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Dalam M. A. Smith, M. Spriggs Dan B. Fankhauser (EDS), Sahul Dalam Tinjauan: Arkeologi Pleistosen di Australia, Papua Nugini Dan Kepulauan Melanesia. Makalah Berkala Prasejarah No. 24. Department of Prasejarah, Sekolah Riset Studi Pasifik, Universitas Nasional Australia, Canberra. Hal. 24-33., 1993

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Evolusi: Pendidikan Dan Penjangkauan, 2010

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Penboran Ilmiah, 2009

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Penboran Ilmiah, 2009

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Old human remains are not only separated from younger ones. Our research programs and analysis methods also serve to distinguish the older one from the later one. There are two research methods to research the past. The first is the direct analysis of old skeletal survivors, which ranges from intuitive observation to multivariate comparison, and recently also direct DNA analysis. The second method is the examination of the recent population variation and diversity in the attempt to work out some of the patterns from the Pleistocene through indirect analysis that are based on later evolutionary developments. This is possible because the structure of the bones contains evolutionary information. Analytical methods for examining the Pleistocene can form a barrier to the recent past. The paleontological approach serves to construct a picture of the past based on individual remains, which are connected in endless sequence and permutation. The population approach uses data from groups and not by individuals. This data is different in your type and application, but can be merged through the examination of regional differences.

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Rivista di Antropologia, 1993

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When the science of paleoanthropology first emerged around 1856 with the discovery of Neanderthal No. 1, it held great promise for unlocking the mystery of human origins. Drawing on biology and the earth sciences (initially zoology and geology, and later, as these disciplines developed, paleontology and paleoecology) and incorporating anthropological theories of human social and cultural evolution, it offered a scientific, systematic approach to a field of inquiry that was often hampered by highly subjective emotionality and political stance. Although we have made enormous progress in understanding much of the increasingly complex hominid fossil record over the past century and a half, we have in many ways failed to fulfill this initial promise. This article addresses directly some of the problems in the current practice of paleoanthropology that are related to this failure. There are three main problems that have prevented paleoanthropology from realizing its full potential. The first problem is the most fundamental - the lack of basic definitions. Although the science of paleoanthropology is concerned with discovering human origins and mapping human evolution in chronological order in phylogenetic relationships, after a century and a half we do not have a strict, fully agreed-upon definition of what a human is. We do not even have a consensus on the organization of our own taxonomic lineage; in the classification of living hominoids

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Wereldarcheologie, 2006

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