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The Egyptian pharaohs enjoyed red wine.

Photo: wine harvest and grapes. Tomb of Nakht, 18th dynasty.

The riddle was solved. The wine that the Pharaoh Tutankhamun drank was red, as a new study of Spanish scientists showed. So far, the scientists disagreed whether the wine fossils discovered in the graves of the pharaohs were made from red or white grapes. The study now shows that red wine was the most popular wine around 3300 years ago.

Egyptian state information service / Afrol News, April 6, 2005

Wine production was already widespread in ancient Egypt. The earliest scientific detection of grapes comes from 60 million year old fossil vine, although the earliest written document about wine production comes from a much younger source: the Bible.

Scientists have discovered traces of wine in a jug that on around 5400 BC. BC is dated and was found in Hajji Firuz Tepe in the Zagros Mountains, today's Iran. However, the earliest knowledge of wine growing comes from ancient Egypt, where the process of wine production from 2600 BC. BC was shown on the walls of grave buildings.

«Vin I Det Gamle Egypt Var En Viktig Drikk Som Ble Drukket AV Overlassen OG Kongene», forclar Maria Rosa Guasch-Jané, Egyptolog Ved Universetet I Barcelona. Med Med Rosa Lamuela-Raventós, Professor I Ernæring OG Matvitenskap, Har Hun Analysert Prøver AV Gamle Egyptiske Kanner Fra Tutankhamons Grav, Som Nå Eies Av Egyptisk Museum I Cairo OG British Museum I London.

Ifølge Guasch-Jané Ble Vinkannene Plassert I Gravene som Gravmat. «Vinkrukkene Fra Det Nye Keiserriket Var Med Product, Årstall, Kilde OG Til OG Med Navnet På Vinbonden, Men de Neverte Ikke Fargen På Vinen de Insholdt», Forklarer Forskeren. Forcs Ønofile Har Lenge Kranglet om Hvilken Druetype de Gamle Egypterne Brukte I Vinene Sine.

Spanske ForSkere Har Derfor Utviklet die Første Teknikken Som Kan Bestemme Fargen på vinen somure broke I Antikkens Krukker. Teknikken går ut på Å analyzer the victiest glucose components som Gir Rødfargen Til Unnødviner. Ingen Annen juice somewhere broke I det Gamle midtøsten OG Middelhavsområdet, invest components.

As the wine ages, this component reacts with another, resulting in more complex structures. The researchers focused their efforts on developing a tool to analyze these structures to determine the color of the fossil wine. According to the researchers, this method has never before been used to identify acids or any archaeological sample.

A scientific report on this new method appeared in the latest issue of the US scientific journal Analytical Chemistry. Lamuela-Raventós and Guasch-Jané announced that they plan to use the new method for further studies of wine residues from other archaeological samples. The research was funded by the Spanish Wine Culture Foundation and the Codorniu Group.

Wine culture. The wine of the ancient pharaohs

A team of researchers from the University of Barcelona found traces of red wine in the amphora of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun.

Jordi Montaner, Consumer. es, 2004 April 13

Frem til nå har historikere tilskrivet ølets origin til det gamle Egypt og vinens til det classic Hellas. Men det nylige founden av en amfora i Tutankhamuns grav som contener spor av rödvin, sørder argumentene for at det fantes en vinkultur i sivilisationsjonen ved Nilens nedre løp. Funnet, som er published in the journal of the American Chemical Society, gir nye ledetråder om den eldgamle bruken av vin, og opener opp for den egyptiske hypotesen om vinens orijin.

Opprinnelsen til druene som ble brukt til å lage rødvin, kan være i det gamle Egypt, slik Tutankhamons gravamforaer avlaarer.

The origins of wine as a product and viticulture as an agricultural practice are still the subject of some debate among archaeologists and historians. Although there are many references to ancient Egypt in which viticulture is seen as an activity associated with the noblest classes, some are still inclined to believe that neither in this culture nor in this geographical area did the cultivation of the vine begin to spread. A team of researchers from the University of Barcelona has recently provided new data that reinforces the Egyptian hypothesis. A study published in the journal Analytical Chemistry, an organ of the American Chemical Society, describes traces of red wine found in the amphora of Tutankhamun's burial. Evidence obtained using liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry techniques is one of the clearest evidences of this type of wine consumption in Ancient Egypt.

It is known that the grape vine was grown in Ancient Egypt, and the wine from it was an almost exclusive privilege of the tsars at banquets, religious ceremonies, and funeral rituals. It was also known that the best crops were harvested in the Nile Delta and the western oases of the country. It is believed that the Egyptians highly valued the quality of wine, to which they attributed certain "magical properties", due to the fact that the Nile acquires a wine color during the annual flood cycle.

From Starogo Tsarstva (2575 р. до Н. е.) до Нового Tsarstva (1070 р. до Н. е.), the tombs of the nobles were decorated with images of viticulture and even winemaking, which reflects the cult of the highest classes of Egypt before the secondary product of grapes. Давнёєєгипетске прислив'я говорять: «In the driver you can see the reflection of your face, but in the wine it always shows your best quality».

The study shows the earliest known use of grapes for making red wine in Egypt.

Although die großen Klassiker den ägyptischen Ursprung der ersten Weine betonen, gibt es keine einteigenben Beweise dafür. Einige Historiker sehen den Ursprung des Wein im südlichen Kaukasus und im südlichsten Teil des Kaspischen Meeres und betonen, dass die von den Ägyptern verwendete Rebsorte nicht die klassische Vitis vinifera war.

The evaluations of historians contrasts with the analysis of ancient Greek and Roman writings. For example, Plutarkhos states that in one of his texts, the wine for the first time in history, and then Osiris was the one who taught the mortal techniques to make it. Despite the divine references to the origin of the wine, the text still seems to be a praise of the Egyptian of the Great Pharaohs.

Other works talk about the existence of vine in ancient Egypt, but this is only about ornamental use in gardens and gardens. It is noteworthy by Ramesses III to order the counting of 513 bonds of the temple of Amun RA and to appoint a 'master vineyard' responsible for their protection and maintenance. It is even more sophisticated to allow workers working in the construction of the pyramids in Giza to relieve their thirst with four kinds of wine and five kinds of beers.

Corn wines

Wspólny hieroglif zidentyfikowany w tych trzech słowach: ogód, Wino i Winorośl, jest niewątpliwie cennym Faktem anthropologicznym. PRAWDą Gesture, że Winogrona, Tak Jak Pojawiają Na Rysungach Grobowych, Były Zierane, Przechowywane, Deptane Stopami, A ich Sok był Przechowywany W Dzbanach (Ambforch) Aż do zakończenia fermentacji.

Drugie tłoczenie Oddzielało Skórki i Pestki i Pozwalało Na Przechowywanie SFERMENTOWANEGO Wina W glinianych, Szczelnych Pojemnikach Z Małymi Otworami, Przez Które Mógł Wydostawać Się Dwutlekeklekleklekleklenek. Kedy „Dojrzewanie” Za Za Zakończone (Ustalone Na Maksymalnie 21 Lat), Otwork Zostały Ostatecznie Uszczelnione, A Wino Zostało Całkowice YCIA.

Dodatkowym Argumentem Przemawijącym Za Egipskim Pochodzemeniem Wina Jest Fakt, że W starożytnym rzymi rzymiie wina imPortowano z egiptu i to nie tylko dlatego, że rzymianom brakowało zapasów. Rzymskie chronic wychwalają czyste i pachnące wina z mareotis, sebennytus (delta nilu), menzalah, sile i tanis.

고대 이집트인들이 마셨던 와인의 종류와 관련하여 모든 것이 드라이 와인이 선호되었다는 선호되었다는 사실을 가리킵니다. 담당 와인 마스터가 수작업으로 '라벨' 을 붙인 와인 6 개 중 1 개에만 '스위트' 라는 단어가 단어가 있었습니다. 5 년 이상 숙성된 와인이 전체 재고의 3 분의 1 을 차지했습니다.

Descriptions of white wines are numerous, but never before has chemically analyzed what kind of wine the Egyptians drunk. The article signed by Spanish researchers in Analytical Chemistry has finally found traces of red wine in an amphoric from Tutankhamun.

Wine on the banks of the Nile

Dates, figs, pomegranates and grapes were the favorite fruits for making wine in ancient Egypt. The image shows a detail of the grape harvest and entering grapes in the grave of Nakht (18th dynasty).

The team of the University of Barcelona that has succeeded in identifying the remains of red wine in the Pharaonic amphoras consists of researchers Maria Rosa Guasch-Jané, Maite Ibern-Gómez, Cristina Andrés-Lacueva and Rosa María Lamuela-Raventós. The scientists went looking for the type of grape that the ancient Egyptians used to make their wines. "The amphoras found in burial mounds contain details about the product, maturing and even the name of the winegrower, but never about the color of the wine that contained it," explains Guasch-Jané, "so we decided to investigate which which Type of wine to the pharaohs was offered for their journey to the hereafter.

Forscherne Identifiserte Spor AV Svart Vin I and Amfora Fra Graven Til Tutankhamon, Pharaoh Fra Det 18. Dynastite (Dynastite (~1333-1323 F. Kr.), SOM OPPBEVARES På Det Egyptiske Museet I Kairo. Amforaen there signs Av vinmesteren Khaa.

Inni den Har Teamet Fra Universitetet I Barcelona Identifisert Syringinsyre, et derivat AV Malvidin OG and Indikator På Rødvin. «Malvidin there is the most different antocyanidinet I rødvin og er there are for fargen», ornamental pets. Ved Å bresse and alkalisk fusjon på residual AV Amforaen som ble studies, fikk de syringinsyre (fra polymerisert malvidin), noe sum gjorde det mulig Å identifisere vinen som rød.

Fra et tuknisk Synspunkt Var Id Identifisations Ikke Sikk, sides det måtte brukes and NY, Svært Sensitiv Protokoll for Å Identifisere Vin I Arkeologiske Rester, Basert På Vækekromatografi OG Tandem MasssePectrometri.

In the protocol of this investigation, funded by the Codorníu Group and the Foundation for Wine Culture, tartaric acid was used as a chemical indicator of the presence of wine. "Tartaric acid itself does not provide information about the type of grape used to make the wine, so it was necessary to use syringic acid." The method used, adds the research team, was specifically designed to detect the presence of wine in archaeological remains based on its characteristics. The main contribution of their work is to define "the method" for detecting traces of red wine.

When the tomb of Tutankhamun, who died in 1352 BC, was opened by Howard Carter in 1922, jars of wine were found among the funerary goods surrounding the gold-covered mummy.

Twenty-six of these amphorae were inscribed, seven with the king's personal seal and six with that of the royal house of Aten, all of which were located on the western side of the river... that is, in the part of the Nile Delta from which the best wines in Egypt are said to come.

The third time we get the information we need to hear the three children, years 4, 5 and 9. The report is made by the regeringsjaren, which is simply the case when the children are born, which proves that the quality of the product is a good thing. One of the amforen droeg het oogstjaar 31 en in the geval can never be seen that the verwijzing is after a very short order. The name of the hoofdwijnmaker (jefe de la vinificación) staat op bijna all amforen. One of the hoofdwijnmakers, Kha'y genaamd, produceerde vijf van deze wijnen uit Toetankhamons persoonlijke domein, maar also one wijn uit het huis van Aton; hereuit kan you have been afgeleid that dezelfde person both wijnen produceerde, of Kha'y was zo'n talenteerde wijnmaker dat hij de adviserende oenologde was die meerdere dominen verzorgde.

Δύο οίνοι είχαν την ένδειξη Sdh, η οποία φαίνεται να σημαίνει νέος, φρέσκο ​​ς και με την ένδειξη πολύ καλής ποιότητας. Τα υπόλοιπα δεν έχουν καμία περιγραφή εκτός από το ότι είναι γλυκά, κάτι που ισχύει για τέσσερα από τα είκοσι έξι από αυτά τα κρασιά που βρέθηκαν στον τάφο του Τουταγχαμών. Χάρη σε αυτή την απογραφή, μπορεί να διαπιστωθεί ότι η περιγραφή σε κάθε ετικέτα είναι το όνομα του οινοποιού. Μπορεί να είναι έτσι; ΤΊΠΟΤΑ ΔΕΝ ΕΊΝΑΙ ΠΙΟ ΣΗΜΑΝΤΙΚΌ ΑΠΌ ΤΟ ΠΟΙΟΣ ΦΤΙΆΧΝΕΙ ΤΟ ΚΡΑΣΊ.

Israel. 1, 800-year-old Venus statue on display

After 10 years of restoration, the 1, 800-year-old Venus pudica is being presented to the Israeli public as part of the Beauty in Holiness exhibition.

EFE. Jerusalem, April 7, 2005

The Israel Museum has exhibited for the first time a statue of the goddess of love Venus, found 1, 800 years ago in the Israeli town of Beisan amid the remains of an ancient Roman city.

Since its discovery, the statue has been cleaned, which has also preserved the ochre color of the naked Venus, next to whom a small child can be seen on the pedestal, which has turned to its original red.

The statue was found in pieces during archaeological excavations of a bathhouse in the ancient Roman city of Scythia (Scitopolis), built by the Greek conquerors and rebuilt in the last decade.

Experts call her “Venus pudica” or “modest” because she uses her broken right arm to hide her breasts and her left arm, which is missing a hand, to hide her pubic bone.

Forskerne Gideon Foerster and Yoram Tsafrir from the Institute of Archeology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (UHJ) men at the 1. 60 meter height and 500 kilos of Venus was sculpted in Afrodisias in Lilleasia, som nå ligger in Tyrkia.

Restaureringen has the opportunity to have fun with the røde, and the statues are decorated with the same color, but it is also available with raised grunnene until the tilting force.

Museets sjefskonservator for Hellenistiske, Romanske and bysantinske sivilisasjoner, Dudi Mevoraj, sier at pigmentene på Venus fra Beisan he is the best bevarte from all Romanesque statues som he is used in verden.

Foerster fortalte at Venus sto i 400 ar, including 150 ar under the kristne periods i the bysantinske riket, inntil et jordskjelv ødela byen med 40, 000 innbyggere on January 18, 749 e. Kr.

The Israeli museum has statues in its own right, with the title “Beauty in Holiness”, which celebrates its 40th anniversary for the museum.

Israel Museum stiller ut viktig romersk Venus sculpture for the first gang siden the ble oppdaget Kilde: ilMuseums

Exhibition hall: Israel Museum Published on 23/03/2005 The article has been read 173 times. Lif e-size work is the center of exhibition series on the occasion of the 40th birthday

The Israel Museum in Jerusalem today announced plans to exhibit a rare and unusually preserved Roman Venus statue from the 2nd century AD for the first time. This wonderful work, which was excavated in Beth Shean in the Jordaan Valley, is one of the most remarkable lif e-sized sculptures ever found in Israel. The presence of remaining accents of red, blue and yellow pigment on the surface make these beautifully modeled and preserved Venus all the more exceptional.

Šio Svarbaus Kūrinio Debiutas Yra Svarbiausias Muziejaus 40-Mečio Jubiliejinės Programs Akcentas Ir Pagrindinis Parodos “Šventumo Grožis“ Akcentas: Šioje Parodoje, Kuri Deksponuojjajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajama Iki Spalio 29 p., Pristatomi Daugiau Kaip 75 Objektai išsamių Muziejų, Kurie Kartu Pasakoja įdomią apie tai, Kaip Objektai Nuo Senoves Iki šija šla šėė šjlė šjlėė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė ė Estetinių Savybių. Visas Jubiliejinių Parodų Ciklas "Grožio Ir Šventumo" Tema prasiseda sausio myn. ir tęsis iki 2005 m. ir pabrėia per pirmuosius keturiasdešimt muziejaus gyvavimo withų Sukauptų Rinkinių Platumą ir turningumą.

Nekantriai Laukiame, Kada Galėime Pristatyti Beth Shean Venerą Mūsų 40-Mečio Parodų Metų Kontekste. Tai Gryno Grožio Objektas, Kuris Taip Pat Atspindi Vyraujančius to Meto Kultūrinius įsitikinimus Iliustroja Senovoelio žemėje klestėjusių kultūrųjaja Es S. Snyder).

Die Venus statue erupted Erstmals 1993 Unter dem Heuigen Beth Shean Entdeckt, Einem Städtischen Zentrum im Israelischen Jordantal in Der Nähe des Jordans und des Sees von Galiläa. Im Laufe Seiner 7, 000-Jährigen Geschichte Hat Beth Shean Zeiten des Wohlstands, des Niedergangs und des Wandels Erlebt.

The sculpture revealed in a excavation conducted by Professor Gideon Foerster and Yorram Tsafrir by the Institute of Archeology of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, is dated to the Beth Sheans Roman period between the 1st and 4th centuries AD. Fancy public monuments, temples, baths, a theater, hippodrome, basilica and a nympheon were built during this welfare period. On January 18, 749 AD, an earthquake was completely destroyed. Professor Foerster and Tsafrir revealed a magnificent Roman sculpture group that survived the earthquake during their excavations. These sculptures discovered in a tremendous bath were designed as decorations for the field. The Venus statue of the real dimensions is considered to be the most remarkable among the works of Dionysus, goddess Athena, a headless emperor and a nymph.

Die Nackte, Sinnlich Moderlierte Venus, Die Ohne Kopf, Hände und füße gafunden Wurde, War in Mehrere Teile Zerbrochen. Wieere Marmorskulpturen, Die Bei Ausgrabungen in Beth Shean Gefunden, War Auch Sie Mit Einen, Hareten Travertinschicht Bedekt, Die Sich Im Laufe Der 1 250 Jahre Zte, Aber Die Qualität der geformin Körperlinien und Die Bmemerkenswerten Mengen an Farbe, Die Auf der Oberfläche Erhalten Geblieben Waren, Nicht Verdeckte.

Von 1994 bis 2004 Ihre Arbeit Brachte Schließliich Die Ganze Pracht der Klassischen Form Der Skulptur Zum Vorschein, Die Mit Roten, Blauen und gelben dad Die Fragmenterung der skulptur, der seite von venus und der delphin, der als sitz descs und als stutze Rifft. Nach Einem Jahrzehnt der Restaurierung Kann Die Venus von Beth Shean Nun Rundherum Ausgestellt Werden, So Dass Ihre Ursprünglich Bildhauerische Absicht Voll Zur Geltung Kommt.

El Anciano Más Anciano Del Mundo. Los Orígens de la Solidaridad

Nuotraukoje: Davidas Lordkipanidzė Carde Su jorge wagensbergu/ jordi Belver pristatule atradimą cosmocaixa parodoje. Paleontologas Davidas Lordkipanidzė, November Kasinėjimų Dmanisi Vietovėje Vadovas, Water Kaukolės Reconstrucija / Efe

People 1. 8 million years ago already took care of their elderly

The skull of a toothless old man, found in 1. 8 millio n-yea r-old sediments in Dmanisi, Georgia, provides the oldest proof of altruism among people.

The old man from Dmanisi could eat eggs, soft tissues such as brain and meat that others chewed for him.

By Joseph Corbella, La Vanguardia, April 7, 2005

More than one and a half years before our species appeared, other people with brains that were half the size of ours were already one of their sick elderly people, according to evidence of a skull and jawbone that have been discovered in Dmanisi (Georgia).

Both Stücke stemes von und Demselben exemplar, that is all Zähne bis auf den unteren links stoßzahn LEVER, JAHRE PROMOTION ES ALT UND ARK WURDE. Da fleisch die hauptnahrung seiner gruppe war und er es nicht kauen konnte und möglicherweise auch nicht in der Lage War, sich an der Jagd zu, "Ist Unsere hypothesis, dass that gruppe sich um ihn kümmerte; Sie Könnten Ihm Sogar Holfen Haben, Seine Nahrung Zu Zerkleinn ", Erklärte Sterlern of the Paläontologist David Lordkipanidze, Leiter der Forschung, Die Entdeckung an der Universität von Barcelona und Cosmocaiixa Präsentierte. Those Einzelheiten der Forschung became the host in the Fachzeitschrift Nature Veröffentlicht.

Die Fossilien aus Dmanisi, who became auf ein alter von 1. 8 Millionen Jahren Geschätzt, sind who fossilien der Menschlichen Gattung, who funded Außerhalb Afrikas. Seit 1999 Wurden an DEM Fundort in Georgien Vier Schädel mit Einem Volumen Zwischen 600 und 775 Kubikzentimetern. The steinwerge dieser "Wears Einwanderer Aus Africa", whoever Lordkipanidse Sie Sternebitig, were Ebenfalls "überraschend Archisch". Es stuck in the UM Werkzeuge, who seized archäologists as fashion 1, Weil Keine Primitivere Technology Wurdened: Nur Steine ​​Mit Einer Schneide.

Die fossilien aus dmanisi 'brechen mit der Vorstellung, who are wir hatten, dass that loses a' nicht junnte, promotes sie ein großes gehirn und hochentwickelte steinwerkzege entwicked Hatte ', Erklärte Lordkipanidse stern.

But they show that when they left Africa, they already had a sufficiently complex social organization to care for an old and sick person. The discovery “is of enormous importance,” says archaeologist Eudald Carbonell, co-director of Atapuerca, who did not participate in the study. “The Dmanisi fossils prove that humans have used technology to care for disabled people since the beginning of the Homo genus. Technology humanizes us.”

Until now, the oldest examples of elderly care are two Neanderthals less than 100, 000 years old, found at the Chapelle-aux-Saints and Bau de l'Aubésier sites in France.

In the skull and jaw of Dmanisi, 20 times older, the tooth sockets (the cavity under each tooth) have been reabsorbed. In other words, the cavity has disappeared and been covered. Because this process of remodeling the jawbone after a tooth has fallen out takes a long time, the researchers have concluded that Dmanisi’s grandfather went without teeth for at least two years before he died.

Dark spots on the skull indicate that the specimen was sick. “We don’t know what disease it had; it could have been syphilis, but that’s something we still have to investigate,” Lordkipanidze said yesterday.

The fact that the front of the jaw is advanced relative to the face confirms that he was an old man, since “in humans, the jaw tends to develop forwards throughout life,” explained Bienvenido Martínez, a paleontologist at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili who is participating in the research at Dmanisi.

Lordkipanidze cautions that it is not known whether the teeth fell out due to old age or disease. However, the researchers are not aware of any disease that could cause the entire dentition to fall out, as in the Georgian specimen. “That’s something we also have to investigate,” he acknowledges. It has not yet been determined to which species the fossils from Dmanisi belong. Lordkipanidze states that it is a new species descended from Homo erectus that later spread across Asia.

Since he lacked his teeth, the Dmanisi elf was only able to eat soft food. His menu could be wild fruits such as blackberries and berries, but they can only be found in the latitudes of Dmanisi for a few weeks a year, or bird eggs such as that of a giant bouquet, whose remains were found in Dmanisi. It could also contain eggs of birds such as a giant bouquet, the remains of which were found in Dmanisi, and "probably", according to Lordkipanidze, "they took soft parts such as bone marrow and brain" from the animals that the group hunted or captured Meat of these animals. However, since they could not chew it and their primitive stone tools were not used to shred the meat, "it is possible that someone else chews the meat first and gave them it," said Robert Sala, archaeologist at the Rovira I Virgili University.

One of the pictures that Lordkipanidze presented in Barcelona yesterday shows an adult who feeds the old man. We do not know whether this scene really took place, ”warned the researcher. At the moment it is a hypothesis. But I am pleased that I can contribute something positive and not just elements of aggression to research the evolution of human behavior ”.

Lived 1. 8 million years earlier the oldest toothless hominide in the world was found in Georgia

Europa Press/El Mundo, April 7, 2005-04-07 http://www. elmundo. es/elmundo/2005/06/ciencia/1112800746. html

Paleontologist David Lordkipanidze, head of the excavations in Dmanisi, with a reconstruction of the skull (photo: EFE).

During the excavations in Dmananisi (Georgia), a skull and an associated jaw that could belong to the oldest toothless hominids in the world were found. The discovery has shown that these primitive beings, 1. 8 million years ago, helped each other.

The discovery of this skull is added to the three others, which were previously discovered in the same place and that were all small. The head of the excavations, David Lordkipanidze, said in Barcelona that the discovery of this skull in 2002, whose details were published this week in the Nature journal, made it possible for us to find out that the hominids of these species have "helped" each other to ensure their survival.

This specialist commented that the skull belongs to the species Homo Georgicus, who lived 1. 8 million years ago "in a tough and difficult environment", so in his opinion "it was necessary for them to help each other" to avoid attacks from "dangerous animals ". However, he stated that there is no evidence of this cooperation, but only a hypothesis.

When it comes to the fact that this individual did not have teeth, Lordkipanidze said that in addition to age "is another reason", even though he added "it is still too early to say". "The excavations in Dmanisi confirm previous ideas, but have not yet given any other answers," he said.

Although the skull was found in 2002, it was only last year that the associated jaw was found. This skull is very similar to those previously found on site, but it has the peculiar feature that it lacks teeth.

One of the questions the researchers ask is how this hominide consumed food without teeth, as "it is not quite clear to us that they ate soft food".

Pēc Izrakumu Vadītāja Teikcture, Kurš Teica, Ka Viņš Nezina, Vai Šis Zobu Trūkums Warētu Būt Patoloģijas Rezultāts, žokļa Pētījumi, Kas joprojās, Liefin JIS Visus Zobus, IZņMOT VIENU GABALU.

Izrakumos atklāti tikai 2 % no vietas

Šis Speciālists, Kurš Ir apmeklainten Barselonas Zinātnes Muzeju Kosmocaixa, Komentēja, Ka Līdz Šim Izrakti Tikai 2 % Vietas, Tāpēc Viņš Irņš Irpārliecināts, ka "tuvākajaja jostas.

Dmanisi Atradnē, Kas Atrodas Eirāzijas Republikā Gruzijā, IR ATKLALSTS Hominīdu, Faunas Un Arheoloģiskais Materiāls, KAS LIECINA PAR Primitīvā Gay Klātbūtni āRpus āms āmies 1, 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777.

Pasākumā piedalījās arī maternal diputació de barcelona paleontoloģijas Institute Director's un starptautiskās Comandas Dmanisi Dalībnieks Jordi Agustí, Kurš Uzsv correct Jomas Director Jorge Wagensberg.

2007. Gada September 20

Senie Eiropieši Warja Kāpt coconut

Photo: 1. 77 Miljonus Gadu Vecs Augšstilba Kauls (Gruzijas Nacionālais Muzejs).

New skeletal remains of Georgia Man, a hominin who lived there 1. 77 million years ago, show a surprising mix of archaic and modern traits, and among the former is a greater ability to climb trees. The great variety found in these specimens of the oldest known Homo genus outside of Africa.

Primitive features include short stature and a small brain, while modern features include body proportions similar to those of modern humans and a bone shape that indicates the ability to move over long distances, the paleontologists, led by David Lordkipanidze, explain in Nature today. The team includes several Spanish experts, who regularly collaborate with Lordkipanidze's group, supported by the Duques de Soria Foundation.

Viens no hems, Jordi Agustí no Rovira i Virgili universitases, vakar pačtejroja, ka atrastātās tīlākas sukēti, ka, lai gan no vidukļa uz leju šims hominīdiem jau bija vuļuų struktura, no vidukļa uz upsų tie bija vānų saviim sīmātājiem Afrikaa priekštečiem - australopitekiem un The first homo habilis forms, says Efe. The difference between the human and the human race is that the locitas are twisted, so that "the hominids still have greater abilities than we do," says Agustī.

Dmanisi atradne, where the first human skull was discovered in 1999, is the main view of hominīdu expansion in Africa. No vienas puses, tas këspa par milionu gadu pärceļ izceļošanas datutu, un, no otras puses, tas mekēti, ka pirmie hominīdi, kas lijaja Eirāziju, bija váds primitīvāki un polypārītīvāki, neka įkānā pīves.

Dmanisi hominīdus was considered a pair of Homo habilis and Homo erectus in the middle of the plašā pāšā, un, probļu, tie ir H. erectus priekšteči outside Africa. Paleontology šoreiz atturejės savā skrīva citēt provisorisko sugas nadumu Homo georgicus.

Šaltinis: El País. com, 2007 m. September 20 d. Nuoroda: http://www. elpais. com/articulo/sociedad/europeos/antiguos /podian/trepar/arboles/elpepusoc/20070920elpepisoc_6/Tes

Rasti archeologiniai radiniai, svetnišantys vetoniška Avilos miesto praeitį.

Nuotraukoje: Dalis radinių, rastų restauroujant Avilos půdų vincentiečių vienuolyną. / JÓNATHAN MARTIN

The discoveries were made in connection with the rebuilding of two buildings belonging to the regional administration. 34 tombstones from the 17th to 19th centuries have been found in Santa Ana.

By Sonia Andrino, El Norte de Castilla, April 6, 2005


Vincentian Monastery

A stratigraphic sequence of 2. 5 meters, granite blocks, walls from an imperial building, a Roman glass furnace, Visigothic slate, materials from the Middle Ages and remains from the 16th century, including documentation of a cistern, have been found.

Santa Ana Monastery

34 tombstones from the 17th to the 19th century, including the tombstone of one of Queen Isabella the Catholic's maids.

The work carried out in two buildings belonging to the regional administration of Ávila - the former Santa Ana Convent and the Padres Paúles Convent, both located in the capital - have revealed an important archaeological find that helps to understand the history of the city.

W klasztorze Ojców Wincentynów, w korzy Junta zainwestowała prawie ssiecz milioni euro w celu jego renowacji i przeniesienia 120 urzędników państwowych, przeprowadzono czteromisieczny projekt. Prace polegały na wykopaniu ponad sixekset metrę kwadradowych między trzema dziedzińcami terenu, korie pościę pością zajęte przez nowe budynki.

Pozóg archeologist Soledad Estremery, who badała szczątki, the most important aspect is two, że udokumentowano seksenię stratygraficzną o długąż prawie 2. 5 metra, oświęcą cą praktiskiej kłowy history miasta Ávila, od okresu rdzennego, tj. wetońskiego. Fakt ten tłumaczy się odkryciem podziemnych struktur wykorzystywanych jako silosy, w tym szężych ośrodowści ściani i „dość znacznej szłości małtyły”, which confirms the presence of Wetonów w stolicy między 70 r. p. n. e. a I wiekiem naszej ery.

Lai gan šī hipotēze, ka ķeltu cietokšnu Las Cogotas un Ulaca iezīvotāji pārcelela uz siluju, sārjot Adaja lījenumu, jau tika apswerta, niemot bārheologigos atradumus, kas vaasa Plaza del Mercado Grande, sīse Īnāres jeuts vetoņu vetoņu galvaspilsētā 1. gs. p. m. on the other hand, reports Europa Press.

The underground structures used as silos, possible pits of cottages, remains of walls, and materials revealing the presence of locals in this part of the city, very close to the wall, from the vetonian period, were also found.

Roman glass furnace

During the work in the Venetian Monastery, a number of Roman buildings were found: granite boulders, at which time use as quarries, hig h-style building walls and glass stoves, which are also dated to the I and II centuries. Subsequent visual style structures or levels were also found, such as slate panels typical of the period. There are also early and late medieval structures and a great deal of material to detect kitchens and warehouses of that period, as well as other more modern remains, from the 16th century, which corresponds to what is left of the old águila-Bracamonte Family House. used the Paúles Monastery. During this period, the archaeologist emphasized the documentary tank, probably from the palace filled with the 17th century. materials that indicate a high standard of living in the palace at the time.

ن Schwin أخ? 0. 000 waiting.

خلاال ، ا الثlement ر أ ، ، بـ بـ? اءة ube ث> urtلidence urtتاds urtد> وا any والدانت كانت م اECطً اunic ثا ثا ثا ثانتاطً. كانت الcer ف→ حالة Čن الاهت الشدvest ولببا ا لerve → الlish ق? اءة ى نصفها فقط فقط فقط فقط فقط فقط فقط فقط فقط فقط فقط فقط ق ق ق. نت> ، ، ، اكتشاف أن أن ص> ال all إION إاباباثاثاثvest إحدى إحدى ص ص> ; أ< فت ل لidence ا الدlement ، ب+ ب ا ا الicle ه→ م next الأlement ن القlement القlement الساد ش? أ الساب شش.

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New Paleoh Spanish magazines (IV-III Millennium BC): Huelva Liniowa (or Huelva 1), Huelva Kwadratowa (or Huelva 2) and Huelva Geometric (or Huelva 3).

Photo: Rozstyk on onion paper made by Cerdán in 1946. 24 characters of the Huelva 1 magazine, linear or type "San Bartolomé de la Torre". Report from excavations prepared by Cerdán. An object with an unknown application, a possible tool for polishing vulva or arrows, with a megalithic Huelva 1, "San Bartolomé de la Torre" or "line", Huelva. IV-III Millennium BC And other magazine, square, Huelva 2 or "Zarait type", as we can call them, which is located on a small ceramic vessel, on the side, also staged at the Archaeological Museum in Huelva. The third type, which I am not sure, may correspond to a series of characters engraved on a small jar. They are so geometric that they can only be decorative. But they are there and you can assess their meaning as letters or not. I would call it Huelva 3 or "geometric".

(Abstract of March 29, 2005: In the print in the journal Arqueology, Madrid. Considering the novelty of the topic, please quote the source of this website, author and magazine Arqueología en Prensa).

Dr. Ana MŁ. Vázquez Hoys Uned, Madrid, Spain

Interneto svetainė: http://www. uned. es/geo-1-historia-antigua-universal/escrituras_paleohispanicas_huelva%201%20y%202. htm

Dar Visai Neseniai Aukščiausios chronologijos archeologiname context paleoispanų rašmensys atitiko VIII a., Metu pastearo - 900 m. Pr. m. E, Nors Spaudoje Teko SkaitiTi IR Apie Ispanijoje Atrastus Rašto Ženklus, Susijusius su Dolmenais Malagos Provincijoje, Kuriuos Atrado Professorius Muñoz Gambero, O Cerro de la Tortuga, Šalia Karinės Rezidencijos Castin Šimtmečio Pradžioje Kasinėjo Muñoz Gambero, TIK 1998 m. Buvo Baigtas Pirmasis Šioje Vietovėje Rastų Akmenų Epigrafinių Tyrimų, Iš Pradžių Vadintų "Insultūra", Stadas.

Reviewing the materials exhibited at the Huelva Archaeological Museum, taking into account the new news on the Wincha writings on the banks of the Danube, whose chronology began about 4, 500 years BC and recently reached 7, 000 years before our era, I decided to review the documentation I had for several years at the Huelva Archaeological Museum The exhibited works, taking into account the text of the Strabon that the Turkish had six thousand years old laws in verses.

So I came to some amazing conclusions that I did not hesitate to inform the press and the scientific community as a whole, and which are currently published in Spanish in Arqueologia magazine and which I will publish in English as soon as I translate them: at least DVI (or several) types of writing existed during the megalithic period in the megalithic period in the megalithic period. , which was very different from each other. These types of articles have been published since 1946 as "Iberian Articles".

However, I've never seen them quoted as such, possibly due to high chronology. I think the new Danube articles make them at least take into account and look for more data. Especially since its discoverer, Mr Cerdan, has previously stated that the objects that accompany them have similarities to the objects of "Danube" cultures.

De Meest Lineaire, Die IK Huelva 1 of San Bartolomé de la Torre Type Zou Noemen, Bestaat UIT 24 Teens. Hoewel Het Chronologisch Moderner is Dan de Donau Schriften, Ligt Het Belang Ervan in Het Feit Dat Dat Zallemaal OP Hetzelfde Voorwerp Staan, Terwijl Het Weinige dat van de Vinça schriften me op het Internet Over Het Verschijnen in Gianitza, In Medonië van drie schrijflijnen Gedateerd OP 7000 Voor Christus.

(Ointment's op het web) voorwerp van onbekend gebra, mogelijk vulva of pijlijpgereedschap, met megalithisch schrift huelva 1, Type "San Bartholomé de la Torre" of "Lineal", Huelva. IV-III Millennium v. chr.

Huelva 2, Vierkant of "Zarcita Type".

And another pattern, square, Huelva 2 or "Zarcita type", as we can call it, found in a small ceramic container, on the side, also exhibited at the Huelva Archaeological Museum, as well as from Cerdán's excavations in 1946. And his published as Iberian writings that no one has noticed so far, perhaps due to high chronology, but proven written systems in Vinsa's Neolithic culture, in the Danube region, forces us to appreciate positively because the Huelva pattern system is unfortunately about a thousand years later , although I hope that much older signs that have been considered only jewelry, often ritual in nature will soon be found or appreciated.

Huelva 3 or "geometric".

The third type that I am not so sure can match a series of signs carved on a small container. They are so geometric that they can only be decorative. However, they are there, and their meaning as a writing or not can be evaluated. I would call it Huelva 3 or "geometric".

There is also an idol plate with a spik e-shaped sign (possibly OE 14) and other shapes. The chronology of this article is more modern than the previous - the 10t h-20th centuries. pr. m. e. (see online).

And now, if we are already asking, I think we should appreciate the provincial dolmens engraving, at least the ones I know about the Soto Dolmen I have not visited because it is closed to the public. (See photo online) engraved signs in Soto Dolmene, Triguire, Huelva.

This type of writing has nothing to do with the s o-called "Tartes" or Andalusian characters in neither chronologically nor form, as can be seen from the graffit i-visible graffiti in the photos below, or with other paleoispanic characters that I also provided below.

Also with the Greek collection of the museum's graffiti, including the Greek pattern below, the oldest Greek pattern on the Pyrenees Peninsula.

Tartesia graffiti. Archeology Museum. Huelva (see online)

Understandably, detailed information, quotes, excavations, publications, sketches, etc. t. can be found in the said article in the press. They go to the above article in the press, which will soon be published, including the Haartman sign OE 47, which is also found on a single plate and which has always been considered "sun".

I hope this first news will cause the various researchers of old writings in general, and of Paleo-Hispanese writings in particular, will address the subject, as it increases the chronology of the beginning of the scriptures on the Iberian Peninsula to at least two or three thousand years .

What has also caught my attention is the similarity between some of the characters in the Spanish writings and Danubs, such as OE 58 and the famous Iberian KO (double triangle connected at the apex), or that OE 50 are two small wedges, since that is a hypothesis that the mesopotamic wedge script may come from these scriptures.

And of course, the signposted signs of the image of the Virgin of Lledó, the patron saint of Castellón, must be evaluated in some way, because they appear to be signs of a print, the least "weird". At least the co-sign is sublusitan. And it can clearly be seen in the attached drawing (look online).

So, new findings, new theories, new chronologies. And perhaps revision of many assumptions rooted in time.

Ex oriente lux? Or vice versa. "Ex Occidte lux". Why not consider "the other way around", considering that Megalithic chronology is older in the West than in the East?

Ich Glaube, Dass Die Möglicheiten IMM's sind und dass wir studies, viel nachdenken, Forschen, uns an die "Gesetze in Versen" des Textes von Strabo (6, 000? V. Chr ") Erinern und das" Puzzle "Aus Anderen Gesichhtpunkten Zusammensetzen Müssen, Die Wir Bisher Nicht Berücksichtigt Haben.

Haarmann H., Frühe Zivilization und alphabetisierung in Europe. An Inquiry Into Cultural Continuity in the Mediterranean World, Berlino, New York, 1995 - Tab. 32.

Details der Referencezfotos Vergrößert IM forum terrae antiqvae, abschnite; Photos, Order; Megalithische Schrifut.

Sherry. Die Enfaltung Von Arcos Bring Eine Römische Villa Aus them 1.

Photo: Inhabited. Die wand der räume my einer amphore, die zur aufbewahrung von Öl Oder Wein dietary. Die Archäologen Arbeiten An Einer Dreitausend Quadrater Großen Ausgrabungsstätte in der Nähe von Torremelgarejo, in der Sich Ein Großer, Sechs meter hohered hera keramicofen und a mühlstein felt.

The first Roman villa for purely agricultural purposes, dating from the 1st century AD, has come to light during work on the dual carriageway from Jerez to Arcos. The Provincial Delegation of Culture, responsible for the work that has been underway for several months, has given high priority to this site, which is considered to be of enormous importance because it provides information on domestic production at the time. Until now, the existence of several villas of this type was known, but this is the first to be excavated and documented.

By Pedro Ingelmo, Diario de Jerez, 3 April 2005.

Pedro Carretero, director of the excavation, explains finds of great interest to historians of the time, such as the amphorae that did not contain garum (salted fish), which has been documented so far in the ceramics from the excavations on the coast, but oil and wine. “We know that in Roman times the entire area of ​​Los Garciagos was a large olive grove, although there were also vineyards. The amphorae we have found could have contained oil or wine, which we will discover later. This excavation will provide us with data on the Roman rural villas, which were self-sufficient and had a family of free people and the rest were slaves. All this organization can now be studied in the field and will provide us with new economic indicators regarding what Roman life was like in the area, beyond what we know of other more documented areas, always close to the sea”.

And that is not because there was a lack of water. The location of the villa is that of a nucleus that was no more than two hundred meters from what must have been a marshland, the Llanos de Caulina. Archaeologists do not rule out that there was even a jetty. What is certain, given the water level, is that they had plenty of water, although it is certain that their activity was entirely agricultural.

The most important finds include a large oven with a diameter of six meters and a millstone. The latter will be dug up and sent to the Provincial Museum, which will decide on the final location, possibly in the Archaeological Museum of Jerez. What has been excavated so far is known that tw o-thirds of the excavated surface belonged to industrial activity and the rest of a house, which cannot be seen in mosaics on the floor, as usual, but to stucco that later a different destination would have had.

This villa served as a quarry for the construction of the defense tower to which Torremelgarejo owes its name. In the tower, the archaeologists not only found that the stones were completely from the constructions of the agricultural village, but they have also been able to verify that the joints were filled with pieces of amphora. These are the stones that are still missing to complete the puzzle next to the road to Arcos.

Other sociological data is not known because no accompanying Necropolis has been found. There are burials, but they are of a later date and do not provide information about life in the village or the number of individuals who may have lived in the different generations that the settlement inhabited.

In any case, the excavation does not covers the entire site, which extends on both sides, but that cannot be edited because it is outside the area owned by the Junta de Andalucía for the expansion of the road.

Pedro Carretero, who believes that the work is at a good pace and can be completed in no more than three weeks, wanted to emphasize that “there is no doubt that we are dealing with an exceptional case of archaeological importance so far That will be known over time ”.

Alicante. La Vila reconstructs a Greek ship from the 5th century BC.

Photo: This unusual piece in Iberia was characteristic of the Black Sea.

Poble Nou. The discovery was found in the Necropolis in 2004.

La Vila Joiosa City Council Archeology, Ethnography and Museum Division restored a "exclusive" Greek vase dating back to the 5th century. pr. m. e. Pierre Rouillard, Director of the National Scientific Research Center (CNRS) Institute for Maison René Gnouvés, emphasized the exclusivity of the article in the context of the Pyrenees, considering that craters decorated with Amazons were sold on the Black Sea shores. The legend of the legend is that they had the arrival of men to have offspring and then sacrificed their male children.

Mónica Torrente, La Vila Joiosa, Levante. 2005 April 3

The nodarboshanās be afraid of the medium un hot, un viņi beaver. Vēsture rides, what amphis amplitude is one breast, tā ungrauztu shoots; Viņu Ierochus fear Loki, Bult, Cirvji, āmuri un semmēness forms Vaurogs. Amazons Piedalījās Trojan karā, Palīdzot Troy Pillytai; Skanu kajisjs kaujaja nogalāja nations Queen penthesilu. Aina, Kurālaot Amazones, and not passed, his wire parādās miera stamoklī, it likes, not all the tās, a patchy, proto, warojot, "northern Franch u dionīsu.

There are different types of craters: this is columnar, which is due to the shape of the handles. As Rouillard emphasizes, this model in Spain is very rare ”. These vessels were used to mix wine and water because the Greeks believed that drinking wine was only a custom of barbarians. Roudillard, one of the world's leading experts for Greek ceramics, also leads an excavation in the community as part of the French-Spanish project "Villajoyosa Ibérica". The play will be exhibited in April, May and June in the Archaeology Hall of La Vila Joiosa, with audiovisual support in five languages ​​(Spanish, Valencian, English, French and German). “Every three months a piece is selected that we have found and restored in our community so that the public can admire it. We had to proceed in order to be able to show all finds that we are due to the small size of the site, ”said the city councilor for culture, Loli Such, and added that La Vila Joiosa needs an archaeological museum,” we check the project Because it is very important to us. We have increased the staff of this department for an archaeologist and an additional restorer, and we have space problems ”.

Reduction of 80 pieces

"Restauravimas Buvo Labai Sudset, NES Reikėjo Iš Naujo Sudėti Daugeau Kaip 80 Fragmentų", - Paaiškino Vilero Tarybos Restauratorė María José Velázquez. Indas Buvo Rastas 2004 M. Kasinėjant Poble Nou Kapines, Kuriose Rasta Iki 2600 Metų Senumo Palaikų. Norint Atkurti Kai Kurias Trūkstamas Dalis, Reikėjo Atlikti Tyrimus Specializuotose Bibliotkose I apsilankyti Madrido nacionaliniaME Archeologijos Muziejuje, Kuriamen Sukhaustia Graikų Keramikos Kolekcijoje.

Ikikolumbinių Ir Faraonų Kultūrų Paralelės: Wildung

Nuotraukoje: Meksiko Nacionalinio Antropologijos Muziejaus, curia name Kovo 28 d. Atidaroma paroda "Faraonas: Saulės Kultas Senovės Egipte", Salės Vaizdas. (2) Dviguba Faraono Niuserros Statula, Datuojama 2390 m. Pr. m. e., Vienas Iš 152 Parodos “Faraonas.

Precolumbia and Pharaoh Egyptian culture have architectural and religious parallels and similarities that provide "impressive" assumptions about the origin of human culture, said Dietrich Wildung, director of the Egyptian Museum in Berlin.

However, anthropology and archeology have proven that there is no direct relationship between the two cultures, said Wildung, curator of the exhibition "Pharaoh: The Sun Cult in Ancient Egypt" on March 28 at the Berlin National Anthropology Museum.

Mexico City (Notimex) - March 23, 2005

During the viewing of the exhibition, the German expert explained that these similarities include the forms of pyramids and the hieroglyphic writing and the role of the sun as the central form of religion.

Wildung, who is accompanied by his wife and colleague, Sylvia Schoske, director of the Munich State Museum of Art, from which part of the collection came from, noting that they had traveled to this country a year and a half ago to study Mexican cultures and find it line that leads them to this exhibition.

Die as, Zei hij, was de cultus van de zon, omdat in beide culturele opvattingen de belangrijkste verriering de zon was, en in hect Manifestation van de Mensen.

Verdeeld Over 14 secties, Verdeeld over meer Dan 1. 200 Vierkante Meter, Biedt de Tentoonstelling, Die Tot Volgend Jaar Juni Toegankel e as van de tentoonsstelling tot but Complexe religiositeit van deze beschaving.

In de met de computer ontworpen zaal “ritueel en aanbidding” kunnen bezoekers inerte stukken zien van priesters en goddelijke figuren die hun toewijding aan de hoogste egyptische godheid demonstreren.

Deze Manifestation, Leg Schoske Uit, Was Heel Gewoon OnDer De Leden Van Deze Beschaving, Die Hun Gebeden Tot de Zon Richtten Terwijl Ze de Calciettenen Sculptuur Aanraakten, Zoals die van Thutmosis III die in Deze Tentoonstelling

But Materiële Voorstellingen van HUN GODHEDEN, BENADRUKTE HIJ, WAREN Typisch Zoömorf (Half Mens en Half Dier) en Hadden Niets te Mason Met He Mason Dat de Egyptenaren Hun Goden Op Deze Manier Zagen, Maar Met "de Interprettyie die de Kunstenaaars Era.

For example, the exhibition contains pieces from the 18th dynasty, such as the colossal head of King Tutankhamun with a diameter of two meters, the cub e-shaped image of Sesenmut, a head of Nefertiti in its adulthood and a 3. 5 meter high obelisk that Germany never has before to leave.

The exhibition also contains a representation of the God Horus, the Sarcophagus of Anch-Hor, which weighs six tons, as well as a papyrus from the Ptolemic period of almost 10 meters long, which represents the arrival of the dead in the underworld.

The halls that are part of the exhibition include: "The silhouette of the sun god", "The birth of the sun god", "The protectors of the sun god", "The Pyramid", "Sunfaroos", "Priesters", "Moon gods", "dualism and the sun god" and "nature".

Parallel to the exhibition of more than 150 Egyptian artworks, the National Anthropological Museum and the Mexican Egyptological Association will organize various conferences and activities with regard to the cult of the sun in ancient Egypt.

Today Pharaoh opens: the cult of the sun in ancient Egypt, in which pieces from museums in Berlin and Munich are exhibited together for the first time in 400 years.

By Antimio Cruz, El Universal, March 28, 2005

Уникален, неκорим и излююително мексикански. Така директорът на еκrepreneurs муatch в в брлин дитрих вил + оисва иimesges която ще ъъе открита днес в 19:00 ч ч. в националния антро folds

Думите на вилдун advance содкреiately'sientest глава на тутанкамон така нареtionената зелена герлин нико advances зможно, защото муardsт, в който се намират, оконROUCHIC BUS затвори врати земонт на 28 феврни минаetersconата година.

Вisionоро, за ъърви ъът в в мексико съъъират заедно етати оолекците в ANED грирани несависимо е lunchа от дру advanceers в поginжение на 400 години. А мно reprs от от оулards, които сонесени тук, са суциално подбрани зади аналоиииненораealth

Тук можете да видите насер скулrepreneurs нAR амо н-ра, който седи нода съ:3ъооеink - скенurity imes среards предколуealth божества ", подчертава AMZ exister на eeа изож201та в ексклуивнтервю.

"This is a very happy moment, as many factors have led to the first Egyptian exhibition in Mexico, the theme axis of which is the cult of the sun, which Egypt has fostered with the Mayans and Aztecs, but that has never been the basis for exhibitions or books on Egypt," he explains, "he explains ;

Wildung, editor, lecturer, lecturer and head of excavation in Egypt and Sudan, says he is a return to "old love" for this 150 exhibits because he wanted to study mezoamerika archeology in his youth, but since Germany did not exist, he chose research in North Africa.

The Egyptian Museum in Berlin is currently stored in 35, 000 archaeological exhibits and 60, 000 papyrus from the Nile coast.

The first exhibits came here in 1696 and were acquired by the Count of Brandenburg. At the request of the Prussian Manor, the city of Munich bought the first Egyptian exhibits at the request of the Prussian Manor in 1590.

Trotz des Interreses an den Kulturen des Nils ist der Eigentliche any für die ägyptologie in deutschland indirect auch mit mexiko verbunden, Denn EU War Alexander von Humboldt, der Dies Land Besucht Hatte Richard Lames Nach ägypten Zu Finanzieren, Sagt er.

Launches, Der Dank des Steins von Rosette Einer Der Erten Europäer War, Der ägyptistche Hieroglyphen übersetzen, Unnernahm Zwischen 1842 UD 1845 EINE Expedition, AUF der Er 1 500 Archäologische Artefakte Sammelte Und Zur Gründung des Berliner Museums Beitrugen ;

IM 19. Und 20. Jahrhundert Genehmigten Die ägyPter Ausngrabungen und Die Ausfuhr von Artefakten Im Rahmen von Abkommen, and Denen Ihr Land Die Hälfte der Funde Behielt.

Dies änderte Sich Mit Dem 1984 Erlassenen Gesetz, Das Die Ausfuhr von Artefakten Stoppte. Heute Konentrieren Sich Die Bemühungen Mehr Auf Das Studium der Sammlungen und Die Articulation von Discursen Wie dem in mexiko, Erklärt er.

Er Erinnert Daran, Dass Vor der Entdeckung des grabes von Pakal in Palenque, Chiap, Gesagt Wurde, Die Mes o-American Pyramiden Seiene Keine Gräber, Aber Diese Entyckung Eröffnete Dakschung Darüber Erke Entwicelten.

"One of the additional values ​​of this exhibition will be that when looking at Egyptian and Mayan or Aztec works, it will be possible to see that the human mind has common archetypes and that we ultimately come from common roots," he emphasizes.

The Pharaoh: Sun Cult in Ancient Egypt exhibition is open to the public from tomorrow at the National Museum of Anthropology.

Nefertiti's stay in Berlin is legal

The Egyptian Museum in Germany was "exported" by agreement, says Dietrich Wildung, director of the Egyptian Museum in Germany.

Antimio Cruz, El Universal, 2005 March 28

Уникален, неκорим и излююително мексикански. Така директорът на еκrepreneurs муatch в в брлин дитрих вил + оисва иimesges която ще ъъе открита днес в 19:00 ч ч. в националния антро folds

In an interview in Mexico about the demands of Zahi Hawass, secretary general of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities, to return the image of the queen to his country, the German archaeologist doubts the real motives behind these demands.

"Helaas is er nooit een serieus politik debat geweest over het onderupt, elke keer dat het aan de orde komt is in de vorm van een schandaal en via de media. The legal status of the bust is already clear from the previous century, but it was clear in 1939 that it was a very serious project, but Hitler did not believe it,” he said.

Wildung zegt dat de veranding in de Egyptische wegetigung, die sind 1984 verhindert dat archeologische artefacten uit Egypte worden versedigt, pozitiv is, maar dat de kaipätt van de Hoge Raad voor Oudheden om het hele erfogd te bewaken is overweldigd.

"Aan de ene kant zien we dat er geen seriouse voong wordt ondernomen om illegaal ontvreemde stukken terug te halen en dat ze in besrag worden genomen door de politie, en aan de andere kant is er een grote markt voor vervalste stukken stotan."

Wildung, die toegeeft dat hij ergebiet menningsverschillen heeft met Zahi Hawass vremena diens Indiana Jones-achtige manier van presenteren, wijst erop dat zijn land niet "de slechterik in het verhaal" is.

"We are constantly identifying stolen items in the main market and helping to bring them back to Egypt, as well as we have helped to discover many counterfeit items, for example, one of those that I was asked to investigate four weeks ago and which is supposed to be traded in an irregular way in Kuwait. That's how a complex system has developed, and it's impossible to fight it without the cooperation of the police, archaeologists and the government," he concluded.

Museums are the trench of the world's memory: Dietrich Wildung

In Germany we would like to see how interested Mexicans are in their culture, he says.

By Ericka Montaño Garfias, La Jornada, March 28, 2005

Museums are one of the few trenches that are still over to preserve the cultural memory of humanity, and at the moment we can exclude every crisis, even with the media, says the director of the Egyptian museum in Berlin, Dietrich Wildung, Curator of the large exhibition Pharaoh: the cult of the sun in ancient Egypt, which the audience can visit from Tuesday.

People are more interested in getting close to the original pieces, “to put their eyes on it, to feel them. Being standing is the next step after seeing and reading about the topics. When visiting a museum, a dialogue is created between the viewer and the work, and every visitor has his own experience, they do not have the same feelings because everyone takes their personal context to the museum and in any case influenced in different ways, ”” the specialist says in an interview with La Jornada.

Jis Priduria, Kad Didžioji Tiesa Apie Muziejus Ir Jų Kolekcijas Yra Ta, Kad Kiekvieno žmogaus Susitikimo su originaliais eksponatais Negali Pakeisti Televizija Ar Skaiteymas.

Jis pripažįsta, kad muziejuose fish dar daroma klaidų, o viena iš jų - ilgi textai, lydintys eksponatus bet kuriame muziejuje. "Turime pristatyti kūrinius taip, kad žmonions nesijaust" įpareigoti turu turėti daug informacijos, o vikiau būti ten, priešais savo praeitį ", - sako jis.

Valstyinian Egipto Meno Kolekcijos Miunchene Direktorė Sylvia Schuske Mano, Kad Viena Pagrindinių Problemų, su Kuriomis Susiduria Muziejai Visame Pasaulyje, Kad (Gaunai, JaiGoni, Gaunaii per žiniasklaidos Priemsones Nei Tikrus Objektus, tačiau televizija, kinas ar Kompiuteris "Niekada Negali Pakeisti Originalaus Objekto Atmospheros, Auros".

But “It's a good time for museums, people are more interested in visiting them, even though they still make one of the big mistakes: without going. There is still the idea that you have to see the whole museum. It is better to concentrate on a few objects, to take half an hour or whatever time than to run from room to space. That is very problematic. You have to have time to put the objects into a dialogue. Perhaps it is more interesting to step into dialogue with a single object than with two or three or walk around.

On the side of the museum managers, the mistake in his opinion is to put too many things into the rooms, try to explain everything about every object and to lay out long handouts to read. "To be honest: we can also read at home".

The Museum of Egyptian Art in Berlin and the Munich collection borrowed the 152 pieces that can be admired in Pharaoh. It is a selection of works that are only intended for Mexico, the only country in which they can be visited because they will go directly to Germany when the exhibition ends in July.

Ši paroda antropologijos muziejuje tapo įGyvendinant Projektą, pagal kurį egipto muziejus iš berlyno perkeliamas į muziejų Salą, kur po dauckgelio dešimtmečių bus sujungtos rytų ir vaceri berlyiios kolekcijos.

Šis Projectas Bus Baigtas 2009 M., Kai Baigtas Restruoti Pradinis Pastatas, Kuris BUVO SUGRIAUTAS 1944 M. Eurų, O Muziejų Salos Renovacija - 1. 3 mlrd. Eurų “, - Aiškina Wildungas.

Vien Berlyno Muziejuje Yra 35 000 Eksponatų Ir 60 000 Egipttieškų Papirusų, via Metus Jį Aplanko vidutiniškai 400 000 000 Žmonių, o miuncheno kolekcijoje yra 7 000 Eksponatų ir 80, 000 lankytojų per metus.

Vokietijos Muziejuose, Sako Dietichas Wildungas, Norėtume Matyti Tai, Kas Vyksta Meksikoje, Antropologijos Muziejuje Ir Kitos Muziejuose: Vietos Gyventojų Susidomėjimą Savo Istorijos Pažinimu. "Tai Svajonė Mūsų Muziejams, Kuriuos Beveik Visada Lanko Turistai. Egipto Muziejuje Ar Pergamono Muziejuje 85 Proc. Lankytojų Sudaro Turistai, Kurie Turi Juos Aplankyti, nes Jie įtraukti į Turistinę

“Mēs vēlētos, lai vietējie iedzīvotāji vairāk interests par savu pagātni, jo Klasiskā, ēģiptie fai afrikāņu kultūra pieder mūsu pagātnei.

However, "museums are now, more than ever, places where human cultural memory is stored. We collect what is really important from the past, but also from the present. If we remember what is left of the last century or the last millennium, we have works of art. Politics was lost or forgotten, but cultural monuments remained. What is important to humanity is art and literature, which is why we are one of the few other trenches, "sums up Wildung.

Memories are intertwined between Mexico and Egypt. Two great cultures under the protection of empires.

Jorge Legorreta, La Jornada, March 29, 2005

From today, Tuesday, March 29, the audience will be able to admire 152 works from Germany, which make up the Pharaoh exhibition: the cult of the sun in ancient Egypt, inaugurated yesterday evening at the National Museum of Anthropology by the President of the Republic. What we would like to see in German museums, "said the curator of the Dietrich Wildung exhibition in an interview with La Jornad," is the interest of the local population knowledge of their own history. In this context, we offer the culmination of the analysis carried out by Jorge Legorreta, which was the cultural attaché of Mexico in Cairo.

Hoewel mexico en egypte landen zijn met een vooroduterlijke geschiedenis, werd hun cultuur pas in de 19e eeuw bekend in de westerse wereld. Tot die tijd Hielden de Veroveringen van de Nieuwe Amerikaanse Gebieden, Die Meer op zoek Waren onar Material Dan onar Spirituele Rijkdom, de Kennis van hun culturele erfgoed aan de zijlijn. Tijdens de Nieuwe Imperiale Bezettingen in de 19e eeuw vond de echte culturele ontdekking plaats van de twee grotes Volkeren, de mexicanen en de egyptenaren.

Culturele Ontdekking. Napoleon Bonaparte en humboldt

This 'cultural discovery' by Egypt and Mexico is almost parallel to history. The first by the conquest by Napoleon in 1798 and the second through the journey of Alexander von Humboldt to American areas between 1799 and 1804. One of the most important results of these casual discoveries were two famous works, one for each country that made it possible To spread the cultural riches that existed in both colonies outside the power elites. The first is The Description of Egypt, published between 1809 and 1816; It consists of five parts, three with texts and two with illustrations, the latter now exhibited in the Alexandria library. The other work is Humboldt's own Ensayo Político del Reino de la Nueva España, published in German in 1809 and in French in 1811, with a supplement that appeared years later under the name Atlas Pintoresco De Viaje. View of the mountain ranges and monuments of the native peoples of America. In the knowledge and distribution of both heritage, there was also something in common: the establishment of committees of scientists who sent France with his armies. The conquest of Egypt by Napoleon Bonaparte was accompanied by a committee of scientists in charge of conducting research and, in addition to other tasks, made the aforementioned editorial work possible; And for the same goal, Napoleon III, during the French occupation of Mexico from 1862 to 1867, sent a committee of scientists to conduct the investigation, following the French army.

Egypt in the French intervention in Mexico

While walking through the premises of the army museum in Cairo, in the Citadel, one is struck by a painting in which a long line depicts the movement of the Egyptian army to the port of Veracruz in February 1863. It is an atypical participation of an Egyptian-Sudanese military contingent during the French intervention in Mexico (Sudan was part of Egypt at the time), although no further museographic or historical information is available.

At that time, France and other European empires sought to expand their rule to the American areas, despite the American power that, after the annexation of Mexican territory, took the task of protecting the budding republics against the old European monarchies. This protection of the world was based on the Manifesto Destiny, a concept that appeared in 1845, and on the famous Monroe Doctrine, which the president of the same name has announced since 1824 and who summarizes "America for the Americans". Nevertheless, Napoleon III of France, supported by Spain and England, decided to intervene in Mexico in 1862. Just as every imperial war has its pretext, the debt moratorium of President Benito Juárez was the case here. With the ships of the three powers on the coast of Veracruz, Mexico was forced to negotiate, as a result of which the latter countries withdrew. This did not apply to France, which ran other goals from the start. Emperor Napoleon III explained these goals in a letter to his ambassador in London, Count Flahault, whom he handed over to Lord Palmerson, the British Prime Minister, and he was recorded by historian Margarita Martinez: “It is useless to elaborate on this The common interest that we have in Europe with a pacified Mexico with a stable government. On the one hand, this country has attracted many of our capitals and citizens with all the advantages of nature.

He received French military support, supported by small Belgian and Austrian units, and to this was added the Egyptian-Sudanese troops “lent to France by the Governor of Egypt.” Fernando del Paso writes that “Faurey led two divisions and threw 28, 000 men into Mexican territory (. ) to which were added nearly 7, 000 men and Nubian and Egyptian contingents” (Noticias del Imperio, El Colegio Nacional and FCE, 2000, p. 152). Es ist interessant, einen ägyptischen Bericht über die Begleitung der französischen Invasion in Mexiko durch die Armee abzuschreiben: „Infolge der Revolutionen und der instabilen Regierungsverhältnisse drangen französische Streitkräfte mit zusätzlicher Verstärkung im Juni 1863 in Mexik o-Stadt ein, und aufgrund der großen Freundschaft zwischen Ägypten und Frankreich bat Napoleon III. den König (Wali) um eine ägyptisch-sudanesische Truppe zur Unterstützung der französischen Streitkräfte. Eine ägyptisch-sudanesische Infanterie verließ am 8. Januar 1863 den Hafen von Alexandria, segelte über den Atlantik und traf am 23. Februar 1863 im Hafen von Veracruz ein. Die Seereise dauerte 47 Tage. Zu den glorreichen Taten gehörte auch die Sicherheit der Kaiserin von Mexiko (Carlota) bei ihrem Besuch in Veracruz. It's like a siege, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it again in Paris am 2. Mai 1867 von Kaiser Napoleon III. in Anerkennung ihres Könnens und ihrer Tapferkeit ausgezeichnet und belohnt; am 28. Mai 1867 kamen sie in der Heimat an und wurden vom König (Wali) im Hof ​​des Eltin-Palastes empfangen. 48 Tote Soldaten schrieben mit ihrem Blut das Beispiel der Tapferkeit weit weg von der Heimat (dort), wo es den europäischen Streitkräften nicht gelungen war, die Rebellionen in Mexiko zu stoppen“. (Al-Nassr Magazin, Band 696, Juni 1997).

Two significant historical clarifications. First, the common arrival of the Egyptian army in Mexico followed the impressive defeat of the first French contingent led by General Lorenz a year earlier; It is the winner of the Mexica n-winning battle, which, for obvious reasons, is not recorded as it is due to the Paris War Museum, which was won by General Ignacio Zaragos on May 5, 1862. Secondly, the adventurous French intervention, which Napoleon III actually failed, was done using the civil war in the United States at the time, but when it was over, the Northern State promoted Mexican's support for the removal of French troops; It would have been the last military intervention of the European Empire in America. In 1865, Abraham Linkon recognized the government of Benito Huares and demanded the departure of the invaders. Thus, Napoleon III left Maximilian, who was shot dead in June 1867 without French military support; A few months earlier, the occupation troops had gone towards the Atlantic Ocean and, consequently, the Egyptian and Sudanese contingent. In fact, France needed its troops three years later, in 1870, to occupy Prussia, and 15 years later, 1882 to invade her former ally in Egypt, which was the result of the first conflict between European superpowers on the control of the Suez channel - strategic waterway connection which, since its opening, had changed the ruins of the Suez Canal in 1869.

Maksymilian, założyciel mujeów anthropologicznych

The Mexico Anthropology Museum and the Cairo Anthropology Museum were born ran through a legendary character named Ferdinand Maximilian de Hasburg, who ruled Mexico under the protection of French occupation troops between 1864 and 1867. The story is as follows. Many years before Maximilian, the Archduke of Austria, dreaming of becoming Emperor of Mexico, he enjoyed with an unusual taste of a constant passage through the seas of the world. From his Miramar Castle, located in a small port on the current Italo-Slovenian border, he constantly sailing along the Mediterranean's back. In one of his numerous trips, as Admiral and Chief Commander of the Austro-Hungarian fleet, he visited the Call of Saladin in Cairo, where they were exposed, in the public instruction room, some of the archaeological treasures that had survived the massive piles of the European empires. This was one of the first places of what would become the current Cairo Museum, built in the early years of the twentieth century. During this visit, which took place in 1855, the viceroy (Jevide) Abbas Pasha donated to Maximiliano practically the entire collection gathered there, which it transferred to Vienna to be exposed to what would become the first archaeological museum of Egypt, although to have been founded abroad. In fact, in several tourist publications issued in Cairo, it is stated that Egypt's first archaeological museum was, in fact, founded in Vienna. FERNANDO DEL P

Auf Dem Kleinen Kai von Miramar Stehend, Mit Blick Auf Die Blaue Adria, Streichelte Maximilian Den Kopf Der in Stein Gehauenen Sphinx, Die Er Aus ägypten Mitgebracht Hatte.

EINE SOLCHE SPHINX WURDE WUHRSCHEINLICH TEIL DER BERLINER MUSEEN UND IST DIESELBE SPHINX, DIE, AUS DETSCHLAND KOMMEND, AB Heute in Der ägyptischen Ausstellung im nationalen museum für anthropologie zu sehen ist.

However, going back to history, Maximilian, now Emperor of Mexico under the patronage of French Emperor Napoleon III, tried unsuccessfully to establish a large art museum in Mexico City. The failure of the project seems to have been due to the loss of exhibits shipped from Europe in a shipwreck, or to piracy, which was prevalent at the time. It is therefore probable that some of the works given by Egypt were part of that valuable sea cargo which was lost; or that some of them now belong to the Vienna Museum of Art History; or, as mentioned, they were distributed to other cities in Germany.

The truth of this whole story is that Maximilian of Habsburg, who loved the fine arts, was the director of the first Archaeological Museum in Mexico, opened in 1865. July 6 Founder on Monedos Street, near the National Palace; this site was the forerunner of the current National Museum of Anthropology, although strictly speaking the first historical museum was founded in 1824. under the name of the Museum of the Federation of Mexico and was located in the old university.

Thus, Maximus, without knowing it and without seeking it, became the creator and historical bridge of the two most important museums in Mexico and Cairo. But that's not all. The historical parallels do not exclude the similarities between the architectural designs of the two buildings, built 60 years apart. Among the world's great museums, the Museum of Anthropology in Mexico and the Cairo Museum are distinguished by their two-story rectangular buildings with a central courtyard (open in Mexico) through which the museum premises are accessed; in other words, they do not have the labyrinthine plans of, say, the Metropolitan Museum in New York, the Louvre in Paris, or the British Museum in London. The Cairo museum was designed after a competition by French architect Marcel Dourgnon, said to be inspired by classical antiquity and Egyptian temples, with rooms arranged around a large central courtyard. The museum was opened in 1902. November 15 Mexico's National Museum of Anthropology was designed by renowned Mexican architect Pedro Ramírez Vázquez, who, looking for simple routes that would allow visitors to "enter and leave the premises without getting lost", also distributed the rooms around a large central open-air courtyard, where he installed an impressive roof.

Dieses mexikanische Museum wurde am 17. September 1964 eingeweiht. Wie wir in diesen kurzen Artiklen gesehen haben, gibt es viele hnlichkeiten zwischen Mexiko und Ägypten, aber es gibt noch viel mehr zu wissen und zu entdecken.


Elim Rim - Journalist, creative writer

Last modified 24.05.2025

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