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ID online ideas tomb of the Nefertiti slot machines
Faience shell, decorated with a woman with a legacy and a monkey, H. 45 mm, through the. 140 mm, new kingdom, late 18th dynasty, approx. 1400- ca. 1300 v. Chr. (Leiden, Rijksmuseum van Oudheden); Photo credits: Werner Forman/Art Resource, NY
2c. Chronological overview of the kings of the old Eygpt: 28th Dynasty - Roman period.
2c. Chronological representation of the kings of the ancient Eygpt: 28th Dynasty - Roman period
Woman performs an acrobatic dance
Acrobatic dancing woman, limestone ostracon from Deir El-Medina, B. 168 mm, 19th dynasty, approx. 1250 BC. Chr. (Turin, Museo Egizio di Torino); Photo credits: Alinari/Art Resource, NY
Unfinished stone statue of Akhenaten, who kisses his daughter as she sits on his lap
Unfinished stone statue of Akhenaten, who kisses his daughter as she sits on his lap, limestone, H. 395 mm, amarna period. 1373-1353 v. Chr. (Cairo, Egyptian Museum); Photo credits: Werner Forman/Art Resource, NY
Metal workers pour gilded bronze doors
Metal workers who pour gilded bronze doors, detail of a wall painting in the grave of Rewmire, Theben, 18th dynasty, approx. 1450 BC. Chr.; Photo credits: Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY
Carpenters and carpenters at work
Timmerlieden en Schrijnwerkers aan het work, detailed van Een Muurschildering in de Tombe van Rewmire, Thebe, 18e dynasty, approx. 1450 BC. Chr; Photo credit: Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY
Workshopscènes Met Ambachtslieden Zittend Op Location Stronken of Krukjes, Detailed van Een Muurschildering.
WerkplaatsScènes Met Ambachtslieden Zittend OP Location Stronken of Krukjes, Detailed van Een Muurschildering in de Tombbe van Rewmire, Thebe, 18e Dynasty, approx. 1450 BC; Photo credit: Giraudon/Art Resource, NY
Lakenweevers workplaats
Lakenweverswerkplaats, Model Uit de Tombe van Meketre in Thebe, Togerd Hout, 430 × 930 mm, 11e dynasty, approx. 2000 v. Chr. (Caïro, Egyptisch Museum); Photo: Werner Forman/Art Resource, NY
Piramids Bij Gizeh
Piramids Bij Gizeh, 4e Dynasty, approx. 2575- approx. 2465 BC. Chr.; Photo Credit: E. Strouhal/Werner Forman/Art Resource, NY
Witte chapel van sesostris I
Witte Kapel van Sesostris I, Karnak, 12e dynasty, approx. 1918- c. 1875; Reconstructie; Photo credit: Scala/Art Resource, NY
Scripture pallets
Crawling pallets Met Gleuf voor biezen pennet en twee uitsparingen voor koeken met zwart en Rood pigment, hout, uit saqqara (caïro, egyptisch museum); Photo Credit: Scala/Art Resource, NY
Canopic cruiks
Canopic jars, with lids depicting the gods Qebehsenuf, Duamutef, Imsety and Hapy, limestone, 26th Dynasty, ca. 600 BC (Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum); photo credit: Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY
Female servant statuette
Female servant statuette bringing offerings, wood covered with painted plaster, h. 1. 23 m, from the tomb of Meketre at Thebes, 11th Dynasty, ca. 2000 BC (Cairo, Egyptian Museum); photo credit: Scala/Art Resource, NY
Shabti figure of Hor-Khebi
Shabti figure of Hor-Khebi, faience, h. 165 mm, 26th Dynasty, ca. 660 BC (Newark, NJ, Newark Museum); photo credit: The Newark Museum/Art Resource, NY
Falcon Head
Falcon head, gold and obsidian, h. 375 mm, from Hierakonpolis, 6th Dynasty, ca. 2200 BC (Cairo, Egyptian Museum); photo credit: Scala/Art Resource, NY
Arms and Armor Worn by Egyptian Spearmen
Arms and Armor Worn by Egyptian Spearmen, painted wooden model, h. 590 mm, w. 620 mm, from the Tomb of Mesehti at Asyut, 11th Dynasty, ca. 2000 BC (Cairo, Egyptian Museum); photos: Giraudon/Art Resource, NY
Faience Hippopotamus Figurine
Faience Hippopotamus Figurine, Middle Kingdom, ca. 2000-1700 BC (Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum); photos: Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY Chair of Queen Hetepheres I Karalienės Heteferės I kėdė, paauksuotas ir inkrustuotas medis, 795×720 mm, 4-oji dinastija, apie 2551-2528 m. pr. m. e. (Kairas, Egipto muziejus); nuotrauka: Scala/Art Resource, NY Tutanchamono ceremonijų kėdė Tutanchamono iškilminga kėdė, paauksuotas ir inkrustuotas medis, 1. 02×0. 70 m, Naujoji karalystė, apie . 1325 m. pr. m. e. (Kairas, Egipto muziejus); nuotrauka: Scala/Art Resource, NY Medinis šaukštas tepalui Medinis šaukštas tepalui, Naujoji karalystė, XVIII dinastija, apie 1540-apie 1292 m. pr. m. e. (Paryžius, Luvro muziejus); nuotrauka: Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY 2b. Senovės Egipto karalių chronologinė diagrama: 14-27 dinastijos.
2b. Chronologinė schema, kurioje pavaizduoti senovės Egipto karaliai: 14-27 dinastijos Aukų nešėjo statula Aukotojo statula, glazūruotas ir dažytas medis, h. 44 1/8 col. (112. 1 cm), 12-oji dinastija, apie 1985 m. pr. m. e. (Niujorkas, Metropoliteno meno muziejus, Rogerso fondo ir Edwardo S. Harknesso dovana, 1920 m., Accession ID:20. 3. 7); nuotrauka © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/Collections/search-the-collections/100000427 Senovės Egipto žemėlapis; išskiriamos tos sritys, kurios šiame žodyne turi atskirus įrašus.
Senovės Egipto žemėlapis; sritys, turinčios atskirus įrašus šiame žodyne, išskiriamos Kryžminės nuorodos tipas
Narmer Palet '(Recto)
'Narmer Palet' (Recto), Schist, h. 635 mm, from Hierakonpolis, ca. 3000 BC. (Cairo, Egyptian museum); Photo: Werner Forman/Art Resource, NY
2a. Chronological diagram with the kings of ancient Egypt: Paleolithic-13th Dynasty; Ove.
2a. Chronological diagram with the kings of ancient Egypt: Paleolithic-13th Dynasty; Overlapping data in the 12th dynasty are the result of supposed co-regions, the actual existence of which is uncertain.
Stone artists cut an image
Stone artists carve a statue, painted relief from the grave of Kaemrehou (D2), limestone, Saqqara, 4th-5th Dynasty, ca. 2494-2345 BC. (Cairo, Egyptian museum); Photo Credit: Giraudon/Art Resource, NY
The God Horus protects King Nectanebo II
God Horus protects King Nectanebo II, gray brick, h. 71. 1 cm, b. 20. 3 cm, d. 45. 7 cm, 30th dynasty, 360-343 BC. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1934, Accession ID: 34. 2. 1); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/collections/searchthe-collections/100001282
The most important ancient Egyptian deities: (a) Amun; (b) Mut; (c) Khonsu; (d) Isis; (e) Osiri.
ГоловнAR давньоєєиветсrepreneurs божества: (а) амон; (б) мут; (в) хонсу; (г) ісeters; (д) осides; (е) гор; (ж) птах; (з) ануides; (і) ре; (к) тот; (л) бастет; (м) бес
Зоursаження сарен201 II (ліnyору*) з йоral) йо гро201ницook в асуанides, зі збереженим bes слards ориκиicles offers.
Ффура сарен201 II (лeakору ens) з under) й aughter гросуанyle, зі зережененими neigh сutes ффгури, 1 2-та династіong, бл. 1938- C. 1756 р. до н. е. (приidence certainly в п п повину натуральної вели These; фARгура сетоса I (праворуicles) з ob aughter йраму в а з зііотетиною 18-квратною neighs а династі PM, бл. 1292- C. 1190 до н. е. (приidence certainly ety ватуральну велients
Фрагмент настінного розпису з так званої гробниці Небамуна, фрагмент настінного розпису з так званої гробниці Небамуна, Те.
Фраκент настнно…о ро reprs itate з так званої гросницц неrepreneurs, ффагirts а, ффви, висота 458 мм, XVIII династides, бл. 1350 р. до н. е. (Лондон, британсrepreneurs муatch); фото © брит certainly
Папрусна ілюстрацця ауо «вінrepreneels» і зоураженям нахuit, зайнookody ANamsтих ife ANZсrepreneursо advance advance
Папрусна ілюстрацця ауо «вінrepreneels» і зоураженням нахuit, зайнogrх ifeтих ife ANscсrepreneursо advanceо advance, пооииакис reprs 340 м, з «« «ниral мертвих »па advances пусу нахт, кінецlet XVIII динасisionї, 1350-1300 рр. до н. е. (Лондон, британсrepreneurs муatch); фото © The British Museum
Papyrus illustration or 'vignette' with panedjem that makes a sacrifice to Osiris, paint on.
Papyrus illustration or 'vignette' with panedjem that makes a sacrifice to Osiris, paint on papyrus, h. 685 mm, from the Papyrus of Panedjem II, 21st Dynasty, ca. 990-969 BC. (London, British Museum); Photo © The British Museum
Mural painting of a garden, paint on plaster, h. 640 mm, from the s o-called grave of Nebamun.
Mural painting of a garden, paint on plaster, h. 640 mm, from the s o-called grave of Nebamun, Thebes, 18th dynasty, ca. 1350 BC. (London, British Museum); Photo © The British Museum
Nebamun hunts birds in the swamps, excerpt of a mural from the s o-called grave of.
Nebamun hunts birds in the swamps, excerpt of a mural from the s o-called grave of Nebamun, Thebes, h. 830 mm, 18th dynasty, ca. 1350 BC.
Stone craftsman drills a barrel, line drawing of relief in the temple of Sahure, Abusir.
Stone craftsman drills a barrel, line drawing of relief in the temple of Sahure, Abusir, 5th Dynasty, ca. 2450 BC.
Fishing and fishing boat
Βάρκα για ψccεμα και πετονι Some, ξύλο, 115. 5 εκ. (Νέα υόρκη, μητροπολιτι Some μουσείο τέο τέlands, Δωρεά rogers fund και Edward S. Harkness, 1920, Accession Id: 20. 3. 6), φωτογρα © the metropitα © the metropitα © the metropitα © the Metropitα © the Metropitα © the Metropitα ©
Τοίиος της αυλής has sed με παπυροειδείς κίονες, σύμπλεγμα του Djoser, Saqqara, 2ος αι.
Τοίσος της αυλής has sed με μαπυροειδείς κίονες, συγκρίμα του Djoser, σακκuring's 2620 π. nice. ; Πίστωση φωτογραaughter: erich lessing/art resource, ny
ΣiecέΔιο προϊστορικού πλοίου, με σημαία, κλαδί στην πλώρη μοροeper γυναίκας και.
- όπανο- απupt αγγείο naqada II, περ. 3500 π. nice.
Ιερral της neith- απview μια εβένινη πινακίδα του βασιλιά aha, τ την άβυδο, 1η Δυναστεία, περ. 2925 π. nice.
Ιερά του neith- απlight εβένινη πλα του βασιλιuring's aha, αicles την άβυδο, 1η Δυναστεία, περ. 2925 π. nice.
Γκίζα, κάτοψη του ναού της σφίγγας, 4η Δυναστεία: (α) μεγάλη σφίγα-- (β) είσο sight στο te.
Γκίζα, κάτοψη του ναού της σ +γγας, 4η Δυναστεία: (α) μεγάλη σίγγα-- ύν στην αυλή- (Δ) υπαί ground Btion αυλή- (ε) κιονοστοιία-- (στ) σύν groundneyες κάγurity (ζ) εσο tailές.
Έντου, κάτοψ There's του ναού, πτολεμαϊϊ περίοΔος, περ. 237-57 π. ro.: (Α) ιερral με ναcripts (β) εκτάς.
Edfu, floor plan of the temple, Ptolemaic period, approx. 237-57 BC. Chr.: (A) sanctuary with Naos; (b) Offertorium; (c) second hypostyl hall; (d) Large hypostyl hall; (e) courtyard; (f) pylon; (g) Wandelhalle; (h) Holy Brunnen and Nilometer
Private graves of the old and middle kingdom: (a) mastaba in Giza, 4th dynasty, approx. 2500 BC. Chr.
Private graves of the old and middle kingdom: (a) mastaba in Giza, 4th dynasty, around 2500 BC. Chr.; (b) rock grave in Beni Hasan, 12th dynasty, around 1900 BC. Chr.
Private graves of the new empire and the late time: (a) grave in Deir El-Medina, 19th dynasty.
Private graves of the new empire and the late time: (a) grave in Deir el-Medina, 19th dynasty, around 1200 BC. Chr.; (b) Grave of Amenirdis in Medinet Habu, 25th Dynasty, around 750 BC. Chr.; (c) Schachtgräber in Saqqara, 26th dynasty, around 600 BC. Chr.
King's grave of the new empire: grave of Sethos I in Thebes, approx. 1280 BC. Chr.
Royal grave of the new empire: grave of Sethos I in Thebes, around 1280 BC. Chr.
King's grave of the old empire: typical pyramid complex of the 4th dynasty, approx. 2500 BC. Chr.: (A).
King's grave of the old empire: typical pyramid complex of the 4th dynasty, approx. 2500 BC. Chr.: (A) pyramid; (b) Temple of Tops; (c) Dammweg; (d) Talent temple
Egyptian fortresses: (a) boo; (b) Uronarti; (c) Semna.
Egyptian fortresses: (a) boo; (b) Uronarti; (c) Semna
Gizeh, Plattegrond van de Tempeldelederzetting in de Mycerinusvalei, Oud Rijk, approx. 2575-c. 2150 BC. 2150 VC; fro.
Gizeh, Plattegrond van de Tempelenederzetting in de Mycerinusvallei, Oud Koninkrijk, approx. 2575- c. 2150 v. Chr.; Naar Een Tekening van Yvonne Markowitz
Deir El-Medina, Plattegrond van Het Arbeidersdorp, approx. 1292-c. 1075 BC.
Deir El-Medina, Plattegrond van Het Arbeidersdorp, approx. 1292- c. 1075 v. Chr.
El-Amarna, Huis van de Beeldhouwer Thutmosis, approx. 1340 BC. Chr.: (A) to stand Zoals Opgraven in 1914;.
El-Amarna, Huis van de Beeldhouwer Thutmosis, approx. 1340 v. Chr.: (A) to stand Zoals Opgraven in 1914; (b) Perspective reconstructie
Ritereel Figuur
Ritole Figuur, whom Gemeord Cederhout, h. 55. 5 cm, 12e dynasty, approx. 1929-1878 BC. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund and Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1914, Accession ID: 14. 3. 17); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/collections/search-the-collections/100000004
Canting Figuur van Imhotep
Citters Figuur van Imhotep, Brons, Ptolemeïsche period, 304-30 BC. Chr. (Parijs, Musée du Louvre); Photo Credit: Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY
Blokbeeld van Sennefer, Zwart Graniet, h. 898 mm, 18e dynasty, approx. 1450 BC Chr. (Londen, Brit.
Massive statue of Sennefer, black granite, 898 mm high, 18th dynasty, c. 1450 BC. (London, British Museum)- Photo © The British Museum
Massive statue of Senenmut and Neferouris
Massive statue of Serenmut and Neferouris, Gray Granite, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1490-1470 BC. (Cairo, Egyptian Museum)- Credit photo: Werner Forman/Art Resource, NY
Strip of Katep and Heteepheres, painted limestone, Y 475 mm, from Giza, ca. 2300 BC. (Londo.
Doubles of Katep and Heteepheres, painted limestone, h. 475 mm, from Giza, around 2300 BC. (London, British Museum)- Photo © The British Museum
Sitting Statue of Harwa, h. 190 mm, 25th dynasty, ca. 710 BC (London, British Museum)- Phot.
Sitting Statue of Harwa, h. 190 mm, 25th dynasty, ca. 710 BC (London, British Museum)- Photo © The British Museum
Wahibre's kneeling statue offering sacred, polished black basalt, 1. 8 m., Ca. 530 BC. (.
Knowing Statue of Wahibre offering a sacred, polished black basalt, altitude. 1. 8 m, c. 530 BC (London, British Museum)- Photo © The British Museum
Sphinx in Giza
Sphinx in Giza, 73. 5 m long, height 20. 0 m, 4th dynasty, ca. 2500 BC. ; Photo Credit: Vanni/Art Resource, NY
Spare head
Backup head, limestone, 4th dynasty (Vienna, Kunthistorisches Museum)- Photography Credit: Erich lessing/art resource, ny
Acenaton sacrifices a duck
Reliëfsculptuur van Achnaton Die Een Eend Offert, Beschilderde Kalksteen, H. 9 5/8 in. (24. 4 cm), 18de Dynastie, Ca. 1353-1336 v. chr. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Norbert Schimmel, 1985, Accession ID: 1985. 328. 2); Foto © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/collections/search-the-collections/100000252
Predynastisch Vrouwenbeeldje, Ivoor, Naqada I Periode, Ca. 4000-c. 3500 v. chr. 3500 BC (Privécollectie).
Predynastisch Vrouwenbeeldje, Ivoor, Naqada I Periode, Ca. 4000-c. 3500 v. Chr. (Privécollectie); Foto Credit: Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY
Vroeg-Dynastische Foeliekop van Koning Schorpioen, Kalksteen, h. 325 mm, 1st Dynastie, Ca. 2900 v. Chr.
Vroege Dynastieke Foeliekop van Koning Schorpioen, Kalksteen, H. 325 mm, 1st Dynastie, Ca. 2900 v. Chr. (Oxford, Ashmolean Museum); Fotos: Werner Forman/Art Resource, NY
Zittend Standbeeld van Koning Chephren
Zittend Standbeeld van Koning Chephren Uit Het Oude Rijk, Dioriet, H. 1. 68 m, 4e Dynastie, Ca. 2500 v. Chr. (Caïro, Egyptisch Museum); foto: scala/art resource, ny
Beelden uit het oude rijk van rehotpe en nofret
Beelden uit het oude rijk van rehotpe en Nofret, Beschilderde Kalksteen, h. 1. 20 m, 3de dynastie c. 2580 v. Chr. (Caïro, Egyptisch Museum); Foto Credit: Vanni/Art Resource, NY
Image from the old empire
Image from the old empire, painted limestone, h. 537 mm, from the grave of Kai, Saqqara, asked 5th Dynasty, ca. 2450 BC. (Paris, Musée du Louvre); Photo: Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY
Relief from the old empire of butchers who slaughter an ox
Relief from the old empire of butchers who slaughter an ox, painted limestone, h. 250 mm, in the tomb of Idut, Saqqara, 6th Dynasty, ca. 2325- ca. 2150 BC; Photocredit: Werner Forman/Art Resource, NY
Hatsjepsut in the form of a sphinx
Sphinx van Hatsjepsut from the new empire (pre-amarna period), red granite, 1. 31 × 2. 87 m, from Deir El-Bahri, 18th dynasty, ca. 1475 BC. (Berlin, ägyptisches museum); Photocredit: Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz/Art Resource, NY
Statue of Thoetmoses III
Standing statue of Thoetmoses III from the new empire (pre-amarna period), green gray boulder, h. 900 mm, from Karnak, 18th Dynasty, ca. 1475 BC. (Luxor Museum); Photo Credit: Erich Lessing/Art Resource, NY
Standing image of Amenophis IV
Standing image from the new empire (Amarna period) of Amenophis IV (later called Akhenaten), sandstone, h. 4, o m, from Karnak, 18th dynasty, ca. 1350 BC. (Cairo, Egyptian museum); Photo Credit: Scala/Art Resource, NY
Relief from the new empire with Akhenaton, his wife Nefertiti and their three daughters
Relief aus DEH NEICH MIT ENCHATON, Seiner Frau Nofretete und Ihren Drei Töchtern, Bemalter Kalkstein, Aus El-Amarna, 18. Dynasty, UM 1345 BC. (Berlin, ägyptisches museum); Bildnachweis: Bildarchiv Preussischer Kulturbesitz/Art Resource, NY
Tutanchamun Trägt Die Blaue Krone
Tutanchamun Trägt Die Blaue Krone, Indurierter Kalkstein, H. 14. 9 cm, 18. Dynasty, ca. 1336-1327 BC. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1950, Zugettenkennung: 50. 6); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/collections/searchthe-collections/100001013
Königliche Ritualfigur
Königliche Ritualfigur, Holz, H: 21 cm (8 1/4 zoll), 380-221 BC. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Purchase, Anne and John V. Hansen Egyptian Purchase Fund, und Magda Saleh and Jack Josephson Gift, 2003, Accession ID: 2003. 154); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Reliefs aus dem grab von Nes-Peka-Huty
Reliefs aus dem Gab von Nes-Peka-Huty, Kalkstein, 35 x 57 cm (13 3/4 x 22 1/2 zoll), 26. Dynasty, ca. 656-610 BC. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1923, Zugangsnummer: 23. 3. 468); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/collections/searchthe-collections/100005224
Arsinoe II.
Arsinoe Statuete, limestone with gold and color feet, h. 15 inches (38. 1 cm), after the ptolema period, 270. P. M. D. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Foundation, 1920, Accession ID: 20. 2. 21); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/collection/search-the-collections/100002282
Nebhepetra mentuhotepa relief
Nebhepetre mentuhotpe terrain, painted limestone, h. 14 1/8 inches (35. 9 cm), 11th dynasty, around 2040-2010. g. p. m. Ē. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of the Egyptian Research Fund, 1907, Accession ID: 07. 230. 2); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/collection/search-the-collections/100005053
Wall painting depicting a banquet scene, plaster color, 880 × 1190 mm from t. s. t.
Wall painting with a banquet scene, plaster color, 880 × 1190 mm, from the s o-called no n-mushroom tomb, Teba, 18th dynasty, around 1350 BC. (London, British Museum); Photo © The British Museum
Senenmut ostracons
Senenmut Ostracon, painted limestone, 8 7/8 x 7 1/4 inches (22. 5 x 18. 1 cm), AP. 1473-1458 AD. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Foundation, 1936, Accession ID: 36. 3. 252); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/collection/search-the-collections/100004359
Papyrus-Illustration Oder 'Vignette', Die Die Urteil des Königlichen Schreiberi Hunefer im Beisein von Osiris zeigt.
Papyrus-Illustration Oder 'Vignette', Die Die Urteil des Königlichen Schreiberi Hunefer in Der Gegenwart von Osiris zeigt, Farbe Auf Papyrus, H. 390 mm, Aus Dem Totenbuch-Papyrus von Hunefer, Frühe 19. Chr. (London, British Museum); Photo © The British Museum
Papyrus-Illustration Oder "Vignette", Die Die Letzten Riten An der Mumie der Roya zeigt.
Papyrus-Illustration Oder 'Vignette', Die Die Letzten Riten An der Mumie des königlichen schreibers hunefer zeigt, bevor sie in das grab gelgt wird, farbe auf papyrus, h. 457mm, Aus demol totenbuch-papyrus von , ca. 1300 v. Chr. (London, British Museum); Photo © The British Museum
Papyrus-Illustration Oder 'Vignette', Die Nut, Die Göttin des Himmels, und Geb, Den Gott der Erde,
Papyrus-Illustration Oder 'Vignette', Die Nut, Die Göttin des Himmels, Und Geb, Den Gott der Erde, Zeigt, Farbe Auf Papyrus, H. 480mm, Aus Dem Totenbuch-Papyrus von nesitabtasher, tochter des hoher von amun I., Aus Theben, 21st Dynastie, UM 1050 V. Chr. (London, British Museum); Photo: Hip/Art Resource, NY
Auschnitt aus demol totenbuch von nany
Section from Nany's death book, painted and inscribed papyrus, height of illustrated section 349 mm, 21st dynasty, approx. 1040-945 BC (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1930 , Accession ID:30. 3. 31); image © The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Stylistic development of ancient Egyptian coffins: (a) "house" coffin for contract burial.
Stylistic development of ancient Egyptian coffins: (a) "house" coffin for contract burial, Early Dynastic period, ca. 2925- approx. 2575 BC; (b) chest with smooth side and flat lid with eye panel, Old Kingdom, c. 2575- approx. 2150 BC; (c) rectangular chest, Middle Kingdom, 12th Dynasty, ca. 1938-c. 1756 BC; (d) anthropoid coffin, end of the Middle Kingdom, ca. 1800 BC; (e) Rishi chest, Second Intermediate Period, c. 1630-c. 1540 BC; (f) anthropoid chest with decoration on a black background, New Kingdom, 18th-19th century. dynasty; (g) everyday suit type, New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, ca. 1292-c. 1190 BC; (h) anthropoid coffin, Third Intermediate Period, 21st Dynasty, ca. 1075-c. 950 BC; (i) mummy coffin in cartonnage, Third Intermediate Period, 22nd Dynasty, ca. 950-c. 730 BC; (j) anthropoid inner coffin with plinth, late period, 25-26 dynasty, ca. 750-525 BC; (k) rectangular outer chest with vaulted lid and corner posts, late Roman period, c. 750 BC - ad 395; (l) anthropoid coffin, Ptolemaic period, 304-30 BC.
The coffin of Khnum-nakht
Khnum-nakht zārks, apgleznots coke, l. 82 collas (208. 3 cm), 12th dynasty, ap 1900-1800. g. p. m. eh. (Ņujorka, Metropolitēna Mākslas muzejs, Rogersa fonds, 1915, Accession ID:15. 2. 2); photo © Metropolitēna Mākslas muzejs http://www. metmuseum. org/Collections/search-the-collections/100000564.
Sarkofāga iēkāsī zārks no Tutankhamona kapenes, Ķēniņu vālejā, Ķēniņu vālejā, Ķēniņu no Deir-.
Sarkofāga iēkāsī zārks (detaļa), no Tutankhamona kapenes, Ķēniņu vālība, Ķēniņu vālība, Ķēniņu no Deir-el Bahri, zelts, inkrustēts ar stiklu un pusdārgakmenņim, garamus 1. 85 m, 18. dinastija, ap . 1336-c. 1327 p. m. ē (Caira, Egyptian Museum); photo credits: Scala/Art Resource, NY
Trešā starpposma perioda Bakenmuta antropoīda zāzīnais zārks, l. 2. 08 m, no Bab el-Gasu.
Bakenmuta trädda starpposma anthropoīdais zāzīnais zārks, 2. 08 m, no Bab el-Gasus, Tēbas, 21st dynasty, 1070-945 p. m. ē. (London, British Museum); photo © The British Museum
Henetavija zászárais zārks
Outer coffin of Henettawy, plastered and painted wood, L. 79 7/8 in. (203 cm), 21st Dynasty, ca. 1040-991 BCE (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1925 , Accession ID:25. 3. 182); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/Collections/search-the-collections/100005121
Portrait of a boy
Portrait of a boy, encaustic on wood, H. 39 cm (15 3/8 in.), W. 19 cm (7 1/2 in.), Roman period, 2nd century CE (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, gift of Edward S. Harkness, 1918 , Accession number: 18. 9. 2); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/Collections/search-the-collections/100004780
Faiyum, mummy portrait of a man, encaustic paint on linden wood, 401×215 mm, ca. 100-120 AD (L.
Faiyum, mummy portrait of a man, encaustic paint on linden wood, 401×215 mm, ca. 100-120 AD (London, British Museum); Photo © The British Museum
Canopy jars, with lids depicting Qebehsenuf, Duamutef, Hapy and Imsety, stone with wood.
Canopy jars, with lids depicting Qebehsenuf, Duamutef, Hapy and Imsety, stone with wood lids, H. 397 mm (highest), from the tomb of Neskhons in Deir el-Bahri, 21st Dynasty, 1069-945 BC (London, British Museum); Photo © The British Museum Canopic vessel with lid in the shape of a royal woman's head Kanopas burka ar vāku karaliskas sievietes galvas formā, alabastrs ar stikla un akmens inkrustācijām, h. 20 1/2 collas (52. 1 cm), 18th dynasty, ap 1349-1336. G. p. m. ē. vai neilgi pēc tam (Ņujorka, Metropolitēna Mākslas muzejs, Theodore M. Davis Collection Bequest of Theodore M. Davis, 1915, Accession ID:30. 8. 54); photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art Modelis, kas attēlo maizniekus darbā, apgleznots koks, d. 419 mm, no Asiutas, ap 1900. gadu p. m. ē. (Londona, Bri. Modelis, kas attēlo maizniekus darbā, apgleznots koks, d. 419 mm, no Asjutas, ap 1900. gadu p. m. ē. (Londona, Britu muzejs); photo © The British Museum Laivas modelis, apgleznots koks, d. 1. 13 m, no Meiras, 12. dinastija, ap 900. gadu p. m. ē. (Londona, Bri. Laivas modelis, apgleznots koks, garums 1. 13 m, no Meiras, 12. dinastija, ap 1900. gadu p. m. ē. (Londona, Britu muzejs); photo © The British Museum Šabti figūra no Setī I kapa, fajansa, h. 228 mm, 19th dynasty, ap 1290. g. p. m. ē. (Londo. Šabti figūra no Setī I kapa, fajansa, h. 228 mm, 19. dinastija, ap 1290. gadu p. m. ē. (Londona, Britu muzejs); photo © The British Museum Nīlas māls, apgleznots ar cilvēka figūras, dzīvnieku un laivas att ēlojumu.
Oval jar from phase 2, NIL-clay painted with human figure, animals and a boat, approx. 3300- Approx. 2000 BC (Berlin, Ägyptisches Museum); Photo: Erich Lessing/Art Resource, New
Table showing the development of ceramic forms in ancient Egypt's nine phases.
Table showing the development of the Egyptian pottery forms in nine phases
Skarabé of Wah
Skarabé of wah, silver, gold, l. 3. 8 cm, 12. Dynasty, approx. 1990-1985 BC (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1940, Accession ID: 40. 3. 12); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/collections/search- the--collections/100000445
Skarabé pendant from the intermediate kingdom, electrum admitted with Kornelian, green field spat and lapis la.
Skarabé pendant from the middle realm, electricity inlaid with Kornelian, green field spat and lapis lazuli, 18 × 35 mm, 12. Dynasty, approx. 1890 BC (London, British Museum); Photo © The British Museum
Breast trophy named Senwosret II
Pectoraal Met De Naam Van Sesostris II (Senwoset II), Goud, Korneool, Veldspaat, Granaat, Turkoois, l. Van Borst 3 1/4 in. (8. 3 cm), 12e dynasty, approx. 1897-1878 v. chr. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Purchase, Rogers Fund and Henry Walters Gift, 1916, Accession ID: 16. 1. 3); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/collections/search- the--collections/100000450
Drie Vliegen Hanger
Gouden neckline Met Drie Vliegenhanger's UiT named Nieuwe Rijk, Militaire Decoratie, l. 590 mm, UiT Hot Graf van Ahhotpe, Thebe, 17e Dynastie, approx. 1540 v. Chr. (Caïro, Egyptisch Museum); Photo: Werner Forman/Art Resource, New
Gouden Borstplaat UiT named Nieuwe Rijk, UiT was called Graf van Toetanchamon, Vallei where Konningen, Bij Deir El.
The Gouden Borststuk UiT was named Nieuwe Rijk, UiT Het Graf van Toetanchamon, Vallei where Koningen, Bij Deir El-Bahir, Goud, Carneool, Lapis Lazuli, Glas, Chalcedoon, Halfedenenten, 18de Dynasty (Caïro, Egyptische (caighptische (caighptische (caighptische (caighptische (caighptische, egyptische, Photo Credit: Scala/Art Resource, New
Knielend Standbeeld van Thoetmoses III
Klęczący posąg totmesa III, czarny brąz, złoto, wys. 13. 6 cm (5 3/8 Cala), XVIII Dynastia, 1479-1425 P. N. E. (Nowy Jork, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Purchase, Edith Perry Chapman and Malcolm H. The Wiener Foundation, Inc, Gift, 1995, Accession ID: 1995. 21); Zdjęcie © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/collections/search-the-collections/100004575
Statuetka Kobiety
Statuette of a woman, silver, h. 9 1/2 in. (24 cm), 26th Dynasty, 664–525 BC (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Theodore M. Davis Collection, bequest of Theodore M. Davis, 1915, Accession ID:30. 8. 93); photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/Collections/search-the-collections/100003355
Wedjat eye amulet, faience, 63×51 mm, Third Intermediate Period, 1068–661 BC (London, Brit.
Wedjat eye amulet, faience, 63×51 mm, Third Intermediate Period, 1068–661 BC (London, British Museum); photo © The British Museum
Ancient Egyptian clothing: (a) shendyt kilt, false beard and crown of Upper Egypt, worn by Ki.
Ancient Egyptian clothing: (a) shendyt kilt, false beard and crown of Upper Egypt, worn by king Mycerinus, 4th Dynasty, ca. 2480 BC; (b) short wrapped kilt with pleated overlapping worn by Raneferef, 5th Dynasty, ca. 2419 BC 2419 BC ; (c) close-fitting sheath dress worn by a female offerer, 5th Dynasty, ca. 2350 BC ; (d) pleated, wrapped kilt with triangular projection worn by Teti, 6th Dynasty, ca. 2300 BC ; (e) pleated shawl over double skirt worn by Djehutihotpe, 12th Dynasty, ca. 1850 BC 1850 BC ; (f) 'pocket-tunic' with double skirt worn by an unidentified man, mid 18th Dynasty, ca. 1375 BC ; (g) long, loose-fitting tunic with sleeves, overskirt, and sandals, worn by Ptahmes, late 18th Dynasty, ca. 1330 BCE 1330 BCE ; (h) long, flowing cloak over a tight-fitting sheath dress, worn by Queen Nefertari, 19th Dynasty, ca. 1250 BCE ; (i) tunic with sleeves and wrapped skirt with horizontal roll, worn by Thaasetimu, 30th Dynasty, ca. 360 BCE
Crocodile Amulet
Crocodile amulet, faience, frit, paste, 1 1/2 in. (3. 8 cm) (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Norbert Schimmel Trust, 1989, Accession ID: 1989. 281. 96); photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art Openwork faience collar from the Amarna period, l. 508 mm, from el-Amarna, 18th dynasty, ca. 1345 BC.
Durchbrochener Fayence-Kragen from the Amarna Period, L. 508 mm, from el-Amarna, 18. Dynasty, around 1345 BC. (London, British Museum); Photo © The British Museum Lotosförmiger Becher Lotförmiger Becher, Egyptian Fayence, H. 14. 6 cm, 22. Dynasty, ca. 945-715 BC. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Purchase, Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1926 , Accession ID:26. 7. 971); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/Collections/search-the-collections/100005225 Statuette of Isis und Horus
Isis and Horus statue, Egyptian faience, h. 6 3/4 in. (17 cm), Ptolemy period, 330-30 m. pr. m. e. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Purchase, Joseph Pulitzer Bequest, 1955, Accession ID: 55. 121. 5); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Renysenb's chair
Renysenb chair, ebony, ivory, h. 35 Col. (86. 2 cm), XVIII dynasty, about 1450. pr. m. e. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Purchase, Patricia R. Lassalle Gift, 1968, Accession ID: 68. 58); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/collections/search-the-conlections/100004362
Hand plate from ceremonial chairs
F armrest from ceremony chairs, cedar, max. Height 9 7/8 Col. (25. 1 cm), 18th dynasty, about 1400-1391. pr. m. e. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Theodore M. Davis collection, Theodore M. Davis Legacy, 1915, Accession ID: 30. 8. 45); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art
A cor e-shaped glass bottle in the shape of a fish to bint, from E l-anna, l. 145 mm, 18th dynasty.
A core-shaped glass bottle with bull fish, from el-amarna, l. 145 mm, XVIII Dynasty, about 1390-1336. pr. m. e. (London, British Museum); Photo © British Museum
Corneer glass amphora, called Portland vase, h. 240 mm, Roman Empire, about 5-25 m. pr. m. e. (London, British Museum, British Museum).
Glass amphora, called Portland vase, h. 240 mm, Roman Empire, about 5-25 m. (London, British Museum); Photo © British Museum
Comb, ivory, h. 2 1/4 in. (5. 7 cm), prehistoric period, about 3200 m. pr. m. e. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Theodore M. Davis Collection Bequest of Theodore M. Davis, 1915, Accession ID: 30. 8. 224); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/collections/search-the-conlections/100000267
A greenery horse
Grip of horse, painted ivory, pomegranate inlaid, l. 6 Col. (15 cm), 18th dynasty, about 1391-1353. pr. m. e. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Purchase, Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1926, Accession ID: 26. 7. 1293); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/collections/search-the-conlections/100001219
Chronological scheme of ancient Egyptian forms.
The chronological scheme of ancient Egyptian stone forms
Rosette stone
Rosette stone, three levels of written, top to bottom: hieroglyphs, demotal and Greek pattern, from St. Julien Fort, El-Roseta (Roseta), 1140 × 720 mm, Ptolemy dynasty, 196. pr. m. e. (London, British Museum); Photo: Art Resource, NY
The Temple of Denduro
Dendor Temple, Sandraist, length from the gate to the end of the temple 82 feet (24 m 60 cm), Rome period, about 15 m. pr. m. e. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1965 Egypt donated to the United States, transferred to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1967, in 1978, built in the Sakler Wing, Accession ID: 68. 154); Photo © Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/collections/search-the-conlections/100004628
Ancient Egyptian Salfak Fortress, the 2nd cataract area in Nubia, about 1860. pr. m. e .; reconstructed.
Ancient Egyptian Salfak Fortress, 2nd cataract in Nubia, about 1860. pr. m. e. ; Reconstruction
The statue of demedium and Hennutsen
Demedi and Hennutsen statue, limestone, h. 32 1/8 Col. (83 cm), w. 18 7/8 Col. (48 cm), d. 20 1/8 Col. (51 cm), V dynasty, about 2465-2426. pr. m. e. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Foundation, 1951, Accession ID: 51. 37); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/collections/search-the-conlections/100000054
Dwarf Seneb and his family diadem, painted limestone, h. 340 mm, from Seyb's grave at.
Dwarf Seneb and his family, painted limestone, h. 340 mm, from Seneb's grave in Giza, IV dynasty, about 2465. pr. m. e. (Cairo, Egyptian Museum); Photo: Scala/Art Resource, NY
Kolosali Amenofiso III head, granite, 2. 87 m, from Mut temple, Carnac, 18 dynasty.
Kolosali Amenofis III head, granite, 2. 87 m, from the temple, Carnac, 18th Dynasty, about 1350. pr. m. e. (London, British Museum); Photo © British Museum
Narmer's Palette (on top)
Narmer Palette (Verso), slate, h. 635 mm, from hieraraconpol, about. 3000 m. pr. m. e. (Cairo, Egyptian Museum); Photo: Werner Forman/Art Resource, NY
Sitting a hachepsut statue
Sitting a hachepsut statue, red granite, h. 65 3/4 in. (167 cm), 18th dynasty, about 1473-1458. pr. m. e. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Foundation, 1929, Accession ID: 29. 3. 3); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/collections/search-the-conlections/100001215
Haremhab as a clerk
Horemheb (haremhab) as a clerk, granodiorite, h. 46 Col. (116. 8 cm), 18th dynasty, about 1336-1323. pr. m. e. (New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Everit Macy, 1923, Accession ID: 23. 10. 1); Photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/collections/search-the-conlections/100001015
Menutemhet, Granite, h. 1. 35 m, from Karnak, 26th dynasty, about. 650 m. pr. m. e. (Cairo, Egyptian Museum); Photo: Scala/Art Resource, NY
Ostracon, painted limestone, 5 1/2 x 4 3/4 in. (14 x 12. 5 cm), 19th-20th century. dynasty, c. 1295-? 1069 B. C. (New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Purchase, Gift of Edward S. Harkness, 1926, Accession ID:26. 7. 1453); photo © The Metropolitan Museum of Art http://www. metmuseum. org/Collections/search-the-collections/100000277
A paper illustration or “vignette” of Nakhte and Tjuiu worshiping outside their home.
Paper illustration or 'vignette' of Nakhte and Tjuiu outside a house worshiping Osiris and Maat, color on papyrus, h. 360 mm, from the Nakhte 'Book of the Dead' papyrus, late 18th dynasty, 1350-1300 BCE. (London, British Museum); photo © The British Museum.
A New Kingdom necklace with gold fly amulets and garnet beads, d. 240 mm, 18th Dynasty, 1470.
New Kingdom necklace with gold fly amulets and garnet beads, length 240 mm, 18th Dynasty, 1470-1350 AD. (London, British Museum); photo © The British Museum
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