, Maar Onwaarnembare Manier Teranderen.

Dit is een Aflevering Die Niet Afhakelian from de Historische Figuur Om de Aflevering te Dragen, Maar in Plaats Daarvan de Hele Afleverring OP MAAT MAAT MAKT VOOR Die Historische Figur. HET Geeft Oons Eerlijke Kijk in de Geest van van-gogh en nememt ons mee op een emotionele dio die of licht bitterzoet, Maar uiteindelijk toch Gelukkig Einde Geeft.

2 - de Pandorica Opent/de Grote Knal

Hoewel Het Waar Is Dat Ik Hou van Een Serie-In-Dat Zich Richt OP de personages en hun online conflicten, Kan Een Groothschalig Thrill-Ride Om Het Lot van Het Lot Van Het Universum Tensum Texen Soms even Zo Leuk Zijn Oma Naar Te Kijkene.

The first part of this story is definitely one of my favorite episodes of the modern Doctor Who ever. The way the mystery is set up is great, by showing us quickly and briefly how Van Gogh's painting came into possession of River, while at the same time we get a tour of a number of places where the doctor has been throughout the series . The rest of the episode is a tense walk through what the Pandorica is and what could possibly be in it.

Although there is very little action in it, there are plenty of big moments to make it very exciting while every piece of the mystery unraveled; Including one of the best speeches that the doctor has ever given, if he lets all armies discuss with each other above his head (even though it appears that it was never the case). The speed with which we get new mysteries, while ongoing mysteries are answered, is almost perfect, because little by little we get small pieces of information, which we are just a step ahead of us so that we do not fully understand what is going on until it's time for the unveiling. A revelation that gives us an absolutely great cliffhanger.

The Big Bang Skifter Fokus I Episodes Fra Å Løse Mysterite Til Å Løse Problemet. Sometimes there is the mye raske og mer høylytt, og horser oss på wisten av stolen medal manange jaktscener og and god dose comedy. Den Eneste Gangs Episods Noen Gang Stoppet Opp for Å PUSTE, Var Nie de Had de Had de Borten Øyeblikk Eller and Avsløring Å Gi Oss, Som da Doctors Dukket Opp Fra Fremtiden Og «Døde» Foran All Sammen, Eller Det Virkerlet slut Å Tulle OG Rett OG Slett Depte Daleken.

Normal The Solid Karakøybliken Kommer Inn Mot Slutten AV Episoden, OG den Binder Alt Sammen I and Fin Liten Sløyfe, Kneytter Sammen den Virklig Forvirrene Scen Fra Flesh and Stone OG Implanterer På and Smart Måte Tilbake om Hvordan Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors Doctors Jeg ikke there sikker på hvordan river ate at their måtte gi amy daily boni).

This story is made up of two very different episodes, both brilliant in their own way - one a slow and suspenseful crime thriller, the other a fast and furious action adventure - but both served their purpose almost perfectly, creating a series finale that not only tied together the main mysteries of the current series, but also set up some new mysteries for the next series.

1 - The Eleventh Hour

Easily the best introduction of a new Doctor we've ever had.

While The Christmas Invasion before this episode did a great job of introducing the new Doctor, it suffered a little from not portraying the Doctor himself particularly well, spending most of the episode in a state of post-regeneration stupor. The Eleventh Hour had the same task, only on a larger scale, as not only was this the first episode in four years not to feature the beloved David Tennant, but it also had to introduce a brand new companion.

The aflevering heeft everything that was ever van zo'n aflevering kunt. The Doctor's comedies have been brought back to life, so they can be regenerated, so Act 1 comes to life when the aflevering really starts, but the Doctor is in a really good mood. He does also have a good work with the new metal, door ons know te laten maken with the young Amelia Pond and the doctor's hoe a band with hair krijgt, om volgens het kleed onder ons vandaan te halen as the Doctor zijn timing overschrijdt en in plaats daarvan een volwassen Amy tegenkomt.

When we look at the front, we have two personages from each other in the band with the young Amelia, with a personage that has a different heel, but we still have two people in the same person. We didn't wait until the period when Amy was born in the doctor's office, and she was there as a child when she was a child. In plaats daarvan gaat het meer om dat Amy de Doctor emptied vertrouwen, nadat hij hair in the steek heeft gelaten en hair heeft vervloekt dead a leven van therapisten omdat iedereen ervan overtuigd was dat hij niet really something.

Although the main threat of this episode - both zero prisoner and attributable - is nothing special, they are exactly what they should be, because they put the doctor at extremely high pressure to solve the problem in a very limited time, which is probably the time when the doctor As a character is the most inspiring, highlighting the best performance from the one who plays him. If anything else, it was in reality that it was quite a risk that such a huge task was included in the first episode of Mata Smith, and it was a real moment to get lost or disappear.

Fortunately, Mets Smith absolutely justified every moment. Later, I had many problems with this doctor's incarnation during his life, but there are practically no problems in this episode (and in fact throughout the series). Even watching this episode as a 1 0-yea r-old child, I immediately fell in love with Smith's Dr. and accepted her as a worthy successor to Tennanta's throne, culminating in the epic moment when Smith gets through the image of his predecessors and announces that he is a doctor and that statement I Absolutely believed.

This was an episode that was a great creation of a new doctor, attendant and chief writer in one, while maintaining an exciting adventure that kept me all the time on the side of the seat.

This is the Har du Det! Tusen Takk For at Du Tok Tid Til Til DetTe, Winnie La Meg Få Vite HVA DU SYNTES OM Denne Serien AV Doctor Who, Enten i Kommentarfeltet NeDenfor Eller På Twitter @10RYYAWOO. Til slutt, sørg for at du kommer tilbake Denne Gangen Neste Uke, Hvor Jeg Skill Gjennom Favorite Musikken mention FRA Pokemon-Serien!


Elim Rim - Journalist, creative writer

Last modified 19.06.2025

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