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Student/Alumni Praise Archive (2015-2018)
Kasey Adrian won the Drew Gyorke Memorial Fund photo competition for a picture of a student who goes home after a long day at the UA Library. Alana Minkler was in second place with a photo of a rock climber on Lemmon Mountain, while Karyme Cuadras ranked third with a portrait of a tattooer. Adriana will receive $ 200, Minkler will receive $ 125 and Kuadrasa $ 75. They were among the 11 finalists Professor Kim Newton in the early class of photojournalism (Jour 203). The rest were Nicole Danigel (two photos), Colin Green, Julia Keymer, Joseph Ledesma, Sofia Moraga, James Parisi, Mekayla Phan and Griffin Riley. All 12 photos will be located in the hallway at the Marshall 327. Click here to view the pictures, and visit the Journalism. Arizona. edu/gyorke to view the previous winners.
Zeina Cabrera-Peterson Shandien Marshall 340's Universitete omynė Magistro work "Policking While Black" Cabrera-Peterson Commissions Nariai Buvo Professor Jeannine Relly (Previous) is Linda Lumaen is J-Mokyklos Bii Bryan Carteris (Afrikanistikos in studies) is Kevin Henry (in the studio of the politics in the politics). Joshehe Taim even dalyvavo pristatyme, kuree lyginam trio Afric a-American candidates to leave the gin in the ginstos nushvietims 2018 m. In cadentions Vidurio Rinkimuose. Spustelškite chia, if the healing is nuotraukas.
Kathleen kunz sutiko dirbi nuolatine reportere tuksono local ginstos groups, which prickly listen to Tucson Weekly, Explorer, Marana News are Kiti Leidiniai. "Neemgale beings, Laimingesnė, brings to be a chia rushed to college," - Pears Redaktorusus Pastabą apie kunz.
Tombstone Epitaph FRA 7. Desember På Tinyurl. com/y8F9CTYH INNEHOLDT HISTORIER OM Santa Cruz County Sheriff Tony Estrada (Eddie Celaya), Tombstones Fremtid (Cedar Gardner), Innfødt Aravip-Fisk (Moe Irish), St. David-Skolespektør (Hannah Dahl), Klimaendringer I Nasjonalparker (Kaitlyn Fletcher), Medisinsk Marijuana (J. D. Molinary), Ørkenen Innflytelse På Øl (Chandler Donald), en AK (Corinna Tellez) og bisbees problemer med amfetamin (Harry Reed).
Professor Jeannine Relly’s Theory and Practice Masterclass participated in the December 7 recording of the Arizona Daily Star podcast “The Point Being” with Luis Carrasco, David Fitzsimmons, and Jonathan Hoffman. Students Claude Akins, Monika Damron, Sascha Fruehauf, Ty Hudson, Alisa Ivanitskaya, Nina Kolodij, Meredith O’Neil, Alexis Richardson, Chris Stidley, Elizabeth Whitthorne, Ambur Wilkerson, and Justin Wiley spoke about themselves, their projects and research, and responded to current events.
Winter graduates Michelle Jaquette, Rosalina Emnace, Maria Marzano, and Simon Asher received J-school notebooks from Professor Nancy Sharkey at the Arizona Daily Wildcat’s end-of-year party on December 6 at Gentle Ben’s. Click here for photos. Koleia Bungard, Ivan Ford, RuthAnn Grumbling, Olivia Jackson and Pablo Padilla shared their border research with the Nogales community during the “Border Journalism and Anthropology Showcase” on December 3. They are part of the Reporting in the U. S.-Mexico Borderlands and Anthropology classes taught by Prof. Celeste González de Bustamante and Linda Green. Click here for photos.
Kristan Obeng, Digital Practice at the Arizona Daily Star, reports on the Tour de Tucson and the Bicycle, Health & amp; Fitness Expo at http://wke. lt/w/s/T5eCC. These are video interviews with fans, runners, cyclists and Olympic athletes and tweeted all videos. To produce a video about the Expo. You produce a video for a theater piece on behalf of "SNOOPY" and write an Instagram post, including the historical reports of the reports about the renovation of restaurants in South Tucson, which are subject to brand damage. Schließlich is obliged to be an editor and a sports producer for a presentation of a sports analysis, based on the news reports of the stars.
Jordan Williams , Reporter on the Arizona Daily Star, released on November 13, a story with the title "Gestohlene Geburtstagsprüfungen, illegal Waffenkäufe in Tucson führen zu 40-monatigen Gefängnisstrafe".
Alexa Agostinelli , a reporter in the Arizona Daily Star, published in the article "In a new day, a new Galaxie - during the TSO dies week".
Nick Trujillo is half of the J-School at a visit on November 14, student of Tucson High, signalman Alma Mater, anzuwerben. Trujillo informed the students about the options available during the Arizona Daily Wildcat's work.
Pueblo High students invited Arizona Daily Star reporter Gloria Knott ('18) to visit their English class. They wrote her letters after reading her spring 2018 El Independiente story about the gender pay gap. Visit tinyurl. com/y9v82h4k to read the J-School's award-winning bilingual magazine and Knott's story.
Andrew Paxton , assistant editor at the Green Valley News and Sahuarita Sun, spoke to William Schmidt's 306th class on Nov. 14 about local reporting. Paxton is the school's former SPJ president. Read his work at www. gvnews. com .
Danyelle Khmara ('17) and Brenna Bailey ('18) have accepted jobs as reporters at the Arizona Daily Star. Khmara focuses on public safety after earning her stripes as an award-winning reporter at the Tucson Weekly. Bailey is the new K-12 education reporter at the Star after a Pulliam Fellowship at the Arizona Republic and internships at Arizona Public Media. The two former Star interns are also Arizona Daily Wildcat alumni.
Bethany Barnes ('13 M. A.) will join the Tampa Bay Times investigative team next month after 2 1/2 years at The Oregonian, where she won several national awards for her education reporting. Barnes continues to share her knowledge with our students — she visited the J-School in April and did a video chat in September.
Fernanda Ečavarri (07. kurss) is currently working with NPR Latino USA reporters who have worked with producers and immigrants to identify themselves. “Pēc pārcelšanās viņa izveidos mūsu pludmales priekšgalu Losandželosā,” tviterī raksta Klāra Džeferija, bezpeļņas, neatkarīgās žurnālistikas vietnes (motherjones. com) un žurnāla Mother Jones editor . Uzklausiet Fernandas podkāstu “30 dienas” par ģimeni, kas atkal apvienojās pēc deviņu gadu šķiršanas imigrācijas likumu dēļ. Tas bija kopīgs projekts ar Arizona Daily Star reportieri Perlu Trevizo un fotogrāfu Maiku Kristiju (Mike Christy, 11. kurss).
Daniels Skarpinato (Daniel Scarpinato, 04. kurss) kļūs par gubernatora Duga Dūsija (Doug Ducey) personāla vadītāju pēc tam, kad Kērks Adamss (Kirk Adams) paziņoja par atkāpšanos no amata. Scarpinato, kurš vadīja Ducejas komunikācijas komandu, ir bijušais Arizona Daily Star un Arizona Capitol Times reportieris un 2011. gada Arizona Daily Wildcat jauno absolventu balvas ieguvējs. Spiediet šeit, lai lasītu Tucson Sentinel rakstu.
Arizona Daily Star investigative reporter Caitlin Schmidt ('14) spoke to students at Talk & amp; 'Tizers on Nov. 13 about her work with public records - most recently for her reporting on Title IX issues in the UA athletic department. Afterward, she met with students and faculty at Gentle Ben's for an appetizer.
Nov. 9, 2018
Jordan Williams received the school's prestigious Bolles Scholarship for spring 2019. The student will cover the Arizona Legislature for the Arizona Sonora News. Go to tinyurl. com/yddyared to read about Jordan in the November e-Cursor.
The November 9 Tombstone Epitaph featured articles on Martha McSally (Eddie Celaya), poverty (Nels Bergeron), pecans (Hannah Dahl), literacy (Clara Lovell), Eegee's (Michelle Jaquette), Red for Ed (Bria Fonteno), the Sasabe Harbor (Corinna Tellez), the Bisbee 1000 (J. D. Molinary), climate change (Molinary) and new lie-detecting technology (Chandler Donald). The issue can be found at tinyurl. com/ybgkmjap.
Kristan Obeng, an intern at the Arizona Daily Star, saw her video posts "Where to see fall colors in Tucson," "Your guide to All Souls" and "Ghost tours to try" gain views on tucson. com, Facebook and Youtube. The fall colors video has more than 3, 000 views on Facebook. She also wrote a breaking news story, “Woman flips SUV in front of Tucson Bank of America.”
Sarah Workman , a trainee at the Arizona Daily Star, wrote an earlier story about the “Glow Festival.”
Haille Saal , a sports intern at the Arizona Daily Star, shared an article with Caitlin Schmidt (’14), “Misconduct allegations led to investigations of 16 University of Arizona athletes and staff since 2012,” and wrote other UA football stories, including “Arizona Wildcats ‘up for a fight’ against Denver in first round of NCAA Tournament.”
Pascal Albright and other students from the Society of Professional Journalists have made buttons to promote the values of press freedom and raise money for the club. The buttons cost $2 each, or three for $5. To order, go to PayPal. Me/SpjUAChapter. In the "Notes" section, indicate which buttons (see below) you would like, your shipping address, and an email address to contact with questions. Email Spjuniversityofarizona@gmail. com or albright1@email. arizona. edu if you have any questions.
Members of the 2017-18 Arizona Daily Wildcat staff won a Pacemaker for the second year in a row — this time for online — led by editors Chastity Eva Laskey ('18) and Courtney Talak ('18) and advisor Brett Fera . The award was announced last month during the national convention in Louisville.
Eight students from the Arizona Daily Wildcat, UATV and KAMP Student Radio covered the UA-UCLA football game at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena last month. Zach Lazarus, Robby Leaño, Jack Cooper, Alec White, Rob Kleifield, David Skinner, Maddie Viceconte and Amy Bailey also got a tour of ESPN's L. A. studios, courtesy of J-School alumni and ESPN content specialists Michael Schwartz ('06) and Eitan Cramer ('12).
Paige Helfinstine was one of five nominees for Homecoming Queen. Students, alumni and faculty voted for the winners, Jalon Jackson (Queen) and Ahmed Al-Shamari (King). Read the Arizona Daily Wildcat story at tinyurl. com/yd4y4hlv.
Spalio 23-24 p. Samas McNeilas (14 m., magistro laipsnis), „The Associated Press“ with his students, įskaitant Maggy Zanger tarptautinės krizės kursą ir Kim Newton fotožurnalistikos classes. Po ankstesnio darbo Jordanijoje ir Artimuosiuose Rytuose McNeilas dirba Pekine, kur rengia svarbiausias naujienas ir reportažus. Peržiūrėkite jo neseniai parengtą multimedijos reportažą „Tirpstantis ledynas Kinijoje pritraukia turistus ir kelia nerimą dėl climate“.
Brittny Mejia (14 m.) iš laikraščio „Los Angeles Times“ rašė apie dvi tragedijas: apie masines šaudynes Thousand Oaks mieste, Kalifornijoje, ji parašė pagrindinį straipsnį apie žuvusį šerifą, ir apie Malibu ir Thousand Oaks miestus a pėmusį miškų gaisrą, įskaitant pasakojimą apie žmones ir gyvūnus, ieškančius prieglobsčio Zuma paplūdimyje.
Brittny Mejia (14 m.) spalio 30 p. vaizdo pokalbyje su Jeannine Relly's absolventais kalbėjo apie savo naujausius straipsnius apie imigraciją ir rasę. Istorijos apėmė nepilnametį migrantą, laikomą suaugusiųjų sulaikymo įstaigoje, sargių motorų saugumą ir tėvus, susiduriančius su savo 3 metų vaiko trauma dėl atskyrimo pasienyje. Praėjusį pavasarį Mejia taip pat rengė stiprius reportažus serijoje „Išstumta svajonė“, kur pasakojo apie gentrifikaciją.
Hana Gabere (Master's degree 16) began a new job last month as US today video producer Tisons in the corner of Virginia, near Washington. As a former video journalist in Arizona Republic, her podcasts and videos helped the newspaper and USA Today's network win the 2018 Pulitzer Award for an explanatory report for the "The Wall: Unknown Stories. Unplanned consequences. ” Last year, Hannah worked on filming in Cyprus using a Fulbright Research Scholarship.
Amanda Martine ('17) from the Rio Grande Sun newspaper won the New Mexican Press Association's Solar Prize and won second place in both research reports and business reports.
Gloria Knot ('18), a journalist by Arizona Daily Star, received 42 letters from Pueblo High School English students who read her Spring 2018 El Independent story about the differences in men's and women's salaries. One student wrote, "Your article inspired me to work hard to make the attitude towards women the same." Visit the tinyurl. com/y9v82H4K to read the school awar d-winning bilingual magazine and Knot's story.
Jill Jorden Spitz ('88), editor of Arizona Daily Star, talked about success, work and the current situation in the media business on October 24.
Erin Shanahan ('15) Hat Im Juni Eine Neue Stelle Als Coordinatorin Für Externne Angelegenheiten IM Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin Angetreten, Wo Sie für Marketing und Fotografie zuständig ist, nachdem sie juvor bee GEARBTETET HAT.
Adam Green ('06) Hat Eine Neue Stelle Beim Sportradio Angetreten. ER IT CO-Moderator von The Daily Blender Mit Jeffry O'Brien Bei 1580 The Fanatic in Phoenix (Werktags von 13 bis 15 UHR), nachdem er zuvor bei ktar-am 620 GEARBeitet Hat.
Danielle Fork ('17) Begann Ihre Arbeit Als Entwicklungskoordinatorin IM Promise House, Einem Zentrum für Vernachlässigte, Miss Jugendte und Gefährdete Jugendliche in Dallas, nachdem sie zuvor für Kirkman für Kirkman broadcasting in chareston, s.
Kimberly Kolliner ('15) Wurde Als Werktägliche Nachrichtenreporterin und Wochenend-Wetteransagerin Bei Sinclairs Kmph-TV (FOX 26) in Fresno, Californien, Eingestellt, Nachdem Sie Here.
Veronica Cruz-Mercado ('09) Arbeitet Jetzt Beai Arizona Public Media Als Spezialistin Für Community Engagement und öffentlichkitsarbit, nachdem these zvor bei ua bookstores und demon dail daily star tätig war.
Abragail Kappel ('12), Eine Ehemalige Rundfunkjournalistin, Wurde Zur Directorin für Werbung und Productson Bei Den Colorado Springs Sky Sox, Dem Triple-a-Baseaseballteam der Milweavee Brewers, Befördert.
Christopher Rowland, 86, a 17-year Washington bureau chief for the Boston Globe, has joined the Washington Post as a health care business reporter (story: tinyurl. com/ybjw29xz).
Silvia Sanchez ('16) joined Univision Arizona as a border reporter after working as a radio host at La Poderosa (105. 3-FM) and interning at the Arizona Daily Star and KVOA-TV. See her message at tinyurl. com/yb2nht45.
Sarah Covey, 18, took a job as a real-time editor at ABC affiliate KGUN-TV in Tucson.
in 2018 October 20
Led by editor Courtney Talak, 2018 spring El Indpendiente staff took third place in 2018. In the Journalism and Mass Communication Education Association (AEJMC) student magazine competition with the number "Equality. Status of Women in Arizona." Talak created the cover design for the bilingual magazine. Other employees of the magazine were; Nick Smallwood (Photo Editor); Andrew Koleskis (Copy Editor); reporters Gloria Knott, Isaac Rounseville, Allison Suarez, Jessica Suriano, Talak and Lauren Whetzel. Click here to read the issue.
Students in teacher Irene McKisson's editing class encouraged AP Stylebook editors to change an entry about "hedging" that "presumes masculinity." Click here to view the new and old versions.
Pascal Albright , Claudio Cerrillo , Zoe Crowdus , Ava Garcia , Dalal Radwan en Andrew Paxton van Green Valley News behoorden tot de deelmens aan de James W. Foley Freedom Run/Walk op October 20. Het globale evenement ter ere van Foley, een freelance journalist die werd gedood door ISIS, werd gesponsord door het Center for Border & amp; Global Journalism en de Society of Professional Journalists van de school. View photos and videos.
In September, Dalal Radwan and Ava Garcia traveled to Baltimore for the conference of the Society of Professional Journalists. They met Diane Foley, mother of American freelance journalist James Foley, who was killed by ISIS in 2014. Radwan twitterde over de SPJ-sessions op twitter. com/DalalRadwan91. De ouders van Foley visited de J-school in 2015 voor een panel, “Reporting in a More Dangerous World,” organized by het Center for Border & amp; Global Journalism van de school (tinyurl. com/yat6ex8o).
Afgestudeerde studenten Ava Garcia, Ambur Wilkerson en Jessica Suriano gave tours on the third floor of the Marshall-gebouw during the family weekend on October 6.
The doctoral students Monika Damron and Ty Hudson as well as Jacelle Ramon-Sauberan, who did his doctorate in a minor subject, supervised the table of the Native American Journalists Association (well) of the University of October 8th at the UA Indigenous People's Day in the UA Mall. UA President Robert C. Robbins followed the celebrations and spoke at the event, while the student Krissy gave an interview.
Simon Asher photographed the reception and dinner for the awarding of the Zenger Prize for freedom of the press to Carmen Aristegui. Micheal Romero captured the evening on video. Click here to see Asher's pictures.
The first tombstone epitaph of the semester was released on October 5 and contained articles on the front page: "Problems of residence cloud the 2nd district" (by Eddie Celaya); “Sahuarita: a playground for young families?” (By Michelle Jaquette); "What's new? Native bees do it better ”(by Katie Fletcher); and 'Companies Face Backlash for Border Business (Cedar Gardner). Click here to read the output.
Jordan Williams, intern at Arizona Daily Star, published her first investigative story, "former BLM employee before the Federal Court in Tucson for embezzlement", about a woman who stole $ 90, 000 from the government for her own personal use.
Sarah Workman, Een Stagiaire Bij de Arizona Daily Star, Publicerde Een Verhaal Over Het Tucson Film Festival en Een Ander Verhasen in Tucson Om Een Perfecte Kom Ramen Te Krijgen, ”en Een Verhaben Over Kunstenaars Die de Lotería-Kaart.
Haille Saal, Een Stagiaire Bij de Arizona Daily Star, Publicerde Een Verhaben Over Ua-Voetballers Amanda Porter en jill Aguilera, Evenals Brynn Moga.
Alexa Agostinelli, Een Stagiaire Bij de Arizona Daily Star, Publicerde Een Over Het True Concord Koor, Een Gids Voor Het Oro Valley Muziekfestival en Een Hoofdarticles Over Switchfoot.
Elizabeth Quinlan, Een Leerling Bij de Redactie van de Arizona Daily Star, Schreef Schmaschungen Koppen, Waaronder: “Nobel of Niet, Vitamines treat geen Vowoudheid”; ’Maken om de Kinderen van vrrenden Maar wel Laten zien dat je om ze fisted’; en ”is het tijd om het ethanolmandaat voor auto fire fabrics te Beëindigen? A. Ja: de wet is a zegen voor boeren, Maar consumers have been opaled. ”
Kristan Obeng, Een Multimedia-STAGIARE BIJ de Arizona Daily Star, Versloeg de Feestelijke Opening van Dutch Bros. Coffee Met Instagram-Foto's EN CREAG VEEL Facebook Kliks Vooruit op Evenemen The Naar Tucson Komen. Ze Publice Erde Ook Een Cool Post Over de Cursus Nieuws Productontwikkeling van de School.
Lauren Trench, an apprentice photographer at the Arizona Daily Star, contributed a photo to a story about a student housing developer.
Simon Asher contributed drone photography for this story about Tucson nurse Sarah Sellers, who finished second in the Boston Marathon. Sandra Westdahl ('12) and Vanessa Barchfield of Arizona Public Media produced the piece.
Danyelle Khmara ('17) of the Tucson Weekly and Caitlin Schmidt ('14) of the Arizona Daily Star combined for seven first-place awards in the Arizona Newspapers Association's 2018 Better Newspaper Contest. Khmara won the Story of the Year award for "Death Sentence." Other first-place winners included Alexis Bechman ('08), Kendal Blust ('16 M. A.), Yoohyun Jung ('15) and Dan Shearer ('85). Other graduates receiving awards included Mike Christy ('11), Dave Ord ('84), Curt Prendergast ('11 M. A.), Lauren Renteria ('17), and Peter Sibley ('81). See all the honorees, including adjunct professor Cathy Burch and former adjunct professors Stephanie Innes, Jim Nintzel, and Rob O'Dell, at tinyurl. com/y833h8z2.
On October 3, Arizona Republic journalist John D'Anna (83) addressed students and held an information session on the Pulliam stock exchange. D'Anna, membre du Conseil consultatif du journalisme de l'école, a donné des conseils en matière de reportage et a parlé de sa career, notamment d'une battle juridique pour protéger ses notes non publiées dans une affaire criminelle (tinyurl. com/yc8sfmt9). It is addressed to students in class 506 by director Carol Schwalbe and class 205 by Linda Lumsden.
Sandra Westdahl ('12) from Arizona Public Media was sent to the Rocky Mountain Emmy Awards at the same time in Phoenix; and Anna Augustowska ('14 M. A.) received a contribution from Emmy with three collègues in tant que réalisatrice du court métrage "Our Desert Farms" (environmental category). M. Westdahl received an Emmy from the editor of the sports segment “Coach” and a part of other prizes from the editor/productor for “Ephemeral” (arts/divertissements), “Danzacultura” (actualités historiques/culturelles), “The Full Nelson” (intérêt humain) and “Coach” (sport segment). All laureates can be consulted on the site tinyurl. com/ycp5wmnk.
This month, Wildblue Press published her first book, Toxic Rague: A Tucson Tale of Murder, ("Toxic Breastfeeding: Tale of Murder in Tushon"). She wrote about the court case for the murder of Dr. Brian Studam to the Tucson Citizen newspaper, which she worked before its closing in 2009. Printed, digital and audio books are available at Amazon. com and Wildbluepress. com. Flick works on McFadden/Gavender Advertising in Tuxon, editing Wildblue Press manuscripts.
Stephanie Casanova (14) retired from the Kansas newspaper Manhattan Mercury and started working as a reporter in Today's News-Herald in Leik Havasu, Arizona. Read her farewell section at tinyurl. com/yazg7k4g. She is also a student of Arizona's Daily Wildcat, who started working on News-Herald (Havasunews. com) this month.
Jermis Duda ('03), who has worked as a reporter for eight years in Arizona Capitol Times, has become a deputy editor of new independent, no n-profit news organization Finix, Arizona Mirror. For more information, see https://www. facebook. com/azmirror.
September 25th In the Governor's debate, the school spice was felt. The interviewer was Arizona's public media instructor Lorraine Rivera (04), and the interview commission consisted of AZPM instructors Christopher Conover and Joe Ferguson (06) from Arizona Daily Star. The commissioner was also Steve Goldstein of Kjzz. See the interview at tinyurl. com/y8tne2q5.
Joe Ferguson ('06) from Arizona Daily Star participated on October 1. In the discussion at the LOFT cinema, "Why is the Free Press important to democracy" together with presenter David Fitzsimmons, Editor of Tucson Weekly, Jimas Nintzel, editor of Tucson Sentinel, Dylan Smith, GOP National Committee member Bruce Ash. Before that, UA law professor Jane Bambauer told about the history and importance of the first amendment.
2018 September 21st.
September 18th. Pascal Albright, editor of Arizona Daily Wildcat, adopted a framed proclamation from the Pima District Supervisory Board and Chairman Richard Elías, who announced "Freedom Month" in October and honored the school for a "vital role in the preparation of the news". Photos Find on Tinyurl. com/yd8zqxhp.
Sixteen students attended the retreat for leadership of all clubs, organized by Prof. dr. Susan Knight. They talked about ideas and events and ate a tasty lunch from Beyond Bread. Among the students were Ambur Wilkerson, Melissa Vasquez, Zeina C. Peterson, David Pujol, Jessica Suriano, Pascal Albright, Dalal Radwan, Monika Damron, Ava Garcia, Rocky Baier, Mekayla Phan, Claudio Cerrillo, Griffin, Griffin, Griffin, Griffin, Griffin, Griffin, Griffin, Griffin, Griffin, Griffin, Griffin, Griffin, Griffin, Griffin, Griffin, Griffin, Griffin, Griffin, Griffin, Griffin, Griffino Linrilloonoonoonoonoonoonoon, , and Ph. D. Journalism Minor Jacklle Ramon-Sauberan.
Alexa Agostinelli works as a trainee in Art and Entertainment at the Arizona Daily Star, where several of her stories have already been published. Her first story was about the band 3 Doors Down. Her second story was about a classic violinist.
Kristan Obeng, a graduate student who does an internship with the digital team of the Arizona Daily Star, posted her first story for the newspaper on Instagram, with a story about a boy who was not allowed to participate in football after his challenges with cancer and chemotherapy.
Lizzie Quinlan is doing an internship at the editors of the Arizona Daily Star, where she edits stories and writes newspaper heads. One of her first heads: “Don't overlook eye investigations for children; What parents should pay attention to. ”
Haille Saal beats the UA women's football team as part of her internship at the Arizona Daily Star. Her stories included: "Praise for senior", "
Lauren Trench, a graduate student and intern at the Photodesk of the Arizona Daily Star, was published her first photo when she followed a photographer in a report on flood damage in the iconic Cow Palace. Later her photo gallery was also published online about a renovation of a retro caravan camp.
Sarah Workman, who does an internship at the Arizona Daily Star, published her first story about the Glow Festival in Oracle.
Simon Asher supplied drone images for the story in Arizona Illustrated, "Monsoon Mushrooms". Nick Smallwood also participated in the segment.
Students started brainstorming about episodes for the "Prereq podcast: an inside look at bee a student in 2018" with AZPM producer Andrew Brown and Profs. Mike McKisson, Jeannine Relly and Celeste González de Bustamante. Read the story on our website for more details about the project.
Alex Eschelman, a summer intern at Fox Sports Arizona, was an interview with a former young reporter who interviewed the Arizona Diamondback Shortstop Didi Gregorius at the time. The newly baked master graduate Saul Bookman, who is responsible for social and digital content at Fox Sports Arizona, helped Alex to the contribution "Intern's Turn".
The Arizona Daily Wildcat is one of the 24 finalists of the national online Pacemaker competition. The winners will be awarded on the #Collegemedia18 in Louisville from October 25th to 28th. Read more at tinyurl. com/ydgqos4s.
April Lanuza, Dalal Radwan, Alexis Richardson and Jessica Suriano reported on September 4 at Talk & Amp; 'Tizers about their summer internships and experiences. Lanuza started at CNN's Documentary Unit in Atlanta on the day when Anthony Bourdain died; Radwan was a reporter at Tucson Local Media; Richardson studied abroad in Costa Rica in the class of Prof. Celeste González de Bustamante; And Suriano wrote as a Pulliam Fellow reports for the Arizona Republic.
Ryan Gabrielson van Pruplica en Bethany Barnes ('13 M. A.) van the oregonian hebben lidmaatschapsbeurzen suture aan vijf students van de j-school voor de Investigative reporters and editors (IRE). De ontvangers zijn: Jasmine Ann Demers, Eddie Celaya en Marissa Heftfernan van de Arizona Daily Wildcat, en Afgestudeerde Students Kristan above en jessica suriano.
Arizona Public Media-Verslaggever Brandon Mejia ('17) Heeft Een Baan Geaccepteerd as an anchor/versy-up voor Kyma-TV in Yuma. Hij Begint 24 September en zal leverage doen van de Nieuwsuitzending van 17. 00 Uur op het nbc-filiaal en de Nieuwsuitzending van 21. 00 uur op het fox-filiaal voor tent. Brandon voelt zich vast thuis bijn collega wildcats ciara encinas, carmen valencia, crystal bedoya en Ernesto romero (nieuwsdirecteur).
Adamas Gaubas (06 m.) Rugsėjo 15 d. Kartu Su "Wcti TV" Vedė "Facebook Live" Vakaro Naujienų Laidą sesererėje Stotyje Grinvilyje, Šiaurės Karolinos Valstijoje, Nes Jo Stotis Naujajame Berne, Šiaurės Karolinos Valstijoje, Buvo Užtvindyta Uragano "Florence". Gaubas yra wcti, apie kurią rašė cnn (tinyurl. com/y7go2a6a), rytiis vykdomasis prodiuseris. "Man Gana Šaunu, Kad Net Ir Neturėdami Fizinio Pastato, į Kurį Galėtų Nuvykti, ir Neturėdami Galimybės Perduoti Savo Per Televiziją, Jie Daro Viską, Kad Vis Tiek Užtistrintų ę ”, - Sakė Bretas fera (Brett fera, 05 m.), Ua Studentų Žiniasklaidos Patarėjas. Gaubas Yra Buvęs "Arizona Daily Wildcat" Darbuotojas Ir Apdovanojimus Pelnęs "Maricopa (Arizonos Valstija) Monitor" Redaktorius.
Irizona Daily Star Editor Jill Jorden Spitz (88) and Star's #Thisistucson, Irene McKisson (03), listened to 18 students from Mike McKisson's product development class. Nine ideas will be selected and teams will be formed by these users' groups. At the end of the semester, two groups (of these nine ideas) will be selected to the Star Scholarship to create their own product.
Arizona Daily Star Journalists Gloria Knott ('18), Caitlin Schmidt ('14) and Shaq Davis ('18) September 5 Professor Susan Knight Star's student class spoke. All three said their internships helped them get a regular Star job, and they also gave students tips on how to provide stories and ask for the help of the editors.
September 19 Ryan Finley ('02), Arizona Daily Star sports editor, professor Susan Knight gave her students how to make reports, write and take interviews.
September 18th. Bethany Barnes (13) spoke through Skype Professor Jeannine Relly Master's Class of how she made reports on her history, "Targeted: Family and aim to stop another shooter at school." Read it at Tinyurl. com/yd8ftle7.
Bakina Wellars ('17 M. A.) Kreeg Een Baan Als Associate Procool Voor Journaliak En Communicatie van de Universit Van Rwanda. Hij Werd Eerste van Zes Mensen in Een Competitie Voor Dece.
Brandi Milly ('06) is de co-host van een nieuwe food network show, "let's eat," Over Makkelijke, Leuke Recost Die iedereen Kan Maken. Bekijk het verhaal in de arizona Daily Wildcat.
Jack Mcelroy ('75) Was 17 Jaar Redacteur van the Knoxville (Tenn.) News-Sentinel.
Konstantina Kalaitzidis ('95 m. A.) is out voorlichter Bij heet superior court van california in orange County.
Jeffrey Williams ('00) is Gepromoveerd Tot Assistant Principal of Instructions Bij Phoenix Union High School District.
Sarah Kezel ('11) Maakte Haar Debuut Bij de Footballwedstrijd Byu-Ua Als Nieuwe Presentatrice van de Wedstrijd. ZE Interview Studenten in de Zonazoo, Hield Wedstrijden Met Fans in de Gaten, High-Fived Wildcat En WERD OPGENomen in de Arizona Daily Star's Gehoord. Kezel Was Ook Co-Rapporteur van Het Inaugurele Hall of Fame-Venement van de School in April Met John d'Anna ('83).
31 Augustus 2018
Pulliam Fellows Brenna Bailey and Jessica Suriano did some great work this summer for the Arizona Republic and azcentral. com. Bailey’s stories included “The Worst Disease You’ve Never Heard Of” and “Are Women Facing an Unfair Standard in the Art World?” while Suriano’s stories included “Sweet Samaritan” and “Ashley Shakes Up the World of Romance.” Graduate students Krissy Obeng , Ava Garcia , and Zeina C. Peterson started a project, “The PreReq Podcast: Inside the World of Being a College Student in 2018,” after interviewing students moving into dorms a few weeks ago. They participated in a podcast brainstorming session on August 31 with Arizona Public Media’s Andrew Brown to go over the recording equipment and plan their episodes with students Dalal Radwan , Alisa Ivanitskaya , Meredith O’Neil , Ty Hudson , Ambur Wilkerson , and student Pascal Albright . Everyone came up with ideas on post-it notes and sorted them on the wall. The project is led by Profs. Michael McKisson and Jeannine Relly. Prof. Celeste González de Bustamante is also helping.
New graduate students attended a meet-and-greet with faculty, staff, and other graduate students on August 17. The new M. A. candidates are Claude Akins, Samantha Bishop, Monika Damron, Sascha Fruehauf, Ty Hudson, Alisa Ivanitskaya, Nina Kolodij, Meredith O'Neil, Elizabeth Whitthorne, Ambur Wilkerson, and Justin Wylie. Visit journalism. arizona. edu/grad. bios to meet some of the graduates.
Carmen Valencia has accepted a position at KYMA 11 TV in Yuma as a multimedia journalist. She will begin as a daily reporter in early September, joining Ciara Encinas (’18), who joined KYMA in May, and Crystal Bedoya (’15), digital content director. Valencia, an Arizona Daily Wildcat alum who led our local NAHJ chapter, has interned at KPNX-TV (NBC) in Phoenix, KOLD TV in Tucson, and Arizona Public Media.
Jeanie Bergen (’07) saw her TV series “E is for Edie” picked up by Charter Communications. The series is inspired by Bergen’s life as a caregiver for her disabled sister. Bergen, who earned a coveted spot in Aaron Sorkin’s Master Class on Screenwriting, will also produce the series! Click here to read more.
Arizona Republic reporter John D’Anna (’83) saw his story on Sen. John McCain published on the front page of USA TODAY on August 31. Read it here: tinyurl. com/ycq62wch. John serves on the school’s Journalism Advisory Board.
On Wednesday, students in instructor Tom Beal's science journalism class interviewed Mikayla Mace, M. A., '17, of the Arizona Daily Star. Mace replaced Beal when he retired and also writes on higher education and health. Read her work at https://tinyurl. com/yascl9rx.
Gabriella Vukelic ('17) celebrated the half-year anniversary of her six-month stint at Newsday as a social media producer in Long Island, New York. She recently did an interview with Bravo TV: Princesses LI and created muffin horoscopes for Long Islanders, "because we swear our muffins are better than anywhere else." April she helped found the LI Parents Facebook parenting group. "I now manage the page as the main person in charge of social relations and we already have more than 1, 000 members, i. e. i. e. 6 months earlier than I planned," she says.
Justin Spears, 2017 after graduating from J School, August 31. at Gentle Ben's on ESPN 1490-AM's The Sports Exchange with Stacey Wampler. Spears, a reporter for the Arizona Daily Star, relayed the call to Prof. Jeannine Relly and Rogelio Garcia who stopped by to say hello.
Ann Brown, 76, an alumna of the school, wrote the Arizona Daily Star obituary for Sen. John McCain. Brown, a retired Star reporter, editorial page editor and copy editor, in 2007. rode McCain's campaign bus through Iowa. Jim Nintzel, editor of the Tucson Weekly, was also interviewed by national media outlets about Mr. McCain, including CBS (www. youtube. com/watch? v=Pr9HoAfmsn8).
Former Arizona Daily Star photographer Liz Mangelsdorf, 84, posted a photo of Sen. John McCain during a 1986 ran for the Senate for the first time. Ms. Mangelsdorf, who later became a photographer for the San Francisco Chronicle, is now a computer, video and media teacher at Sequoia High School in Pleasant Hill, California. The school's main student award for outstanding journalist is named after her father, the late Philip Mangelsdorf.
Kendra Paige Hall, 15, covered Sen. John McCain's memorial service in Phoenix for KVOA-TV in Tucson. Check out her Twitter account.
Saul Loeb ('04) of Agence France-Presse photographed the military honor guard that carried Sen. John McCain's flag-draped casket as he arrived outside Washington. See his photos on Twitter.
Savannah Guthrie ('93), anchor of NBC's Today show, interviewed Senator Lindsey Graham about Mr. McCain. See her coverage on Twitter.
Hundreds of US newspapers, including Arizona Daily Star, led by editor Jill Jorden Spitz (88), August 16th. Coordinatedly defended the freedom of the press and accused President Trump that he condemned the media as human enemies.
Mariana Dale ('14), along with KJZZ Phoenix, launched a project q & amp; This is a large series where NPR journalists investigate and answer Arizonians' questions about their state, for example, "how the name of the Fynix Indian School Road came from." Dale worked with the National Group Hearken, a star t-up in Chicago, creating tools to help journalists strengthen relationships with the audience.
Education writer Bethany Barnes (1 3-year Master's degree) from The Oregonian was described in The Grade. She told Alexander Russo about how she recovered after being dismissed from her first job, and her thoughts on reporting reports and stories.
Juliana Vasquez-Keating ('10) has been working as a morning news producer on the KSAZ Fox 10 Network in Phoenix, who has previously worked on the KLD 13 network in Tukon.
Nate Airulla ('18) is a customer service manager at Comdata, Fleetcor, Fynix, Fynix.
Britt Theodora ('15) works as a digital content manager and stylist assistant at Micaela Erlanger & AMP; Co. ”in New York.
Betsy Kaplan ('17), Była Extension W Playbill, Jest Asystentk DS. Advertise Film W 42WEST W NOWYM York.
Ernesto Romero ('07) Jest Dyrekorem Wiadomości W News-Press & AMP; Gazette Co. (NPG) W Yuma-El Center dla Kilku Telewizyjnych Stacji Informacyjnych, W Tymm Kyma.
Gabby Goduco ('18), Była Extension KLD-TV I Reporterka UVAV3, dołączyła do Drużyny Dallas Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.
Brian Danziger ('16), Asystent Producji W NFL Network, Passuje Również dla ABC 7 W LOS Angeles Jak Asystent Wiaadomości.
Lexi SUMTER ('12) Jest Terraz reporter W NBC 5 W Chicago after Okresie Passie Yak Reporterka / Kotwica W ABC 15 W Phoenix.
Angelo Samora-Wargas ('12) Jest Dziennikarzem W Krgv-TV W Dololie Rio Grande W Polandyowym Texasie, Zajmuja Siies Granicami, Społeczności I Dochodzenamii.
10 Sierpnia 2018 r.
Marissa Heffernan Wygrała Inauguracyjne Krajowe Stipendium Policygenius W Wysokości $ 3, 000 NA semestr Jesienny. Ponad 300 Kandydatów napisało essej o wydarzeniu, które zmieniło ich rozumienie milkiędzy, a heffernan opaidziała Historę Radzenia Z Finmamiu Podcz Budowy Domku Na Drzewie Z Dziadkiem w 11 Lat. Więcej szczegółów i toward the do Jej Histori Można znaleu na stronie tinyurl. com/ybbu8jzz
Rocky Baier, an internship journalist at the Jerusalem Post, covered protests throughout the country for LGBTQ rights in Israel. He sent a tweet from Tel Aviv, where about 15, 000 people protested, and wrote a news on the front page at tinyurl. com/y8tq76ng.
Emmalee Mauldin completed his fourth and last internship at NASA in Greenbelt, Maryland. He handled communication and social media for the Hubble Space Telescope project over the past eight months at the Goddard Space Flight Center, after spending eight months at the Johnson Space Center in Houston. "I don't believe this is over, but I'm ready to go home and finally graduate," he said on Facebook.
Carmen Valencia attended the National Association of Hispanic Journalist Association in Miami. He toured the univision head office; Following the discussion, "active shooters on campus," with journalist María Elena Salinas and the victims of the shooting in Parkland; And met with Karen Cruz-order, a former student exchange student from J-School who was apprenticed at CBS Evening News in Los Angeles.
Marissa Heffernan, a summer internship worker at Arizona Daily Star, published a plans on the business page on Sunday (August 5), "3 places to eat in Tucson that support the anti-special movement."
애리조나 데일리 스타의 여름 수습기자인 에디 셀라야는 8월 2일 비즈니스 페이지에 “투손의 오래된 샤리스 드라이브인 햄버거 가게가 이제 스모키 모 바비큐의 본거지가 되었습니다.”라는 제목의 메인 기사를 게재했습니다.
애리조나 데일리 스타의 여름 수습기자 아흐마드 8 월 1 일 일 스포츠 사비노 축구 축구 전학생 웨슬러에 대한 포스터 기사를 실었습니다.
애리조나 데일리 스타의 스타의 파블로 로페즈는 7 월 30 일자 일자 메트로 보안관에게 맞은 남성에 관한 메인 기사를 기사를 기사를 기사를 기사를 월 월 일자 페이지에서 페이지에서 페이지에서 총알이 밀수꾼을 막다 막다 라는 라는 오프 오프 오프 오프 오프 오프 오프 오프 오프 오프 라는 라는 라는 라는 라는 라는 라는 라는 라는 라는 라는 를 다뤘습니다.
마리차 크루즈 ('18) 는 산호세의 머큐리 뉴스와 베이 에어리어 그룹에서 그룹에서 칩스 퀸 인턴십을. 그녀는 트럼프 대통령의 이민 정책과 정책과 프리다의 세계 세계 에 관한 제작했고 제작했고 제작했고 제작했고 제작했고 관한 관한 위해 위해 롤 사진 촬영을 도왔습니다 도왔습니다 도왔습니다.
올여름 졸업 후 저널리즘 스쿨 석사 과정에 입학하는 닉 스몰우드는 애리조나 퍼블릭 퍼블릭 미디어의 어시스턴트로 일하고 있습니다. 그는 7 월 말 "애리조나 일러스트레이티드" 를 위해 레몬산에서 촬영하면서 "즐거운 시간을 보냈다" 고 말했습니다.
Jamie Maese met at the end of July in New York UA School of Journalism Hall of Famer and NBC “Today” Show presenter Savannah Guthrie ('93). Maese, who is doing an internship at MSNBC's "The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell" as Nahj Summer Fellow, thanked Professor Nancy Sharkey for bringing in contact with Guthrie's assistant.
Andrew Paxton, an assistant editor and reporter at the Sahuarita Sun and Green Valley News, made an "old-fashioned piece about data" about the city manager and lawyer of Sahuarita who earns more money than most of their colleagues in the state.
Chris Delgado ('17), a director at KGUN 9, handed UATV 3 and the new GM Olivia Jackson a check for $ 1, 250, thanks to the SCRIPPS Howard Foundation and Kgun 9. Delgado, the General Manager of UATV of 2016-17, Nominated UATV for the fair. Jackson studies at the J-School.
Danyelle Khmara ('17) was promoted by editor Jim Nintzel, a deputy teacher, as an editor at Tucson Weekly and Tucson Local Media. Read his Editor's Note.
Justin Spears ('17) is the new presenter of ESPN Tucson's Sports Exchange Radio Show (1490-AM, 104. 9-FM) from 3 p. m. to 6 p. m. during the week. He continues to work ful l-time for the Arizona Daily Star, where he provides digital content and reports on the Arizona Wildcats and High School Football. Click here to read more.
Ivan Leonard ('17) has accepted a ful l-time job as a sports reporter at the Sedona Red Rock News. Leonard, also an alum of the Arizona Daily Wildcat, wrote as a freelancer for the Sahuarita Sun.
Jenny Hijazi ('17 M. A.), online reporter and news assistant at PBS Newshour, Prof. Jeannine Relly and Indiana Prof. Emily Metzgar showed the studio in Washington during an interruption of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. View what of Hijazi's work on pbs. org/newshour/autthor/jennifer-hijazi
Andrew Koleski ('18), in his first week as an editor at the Yuma Sun, won the Catch of the Week trophy of the department to correct an error in the reference of a letter writer to Alexander Hamilton as former President of the US .
Gloria Knott ('18), a reporter for the Arizona Daily Star, got the A1 with a story about a former waitress of El Charro who gave $ 1, 000 back that she had stolen from the restaurant.
Arizona Daily Star reporter Caitlin Schmidt ('14) was interviewed by Arizona Public Media's Lorraine Rivera ('04), a deputy teacher, about the status of Title IX investigations into the athletics department of UA during the episode “Arizona 360” OP July 27. Look from 15:17.
Jackie Kent ('14) worked at the end of July for the first time as morning anchor on Krqe TV, CBS's sister channel in Albuquerque. It is also her on e-year anniversary at the station as a reporter and multimedia journalist.
Three former J-School students are doing a good job in Honolulu Star-Antiser: Ed Lynch ('86) has been assistant editor and news editor since 2010, when Honolulu Star-Bulletin merged with Advertiser; Christine Donnelly ('88) is a leader writer and answers questions from readers; And Kevin Dayton ('85) is the head of the state in Hawaii and former reporter in the Tucson Citizen. Everyone is also former alumni from Arizona Daily Wildcat.
July 20, 2018
Jessica Suriano ('18) received a scholarship from the Arizona Press Club. Suriano, now a master student at J-School, is Pulliam Fellow this summer at the Arizona Republic reporting box. In May, she received the school's deficiency prize for outstanding journalism.
UA Tarptautinės žjournalisticos Studijų Užsienyje Programos Studentai Iš Kosta Ricos Renė Reportažus Aplinkosaugos Ir Socialinio Teisingumo Temomis. Tarp Jų Buvo Sascha Fruehauf, Olivia Jackson, Alex Muñoz Ir Lexi Richardson. Vadovaujami Profesorės Celeste González De Bustamante, Studentai Renia Darbus, Kurie Bus Publikuojami cost Ricos naujienų Leidinyje Anglų Kalba. Nuotraukos
Rocky Baier, Vasaro's internship i Zraelio Laikraščio "Jerusalem Post", Praėjus Trims Savaitėms Po Nætikos Buvo paumtintta į į į į į į į Entertainment “Redaktorės Pareigas. Ji Board 10 Maps Skelbė Straipsnius apie kneesetą; Boikoto, diversijų Ir Sankcijų kampaniją, arba bds; virtualiąją realybę; Pasaulio futbolo čempionatą ir kitas istoryjas. "Estorija APIE BDS Sulaukė Diderelio Atgarsio, yes Buvo Pasidalinta" Facebook "Pushing, Kurį SEKA Betik 2 mln. žMonių ", - Sako ji.
Alecas White'as Ir Davidas Skinneris Iš Laikraščio "Arizona Daily Wildcat" Kartu SU Justinu Spearsu (17 m.) Iš Laikraščio "Arizona Daily Star" Nušvietė NBA Vasaros Lygą lygą lygą las road. Skaitykite "Wildcat" Reportažą Ir Spearso Darbą.
Marissa Heffernan, Arizona Daily Star internship, Liepos 9 d. Liepos 13 d. Ji Taip Pat Paskelbė Straipsnį "Saulė - Nemokamo Mokslo Reninio Center".
Chandler Donald, an intern at the Arizona Daily Star, wrote an obituary of UA archaeologist Harold Dibbs on July 19 and published the headline, “Zero waste: Art made from fruit stickers,” in the Home & Life section on July 8. He also had a story on June 28 in Caliente, about metal bands and comedian Joe Rogan.
Melissa Vasquez, an intern at the Arizona Daily Star, published a story on June 30, “Community group marks 20 years of supporting immigrant students in Tucson.”
Eddie Celaya, an intern at the Arizona Daily Star, published a story on July 1, “Fundraisers help pet rescue groups pay their vet bills.”
Ahmaad Lomax, an intern at the Arizona Daily Star, published a story on July 19, “Tucson residents compete for chance to win national go-karting title.”
Pablo Lopez , an intern at the Arizona Daily Star , published a story on July 16, “Former Border Patrol agent in Nogales says gambling led him to drug smuggling.”
Simon Asher , an intern at the Arizona Daily Star , published a photo on July 8, “Model airplanes at the Pima Air and Space Museum.”
Kathleen Kunz , an intern at the Tucson Weekly , wrote a story, “Under threat” on July 12 about an Arizona man who was ordered by a judge to stop harassing his neighbors. Click here to read more stories by Kunz.
Dalal Radwan, a reporter for Tucson Local Media, published on July 13, was published with the title “Local youth with Oro Valley community arts center flair.”
Alex Eschelman is currently watching Fox Sports Arizona. Volg haar op twitter. com/eschelspecial en bekijk een lijst met alle stagiairs van de school.
Natalia Navarro ('17 B. A., '18 M. A.) accepteerde een baan bij Colorado Public Radio in Denver (www. cpr. org). Ze begint op 6 august. “Na een lange zoektocht naar een baan ben ik zo opgelucht en enthousiast dat ik mijn nieuwe stad heb gevonden,” zegt Navarro, een voormalige stagiaire bij Arizona Public Media en de Arizona Daily Star.
Jamie Verwys ('18) heeft een baan geaccepteerd als overheids-/metroreporter bij de Sierra Vista Herald. Ze zal samenwerken met een andere recente alumna van de J-school, verslaggever Emily Ellis ('18 M. A.). Inhoudsredacteur Steve Choice ('16 M. A.), ontwerper David Diaz ('99) en verslaggeefster Lauren Renteria ('17) werken ook bij de Herald.
Amanda Oien ('18) has accepted a ful l-time job near Madden Media as a specialist in social media. Oien, who was already working at the Arizona Daily Wildcat and is President of the School online news association, wrote on Facebook: “I am so happy and feel very grateful to get this opportunity and start this next chapter in my journalistic career .. "
Caitlin Schmidt ('14), reporter at the Arizona Daily Star, received good news when a judge rejected a summons of the former UA-light athletics coach Craig Carter for Schmidt's notes on his litigation. "A great victory for freedom of the press," said the star employee and lecturer Cathalena E. Burch. Read the report by Star graduate Gloria Knott.
Zach Clark ('12) gave up his job as a moderator of an ESPN radio talk show at 1490-am at the end of June. He went back to Michigan, where his wife "climbed up the career ladder" in marketing. Read his guest post in the Arizona Daily Star. Tom Lapadat took over his transmitter from 3 p. m. to 6 p. m. at 1490. Clark, a former employee of Arizona Daily Wildcat Kamp Radio, is a good friend of the school and gave the students job tips at previous events.
Kendra Paige ('15), reporter at KVOA TV's News 4 Tucson, made a report on credit card fraud on Zapfsbäfen on July 19. Click here to see the report.
June 29, 2018
Pascal Albright, Simon Asher, Jane Bendickson and Kirshana Guy Bija Mentori 2018. Gada Donald W. Carson Žurnālistikas Daudzveidības Seminārā Arizonas Vidusskolēniem. Graduateūra's students Zeina Peterson Arī iesaistījās, Jo Grupa Rakstīja Par dažām Smagām Tēmām: Šaušanas Skolās, America's Pamatedzīvotāju Panākumi, Sitsuālie Uzbrukumi Ce, pēcdzemdību depresija, Garīgās slimības, ģērbšanās noteikumi un vietējā Klostera nākotne. Vidusskolēni Bija Džulians Armenta (Tuksona Čolla), Sadija Azerska (Tuksona Kanjona del Oro), Ivory Bacy (Tuksona Sahuaro), Kalbs Klaids (Vinslova), Dara Garsija (Tohono O'odham), Greisa Hārdingon A Mitchell ( Tuksonas Vidusskola), Rohan Patel (Fīniksas Sandra Day O'Connor), Madeline Richardson (Tuksonas Gregory Skola), Stephany Rocha (Tuksonas Vidusskola) Un Jenny Sandoval (Tuksonas Desert View). Grupa sagatavoja laikrakstu un tīmekļa vietni the chronicle. Spiediet Šeit, Lai Izlasītu Stāstu par semināru.
Nine students have become members of Kappa Tau Alpha, the university’s honor society that recognizes academic excellence and promotes scholarship in journalism and mass communication: Matt Brockman, Vivian I. Colter, Emily Ellis, Marissa Heffernan, Dominika Heusinkveld, Angelo Lavo, Alexis Richardson, Haille Saal-Khalili, and Chris Stidley.
Students of Prof. Kim Newton completed their studies abroad in Italy. Advanced photojournalism students were Kayla Belcher, Hannah Dahl, Devyn Edelstein, Rosalina Emnace, Olivia Ledford, and Caleb Villegas. Beginning photojournalism students were Dymond Bradley, Dani Cropper, Carmel Gisslow, Sydney Kenig, Tobias Kochenderfer, and Maddie Viceconte. Click here to view their work. Dalal Radwan , a graduate student, has published several stories as a summer intern at Tucson Local Media, including local Muslims beating the heat during Ramadan, published in the Explorer and Marana News and online. Click here to read more of her work. See a list of all the school’s summer interns.
Pablo Lopez , an intern reporter at the Arizona Daily Star, saw his first story published on June 15, “Not One More Day: Local Officials Call for an End to Separating Families at the Border.”
Kathleen B. Kunz , a summer intern at Tucson Local Media, saw her first story about road construction make the front page of the Explorer on June 6.
Chandler Jordan , an intern at the Arizona Daily Star, published two stories in the June 28 Caliente: one about metal bands and the other about comedian Joe Rogan.
Chris Stidley , a graduate student and member of Prof. Carol Schwalbe, published a story, “From Photos to DNA: Citizen Scientists Target Gila Monsters in Saguaro National Park,” in the research section of the Western National Parks Association website.
Simon Asher published his first photos as an intern at the Arizona Daily Star of FC Tucson’s June 9 win over the Colorado Switchbacks U23. Click here and scroll down to see his photos.
Genesis Lara is interning as a reporter in her hometown for Nogales International. Read the newspaper’s profile of her.
Naomi Pier, a member of Prof. Carol Schwalbe’s science journalism class, published a story about leafcutter ants—“Ants go marching on: 30 years of Atta mexicana in Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument”—in the research section of the Western National Parks Association website.
May graduate Andrew Koleski accepted a job at the Yuma Sun newspaper as a page designer and copy editor. Koleski, a former Arizona Daily Star intern and copy editor for the Arizona Sonora News Service, will start July 16 and work alongside Rogelio Yubeta Olivas ('85), a former Tucson Citizen reporter who is news editor at the Sun. "I am extremely happy to start my professional career doing what I love," Koleski said on Facebook.
May graduate Tyrion Morris is the new Tucson Weekly web editor. “Tyrion was an outstanding intern for us in the fall, and we are thrilled to have her join our team,” Jim Nintzel, executive editor and J School instructor, wrote in an editorial note. Morris joins Danyelle Khmara ('17), former student Christopher Boan, and four J School summer interns for the weekly magazine: Kathleen Kunz , Marissa Ryan , Tori Tom , and Ava Garcia .
Arizona Daily Star reporter Caitlin Schmidt, '14, won the Arizona First Shift Coalition's S. T. A. R. (Supporting Transparency and Advocacy Recognition) for advocating First Amendment principles during an investigation into UA's Title IX policies and procedures in light of a series of allegations involving the athletic department. Schmidt has started working at the Star as a government reporter with Joe Ferguson ('06), covering "watchdog" stories.
Madison Brodsky ('17) started a new job at Entertainment Tonight magazine as an editorial assistant in Burbank, California. Brodsky has worked as an entertainment reporter and cameraman for TMZ/TooFab since graduating from our J-schools.
Wielu naszych absolwentów poschło do pracy w warunkach zoastrzonego szczeczychny po pięch zabitych w redakcji Capital Gazette w Annapolis w stanie Maryland. Dziennik Arizona Daily Star wywiesił flagę do połowy masztu, aby uczcić płymą zwiłych. Byly student, Christopher Boan, w felietonie dla Tucson Weekly oppoiesald o pracy jako stażysta w gazecie w Annapolis. Justin Sayers ('14 B. A., '15 M. A.), reporter at the Louisville Courier Journal, said, "Reporterzy są dobrzy dla naszej demokracji". John D'Anna ('83) wrote about odwadze dziennikarzy w poście na Facebooku.
Zach Clark ('12) odszęł z pracy wrześciego talk-show w radiu ESPN 1490-AM 26 czerwka. Wraca do domu w Michigan, gdzie jego żona "wspina się po szczeblach kariery". Click here to read his opinion in the Arizona Daily Star.
Alexa Wallen ('18) accepted a job as a production assistant at FOX News in the Shepard Smith Reporting and Breaking News Division in New York after working as a producer for digital content at KVOA TV.
Zach Smith ('18) is now a scouting assistant at the Tampa Bay Buccaners in the NFL, after working as a head recruiting and player personnel internally for the UA football team and as a scouting intern for the Chargers.
Kassandra Lau ('11) produces the AZPM program "Arizona 360" with the moderator and lecturer Lorraine Rivera ('04). See episodes. Before she came to Arizona Public Media at the end of 2017, Lau worked at Kusa-TV in Denver, KVOA TV in Tucson and Klfy-TV in Lafayette, Louisiana.
Dan Shearer ('85) was appointed edito r-i n-chief of Wick Communications. Shearer will continue to work as an editor of the Green Valley News and Sahuarita Sun, but he will also work with the editors of the almost 30 newspapers of the company to improve content, proven practices and management skills and to keep an eye on the changes in the industry .
Saul Loeb, graduate of the J-School in 2004 and photographer for Agence France press, was sitting in the front row at the Trump-Kim summit in Singapore. Click here to see some of his pictures.
Austina Alexanderis Countsas (11 m.), "4th Avenue Deli" Savininkas ir Vietinis Muzikantas, Pristatomas Birželio 14 d. Laikraštyje "Tucson Weekly". Peržiūrėkite Šaunų Chow Rašytojo Marko Whittakerio Straipsnį "Sumuštinių Žmogus".
2018 m. Birželio 1 d.
Rebecca noble ('17 m.) Laimėjo Pirmąją vietą nacionaliniu Mastu Profesionalų Žurnalalist (Society of Professional Journalists) Conspirate "Mark of Excellence" Didelių Fotografije 2017 m. Arizona Daily Wildcat "Nuotraukas" Mutton Busted ”. Dabar Rebeka Dirba photographer "Cody Enterprise" Laikraštyje Vajominge. Jos Darbus Rasite Adresu www. codyenterprise. com, o Visus nugalėtojus - Čia.
Kendal Blust ('16 M. A.) Arizonos Spaudos Clubo Apdovanojimuose Pelnė Penkis Pirmosios Vietos Apdovanojimus. Iš Viso Su Ua J Mokykla Susiję Pelnė 15 Pirmosios Apdovanojimų, įskaitant Neseniai Baigusias Caitlin Schmidt ('14) Ir Mikayla Mace ('17 M. A.) Iš "Arizona Daily" T J. D. Molinary. Skaitykite Mūsų Straipsnį APIE VISUS NUGALėTOJUS.
Bethany Barnes ('13 M. A.), was declared today by the Union of Education Writers as the National Educational Journalist of the Year for her work in The Oregonian and the Benefit of the Doubt series, which revealed how Portland's public schools failed to act on reports of sexual delinquency. The report made the region and the union to review their policies. Bethany has kindly spent her time speaking to students here in April and via skype last fall. Click here for more details.
Camilla Wesbruks, journalism student and HA female tennis player, was declared an academic reference to all PAC-12 academics. Read more here.
Nearly 40 students at the J-School School achieved summer internships or apprentices Star. Click here to see the full list of students.
Maritza Cruz ('18), wearing the UA t-shirt, and the 2018 summer classroom program of the Quinn Scholars Program Scholars Program gathered in Nashville. He met Nashville Freedom Rider Ernest "Rip" Patton Jr. and watched the orientation and multimedia training. Cruise does an internship at the Bay Area News Group in San Jose as part of the program. Click here to see all the previous practitioners of the HA J-School Chips Quinn.
Gloria Knott ('18) Har Takket Ja Til en Fulltidsjobb Som Reporter I Arizona Daily Star. "Jeg Kommer Til Å Jobbe Mye Med Digitale og Sosiale Medier, OG Skrive Nyheter og Politireportasjer, I Tillegg Til Dybde- OG LangReportasjer", Sier Hun. Gloria Har Vært Feature-Lærling og Frilanser for Star Det Siste Året. Les Arbeidet Hennes Her.
Saul Bookman ('18 M. A., '17 B. A.) FLYTTER TIL PHOENIX FOR Å BLI NY INNOLDSSJEF FOR SOSIALE OG DIGITALE MEDIER HOS FOX Sports Arizona. "Jeg Er Så Ydmyk Over Støtten Mine Nærmeste Har Gitt Meg for Å Få Dette Til Å Skje!", Skriver Alumnen Fra Arizona Daily Wildcat På Facebook. Se Masterprosjektet Hans, "Sound, Mind and Body: The Gerald Brown Story".
Kendal Blust, Som Gikk UT AV Masterstudiet I 2016, Har Takket Ja Til en Jobb Som Reporter for Kjzz Phoenix Public Radio Ved et Nytor I Hermosillo I Sonora. Blust Har Vært En Prisbelønt Reporter for Nogales International de Siste to Årene. Jonathan Clark, Nis Sjefredaktør, Roser Kendal Og Hennes Arbeid I en Spalte 29. Mai, "Another Reporting Star Moves On".
Murphy Woodhouse, a former student at J-School, leaves the Arizona Daily Star and starts working as a reporter on the KJZZ Phoenix public radio at his new bureau in Ermosillo, Sonora. He will focus on Arizona's business relationship with Sonora. Woodhouse was reflected in the "old" county and transport.
Gabby Goduko ('18), a member of OA's Removal for four years, joined the Dallas Cowboys cheerleader training camp for the 2018-19 season.
Caitlin Schmidt ('14), a reporter at the Arizona Daily Star, is admitted to a mentoring program led by the Association of Women in Sports Media. Click here for more information.
Brett FER ('05), Direktor der Ua Student Media, Und der Ehemalige Direktor Mark Woodhams Organisierten Ein Arizona Daily Wildcat-Treffen in Washington, D. C. á ('97) Ausgerichtet Wurde. ZU Den Weiteren Teilnehmern Gehörten: Lindsey Frazier Fera ('06), Patrick Klein, Eun Kim ('92), Saul Loeb ('04), Johnston Kelso ('91), Carol), Carol) Darr Beiser ('76), Margo Warren ('76), Corbett Daly, Eliza Tebo Berkon, Tim McDonnell, Michelle Weinberg ('07), Ncy Cleland ('77), Robert Walker Und Kellie Mejdrich ('12). Fera Hofft Auf Künftige Treffen An Anderen Orten, Z. B. in Phoenix, Südkalifornien und Der Bay Area. KLICKEN SIE HIER, UM die fotos des treffens in d. c. zu sehen.
Brittny Mejia ('14), Reporterin Bei der Los Angeles Times, Sah, Wie Ihre Geschichte über Matthew Whitaker Landesweite Aufmerksamkeit Erregte: "Beim Joggen Entde Zwanzig Jahre Später Sind Sie Wieder Vereint. ”Whitaker Plant, An der Ua Journalismus Zu Studieren.
Susan Carroll ('99), Eine Investigative Reporter Beim Houston Chronicle, Und Ihre Kollegen Berichteten über Die Folgen der Schießerei An deros in Santa Fe, Texas, in "eh. Then Chaos. "
Fayana Richards ('08) šiemet Mičigano Valstijo Apsigynė Antropologijos Daktaro Laipsnį OS LYGYBėS TYRIMų Centro dooktontūros stažuotoja.
Samas Brace'as (06 m.) Yra "Simpleview" Tuksone (simpleviewinc. com) Produktų švietimo Direktorius.
Alexis Blue ('05) NUO 2014 m. Dirba Arizonos Universiteto Ryšių Su žiniasklaida Ir Komunikacijos Direktoriaus patėjėja.
Cindy Laughlin ('97 M. A.) is a senior marketing coordinator at EPS Group Inc. in Mesa after serving as a marketing intern at Stantec in Tucson and RS Engineering.
Bryan Rosenbaum ('01) is a web developer and design specialist at Madden Media and is poised to celebrate his 11th anniversary with the Tucson-based company after previously serving as a sports designer and editor for the Arizona Daily Star.
Rachael Myer Curley ('01) is a client services director at DRA Collective in Phoenix.
May 11, 2018
Jessica Suriano, Erik Kolsrud, Jordan Williams and Emily Ellis took top honors at the 52nd annual Just Desserts Student Awards ceremony held May 10 at the Arizona Historical Society. Suriano, a senior, received the Philip Mangelsdorf Award for Outstanding Journalist of the Year; Kolsrud won the Sherman R. Miller Award for Outstanding Senior; Williams received the Brewster P. Campbell Award for Outstanding Junior; and Ellis was named Outstanding Alumni. Click here to read about all the winners. Click here to see the 2018 Just Desserts program, including 78 Spring 2018 graduates and 15 Summer 2018 graduates. Click here to watch the Facebook Live video of the ceremony and the first and second photo galleries.
Daniel Young-Miller's 2018 Jangs Millers. The 2018 Daniels ... Otrajā vietā ierindojās Aly Cantor ar fotogrāfiju, kurā attēlots skolēns, kurš snauž, bet trešajā vietā ierindojās Alexandra Pere ar suņa attēlu. Šīs un vēl deviņas citas fotogrāfijas no professora Kim Ņūton 203. classes ir izvietotas gaitenī viņa cabineta priekšā (Marshall 327). Spiediet šeit, lai aplūkotu visas 12 fotogrāfijas, tostarp Metjū Krisaras, Hollijas Halstedas, Sašas Hartzell, Natana Martinesa, RJ Moskedas, Zojas Robertsas, Marisas Raienas, Kaleba Villegasas un Brianonas Vilfongas fotogrāfijas.
Bria Fonteno un Carmen Valencia bija 2018. gada pavasara raidījuma “Arizona Cat's Eye” līdzautori, ko veidoja raidījumu class, kuru pasniedz prof. Rogelio García un Celeste González de Bustamante. Citi studenti, kas piedalījās, bija Jessy Prettyman (izpildproducente); Valencia (producer); Robby Leaño (graphics producers); Leonard Moody un Leaño (raidījuma editori); Paige Helfinstine, Sabrina Jandro, Sarah Workman un Noemi Salazar (reklāmas pasākumi); un Haley Cohn, Maria Arey , Valencia, Helfinstine, Jandro un Workman (sociālie mediji). 2. maijā class kritizēja 30 minūšu episodei, kurā ir stāsti par robežu. Spiediet šeit, lai noskatītos raidījumu, kas tika ierakstīts Arizona Public Media studijā.
May graduate Ciara Encinas has started a job as a morning reporter at KYMA-TV in Yuma. She starts this month. “This is the job my mom has been waiting for since I was a third grader,” she wrote on Facebook. Ciara has interned at KVOA-TV in Tucson, CBS News in Washington, D. C., and KOLD-TV/Tucson News Now, and worked at the Arizona Daily Wildcat’s UATV 3.
Senior Andrew Paxton will start as an assistant editor and reporter at the Green Valley News/Sahuarita Sun in May. “After more than five years of chasing stories, doing some alchemy, working with student reporters, and learning everything I can fit into my head, I’m taking the next step toward where I want to be,” he said on Facebook. Paxton, an editor at the Arizona Daily Wildcat, will join senior David Joseph Del Grande, who is starting at the News/Sun. Both transferred from Pima College. Natalia Navarro defended her master's project, "Why America? A Citizenship Podcast" (Segment 1 and Segment 2), on May 2 at Marshall 341. Committee members were Celeste González de Bustamante (chair), Sarah Gassen (Arizona Daily Star), and Nancy Sharkey. Navarro was in the Accelerated Master's Program. Saul Bookman presented the master's project, "Sound, Mind and Body: The Gerald Brown Story", 1. may i Marshall 340. The committee members are Jeannine Relly (lead), Paola Boivin (ASU) and Rogelio Garcia. Bookman, some editors in the Arizona Daily Wildcat, is in the Accelerated Master's Program. You see the movie from Brown, in basketball training and Arizona School for the Deaf & amp; Blind, som fikk en donornyre fra moren til en spiller.
Emily Ellis forsvarte masteroppgaven sin, «Diseased Coverage: Foreign Media Framing of the 2009 Swine Flu Epidemic in Mexico», from 27. april i Marshall 341. Professorer. Celeste González de Bustamante (lead), Linda Lumsden and Susan E. Swanberg have hennes komitémedlemmer. Ellis, som har en dobbel mastergrad i journalistikk og latinamerikanske studier, skal begynne som grensereporter for Herald/Review Media i Sierra Vista.
Alyssa Schlitzer Hill forsvarte masteroppgaven sin, «The Spread of Top Misinformation Articles on Twitter from 2017 to 2018: Social Bot Influence and Misinformation Trends», 1. mai i Marshall 344. Hedefens medlemmer var Jeannine Relly (leder), Mary Feeney (UA Libraries), Mike McKisson og Carol Schwalbe. Hill skal flytte til Denver-området og planlegger å jobbe med webdesign.
Courtney Talak , a May graduate, was the editor and designer of the spring 2018 issue of El Independiente, titled "Equality. The Status of Women in Arizona." Other staff members included Nick Smallwood (photo editor), Andrew Koleski (editor), and reporters Gloria Knott, Isaac Rounseville, Allison Suarez, Jessica Suriano, Talak and Lauren Whetzel. The consultant for El Inde was Terry Wimmer .
Jasmine Ann Demers , a master's student, was named editor in chief of the Arizona Daily Wildcat for summer and fall 2018. Demers previously served as Arts & amp; Life editor at the Wildcat. Read her bio.
Four former and current UA Journalism and/or Arizona Daily Wildcat journalists were honored at the Society of Professional Journalists Region 11 conference on April 27-28 in Los Angeles. J. D. Molinary was a finalist in general news coverage for his story on the UA Presidential search; Rebecca Noble ('17) won in feature photography for her photos from the Tucson Rodeo; Sean Furrier ('17) won in online sports coverage for his story on the Sean Miller era; and Jorge Encinas ('16, M. A.) won in in-depth coverage for his El Independiente/ASN story on "Immigrant property disappears during deportation."
Pascal Albright, Andrew Paxton, Ava Garcia and Dalal Radwan will host the Los Angeles Professional Review Conference on April 27-28 and attend the AP's annual report in German.
Arizona Daily Star žurnālistes mācekle Marica Krusa (Maritza Cruz ) staāstā par Tuksonas pilsētas centra La Placita pagātni, jo centrs tiek nojaukts, lai uzbūvētu jaunus dzīvokļus, pievērsās Tuksonas pilsētas pagātnei. Redaktors viņai teica, ka “pat kopēšanas redaktors” uzslavēja šo stastu, kas, pēc redaktora teiktā, ir reta parādība. Krusa uzrakstīja arī stastu par Flam Čena kvartāla ballīti, stastu par UA profesora documentālo filmu “Hipiju ģimenes vērtības” and stastu par grupu Jefferson Starship.
Andrew Koleski , Arizona Daily Star redaktora interns, palielināja savu redaktora maiņas laikā rediģēto stastu skaitu. There is no view of the public here: “Teksasā Rio Grande is also piedāvā priekšskatu Trampa vizītei pie robežas” and “Pie Gazas robežas Izraēlas karaspēks nogalināja 15 palestīniešu protestētājus” and “Pirmā ledija pēc afēras runas Palmbīčā meklē izkliedēt uzmanību”.
Elena Gonzalez, an intern reporter at the Arizona Daily Star, wrote about a man who makes snack bars out of meat, wrote a piece about poke restaurants, and wrote a piece about new homeowners’ renovations. She also worked with the staff to produce The Point Being, a weekly podcast featuring the Star’s editorial and/or opinion staff.
Leah Gilchrist, an intern reporter at the Arizona Daily Star, wrote about a troubled Fijian fraternity returning to campus, and also wrote a piece about how the Tucson Police Department is using data analytics to be more responsive to the needs of the community.
Tirion Morris, an intern reporter at the Arizona Daily Star, saw one of her company’s stories in the same week’s news report. She wrote a story about a company that rents apartments to felons and evictees, people who typically have a hard time finding housing. She also worked in the courts, where she produced a story about a man convicted of selling recycled government property on eBay.
Steven Spooner, student photographer at the Arizona Daily Star, saw a number of his photos published at a conference on climate change in the desert, and more than half a dozen photos from the March for Our Lives published, including here and here and here. Hij had ook een galerij over Ierse dans en een andere over de dans.
Kathleen Kunz , een leislich-kunstverslaggever voor de Arizona Daily Star, schreef over de Youth Philharmonia.
Allison Suarez, a trainee reporter for the Arizona Daily Star, published two stories: one over the Border Action Alliance die rondleidingen over de grens organizart om misvattingen tegen te gaan, en one over geneeskrachtige taeziurplanten.
De laatse Tombstone Epitaph van het semester op 5 mei ging over de viering van de de film "Tombstone", die 25 jaar geleden in de stad werd opprecht met Val Kilmer in de hoofdrol, door Elise McClain en Katie Caldwell. Andere verhalen zijn: Bisbee's historisch gebehde ( Jamie Verwys ), bars/eetgegenheden buiten de gebaande paden ( Savannah Shippen ), female boeren ( Amanda Stadek ), het kunstwerk van de huisschilder van St. David ( Nick Smallwood en Deanna Sherman ), Czech artist ( David Joseph Del Grande ), zwart honkbal ( Miranda Rodriguez ) en Arizona wijn ( Carly Oseran en Reed Wallace ).
Three J-School Alumni from Arizona Public Media - Lorraine Rivera ('04), Sandra Westdahl ('12) and Andrea Kelly ('05) - won regional Edward R. Murrow Awards and are eligible for the national competition (read story) . In total, AZPM received seven prizes in region 3, which includes TV and radio stations in Wyoming, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico.
Pam White is the new chairman of the Journalism Advisory Council of the school. PAM is a former Emmy-winning reporter/producer Extraordinaire at Arizona Public Media. She replaces Frank O. Sotomayor ('66), who remains as vice-chairman. Click here to read more about the council.
Frank O. Sotomayor ('66), an inaugural member of the Hall of Fame of the school, has returned to his roots as a sports reporter for the Arizona Daily Star, where he beats UA athletics for sports editor Ryan Finley ('02). Click here to follow Sotomayors stories on Twitter.
Sāra Hammonda, 1977. Gadā Absolviasi J Skolu, Pārtrauc Strādāt Arizonas Sabiedriskajos plašsaziņos par Zincesche Reportieri un producer, kānālistas Nieces Un BemeLes Amata. Hammonda, Bijusī Arizona Daily Star žurnāliste, Izcēlās kā sucnāliste un Komunikācijas Speciāliste Raytheon, UA Marsa Misijā un Arizonas vēuit filen. Spiediet Šeit, Lai Lasītu 2017. Gada Cursor Rakstu par VIņu.
Tomam Kolinsam ('98), Bijušajam Arizona Daily Wildcat Redaktoram, Ir Nepieciešams Nieres Donors. Kolinss, 2005. Gada UA Tiesību Zinātņu Absolvents un Bijušais Tucson Citizen Reportieris, Ir Arizonas Pilsoņu tīro vēlēlēlēijas Izpilddirektors. Spiediet Šeit, Lai Igūtu sīkāku Informāciju.
Pols M. Ingrams (Paul M. Ingram), Bijušais JF MAZISTISTorth Students un tucsonsentinel. com Reportieris/photogrongs, ir viens no septiņiem asv žurnālistiem, kas ieguva nekomercfitty) rims she photo cursā par 2017. Gadā Uzņemto Attēlu, Kurā Redzams Pusaudzis, Kurš Sprinta No Beweresas Robobsienas.
Džastins Saierss (Justin Sayers, 14. G.) Ir Jauns Darba ņēmējs Laikrakstā Louisville Journal Sporta Redakcijā, Kur Viņš Pievērsīsies Aktuālām/Hlazņām, facebook, facebook Ita (Khalil Tate) Heismana Izcīņas Vietējo Reportāžu ”. Sayers at Laikraksta Dienvidindiānas Kopienu Reportieris.
Kendal Blust ('16 m. a.) from Nogales International covered the acquittal of a border patrol officer accused of killing a Mexican teenager in 2012. Perla Trevizo, Curt Prendergast (master's degree from 2011) and Mamta Popat from Arizona Dagy Star reported on the freezing A border patrol officer accused of killing a Mexican teenager in 2012. Federal prosecutors are considering a new trial.
Hannah Gaber ('16 m. a.) reflected on how she helped Arizona Republic win the Pulitzer Prize 2018 for explanatory reports in a case on our website and in Uanews. She produced the podcasts, contributed video and audio and organized images to "The Wall": Unknown Stories, Unintended Consequences ", a 2017 project conducted by a team of journalists from The Republic and USA Today Network.
April 20, 2018
Betty Hurd won Mark Finley's Gold Pen Award in the school's competition for best beginner journalism in the spring of 2018. Trent Anderson came in second and Eva Halvax in third place. Sixteen students, who were selected by their teachers in Jour 205, were given an hour to write a news case on April 16 after listening to a press conference and questions and answers from Jim Critchley, retired fire chief in Tucson. See the school's website, which also contains a link to previous winners.
Chastity Laskey, Aki Hamarosan Diplomát Szerez, Digitális Produceri Állást Vállalt Az USA Today/Gannett's Western Digital Hub-Nál, Az Arizona Republicnál. Laskey, Aki Április Elején Kezdett Phoenixben, Korábban Az Arizona Daily Wildcat Főszerkesztője Volt.
David Joseph del Grande a Green Valley News & amp; Sahuarita Sunnál Vállalt Állást. "Megtisztetés Számomra, Hogy Közvetlenül a Diploma Megszerzése Után BizTosítosíthatok Magamnak Egyr Riporthi Állást" - Mondja. David, Aki Tavaly Nyáron AZ NJ. com-Nál Gyakornokoscodot, Dan Shearerrel, A News (Gvnews. com) & amp; Sun (sahuaritasun. com) szerkesztőjével fog együtt dolgozni. Shearer 1985-Ben Végzett AZ Egyesült Arab Emírségek Jogi Karán.
Jamie maese elnyte a spanyol újságírók Országos Szövetségének (Nahj) Nyári Ösztöndíját a New York-in NBC Newsnál. Jamie Az MSNBC "The Last Word With Lawrence O'Donnell" Című Műsorában Fog Dolgozni.
Michelle Jaquette-ET Kiválasztották, Hogy Martha McSally Congresszusi Képviselőnő Irodájájában dolgozzon A Nyáron Sajtógya grained. A Második Interjúját a Posztra A Tavaszi Szünetben Washingtonban Töltötte, Susan Knight Professzor Inside The Beltway: Press, Politics and Power in DC Című Kurzusának Részekét.
April 14th The leadership of the Student Division of the National Association of Black Journalists organized a Skype session with investigative journalist Lottie Joiner. Chairwoman of the NabJ Division Zeina Cabrera-Peterson and Social Media President Krissy Obeng and Vivian Colter began an interview from Mr Joiner, who is the senior editor of The Crisis magazine. Joiner is also a c o-worker at the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at the University of Brandeis. Joiner talked about his career, reports on race and civil rights. More information about Joiner's work can be found here.
Nick Smallwood photographed on April 7. the inaugurations of the School Hall of Fame and the ceremony.
Micheal Romero filmed videos of the Hall of Fame.
April Lanuza and Zeina Cabrera-Peterson have helped adopt a group of guests from Tunisia this week: Internet leader Saoussen Ben Cheikh, Manal Issa, Basheer Al Dhorai and Seyf M'Rabet. These four people are learning mobile journalism, ethics and other journalism skills at J School and Arizona's newspaper Arizona Daily Wildcat.
Student Van Arizona Sonora News Service Service Nieuwe Verhalen OP de Asn-Website, Waaronder Gloria Knott 's Stuk Over Arizona Leeskorten; Shaq Davis' Verhaal Over Toegang Tot Beeleden van Politicalamera's; Mythen ontkrachten Over de Smaak van Arizona-Wijn (Carly Osran en Reed Wallace); En Erik Kolsrud 's Arizona Legislature Roundup en staatsdinosaurusverhaal.
Het Blue Guitar Magazine Voorjaar 2018, Een Project van Het Arizona Consortium for the Arts, Publicreven Door SE Ven-Student in Science Journalism (Najaar 2017) EN ENIVIVIVIVALTAL Journalism (Voorjaar 2018) Ego Huerta, Zoe Martín, Kellie Sheehan, Nick Smallwood En Chris Studley.
Devieraad van de Arizona Daily Wildcat - Bestaande Uit Courtney Talak, Andrew Paxton, Marissa Heffernan, Saul Bokman En Pascal Albright - Schreef Een Een Editorial Over Het Aansluiten Bij andre onon De Sector Het Hoofd Te Bieden. KLIK Hier Om Het Te Lezen.
Former Arizona Republic video journalist Hannah Gaber ('16 MA) and Republican editor Becca Dyer ('85) helped The Republic and USA Today Network win the 2018 Pulitzer Prize for explanatory reporting for the 2017 project, “The Wall: Untold Stories. Unintended Consequences.” Gaber helped with the video, was the primary producer of the podcast, and contributed audio and visual organization for many parts of the project. She is now making a film in Cyprus on a Fulbright research grant. Former J-School adjunct professor Rob O'Dell had the lead paragraph in a watchdog story about migrant deaths and did much of the data analysis for the project, while Republic Page 1 editor John D'Anna ('83) placed the project in print and wrote the headlines. Click here to meet the entire team. Read the Republic story and the story on the Pulitzer website. Bethany Barnes ('13 master's), education reporter for The Oregonian, spoke to Professor Maggy Zanger's advanced reporting class on April 11 about her story “Benefit of the Doubt: How Portland Public Schools helped educators evade allegations of sexual misconduct. Bethany won the national Brechner Freedom of Information Award for the project.
Jenny Hijazi (mastergrad fra 17), nyhetsassistant at the PBS NewsHour, chat with student in professor Jeannine Rellys forskningsmetodeklasse on April 19. Hijazi snack via Skype from PBS NewsHour-kontorene to the experiments with virtual reality-nyheter to their gjennomførte together with J-skoledirektør David Cuillier for their ble uteksaminert.
Christianna Silva ('17) is a reporter for VICE Media in New York City and has a job for Newsweek. Their intervjuet elever i Parkland, Florida, om de nye retningslinjene for ryggsekker etter massskytingen.
Zack Rosenblatt ('13) har fått en ny jobb hos NJ. com - han dekker Super Bowl masters Philadelphia Eagles (NJ. com/eagles). Rosenblatt, and current reporter from the Arizona Daily Star, her current coverage of the NBA Sixers.
The school recorded 14 people and two couples on 7 April in her inaugural Hall of Fame in the Center for Creative Photography: Gilbert Bailon ('81), the late Donald W. Carson ('54), Nancy Cleeland ('77), Richard Gilman ('72), Florence Graves ('76 Master's), Savannah Guthrie ('93), the late Hugh ('52) and Jan Harelson, Jane Kay ('61), Doug Martin, Sherman R. Miller 3rd, Lynne Olson ( '69), Mort Rosenblum ('65), Jacqueline Sharkey ('72), Don and Luda Soldwedel, Frank Sotomayor ('66) and the late Bill Walsh ('84). Click here for the program.
Sarah Kezele ('11) and John D'Anna ('83) were the ceremony masters for the Hall of Fame of the school.
Lynne Olson ('69), a Hall of Fame participant, spoke on 8 April after the screening of "Good Night, and Good Luck", the last film in the spring series Journalism on the school screen. The event attracted more than 300 people to The Loft Cinema. Prof. Nancy Sharkey introduced the film and Willon Conroy of the Arizona Inn interviewed Olson, who wrote to "The Murrow Boys", on April 9 for Sharkey's Writing Course on her journalistic career at The Associated Press and her seven history books, including "Last Hope Island" from 2017.
Jane Kay ('61), and AV Landets Fremste Milluornalister, Snakt 5. April Med student Fra Professor Carol Schwalbes OG Professor Susan Knights Classer to Sin Bonebrytende Series to Tce-Forurensning I Grunnvannet I Tucsons South Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side Side. BLE INNLEMMET I SKOLENS HALL OF FAME.
Nancy Cleeland ('77), Medlem AV Skolens Hall of Fame, Snakk 9. April Til Professor Maggy Zangers Avanserte Reportasjesklasse OG Professor Geoff's Student I Medierett to Los Angeles Times' Walmart-Serie, SOM VANT FOR NASJONPRIESTE , Som Var Hoveedforfatter, the Med Seg Papiropier AV articles for Å Fortelle Studente to Hvordan Walmarts Jakt På Lavere Utsalgspriser had the Påvirket Internasjonal Labor Ssis.
Malcolm Terence ('63), Tidliger Reporter I Los Angeles Times, Har Skrevet Boken «Beginner's Luck: Dispatches from the Klamath Mountains», Som Handler to Livet I et Kollektiv På slutten Av 1960-Og 70-Talle, Mudgetivism OG Indianernes Rettigheter.
30. Mars 2018
Maritza Cruz was awarded a Chips Quinn scholarship. This summer she will be a traineeship at Bay Area News Group San Jose, focusing on video journalism. Chips Quinn's scholarships became nearly 40 students. Click here to see the list. K. Cruz, Arizona Daily Star, a trainee, won the Hearst Multimedia Award for Arizona Sonora News Service video about homeless youth, Shelter Me.
Current and former Arizona Daily Wildcat employees J. D. Molinary, Rebecca Noble (17) and Alex Furrier (17, Eller Miss) joined Jorge Encinas (16-year Master's degree). The Universal City, California, participated in the Mark of Excellence Awards Finals Competition. The Molinary was nominated for the series about the search for the new UA president, including this story on confidentiality; Noble - for Tukson Rodeo photos; Furrier - for 2017 an early statistical analysis of the Sean Miller era; Encin - for the story of El Independent/ASN "Immigrant items disappear during deportation".
Student in Professor Carol Schwalbes Classes I Vitennskapsjournalikk Høsten 2017 Publiserte Sitt 40-Siders Zoooviewesw-Magin, Som Fokuserer På Tucsons Reid Park Zoo Og Detaidas Arbeid for å Be Tryddelee. Student in the Editor Marissa Heffernan, Carly Osran Og Nick Smallwood, Photo Kacey Seeloff Og Medarbeiderne Chris Blach, Tim Dabrowski, Sophie Daws, Clare Decelles, Alyssa Hill, Hannah Hindley An new, tony Perkins, Naomi Pier, Chris Studley, Spencer Stips Og Ysabella Zammit. Les Hele Utgaven Her.
Arizona Sonora News La Ut Nytt Innhold På Sine Nettsider 30. Mars, Blant Annet En SAK AV KATIE Caldwell OG AVA GARCIA OM HVORDAN et nytt Lutsslag Kan påvirke San Pedro-Elven. Andre Var Historier Om Arizona Som Forbereder Seg På Flere Skogbranner (Michaela Webb); Hjelpe Quinner Med å Komme Seg Ethter Brystrft (Sara Harelson); Den Nye Trenden Med Popup-Bikker (Marissa Einck); UA Quarterback Khalil Tate Uberørt AV Heisman-Snakk (Zach Smith); og en lovgivningsmessig sammenfatning: Ungdommer, militser, Mørke Penger (Erik Kolsrud).
Tombstone Epitaph 23. Mars Hadde Student in Historier Om En Parade Med Sørstatsflagg (AV ELISE MCCLAIN), ET Krisesenter for Vold i Hjemmet (Maritza Cruz), Gritis Bokkasser (Deanna Sherman Og Nick Smallwood) ece ), et popup-kunstgleri i bisbee (Jamie Verwys), Hjemsøkt Tourism (Miranda Rodriguez) og Matlaging Med Kaktusfigner (Carly Osran). Klick Her for å Lese Utgaven.
The Blue Guitar magazine, published by the Arizona Consortium for the Arts, accepted essays from seven science and environmental journalism students: Jessica Blackburn , Zoe Martin Cowan , Laura Fuchs , Diego Huerta , Kellie Sheehan , Nick Smallwood , and Chris Stidley . The essays will appear in the Spring 2018 issue.
Steven Spooner , a photography intern at the Arizona Daily Star, contributed to a March 30 gallery with Mike Christy (’11) about the March for Our Lives protest. Spooner was covering his first Tucson Rodeo and had a number of photos, including this one, in a gallery. A gallery of his work about a high school basketball game was also published.
Andrew Koleski , an apprentice copywriter at the Arizona Daily Star, has written headlines ranging from the death of Billy Graham to the arrest of high school students for school violence threats, and from charter schools to Vice President Biden. Some of his headlines: “Northwest hospital among first in AZ to use pill-sized pacemaker” and “Passenger: Teen driver without license made wrong turn onto NSA campus” and “Korean handshake highlights Olympic opening ceremony.”
Elena Gonzalez, a student at the Arizona Daily Star, jumped on the poke bowl trend in restaurants with a story on February 27 that was a beginner’s guide to poke; the story included two photos she took. The headline of her story: “A taste of Hawaii catches on in the desert.”
Maritza Cruz was a busy Arizona Daily Star intern covering the rodeo parade. She covered two stories, including one about an 82-year-old veteran who had waved to the crowd at 21 rodeo parades.
Kathleen Kunz, an intern for the Arizona Daily Star, published multiple stories, one about how art can change lives, a preview of the Wa:k Pow Wow, and another about Oscar Wilde’s “Salome.” UA’s trip to the NCAA Tournament didn’t last long, but J-students Courtney Rice, Alec White, Saul Bookman, and Simon Asher made the trip to Boise, Idaho, for the Arizona Daily Wildcat, UATV, and KAMP Student Radio. The four, plus Nate Airulla, Robby Leaño, and Leonard Moody, traveled to Las Vegas the week before for the Pac-12 men’s basketball tournament. Justin Spears (’17) also covered both tournaments for the Arizona Daily Star and sat down with Anthony Gimino (’90), Mike Luke (’09), and Ben White on the 1290-AM Las Vegas pregame show.
Oregonian reporter Bethany Barnes ('13 Master's) won the National Brechner Freedom of Information Award for his efforts that enabled readers to learn about a school district's tire operation from documents that the authorities struggled to keep secret. Click here to read about her price. She will talk about her investigation April 11 at. 15. 15 in Professor Maggy Zangers class in room 342.
Caitlin Schmidt ('14) from Arizona Daily Star and former J-school student Dylan Smith from Tucson Sentinel won Sledgehammer awards, which is awarded each year by Arizona Press Club to journalists who "mercilessly hunting for the truth". Schmidt, who has won the award twice, revealed how UA exposed female students to risk because athletes were not checked. Smith found a hidden provision in a bill that would have exempted the border patrol from the laws of freedom of information.
Associated Press' video journalist Sam McNeil ('14, Master's degree) has been given a lon g-term assignment for Ap in Beijing after being based in Jordan.
Glenn Cook ('92) is Benoemd Tot UiTvoerend Redacteur A Vice President Nieuws Bij de Las Vegas Review journal. Cook, Een Aluin van de Arizona Daily Wildcat Die Zijn Carrière Begon Bij De Arizona Daily Star, HEEFT 21 JAAR BIJ DE Review journal Gewerkt A HEFT Prijzen Gewonnen Als Redactur A Columnist. Click Hier about called Verhaal van de Review journal Te Lezen.
Leighton Ginn ('92) is MediaSpecialist Bij the River at Rancho Mirage Bij Palm Springs, Californië, a Freelance Sport-Entertainment Journalist Die Eerder Werkte Bij the Desert Sun, Arizona Daily Star EN Arizona Daily Daily.
Bethany Conway ('11, etc.) is assistant professor overtuigting cracht a policekeekk Communicatie Aan Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, Californië.
Dan Kohler ('12) is senior clanter Voor Amazon Marketplace a werk Samen Met Quiverr aan Optimisatie A strategy Voor Consumenignmarken, in Carlsbad, Californië.
Sean Fitzpatrick ('91), Een van de Oprichter's van de website van de arizona daily star, is de nieuwe digital directeur voor wick communications, dating tap uitgeft in arizona a negative the state of the state.
Ashley Grove ('14) is assistant social media marketing productie voor Beyond Indigo Pets, a company company Dat Zich Richt op Veterinaire Marketingdienssten.
Stephanie Corns ('02), Voormal Hoofredactur van de Arizona Daily Wildcat, Is Directeur Business Reputatie Bij Charles Schwab in San Francisco.
Anne Simmons ('05) IS Manager Publieke Televisie Voor de Bay Area Video Coalition in De Bay Area Van San Francisco.
William Murray ('80) is deputy spokesman for the International Monetary Fund in Washington, where he has been since 1998 after previously serving as a correspondent and bureau chief for Dow Jones Co.
Jennifer Fitzenberger Zeagler ('99) is manager of online communications for UNS Energy/Tucson Electric Power after previously serving as director of external communications at the UA and as a reporter at the Fresno Bee.
March 9, 2018
Students in Susan Knight's class "Inside the Beltway: Press, Politics and Power in D. C." visited Washington together with a summer camp that included journalists and media representatives, including younger UA students. Students include Madeline Dunlap, Lizzie Quinlan, Rocky Baier, Michelle Jaquette, Bennett Adamson, Jane Garza, Jack O'Sullivan, Marissa Ryan and Nick Meyers. Danyelle Khmara, this time in December, this is what she said. Avgangselevene Kellie Mejdrich (CQ Roll Call), Jenny Hijazi (PBS News Hour), Mary Brandenberger (DEA media affairs) and H Darr Beiser (pensjonert USA Today photographer), and Washington Post reporter Jack Gillum snakket med studentene. Colleen Bagnall from the College of SBS was also a student and alumnus at Watergate Hotel, Paul Allvin (USO), Nancy Cleeland (OSHA, Dept. of Labor), Christine Gacharna (Essay Palooza), Francesco Peganini (U. S. Aid), Paula Kelso (Washington Post), Saul Loeb (Agence France-Presse), Michele Stevenson (pens jonert Time Magazine), Margo Warren (National Institutes of Health), Pat Zapor (Catholic Legal Immigration Network) and Beiser. Intercept reporter Jim Risen also said.
Shaq Davis is a deltidsreporter in the Arizona Daily Star, before the report. Les noen av artiklene hans her, blant annet «Tucson high school students dress up as superheroes to teach kids about personal safety» fra 6. mars.
Gloria Knott wrote an article “10 reasons journalists decide to write books” for Arizona Daily Star on March 9th. There will be 11 articles for the Arizona Daily Star in February, before the 10th edition of the Festival of Books.
Tirion Morris, who wrote in the Arizona Daily Star, wrote the byline with Curt Prendergrast ('11) in the article "Plea: Agent bar uniform, you can also use the grensepatrulje-pickup in potsmugling."
J School Students Saul Bookman, Alec White, Simon Asher, Nate Airulla, Courtney Rice, Robby Leaño and Leonard Moody reflected the UA men's basketball race on the title of Pac-12 tournament in Las Vegas Arizona Daily Wildcat, Uatv and Kampa Student Radio. See him on the reporting site wildcat. arizona. edu/.
Arizona Sonora News published new scenes on Dreamer Parents (author Noemi Salazar Mata), football in Tukson (Zach Smith), Sierra Vista Shelter, which uses family violence (Maritza Cruz), pay differences between gender (Gloria Knott) Review (Erik Klsrud), Sonora hotdog (Sammy Minsk), ACL rupture (Conor Redmond) - and a podcast for a campaign aimed at providing prisoned women with hygiene napkins (Brieana Sealy).
On March 1, Carmen Valencia, Robby Leaño and Jessica Suriano talked to 11 Hopi High School students about their journalism projects and life in UA J-school.
Graduates Emily Ellis, who is an internship in Arizona's public media, saw Uanews promoting her story and radio story about turquoise in her e-magazine.
DE Studentenafdeling van de Ua van de National Association of Hispalists GAF 28 February Een Lezing Door de Bekrounde Journalist Valeria Fernández. Zij Help was Het Maken van Two Americans, Een Documentaire Over Het Leven Van Sheriff Joe Arpaio en Een 9-Jarige Wiens Ouders Werden Gearresteerd Tijden Een Immigratieactie.
Justyn Thomas, Student Aan de J-School en Vier Jaar Van Het UA-BASKETBALTEAM, WERD OP 3 MAART OP Senior Day Geior Door Ua-Coach Sean Miller Na de Overwinning van de Wildcats op Cal. Thomas Risde Naar Spanje Voor de Exhibition Tour in Augustus En de Bahama's In November, En Zal Het Team Vergezellen OP de Pac-12 En NCAA Toernooien.
Caitlin Schmidt ('14) Van de Arizona Daily is Verhuisd van de Openbare Veiligheidsienst naar ua athletics voor tenminste de Komende Maand. Hier is Haar Recent Verhaal: “Turmoil in UA Athletic Department Prompts Review of Policies Involving Sexual Violence, Discrimination.
Frank O. Sotomayor ('66), Die Voorzitter is van de Adviesraad Journalist Van de School, Verslaat UA Atlas Voor de Arizona Daily Star. Lees Zijn Verhaal, "Wildcat Standout Georgeeanne Moline Keert Met Goud Terug Naar Tucson".
Kyle Mittan ('14) ER Kommunicunic Forcesialist I UA OG Hjelper Til Med Administrator Innholdet I NyhetsBrevet Lo Que Pasa, Ethter Tidligere å Ha Jobbet I Bellingham (Wash.) Herald.
Amber Sumpter ('13) ER SeniorProdusent Ved News 13 I Orlando, EN 24-Timers Nyhetskanal Soms Det Sentale Florida.
Bryon Wells ('99) is a writer and editor at the UAS (unmanned aircraft) Integration Office at the Federal Air Force in Washington, D. C. before working at the Medameter Foundation.
EMI COMMIY ('13) is an expert in radiodifusion at U. S. Marine Corps Community Services in Okinawa, Japan, after a previous work as a multimedia journalist at KPNX in Phoenix and KGRZ in Buffal.
Devlin Houser ('11), a former associate of Arizona Public Media, is a Spanish teacher at Tucson Magnet High School High School.
Maizie Simpson ('14) is an editor at Credit Karma, based in San Francisco and has previously worked at Magoosh in Berkeley, California.
23. February 2018
Dominica Heusinkveld, a candidate for a master's degree in journalism and environmental sciences, published her story 'B-36 a decisive role in the beginning of nuclear' as a complete article on the first page of the Home & Amp section; Life newspaper Arizona Daily Star 18. February. She wrote the story with Professor Nancy Sharkey, who teaches her about writing articles.
Michelle Jaquette wrote a story entitled "Troubled Tram: The Sabino Canyon tram, powered by gas, could withdraw for the benefit of an electrical alternative," was published in the Tucson Weekly newspaper 15 in February. She wrote the article as part of the teaching of articles by Professor Nancy Sharkey.
Vasario 16 d. Pasirodė Pirmoji Šio Semestro 'Epitafia', Curios Pirmuosiuose Rašoma Apie Tombstone'o Verslo Sulėtėjim (Kayla Belcher), Kovmail Martos McSally Vietos Jav atststovų Rūmuose (David del Grande). Dytas Vietines Motteris (Jessica Suriano). Part Grande Ir Courtney Talak Wį Semester yra edaktoriai IR Dizaineriai. SKAITYKITE LEIDINį IR EIKITE į arizonasonoranewservice. com, KUR RICE DAIGIAU IMORIJų.
Maritza Cruz, Arizona Daily Star practitioner, Parasė iMoria "Ilgai card gyvenančios Tuksono Duod Patarimų, Kaip Ishaugoti Meil", Skirtmail Valentino Dienai. Tarp porų buvo professore eDeritas jimas jimas dzonsonas su Žmon Marilyn.
Vasario 21 d. Lea Gilchrist, Laikrashio "Arizona Daily Star" practitioner, Paskelbė "UA police įdarbina Studentus Dirbtus Visuomenei Nuudingais Darbuotojais".
Vasario 8 d. Elena Gonzalez, "Arizona Daily Star" practitioner, Parasė Straipsnį "teaches Mobili Rijakaų Remonto įMonė Avtježeža Parduotuvės Paslaugas Prie tuksono gyventojų Durų".
Vasario 13 d. Kathleen Kunz, Laikraščio "Arizona Daily Star" Practice, Parasė Straipsnį "Ua Shokių Concertas - Tarptautinis įvykis".
Brandon Dawkins , a senior at the J School, announced he will transfer to another school after graduating in May to play forward at another school (see Star story). Brandon co-hosted our Arizona Cat's Eye show with Paige Jones last fall and interviewed Savannah Guthrie, an alumnus of NBC's "Today Show," last spring with other students.
Michelle Floyd ('17) and Zack Rosenblatt ('13) covered the NBA All-Star Game in Los Angeles. Michelle, a former UA softball outfielder, assisted in NBA production. She is also a production assistant for the Pac-12 Network and Fox Sports and works for UA Athletics Creative Services. Zach, a former Arizona Daily Star reporter and Arizona Daily Wildcat alumnus, wrote about Joel Embiid and the Philadelphia Sixers for NJ. com. Read his works.
Laurann Robinson (Grade 10) works as a reporter, traffic anchor and fill-in for KETV in Omaha, Nebraska, after previously working in other Nebraska cities and San Diego.
Morgan (Rost) Matchett ('04) is The Drawing Studio Inc. director of development, previously worked at Tucson Children and Family Resources, the Humane Society and the Tucson Citizen.
Eddie North-Hager ('94) is the director of media relations and social media for the US Congress, where he has served since 2006 after previous reporting positions in the Los Angeles area and at the Tucson Citizen newspaper.
Kelly Hultgren ('13) has been working for four years in New York City as Reporter, Projektmanagerin und Podcast-Produzentin für Jean Chatzky, Finanzradektorin der NBC Today Show.
Mark Armao ('15) ist Reporter beim San Diego Daily Transcript, das über Immobilien, Entwicklung und Bauwesen berichtet.
Morgan Toone ('13) is a Marketing Advisor at KVOA-TV in Tucson.
IN MEMORIAM Minnette „Toby“ Burges , eine Absolventin von 1972 und Absolventin der University of Arizona Law von 1983, starb am 10. Februar. Burges, eine ehemalige Redakteurin der Arizona Daily Wildcat, wurde nach einem Praktikum an der Universität von Stars and Stripes eingestellt, bevor sie eine der führenden Anwälte für Arbeitsrecht in Tucson wurde. Als J-Studentin gewann sie einen Top-20-Hearst-Preis für redaktionelles Schreiben. Eine öffentlich Gedenkfeier findet am 10. März in der 1 ART Gallery, 1 East Broadway, von 16 bis 20 Uhr statt. Klicken Sie hier, um ihren bezahlten Nachruf zu lesen.
February 9, 2018
Jordan Glenn ('17) came among the top 20 in the country at Hearst Multimedia Features. His documentary and his story "Out of the Gates" took 13th place and were shown in the Arizona Sonora News. Glenn, who is now working on Kold TV (see note below), like Danyelle Khmara, Maritza Cruz, Annie Dickman ('15) and the school project Bordering110. com is one of the youngest UA hearst winners.
Leah Gilchrist, a trainee of the Arizona Daily Star, published her first story for the newspaper on January 27: "The public has a variety of ways to receive news, reports and crime statistics from the local police authorities."
Elena Gonzalez, a star trainee, had a quick submission date for her history on February 2: "Young people from Tucson put their construction skills in a regional competition."
Tirion Morris, a star apprentice, saw her first story published in the Star on February 2: "Ex-employee sentenced to prison because he misappropriated $ 500, 000 from a car dealership in Tucson."
The preview of the trainees Kathleen Kunz on old baseball was released on February 6: "Watch some good ol 'fashioned baseball in Tucson This Weekend."
Steven Spooner, a photo intern at Star, published a few of his photos in a gallery about the "super blue blood moon". In addition, one of his photos was published online with a report about the former UA basketball player Eugene Edgerson, who was sworn in as a police officer.
Maritza Cruz, trainee at the star, published her first story for the newspaper on February 8: "Drag show keeps Welcome Diner open after the shop closing".
Andrew Koleski, a trainee in the editorial team, wrote a headline: “Air Force continues to upgrade the A-10 wings; 'Good news' for D-M. ”The professors Susan Knight and Sarah Gassen as well as all trainees were pleased that Andrew used Don Carson's middle initials in the following headline:“ Donald W. Carson, former UA journal professor and department head, died in Age 85 years ”. Carson was an advocate of the middle initials.
Katelyn Caldwell and Julia Leon work for KVOA TV as producers of digital content and end the last semester of their final year.
Jordan Glenn ('17) accepted a job as a digital content producer at Tucson News Now (Kold 13 and Fox 11) after he had previously worked on the White Mountain Independent.
Kendra Paige Hall ('15) Begynner I Slutten AV Mars Som Reporter for Kvoa TV, the Hun starts Etter Å Ha Jobbet for ABC 7 TV I Amarillo, Texas.
On January 31, Hank Stephenson, a K-12 education reporter for the Arizona Daily Star, spoke about public records with Professor Jeannine Relly’s research methods graduate class. Read Stephenson’s work at the Star, including his story on the TUSD blacklist.
Rebecca Noble (’17) works as a photographer in Cody Enterprise, Wyoming. She recently had to put on skis to photograph a recent Nordic walking competition. See the newspaper’s website, codyenterprise. com.
Sam McNeil (’14), a multimedia journalist with The Associated Press who is a graduate student, prepared a report and video, “Mars on Earth: The February 9, 2011 issue of the Arizona Daily Star, which featured a widely read article, “Mars: Simulation Tests in Remote Oman Desert,” on page A11.
Zack Rosenblatt ('13), who landed a new job at NJ. com, wrote a story about Super Bowl MVP and UA Wildcats recruit Nick Foles and covered the Philadelphia Eagles' victory parade. Rosenblatt, a former sportswriter for the Arizona Daily Star, writes about the Philadelphia 76ers. Read his work at tinyurl. com/y9svtyf6.
Hope Miller ('13) joined NBC affiliate KSBY 6 in San Luis Obispo, California, as a content producer after working as a copy editor at the Alaska Dispatch News and as a web producer at KTVA in Anchorage.
Nicholas Smith ('06) works in Vienna, Austria, as a support staff member in strategic planning and economic services for the OPEC Fund for International Development. He is a former freelance journalist and managing editor for GlacierHub. org and received his master's in journalism from Columbia in 2014.
Kristina Dunham ('04) celebrated her sixth birthday at the Santa Fe New Mexican, where she is editor-in-chief. Ze werkt samen met een andere aluin, Brian Barker, die adjunct-hoofdredacteur is.
Norman Peckham ('95) is een educatieve technologietrainer op Mesa Public Schools, en de former Tucson Citizen-verslaggever behalde een paar jaar geleden zijn master aan Boise State.
Jackie Kent ('14) works as a reporter and multimedia journalist at KRQE News (CBS) in Albuquerque, and previously worked at NBC-zender in Lincoln, Nebraska, and KOLD-TV in Tucson.
Michael Lafleur ('00) is an assistant-officier van justitie at the Suffolk County District Attorney's Office in Boston and a former reporter for the Tucson Citizen is recently married.
John D'Anna ('83), editor of the Arizona Republic and a member of the school's advisory board, explained in an azcentral. com video why access to public records is important to both professional and student journalists and the public.
Michael Hernandez ('17) is a multimedia reporter in the public media office of KRWG at New Mexico State University in Las Cruces (see his work at krwg. org).
Mariana Dale ('14) and Matthew Casey ('13) are senior field correspondents for KJZZ Radio in Phoenix, also an affiliate of National Public Radio (see their work at kjzz. org).
Jan. 19, 2018
Eric Kolsrud , a Bolles Fellow at the school who served in the legislature this spring, produced two stories for the Arizona Sonora News Service on Jan. 19, one on Gov. Ducey's opioid-fighting plan and a legislative review.
Danyelle Khmara wrote the column "Death Sentence" for the Jan. 18-24 Tucson Weekly about a young man killed last year at the Pima County Jail.
Arizona Daily Wildcat coverage of new UA football coach Kevin Sumlin includes Eddie Celaya (contract), Saul Bookman (African-American coaches) and Alec White (press conference). Bookman and White also produced an exclusive video interview with Shumlin (parts 1 and 2).
Kristina Bui ('13), eine Organizerin der Gilde und Redakteurin bei der Los Angeles Times, was maßgeblich an der Abstimmung über die gewerkschaftliche Organisierung der Journalisten beleicht, die mit mit 248 zu 44 Stimmen ausfiel. „Dies hat lange auf sich warten lassen, und wir sind alle begeistert, dass es endlich so weit ist. Die Redaktion verlangt einen Platz am Verhandlungstisch“, sagte Bui in einem Bericht der L. A. Times vom 19. Januar.
Julianne Stanford ('17) reports über militärische Angelegenheiten für The Kitsap Sun in Bremerton, Washington. Klicken Sie hier, um ihre letzten Artikel zu lesen.
Jen Duffy ('07), eine ehemalige Reporterin des Arizona Daily Star, ist Kommunikationsdirektorin bei Experience Scottsdale, nachdem sie quvor bei MGM in Las Vegas und Loews Hotels gearbeitet hat.
Kostas Kalaitzidis ('95, M. A.), ein ehemaliger Reporter des Tucson Citizen, feierte sein fünfjähriges Jubiläum als Öffentlichkeitsbeauftragter für das Los Angeles County Office of Education.
Berenice Rosales ('07), eine ehemalige Star-Reporterin, ist Konsularbeamtin beim Generalkonsulat von Mexiko in Nogales, Arizona.
Jan. 12, 2018
Danyelle Khmara belegte beim Hearst Feature Writing Competition landesweit einen Platz unter den ersten 20. Ihre Geschichte „Home is a Tenacious Heart“ belegte den 16. Platz und wurde in der Tucson Weekly verhältigt, wo sie jetzt Vollzeit arbeitt. I went to 154 Beiträge von 82 Schulen eingegangen.
Emmalee Mauldin did an internship at NASA again, this time at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, where she did social media and news items for the Hubble Telescope Program. She spent the past six months in Houston, where she worked for Nasa's Johnson Space Center and Hurricane Harvey after she had lost most of her possessions during the flood.
Robby Leaño and Ireland Stevenson defeated the loss of the UA football team against Purdue in the Foster Farms Bowl in Santa Clara, California, for the Arizona Daily Wildcat. They were accompanied by sports reporter Justin Spears ('17) of the Arizona Daily Star.
Issac Andrews, Ellen Ranta and Louis Vitiritti graduated in December with a journalism diploma, just like a dozen other winter students: C. J. D'innocente, Betsy Kaplan, Deborah Lee, Clarisse Markarian, Leah Merrall, Monica Milberg, Briana Otanez, Noah Saunders, Monique Stewart, Gabriella Vukelic, Kylie Warren and Jules Zappone.
Caitlin Schmidt ('14) of the Arizona Daily Star was selected as Justice Reporting Fellow for the John Jay/Harry Frank Guggenheim Symposium on Crime in America on 15-16 February in New York City. View Schmidt's last report on the resignation of Rich Rodriguez here and here.
Nākamajā mēnesī ua j-skolā būs ievērojams assteingsts absolvtu, cash nbc vajadzībām atpoguļos ziemas olimpiskās spēles servingkorejāā. Skots Karpens ('09) Palīdzēs Producēt Sacensības Kalnu Slēpošanā un Sadarbosies Ar Diktoru Denu Heiksu ('84), Savukārt Savanna Gutrija ('93) No Phjončhanas Vadījumu ". Karpens Arī Palīdzēs Producēt Ziemas Paralimpiskās spēles.
Brendon's Meja (Brandon Mejia, 17. Kurss) Ir ziņu un sabiedrisko attiecību reporteris arizonas sabiedriskajā medijā.
Hannah Palaniuk ('17) Pēc Divu Gadu Darba Tuksonas televīzijā Kvoa-TV Divus Gadus Strādās par ziņu produceri abc Filiālē Honolulu (Kitv).
Gary Crooks ('82), Bijušais Laikraksta Spokesman-Review Viedokļu Lapas Redaktors, Ir Demokrātes Lizas Braunas (Lisa Brown) Kongresa Kampaņas Komunikācijas Direktors Vašingtonas Austrumos.
Dec. 15, 2017
Raidījuma “Arizona Cat's Eye” Vadītāji Peidžs Džounss Un Brendon's Dawins's Vadīja 27 Minūšu Garu Raidījumu, Kurā Piedalā's Sporta Raidījumu Vadītāja GABINAA, RIGRABAA, FOKRAYA Ena (producer). Citu darbinieku vidū ir Savannah SHIPPEN, Courtney Rice, Zoe Wesley, Chloe Persichetti Un Megan Gibbs. Skating 2017. Gada Rudens Epizodi Šeit.
Brandons Džeimss (Brandon Jamesss, 17. Kurss) Iguva Apmaksātu Gadu Ilgu Prakssi uzņēmumā Hendrick Motorsports Šarlotē, Ziemeļkarolīnā, kā Satura Komunikācijas Specias.
Carly Rashoff ('17) has accepted a full-time job in the business development team at Salesforce in the San Francisco Bay area, where she will work with Vertical Health & Amp; Life Sciences.
Brittny Mejia ('14) from the Los Angeles Times has reported on the forest fires in the L. A. area, including "Thomas Fire Coulder become the largest on Record in California". Check out her other articles here. Also read articles by her colleagues from Times and J-School, Nicole Santa Cruz ('09) and Marisa Gerber ('11).
Sarah Kezele ('11) is hosted by WCC All-Access, a new 30-minute monthly magazine program on West Coast Conference Sport, broadcast on Spectrum Sportsnet (Los Angeles), NBC Sports California (Bay Area), Root Sports Northwest Washington), stage (nationally on Sling TV) and Thew. tv (online). See more information here.
Briana Sanchez ('15) is a photographer/videographer in Argus Leader in Sioux Falls in South Dakota, after previously working in the West Central Tribune in Willmar, Minnesota.
Ashley Nevel ('13) is a reporter for social media and fighting reports for the Grand Canyon's men's basketball team at Cox Communications in Phoenix.
Jade Nunes ('15) Dirba Verslo Plėtros Vadybininke Pasaulinėje Mažmeninės Prekybo's Ir Senskės ženklų Consultavimo įmonėje Fitch Skotlsdeilyje, Prieš Tai Dirbusi įMonėse Multimedia ENTERTAR ENTERTARE ENTERTARE.
Gruodžio 8 d. Lisa Schnbly Heidinger ('87 m.) Dalyvavo Arizona Public Media Laidoje APIE Savo naująją Knygą Knygą epie Savo Senelę "Sedonos Schnbly Dienoraštis" ("The Journal of Sedona Schnoolon ą ir jo pavadinimą .
Gruodžio 8 d., 2017
Courtney Talak Viso University Arizonos Studentų žinasklaidos Valdyba Išrinko Arizona Daily Wildcat Vyriaiatsiąja Redaktore 2018 m. Pavasarį. Žinasklaidos Valdybo's Narė Buvo Profesorė Susan Knight.
Rocky Baier Laimėjo Mark Finley Gold Pen apdovanojimą Mokyklos 2017 m. Pavasario Geriausio Pradedančiojo Naujienų Rašymo Bankruptcy, Skirtame Jour 205 Studentams, Ir Gaus 1, 000 Jav Dolerių School. Zachary ogdenas užėmė antrąją vietą, o owenas zerambo - woodčiąją. Visi 17 Dalyvių Gavo Graviruotus Auksinius Rašiklius. Jie ėmė Interview Iš Pimos Apygardos Prižiūrėtojo Ričardo Eljaso Ir Per Valandą Turėjo Parašyti Reportažą. Daugiau informacijos.
Editors Andrew Paxton and Chastity Eva Laskey oversaw the Fall 2017 issue of El Independiente, “Racism in Arizona,” a 64-page issue with each story translated by the UA Spanish Translation and Interpretation Program. Other contributors included Issac Andrews, Brenna Bailey, Sarah Covey, Leah Gilchrist, Chad Hanna, C. J. D'Innocente, Jireh Lopez Jimenez, Erik Kolsrud, Deborah Lee, Sophie Manley, Clarisse Markarian, Tirion Morris, Monique Stewart and Steven Spooner.
Brenna Bailey , an intern with Arizona Public Media, landed a paid internship with Arizona Public Media in the spring. She has already interned with AZPM for several semesters and did a radio report called “English Only: Millennials Reflect on Growing Up Latino in Arizona Schools” on November 28.
Six of the school's 13 December 2017 graduates attended a reunion at Gentle Ben's on December 7. Principal David Cuillier presented Gabriella Vukelic, Betsy Kaplan, Danyelle Khmara, Leah Merrall, Monica Milberg and Kylie Warren with a UA Journalism reporter's notebook. The other graduates are C. J. D'Innocente, Deborah Lee, Clarisse Markarian, Briana Otanez, Noah Saunders, Monique Stewart and Jules Zappone. The ceremony was held as part of the Daily Wildcat/UATV3/KAMP Radio end-of-semester celebration, organized by academic advisor Brett Fera.
Ashley Mikelonis will graduate this semester with a Master of Arts in Journalism. Her thesis is titled "Exploring the Success and Defeat of Ronda Rousey: A Content Analysis of Twitter and Newspaper Coverage from 2014-2016." Her thesis is being supervised by Jeannine Relly, and other committee members include Linda Lumsden and Terry Wimmer.
Broadcasting students previewed this year's edition of Arizona Cat's Eye on December 6. Brandon Dawkins and Page Jones are the anchors. Stay tuned for a link to the school's television newscast, filmed in the Arizona Public Media studios. Click here for photos.
On December 4, students in Prof. Celeste Bustamante's class presented their border reporting projects in the Ambos Nogales community. Presenters included Amanda Oien, Maria Inés Taracena, Zeina C. Peterson and April Lanuza, Emily Ellis, Philip Rody, Kristan Obeng, Angela Martinez, Daniel Rezetko, and Natalia Navarro. Click here for photos.
Students of the course science journalism of Prof. Carol Schwalbe presented their 15-minute documentary "A Modern Zoo" on November 30, in which Elizabeth Kinney, Allysa Hill, Carly Oseran, Marissa Heftfernan and Nick Smallwood present their contributions. With the help of the former Alan Davis, John de Dios and Julian Ibarra, the students created a profile about the preservation of the wildlife and training in Reid Park Zoo. The class will also publish a magazine, Zooview at the beginning of next year. You can find more classes in the class at medium. com/sciview.
Jessica Suriano, trainee at the Arizona Daily Star, released the Aufmacher of the Sunday edition A1 with the title "Fentanyl fittings on the border in Arizona" and in the issue of December 1st "Local credit card fraud with the help of Ukrainian hacker and a company from Hong Kong ”.
Jessica Blackburn, intern at Arizona Daily Star, published her article "UA Aquatic Center Trespassers Risk Injury, Arrest and Punishment" on the front page of the Sunday metro page.
The student Emily Ellis, an intern at Arizona Daily Star, published an article on the C1 title page entitled "Salvadorian in Tucson fight against the possibility of losing the OK for staying in the USA".
Ava Garcia, Lærling I Arizona Daily Star, published «Vintage Instruments Fill Home of Music» På Forsiden Av Home and Life DEMIMIM.
Paul Barlyn, Lærling I Arizona Daily Star, published "Små Filmkapere Finner et Hjem I Tucson» På Forsiden AV Home November 26th.
C. J. D'nast, som he Lærling I Arizona Daily Star, Delte Byline med the more tidlier student Murphy Woodhouse OG Skrev: "Number of Failed Restaurants Jumps to 21 in November".
SEKS Studenter Fra J-School Var Blant 78 Studenter Som Mottok 750 Dollar I Magellan Circle Scholarships Fra Ua College of Social and Behavioral Sciences: Hannah Dahl, Fatuma Abas Haji, Gloria Knott, Alejandro Munoz, Elizabeth Og Haille Saal-Khalili. Magellan-scholarship sked Møtte Sine Faddere 7. Desemberd ich en frocost.
Tombstone Epitaph Fra 1. Desemberhold Historier Om Statsborgerskap (AV Deborah Lee), Ville Hester (Janie Todorovich), Kinesiske Immigranter (Lee), Tradisjonell Høytidsmat (Tirion Morris), Gjestegårdsarbeidere) (Leah Gilchrist), Minoriteter I Fengsel (Lee), Bisbees Poseforbud (Garret Green), Kjedsomhet (Jamie Lindsay) OG Gruveturer (Hannah Bloom). Les PDF files.
Pascal albright palīdzēja ar jautājumiem un atbildēm skatītājiem filmas “obit” demonstronstrize deapenanas laikā 3rd decembrī kinoteātrī the loft cinema.
Zack Rosenblatt ('13) accepted a job at NJ. com to report on the Philadelphia Sixers and return to his hometown Cherry Hill, N. J. Rosenblatt, also a former Arizona Daily Wildcat, has been a sports reporter at the Arizona Daily Star in the past five years. Read his last article in the star.
Briana Sanchez ('15) is photographer/video filmer at the Argus Leader in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, after working on West Central Tribune in Willmar, Minnesota.
Jade Nunes ('15) is Business Development Manager at Fitch, a global retail and brand consultation in Scottsdale, after working on Weststar Multimedia Entertainment Inc. and Habitat for Humanity.
Ashley Nevel ('13) is a reporter for social media and game reports for Grand Canyon's men's basketball team at Cox Communications in Phoenix.
Melanie Hunter ('12), traffic presenter and reporter at KVOA TV in Tucson, moves to Sacramento, California, to take on a similar job at Kcranews (also an NBC branch).
Ryan Bertrand ('17) accepted a job at the NFL Network and works in the news department in Culver City, California.
Mary Brandenberger ('99) is now a department head for national media matters at the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) after working as a press spokeswoman for the US Justice Ministry for Community Policing Services;
Shane Dale ('04) is a digital sports journalist at ABC15 in Phoenix, co-moderator of the radio show "Wildcat Country" on 1580-am in Phoenix and author of "Territorial", a book on the UA-ASU football rival.
Editors Andrew Paxton and Chastity Eva Laskey oversaw the Fall 2017 issue of El Independiente, “Racism in Arizona,” a 64-page issue with each story translated by the UA Spanish Translation and Interpretation Program. Other contributors included Issac Andrews, Brenna Bailey, Sarah Covey, Leah Gilchrist, Chad Hanna, C. J. D'Innocente, Jireh Lopez Jimenez, Erik Kolsrud, Deborah Lee, Sophie Manley, Clarisse Markarian, Tirion Morris, Monique Stewart and Steven Spooner.
Six of the school's 13 December 2017 graduates attended a reunion at Gentle Ben's on December 7. Principal David Cuillier presented Gabriella Vukelic, Betsy Kaplan, Danyelle Khmara, Leah Merrall, Monica Milberg and Kylie Warren with a UA Journalism reporter's notebook. The other graduates are C. J. D'Innocente, Deborah Lee, Clarisse Markarian, Briana Otanez, Noah Saunders, Monique Stewart and Jules Zappone. The ceremony was held as part of the Daily Wildcat/UATV3/KAMP Radio end-of-semester celebration, organized by academic advisor Brett Fera.
The student Tony Perkins by Arizona Public Media moderated Metroweek on November 18 on PBS 6. In the program, he reported on the research work in Biosphere, including About hydrology and soil use, the combination of energy generation and food production as well as the survival of coral reefs in a warming climate. If you have missed the show, you can see it here.
Ava Garsija (Ava Garcia), Laikraščio "Arizona Daily Star" internship, Savo Straipsnį "Ua Mokslininkas džastinas Šmidtas Jaučia 83 Skirtingų Vabzdžių įGėlimus" Paskelbė Lapkričio 19 d. Life “Skilties Puslapyje. Ji Taip Pat Buvo Išspausdinta Lapkričio 16 d. Laikraštyje "Caliente": "Kaip Menininkas Kristas Galas Mato Arizoną".
Briana Otanez, a trainee for #this is Tucson at the Arizona Daily Star, saw her story "Czarina Salido Vecht to have young Indian girls discover voice" published on November 11. Otanez also wrote "Put two turkeys on your shopping list and help a family in need" on November 16.
Paul Barlyn, a trainee at the Arizona Daily Star, saw his story, "UA Tech Park on the south side of Tucson was at least a decade removed" published on November 11.
Jessica Blackburn, an intern at the Arizona Daily Star, saw her Q & Amp; A with Vanessa Helms, "Experienced victim lawyer returns to Pima County Attorney's Office," published on November 11.
Jessica Suriano, a trainee at the Arizona Daily Star, saw her story, "Drug smuggling peaks on the border between Arizona and Mexico", published on November 11.
Elizabeth O'Connell, student at the Arizona Daily Star, reports on UA football and volleyball and saw her story, "Arizona Wildcats stand for a big task in the second round of NCAA football tournament," published on November 16.
CJ d'innocente, a trainee at the Arizona Daily Star, helped alumni Joe Ferguson and Suriano in beating the local elections and also saw his story, "Most Hotel, Apartment Pools Do Well in County Health Inspections," published at the beginning of November.
The UA National Association of Hispanic Journalists did volunteer work at Casa de Los Niños on North Fourth Avenue on November 18. Students, led by Melissa Vasquez, helped to pack hygienic articles for young people and contributed articles.
Arek Sarkissian ('03), formerly working at the Naples Daily News, has been hired at Polito Florida for the regulated industries.
Staci Matlock ('86), editor of The Taos News, led the weekly to the main prize in the 2017 Better Newspaper Contest of the New Mexico Press Association and other first-place personnel prizes, including for its editorial article: “In an attempt to make companies To put on, don't tie the public process. "
Nov. 10 2017
Four students from the School for Journalism were selected to receive free memberships from the Investigative Reporters and Editors, generous funded by Aluin and awar d-winning investigative journalist Ryan Gabrielson. The two prize winners representing the school are Michelle Jaquette and Erik Kolsrud, and the two students who convert the Arizona Daily Wildcat are J. D. Molinary and Chastity Laskey.
Freshman Marquies White shared his story as a first-generation college student with professors Terry Wimmer and Carol Schwalbe and Zac Ziegler of Arizona Public Media. Freshman Pascal Albright moderated the school's First Gen Club event on Nov. 9 with help from club advisor Susan E. Swanberg. Click here to watch the Facebook Live recording.
Master's student Emily Ellis participated in the UA Center for Latin American Studies' 13th annual Tinker Symposium on Nov. 9, which focused on student fieldwork in Latin America.
Students from Prof. Carol Schwalbe's science journalism class took a field trip to Biosphere 2 in early October, and Liz Connell's video about the agricultural photovoltaic project can be seen on the Institute for the Environment website. Marissa Heffernan provided additional footage. You can see some photos here.
Student Brenna Bailey and student Natalia Navarro attended the Journalism and Women Symposium's annual conference and mentoring project in Hot Springs, Arkansas. They received support from the journalism school for their trip and spent three days attending journalism sessions led by women journalists from across the country. Bailey and Navarro hold leadership positions in the local JAWS chapter.
Students in Professor Carol Schwalbe's JOUR 506 reporting class live-tweeted all the participants November 5. Lauren Trench, Chris Stidley, Jasmine Demers, Dalal Radwan, David Martinez and Kate Chisholm in the photos at tinyurl. com/uaj506.
Essays by Tim Dabrowski, Hannah Hindley, Carly Oseran, Tony Perkins and Chris Stidley are published in the highest number of literature and art magazines The Blue Guitar, also published by Arizona Consortium for the Arts. Students write essays and for binding med JOUR 465/565 Science Journalism. Magasinets medical editors Rebecca “Becca” Dyer and Richard Dyer, fellow UA students.
Fatuma Haji, Erik Kolsrud, Isaac Rounseville and Alexis Whitaker are 53 student ambassadors for the University of Arizona College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Click here to read the profiles.
Jacelle Ramon-Sauberan, doctoral student in American Indian studies and journalism student, took part in the design of the tribe and represented the Indians in professor Jeannine Relly's master class on November 7th. Ramon-Sauberan comes from Tohono O'odham-nasjonen.
Members of three UA School of Journalism Club - Journalism and Women's Symposium, National Association for Hispanic Journalism and National Association for Black Journalists - organized a discussion between people who work on Daca topics and journalists who report on Daca. The event took place under the title "Off The Record" to give everyone involved the opportunity to openly discuss the problems of reporting. Around 30 students and experts took part.
Joni Hirsch Blackman ('82) published her new book "This used to be chicago" at Reedy Press in September. The book tells the stories behind more than 90 buildings in Chicago. Joni, a journalist who lives in Naperville, Illinois, and the Armin and Esther Hirsch Foundation finance the school's Don Bolles Fellowship. This covered the costs for a student of the UA J-School, who lives in Phoenix and reports on the state legislative every spring. Erik Kolsrud is the Bolles scholarship holder 2018 at the school.
Murphy Woodhouse, now a reporter at the Arizona Daily Star, met with students from the UA branch of the Society of Professional Journalists for an aperitif and a conversation about his career start in a city on the border between the USA and Mexico, for the Nogales International.
Los Angeles Times Reporter Nicole Santa Cruz ('09) Snakket Med Professor Jeannine Relly's master class on November 3. November Avisens Drapsrapport OG Andre Prosjekter. Santa Cruz, Som er Medlem AV Skolens Rådgivende Råd, Ble Kåret Til En Av Los Angeles' Best Latin American Journalister AV California Chicano News Media Association. Klikk her for Å se Arbeid Hennes.
October 27, 2017
Arizona Daily Wildcat Fikk Flere Utmerkelser Under College Media Associations Pinnacle Awards Seremoni I Dallas 27th, Blant Annet Førsteplass I Best Sportssejon På Nett, Andreeplass I Best Hovedside På Sosial Medier Sydney Richardson Walton) , Best Sports Reportasje (Ryan Kelapire) OG Best General Nyhetsak (J. D. Molinary).
Sara Harelson OG Hennes Family Var En Av 15 Mottakere Av Ua Alumni of the Year Award on October 27th. Matt OG Julie Harelson, Saras Forelddre, OG Scott OG Marisa Harelson - All Store Støttespillere for Skolen - OG Remns AV Families BLE HEDRET I Student Union, Som Represant for UA College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Rapporterings laboratorary Marshall 342 he Oppkalt Etter Saras Bestforeldre, Hugh OG Jan Harelson.
April Lanuza, Zeina C. Peterson, Natalia Navarro, Emily Ellis, Philip Rody und Daniel Rezetko Reisten Vom 13. BIS 15. Oktober Zusammen Mit Prof. Celeste González de Bustamante und Anthropologie-Professorin Linden in Die Region El Paso/Ciudad Joárez, Um An Multimedia-Reportagen Zu Arbeeten, Die Dortige Grenze MIT DER von Nogales Vergleichen. These Beschtigten Die Zeitung El Diahi de Juárez, Sprachen Mit Rocio Gallega (Einer Mitpreisträgerin des Zenger-Prisses 2012) und interviewed Die Aktivistin Dolores Huerta.
Amanda Oien Nahm Zusammen Mit Prof. Michael McKisson und der Lehbeauftragen Irene McKisson Vom Arizona Daily Star An der Konerenz der Online News Association in Washington, D. C. Tayl.
September 30th J. D. Molinary from Arizona Daily Wildcat won the first place for Best News and shared second place for the best lon g-term reportage at the Arizona Newspaper Association Awards. The Wildcat newspaper, led by the adviser Bretto Feros ('05), took first place in the categories of general craftsmanship, page design and special department. Christopher Boan, a senior student, won third place in the Sports Reporting category for working in Sahuarita Sun, and David del Grande took third place in the best publicist report. In total, J-School graduates, students and lecturers received 13 separate first-place awards. Alexis Bechman (08) from Payson Roundup was elected a journalist of the year in the Daisa Department and won the fourth Freedom Award, and the Master's graduate Kendal Blust (16) took three first places from the Nogales International newspaper. Caitlin Schmidt ('14)) from Arizona Daily Star and Joe Ferguson ('06) also won the FOI awards. Read about the winners.
Tyrion Morris wrote the main October 20th. Tombstone Epitaph an article on poverty and food in KOKZE County. The first page of the publication also published stories about a man who wants to use drones to catch wall offenders (author Erik Kolsrud), Crystal Palace showroom reorganization (author Hannah Blloom) and H2-A visas (author Steven Spooner). Read the number.
Ян грін сlen вечерю з нагоди вручення премії зенгера, включаюча знімки викоо ви викоо редактовчоо редакоо вико вико вики вики вико вики вики вики вики винавчо вин вико вики вин вико вин вина вина винн еке з нагородою. Дивіться Фотографії. Грін, Редактор віділу копіrewing Та Фотогра hyp газети arizona Daily Wildcat, також допоміг професору гарсарсарсе тання-відповідь. Також дивіться пряму трансляціnds На Facebook, ija включає в себе репортаж режисера девіда кійє про про студентсько а промови професора вільяма шмідта і декана баке.
Andrew Paxton, Jamie Verstys, Pascal Albright, Marquies White, David del Grande, Ava Garcia, Chastity Laskey, Nick Meyers and Dalal Radwan took part in the Foley Freedom Run of the Society of Professional Journalists to honor James Fole , who was kidnapped and killed by ISIS in 2014. Paxton, Verdys, Albright and White also gave parents a tour of the school during a subsequent Family Weekend meeting.
Alexis Whitaker spoke with future students about journalism during the Meet Your Major of the UA on October 4, together with academic adviser Paloma Boykin.
Zeina Peterson and Saul Bookman (Nabj), Marquies White and Pascal Albright (First Gen), Erik Kolsrud (ONA), Leah Gilchrist and Tirion Morris (Jaws), Andrew Paxton (SPJ) and Angela Martinez, Melissa, Melissa, Melissa, Melissa, Pujol (NAHJ) belonged to the student club drivers and members who spoke on the 5 October Student Faculty of Mixer of all clubs in Magpies, organized by Prof. dr. Susan Knight.
Michelle Jaquette is on the cover of the alumni magazine of the school, The Cursor, and is discussed in the coverstory about watchdog reporting. Read the magazine.
Die Schule Gab Ihre Erste "Hall of Fame"-class with 14 Persons und Zwei Paaren Bekannt: G Ilbert Bailon, Don Carson, Nancy Cleeland, Richard Gilman, Florence Graves, Savannah Guthrie, Jane Kay, Doug, Sherman Miller, Lynne , Mort Rosenblum, Jacqueline Sharkey, Frank O. Sotomayor und Bill Walsh; Sowie Hugh und Jan Harelson und Luda und Don Soldwedel. Sie were Am Samstag, on 7. April 2018, an einem nor anzukündigenden Ort Aufgenommen. Lesen sie who is crazy.
Lorraine Rivera ('04), Moderatorin der Arizona Public Media's "Arizona Week", GAB den Students des UA National Association of Hispanic Journalists Club Am 24. October im Lesesaal Einige Karrieretipps Zum Rundfunk Journalism. Those Genossen Genossen Authentic Tacos, Während Sie Rivera Zuhörten, der as Außerordentlicher Professor Das Zenger-Dinner der Schule Modernierte.
Caitlin Schmidt ('14), Eine Preiskrönte Reporterin für den Arizona Daily Star, Sprach am 10. October for the students von Prof. dr. Jeannine Relly über who Vertrendung von Öffentlichen Documents bei der Penituentfolgung und Bei Increaschen in the Sportsedrekttion. Sie Stellte of the class Öffentliche Unterlagen Zur Verfügung, Unter Anderem Aus Dem Büro Für Internal Angelegenheiten des Tucson Police Department undmeniërieden and Datenbanken.
Die Absolvents Sam Stanton und Cynthia Hubert von der Sacramento Bee Halfen Bei der reporting stattung über that, Waldbrände im Kalifornischen Weinland.
Bethany Barnes, graduate of the master's degree in 2013, gave the Columbia Journalism review into her investigative history: "Benefit of the Doubt: How Portland Public Schools Helped Educator Evade Charges of Sexual Misconduct". Find out more about the investigation.
The reporter of L. A. Times, Nicole Santa Cruz ('09), was honored by the California Chicano News Media Association (CCNMA) as one of the 45 most influential Latina journalists in Los Angeles. Santa Cruz is a member of the Advisory Board of the UA J-School.
Leon Drouin-Nachh ('91) was appointed Weekend Global News Manager for The Associated Press. After five years in Bangkok, where he most recently worked as deputy director of the news of news in the Asian-Pacific Center of the AP, he returned to the AP Center nerve in New York. In 2015 he was involved in the editorial team of the investigative reportage "Seafood From Slaves", for which AP 2016 received the first Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. Drouin-Effect was deputy city editor at the Arizona Daily Star from 1997 to 2000 before he came to the AP office in Los Angeles as a reporter.
September 29, 2017
2018 M. Dono Bolleso Stipendijos Laureatu Tapo Erikas Kolsrudas. Pavasarį vyresnysis Rengs Reportažus iš arizonos įstatymų Leidžiamojo organo fynikso mokykloje veiikiančiai "Arizona Sonora News" Žiniasklaidos Tamybai, Vadovaujant Profesoriui Terry Wimmeriui. Stipendija Pavadinta 1976 m. Per Automobilio Sprogimą Žuvusio "Arizona Republic" Tiriamojo Reporterio Dono Bolleso Garb. Apdovanojimas teikiamas nuo 1977 m. Perskaitykite isoriją apie kolsrudą ir peržiūrėkite ankstesnių laureatų sąrašą.
Džesika Suriano Pamatė Savo Pirmąjį Svarbų Mokinio Straipsnį Laikraščiui "Arizona Daily Star": "Proburorai: Jav Dolerių Tuksono Sukčiavimo Byloje", Kuri Buvo Pagrindinė Rugsėjo 25 d. Pirmajame Puslapyje.
Amanda Oien Ir Erikas Kolsrudas Padėjo Profesoriui Maiklui Makisonui (Michael McKisson) Papasakoti Ua Prezidentui Robertui Robbinsui Apie Dronus, 360 cameras, virtualios Realybės Žurnistiką ir Mokyklos Projektą bordering110. com Rugsėjo. Studentų Sąjungos Rotondoje VykusiaMe SBS pristatyme. Magistrantė Anna Augustowska ('14) Filmavo Renginį UA Socialinių Ir Elgsenos Mokslų Koledžui.
Danyelle Khmara ("Tucson Weekly") Ir Alumnė Joanna Willett ('13) at Caitlin Schmidt ('14) Dalyvavo Rugsėjo 27 d. Vykusiamame Renginyje “Pizza & Amp; Portfolios ”, Kur Dalijo Patarimus, Kaip Pasirengti Darbui, ir Peržiūrėjo Studentų Gyvenimo Aprašymus, Motyvacinius Laiškus near Klipus.
Carmen Valencia and David Pujol interviewed KOLD-TV reporter Kevin Adger on Sept. 20. They and other members of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists club were planning a fundraiser for victims of the earthquake in Mexico City.
Seventeen students attended the all-club leadership retreat on Sept. 16, including freshmen Marquies White and Pascal Albright of the school’s new First Gen club. The others were Zeina C. Peterson, Natalia Navarro, Andrew Paxton, Amanda Oien, Brenna Bailey, Nick Meyers, Melissa Vasquez, Erik Kolsrud, Ava Garcia, David Joseph Del Grande, Angela Martinez, Chastity Eva Laskey, Courtney Talak, Tirion Morris, and Dalal Radwan.
Christianna Silva (’17) took a job as a reporter for Newsweek in New York City. Silva, who completed an NPR internship in Washington, D. C., covered the Arizona Legislature as a Bolles Scholar and in May received the school's Philip Mangelsdorf Award for outstanding journalist of the year.
Bethany Barnes ('13) van The Oregonian deed 19 september een Skype-interview met Prof. Jeannine Relly's master's theory class. Barnes, afgestudeerd aan de masteropleiding, vertelde hoe ze openbare documenten gebruikte en slachtoffers opspoorde voor haar emotionele onderzoeksverhaal: “Benefit of the Doubt: How Portland Public Schools helped educator evade conviction of sexual misconduct. Klik hier om meer te lezen over Barnes' rapportageproces, en lees haar winnende beschikking voor het archiefverzoek.
Andrea Kelly ('05), assistant nieuwsdirecteur bij Arizona Public Media, sprak vandaag met prof. Jeannine Relly over de ethische code en redactionele normen en beleid van de zender. Kelly heeft een mastergraad in juridische studies van de rechtenfaculteit van de UA.
Hannah Gaber ('16), afgestudeerd aan de master, verlaat de Arizona Republic als video- en multimediajournalist om een film te maken in Cyprus met een Fulbright onderzoeksbeurs. Ze werkte mee aan een project van het USA Today Network over de grens, “The Wall”. Ze heeft ook meegewerkt aan deze podcasts over de reportage.
Brett Fera ('05), student media advisor voor de Arizona Daily Wildcat, sprak op een Wildcat alumni meet-up op 21 september in de Rail Yard bij downtown. Het evenement werd georganiseerd door voormalig adviseur Mark Woodhams. Klik hier om enkele foto's te bekijken.
Sept. 15, 2017
Graduates April Lanuza, Emily Ellis, and Zeina Peterson presented their summer projects to fellow graduate students, faculty, and staff at Marshall 340 during a “Talk & amp; 'Tizers” event on Sept. 14. The group then went for refreshments at Gentle Ben's. Lanuza interviewed Latinos living in the oil boom town of Williston, North Dakota. Ellis conducted archival research in Mexico City and interned with journalist Franco Contreras. Peterson mentored teens in a high school journalism workshop in Arizona.
Carmen Valencia and Moe Irish served a school table with Professor Celeste González de Bustamante at the Study Abroad Fair, held Sept. 13 in the Student Union Ballroom. They spoke to students about the school’s summer 2018 reporting trip to Costa Rica. Click here for more information.
Emmalee Mauldin continued her science journalism internship at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston despite losing her car and many of her belongings in flooding following Hurricane Harvey. “I was saved by a series of heroes,” says Emmalee, who is staying with another NASA employee until she can find a new place to live.
Gabriella Vukelic, a summer intern at Family Circle, saw some of her work published in the October issue of the magazine, which goes on sale Sept. 12.
Hannah Dahl from the Arizona Daily Wildcat wrote about a new, less-than-perfect day in the wild, the science of the UA is not only unpredictable, but also not overwhelmingly absorbing. She writes about herself.
Die Redaktion der Arizona Daily Wildcat wurde beim Pacemaker-Wettbewerb für College-Zeitungen zu einem der 43 Finalisten des Landes ernannt. Chastity Laskey ist die aktelle Redakteurin, und Brett Fera ('05) ist der Berater der Wildcat.
Brandon Dawkins erzielte sechs Touchdowns - drei durch Pässe und drei durch Läufe - beim 63:16-Sieg der UA bei UTEP gestern Abend. Sehen Sie sich die Berichterstattung der Arizona Daily Wildcat an, die von den J-School-Mitarbeitern Saul Bookman und Alec White sowie der Fotografin Heather Newberry erstellt wurde. Dawkins nähert sich dem UA-Football-Karriererekord für Rushing für Quarterbacks.
Justin Spears ('17) hat einen Job beim Arizona Daily Star als Online-Sportredakteur angenommen. Spears, ein ehemaliger Arizona Daily Wildcat/UA-TV3- und KAMP-Studentenradio-Absolvent, hatte nach seinem Abschluss für die Pac-12 Diehards von Cox Media gearbeitet und war freiberuflich für den Star tätig.
Brenna Goth ('13) began "ein neues Abenteuer" als Korrespondentin für Bloomberg BNA. Die ehemalige Reporterin der Arizona Republic und der Arizona Daily Wildcat berichtet über Wirtschafts- und Regierungsnachrichten in Arizona, New Mexico und Nevada.
Arek Sarkissian ('03), Tallahassee bureau chief for the Naples Daily News, helped cover Hurricane Irma, which slammed into the state Sept. 9-10.
David McGlothlin ('16), deputy editor of AZ Big Media in Phoenix, had two holes-in-one during a round of golf Sept. 8. "Unfortunately, I think that was the peak of my golf career and it's all downhill from here," joked McGlothlin, who covered the state Legislature as a Bolles Fellow in the spring of 2016. Click here to read his account of that day.
In memory Peter Potter , a 1973 J-School graduate, died in Ann Arbor, Mich., at age 89. Potter was a longtime editor at the Tucson Citizen. Read his obituary here.
September 1, 2017
Alec White was hired by the BBC World News Service to make video and audio recordings of Glenn Schneider, an astronomer at the UA who is "addicted" to solar eclipses. This report was sent on August 19th as a preview of the solar eclipse on August 21st. Alec is a reporter for the Arizona Daily Wildcat, host at KAMP Student Radio and sports director at UATV-3.
Jacelle Ramon-Sauberan from the Tohono O'odham Nation distributed the hoe and hair of the family this summer to be lastiggevallen door and man terwijl ze fruit plukten in Saguaro National Park-West. He studied American Indian Studies and studied journalism as a bijvak. Hair interview vindt plaats op 31:00 uur in the radio segment “Traditioneel voedsel verzamelen”.
Stephanie Soto, not employed, is employed by Telemundo. Ze zal published from uitbrengen vanuit Tucson and a training course in Phoenix. Stephanie, a former digital producer at KOLD-TV, recorded her video “Welkom at the School for Journalism”. “Stephanie is in the spotlight for the best news and on her own children to benefit from her best journalistic work,” said Miguel Gaytan from Telemundo (read the personal report).
Jenny Hijazi ('17), a graduate assistant, has been accepted as a new assistant at PBS NewsHour. Beginning in September, she's moving to Washington, D. C.
Karen Lizarraga ('17) has accepted a position as digital marketing manager for the clothing brand of fashion designers Shahida Clayton, Shahida Parides, and will work from Tucson.
Arizona Public Media received 13 nominations for the Rocky Mountain Emmy Awards on October 14, including producer/photographer/editor Sandra Westdahl ('12) for five pieces and Sara Hammond ('77) as co-producer of "OSIRIS-REx: Countdown to Launch." AZPM is also represented in the Overall Excellence category, which it won last year. See the list.
Journalist Kristen Cook ('92), a perennial Arizona Press Club honoree, is leaving the Arizona Daily Star and hopes to write a book. Read her heartfelt "resignation letter."
Arizona Daily Star reporter Caitlin Schmidt ('14) did some strong reporting on public records with the story "Tucson Detective Fails to Investigate Dozens of Abuse Cases."
Hannah Gaber ('16) was one of 17 reporters and photographers from the Arizona Republic and azcentral who were tear gassed and pepper sprayed after the Aug. 22 Trump rally in Phoenix. "I was actually where it all started," she says, "and saw people throwing bottles and stuff at the police. I didn't experience it as bad as some people did, though. I was live streaming, so my boss saw it as it was happening and called me to yell, 'Get away from the gas!'" Despite that, Gaber says she kept filming as long as she could. Read a Republican editor’s story here and watch video of the commotion.
Susan Carroll (’99), an investigative reporter at the Houston Chronicle, and her colleagues covered the epic flooding in the Houston area after Hurricane Harvey. Carroll, who joined the Chronicle in 2006, covered the U. S.-Mexico border for the Tucson Citizen and Arizona Republic after graduating from UA.
Bethany Barnes (’13), a graduate of the Oregonian’s Master of Arts and Journalism, wrote on the cover that a teacher has continued to report throughout the years after students accused her of several reprises of inconsiderate sex. Read the article here.
Jen Levario Cieslak ('02) a conçu le dossier de Barnes pour The Oregonian et la première page de l'Oregonian du 22 août sur l'éclipse. Son editor and chef of the chronology of the process.
Jeanie Bergen ('07) is the main editor of L. A. for Awesomeness TV's « Zac & amp; Mia », a new comedy drama about young adolescents' thoughts about cancer and their infatuated feelings. Cette series sera diffusée plus tard sur go90.
Judy Nichols (97), ancienne élève de la maîtrise, et son mari, Tom Nichols, également ancien étudiant de l'école J, ont tous deux quitté leur emploi en 2014, vendu leur maison de Scottsdale et pris la route à bord de leur « Epic Van », racontant leurs aventures sur leur site web New American Nomads. The old journalists/editors of the Arizona Republic and the Arizona Daily Wildcat are very experienced in their work and that they are protected from the séquoias près d'Eureka, in California.
August 18, 2017
The school's new master's students met with faculty and current students on August 18. Welcomed are Chris Boan, Matt Brockman, Katie Caldwell, Vivian Colter, Jasmine Demers, Krys Estes, Ava Garcia, Dominika Heusinkveld, Danyelle Khmara, David Martinez, Krissy Obeng, Zeina Peterson, Karissa Pottorff, Dalal Radwan, Alyssa Schlitzer, Chris Stidley, Jessica Suriano and Lauren Trench, as well as doctoral students Kate Chisholm and Maria del Mar Navarro.
The school's award-winning digital project Bordering110. com - reported on by Julia Leon, Brenna Bailey, Maritza Dominguez, Mark Flores, Jenny Hijazi, Erik Kolsrud, Genesis Lara, Chastity Laskey, Amanda Oien and Stephen Oliver - was presented at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication conference in Chicago. The project took first place in the Best of Digital competition in the Individual/Single Class Website category. Read a report on the conference.
Danyelle Khmara was hired as a staff writer at the Tucson Weekly, where she has freelanced and produced cover stories. Khmara is enrolled in the school's Accelerated Master's Program. Read the editor's note about her.
Incoming graduate student Dominika Heusinkveld published a science story on Scienceblogs, a highly acclaimed science blog network: “NASA team offers free satellite data on public health to researchers and communities.” She wrote the story last semester in Prof. Susan Swanberg's class.
Gloria Knott, a summer resident at the Arizona Daily Star, has arrived with the freelance writer for the Star and Edible Baja. For the Star, there will also be a sea mine parade in the center of Tucson.
Jamie Verwys describes himself as a temporary resident of the Arizona Daily Star and has an inspection of the plonskussens in the city. He is an opinion editor for the Arizona Daily Wildcat.
Ciara Encina's beautiful hair was on stage at CBS News in Washington and she wanted a new update in the studio. Encinas received the Witte Huis and the Capitool and maakt opnames with producers and publishers. We worked on the Newspath, which was published in the network branches of the KOLD in Tucson and stubbornly.
Ashley Fredde, a stagiaire at Good4Utah in Salt Lake City, spent the next two months doing hair on-air segments about “badbommen” and “Chunky Monkey Overnight Oats”.
Amanda Oien concluded her internship at Experience Arizona with a piece about Indoor Skydives. In addition to other stories, she also made a video piece about "The Bisbee Fly Swatting Contest".
Brenna Bailey, a trainee at Arizona Public Media, wrote on 8 August about a falling firs t-year class, "UA looks to nontraditional students to offset enrollment losses".
Julianne Stanford ('17) accepted a job as a reporter at the Kitsap Sun in Bremerton, Washington, where she will defeat the navy base and shipyard. "If someone has recommendations for a good pair of rain boots, let me know," she writes on Facebook. Stanford did five internships at the J-School, including a Pulliam Fellowship. Read previous stories about her Maggie Award and her internships.
Mikayla Mace ('17) received the prize for the best paper from the Graduate Student Group from Burton Speakman of Ohio University during the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference in Chicago. Mace, now science reporter for the Arizona Daily Star, presented her paper, “Newspaper Coverage of Mars in the U. S. and the u. k. 2011-2016. "
Jenny Hijazi ('17) Presentent Masterpacks sin På AEJMC-KONFERSANSEN I Chicago, et SamRijbij Med Skoledirektør David Cuillier: «Effects of Virtual Reality News Video on Transportation, Attitudes, Fact-recall and Intentions To Act.
Steve Choice ('16) Presentent MasterEppaves Sin, «Love and Courage: Resilience Strategies of Journalists Facing Trauma in Northern Mexico» På AEJMC-KONFERANSEN I Chicago.
Bakina Wellars ('17) FIKK MASTERPPERS SIN, «Influence of Foreign News Programs on the International News Agenda of Rwandan Television and Newspapers.», AV PRESTOR CAROLBE På AEJMC-Konferansen I Chicago. Wellars Kunne Ike Delta Etter Å HA Blitt Utnevnt Til functioning Dekan for Journalist ved Catholic Institute of Kabgayi I Rwanda.
Ryan Gabrielson Fra Propublica GA ET INNBLIKK I Joe Arpaio - OG Hvordan Gabrielson og Paul Giblin Vant Pulitze r-Prisen I 2009 for Å HA Avslørt at Arpaios kontor undergravde Etterforskingspø.
Alicia A. Caldwell, sum Har Studies Ved UA Comm, Fikk Sin Første BYLINE 9. August for Wall Street Journal: «Jonstasjoner ved den Sørlige Grensenen Øker Måned På Rad». Their nå innvandrings reporter for wsj, med base i los angeles, Å ha jobbet 12 År i associated press.
La Monica Everett-Haynes ('01) is a student of student affairs at San Diego State University because a former Tucson Citizen journalist left her as a senior communications manager.
Former Citizen publisher Michael Chihak ('71) withdrew from the position of Arizona Public Media news director and will teach public relations reports this fall in the UA J School.
Andrea Kelly ('05), a former Arizona Daily Star reporter, became an assistant director of AZPM news director.
Frank Sotomiah (66) August 5 Arizona Daily Star Ernesto Portillo Jr.'s section “1983 The project started a new era of Spanis h-speaking journalism. The project started a new era of Spanis h-speaking journalism. ” Read Sotomayor's e-book The Pulitzer Long Shot.
2017 August 4
Master's Student Chris Studley's research work The Thalidomide Tragedy: An Agenda-Settinga Analysis of Early News Media Coverage was adopted by the American Journalism Historians Association and will be presented at the annual conference in October. This work was her final 2017. Spring American Journalism History Session Research Project.
Clarisse Markarian, Dieim Arizona Daily Star Eine Kaufmännische Ausbildung Absolviet, Hat in Einer Woche Vier Ihrer Articel Veröffentlicht, Darunter Den Articel Cash Mob Aims To Infuse Tucson Businesses. Weittere Themen Waren 3-D-Hausbesichtigungen, Staatliche Krankhetsurlaube undi Ein 90-Jähriger Geschäftsinhaber.
Elise McClain, Eine Sommerpactikantin der Tucson Weekly, Schrieb Die Tittelgeschichte Vom 20. BIS 26. Juli: Trumpcare Ist Tot. "Eine Großartige Arbeit Mit Einer Complizeriteten Geschichte, Die Sich Bis Zum Redsinschlusschlus Ständig änderte, Sagte Redo Jim Nintzel, Ein Lehbeauftragter An der J-Schule.
Jessica Surian, Eine Sommerpractivetin and Der East Valley Tribune, Schrieb Eine Ergreifende Geschichte über Einen Teenager Aus Mesa, der Unheilbar Krank Ist. Surian Wurde Außerdem in das Accelerated Master's Program der Schule AufGenommen.
DER DERIPHILM OUR DESERT FARMS von Master-Absolventin Anna Augustowska ('14) und ihrem Team Wurde Anphaang Oktober in Die Offizielle Auswahl Für Das International Filmfestival IFF Earth Talks in NAUFGENOMMENT. Von 853 ENGERICTEN FILMAN AUS 81 Ländern Schafften EU NER 80 in Die Endauswahl. Augustowska ist video- und multimediaproduzentin für das ua college of social and behavioral sciences.
Master-Absolvent Alex Devoid ('17), Der Ein Scholandium and Der Arizona Republic Absolviet, Veröffentlichte AM 2. August Seinen Articel 'Trump Waives Environmental Laws to Speed Border Wall Construction AUF A1.
Master graduate Hannah Gaber ('16), video and multimedia journalist at the Arizona Republic, helped on August 3 to be produced with Senator John McCain after his cancer diagnosis and his coordination on health care. Her tasks also include the production of the weekly video and podcast The Gaggle. Take a look at your other work here.
Master graduate Mikayla Mace ('17), the new science reporter of the Arizona Daily Star, had the A1 middle piece on August 2, accompanied by a lightning photo by Mike Christy ('11). Mace also wrote the A1 middle section on Sunday, July 30th, threatening telescopes in the region.
Ivan Leonard ('17) is now working as a freelance high school sports reporter for the Sahuarita Sun.
Rebecca Noble ('17), intern at the Billings Gazette in Montana, saw her photos of the forest fires twice as an u p-an d-gomaker in A1 at the end of July. Take a look at some of the photos and your Shakespeare in the Park pictures from Macbeth.
Julianne Stanford ('17) saw her story about hepatitis C and the opioid epidemic on the front page of the Arizona Republic on July 25th. "Everyone says newspapers are dead, but I still think that it is one of the best feelings to make A1," said Stanford, who works as a Pulliam Fellow for Republic and Azcentral. com.
Hank Stephenson is de Nieuwe K-12 onderwijsverslaggever Voor de Arizona Daily Star. Lees Zijn Verhaal van 3 Augustus Over Een Tusd “Stuff the Bus” Evenement. Stephenson Versloeg de WetgeVendende Voor Arizona Capitol Times en won Schmaschungen Prijzen voor Onderszoeksjournalistiek van de Arizona Press Club, Waaronder de 2016 Virg Hill Journalist of the Year.
Ari Wasserman ('09) is nu de ohio state football beatwriter voor the athletic - een website voor fans van professional teams in Ohio, michigan, chicago en toronto. Lees here over hem. Wasserman, who worked Eerder Voor Cleveland. com, Versloeg Football Voor de Arizona Daily Wildcat en Was Assistent Sportredactur.
Morgan Loew ('98), Een Onterzoeksjournalist Voor Kphho-TV, CBS 5 in Phoenix, Maakte OP 31 July Een Nieuwsreportage Nadat Een Rechter Had Geoordeld Dat ex-Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio owes what aan criminele minachting. Bekijk het here. “IK Heb Grote en small pours. Dit is great, ”Lowe. Alumni Ryan Gabrielson en Paul Giblin Woven in 2009 Een Pulitzer Prize Voor Verhale Waaruit Bleek Dat de Handhaving van Immmigratie Door Arpaio's Kantoor Onderszoeken en Hulpverling OMERMIJNDE.
After 19 months, John D'Anna ('83) and the Arizona Republic won a legal battle to protect his unpublished notes in a criminal case. The decision "gives journalists important protections that allow us to continue to do our jobs, remain independent and keep our promises to our sources," said D'Anna, who is an editor at the Republic and a member of the school's Journalism Advisory Council.
Brandi Milloy ('06), who is studying English and journalism, was a guest judge on "Food Network Star" in late July with Bobby Flay and Giada de Laurentiis. Milloy is also an online PopSugar Food host (via YouTube and other social platforms), Cooking Channel personality and contributor to NBC's "Today Show," where she appears alongside J-school alum Savannah Guthrie and Matt Lauer. See her website and an article in the Arizona Daily Wildcat from 2008.
Abe Kwok ('88) is assistant opinion editor at the Arizona Republic and writes a weekly column.
Brian Ballou ('92) is a reporter for the Sun Sentinel in South Florida and contributed to The Boston Globe winning the Pulitzer Prize in 2014. Read his work here.
21 July 2017
David Del Grande, az NJ. com sari gyakornoka latita, hogy „A múzeum pzzösett borokat fedez fel, azım sılı olyan régiek, mint maga az orszáng” az Associated Press, a New York Times, az ABC, a CNN, a Seattle Times, a The Daily News, a Japan Times és az Arizona Daily Star is ávette.
Nick Meyers , az Arizona Daily Star gyakornoka, az A1 középpontjában a júlíus 17-i tuzábban: „A tucsoniak hetente tröss furgonnal mennek a hátáron túli fogorvosokhoz” az képzép bössésért. Meyers az the Arizona Daily Wildcat híróðurðaje és a Tucson Weekly híðrðurðurðaje is.
More summer gyakornokok gyakornokok a publikálást, including Paige Carpenter (Edible Baja, "Five Yummy Meals in Tucson under $10"); Paul Barlyn (The Intelligencer, Doylestown, Pa., "Man charged with DUI"; és Anna Frazier (Capitol Weekly, Kalifornia, "Proposition bills".
Taylor Dayton ('17) accepted a minnesotai Duluthban natuva WDIO-TV estallasnäpätátát, hogy az ABC leányvállalat séménytől päytätig tárgó morningy szórának útrejálóje legyen. Dayton, who is a UATV 3 meteorologist student, participated in Mississippi State's távoktatási programjába is, hogy egy odgálí diplómát szégzen meteorológia szakon.
Brandi Walker, 17, took a job as a news editor at KGUN 9 in Tucson. "Thank you to everyone who helped me grow as a journalist!" she said on the Facebook social network. Brandi, a former Arizona Daily Wildcat reporter and photographer, interned at the Arizona Daily Star in the spring and is a former Tucson News Now intern.
Elizabeth Eaton (16) July 10 began working at BioCentury Publications in Redwood City, California, near San Francisco. She's a staff writer who "writes about the ins and outs of the pharmaceutical industry and biotech," such as clinical trials and corporate business deals, she says. The former Science News intern writes for BioCentury's daily website and hopes to produce long-form articles for the weekly publication.
Justin Spears (17), Pac-12 for Cox Media, July 12 The Arizona Daily Star has written the newspaper's first freelance article on the Tucson Saguaros pitcher. July 10 he also made his professional radio debut at 1290-AM. Find his coverage of the Pac-12 here.
Michelle Floyd ('17), a former UA softball pitcher, was named the NFL-AIM College Athlete of the Year and was honored in Flagstaff along with Joe Namath and others. Read her blog about the ceremony.
Julianne Stanford ('17) published 4 lipca w Arizona Daily Star swój paket Arizona Center for Investigative Reporting na temat starzejących się objekt na UA, ASU i NAU ("State funds to address maintenance needs for state's universities") - wraz z paskiem bocznym Arizona State Museum. Obienie odbywa stypendium Pulliam Fellowship w Arizona Republic, gdzie jeden z jej artykułów koncentruje się na tym, jak prężyte "zhakowaniu" rozrusznika serca.
Absolwent studiów magisterskich Alex Devoid ('17) published his first article for the Arizona Republic on the topic of the construction of the Mexican wolf. Był to main material z 3 lipka na A1. Alex jest stypendystą miłęczowym w Republic.
Photojournalist Noelle Haro-Gomez ('15) transferred to the Tri-City Herald, McClatchy's newspaper in eastern Washington, which covers Pasco, Kennewick and Richland. Noelle opuschila Public Opinion w Chambersburg, Pa., pod koniec maja.
Brian Danziger ('16) accepted a job as a production assistant at NFL Network and Spectrum Sportsnet.
Jordan Christopher McMahon ('14) received a stipendium redakcyjne w magazynie WIRED.
Master's graduate Bethany Barnes ('13), reporter for The Oregonian, was selected as a USC Annenberg Journalism Scholar for her health journalism project. Click here to see other winners.
Alicia A. Caldwell left The Associated Press in Washington to report on immigration for Wall Street Journal. Alicia, a graduate of the 1998 UA Communication, who took J-School courses, met with Prof. Susan Knight and students during a spring trip to D. C. Alicia received an Arizona Daily Wildcat Young Alumni Award in 2008.
NBC honored the J-School graduate Savannah Guthrie ('93) for her fifth anniversary as co-moderator of the Today "show. Click here for the clip.
June 30, 2017
Mikayla Mace, who in May 2017 her M. A. received in journalism, will work at the Arizona Daily Star as a reporter for science and the University of Arizona.
Madison Brodsky, who graduated in May, received a ful l-time job at TMZ and Toofab. com as an entertainment reporter. Brodsky spent long days (and nights) as an intern at TMZ/TOOFAB in L. A., where she reported the Academy Awards and led many interviews with actors.
Danielle Fork took a job at Kirkman Broadcasting in Charleston, South Carolina, home to three ESPN radio stations and two The Zone Sportradios. They report on the SC Gamecocks, Clemson Tigers, Atlanta Braves & AMP; Falcons, the College of Charleston and the Citadel. "I learned something about sports television," she says, "now I'm ready to learn something about sports radio and sports sales!"
Opposite mient. Magistrantūros Studijas Baigusi Bakina Wellars Pasckarta Kabgayi Katalikiškojo Instituto (Rwanda) Žurnistics IR Komunikacijos Studijų Fakulteto Dean.
Magistrantė emily Ellis TarptaUtiniam Visuomeniniam Radijui (pri) Paskelbė Reportažą apie pirmąją meksikos vietinę į Prezidentus.
Kim Newton Photožurnistics Studentai Baigė Studijų Užsienyje Programą Orvieto Mieste Italijoje. Jie Buvo: Jie: Elizabeth Quinlan, Raquel (Rocky) Baier, Hailey Freeman, Corinna Tellez, Michelle Jaquette, Nels Bergeron, Nikki Baim, Elena Gonzalez, Sara Harelson, Shea Kelly, Octavio Lopez, Jessica Emmert, Julia Togneri Redmond. Spustelėkite Čia ir peržiūrėkite jų nuotraukas ir vaizdo įrašus.
Arizonos viešosios Žiniasklaidos vasaros stauotojos: Caryn Vieira (tinyurl. com/ycyolf2k), Brenna Bailey (tinyurl. com/y7fhur2t) ir chastity eva laskey (tinyurl. com/ybggusbn8). Angela Vera Taip Pat Rašo Laidų Scenarijus Azpm Laidai "PBS Newsbreak". Peržiūrėkite Visų Mūsų Vasaros Stažuotojų Sąrašą.
Arizona Daily Star Vasaros Stažuotojai: Auroa Begay, Shaquille Montrel Davis, Clarisse Markarian, Nick Meyers, Nick Smallwood, Jamie Ir Lauren Whetzel. Paspaudę Ant Kai Kurių Jų Vardų Rasite Jų Darbų Pavyzdžių.
Reporter Danyelle Khmar and photographer Nick Smallwood joined forces to write an article about greyhound in Arizona Daily Star, which was published by Arizona Republic. Khmara, an independent reporter, also wrote an article on the cover of the current Tucson Weekly about homeless companions.
Maritz Cruz, a summer intern in Edible Baja's magazine, published the article "Barrio Barista: Blends, Brews and Burritos" and wrote about how to make watermelon Slushie. Read her profile here.
Emmalee Mauldin began her journalistic internship at NASA in Houston, where she helped with the event of the Astromateriałów department and had time to visit Space Center Houston.
David Joseph del Grande reported governorate primaries in New Jersey (see video) as a summer intern in the Nj. com news team, which supports 15 printed newspapers in New Jersey. He also wrote about people protesting against the death of the bear. He is working on a detailed article on the local school district in a difficult financial situation and hopes to report some penalty processes.
Betsy Kaplan published seven articles during the first week of its summer internship in Playbill, including her first article about the winner of Tony Ben Platta and Quiz with Tony curiosities.
Michelle Jaquette Hat Ihren Letzten Beitrag für den Arizona Daily Star, "Umstrittene wohltätigkeitsorganisation unternimmt Schritte, um verstöße zu beheben", in der zeitung vom Sonntag, 11. Juni, auf c1 veröffentlicht.
Caitlin Schmidt ('14) vom Arizona Daily Star Wurde vom Arizona Press Club Mit Dem Don Bolles Award für Investigative BerichterstattUNG Ausgezeichnet, Weil Missstände im büro for sheriffs von pima counts aufgedeckt hat. Und Glückwunsch an Hank Stephenson von der Arizona Capitol Times, Der Zum Virg Hill Journalist of the Year Ernannt Wurde - und Den Den Ersten Platz in der Category Community Investigative Chers Des repräsentanenhauses von Arizona, David Giwann, Gwann . Website des Presseclubs
People associated with UA journalism also won 14 Arizona Press Club awards in the competitions for social news and student competitions. Hank Stephenson ('10) and Bill Coates ('78) took first place in investigative reports and gap methods, respectively, while current UA student Ezra Amacher from Arizona Daily Wildcat took first place in sports reporting and adjunct Megan Kimble from Edible Baja became the number one in education. Glenn Gullickson ('86) came in second place in the category of the Local Journalist of the Year in West Valley View in Avondale. Christianna Silva ('17), Kendal Blust ('16), Murphy Woodhouse ('14) and Adam Gaub ('06) came in second place, while Justin Spears ('17), Assistant Jim Nintzel, Stephenson and Blust came in third place.
Christianna Silva, who expired in May, wrote three articles in four days during her digital news practical stay at NPR in Washington, including today's "H. P. Lovecraft's Monster Is Wrapping Family Game Night Up in Tentacles "," The Internet of Things is Becoming More Difficult to Escape "(below) and" The Millennial Obsession With Self-Care ". Follow her stories here.
Die Reporterin des Houston Chronicle, Susan Carroll ('99), is the Ire-Preis für Innovation im investigative Journalism Zusammen Mit Matt Dampsey IM Namen des "Chemical Breakdown" -Teams Des Chronicle, Das Eine Explosion In which we are. Dupont-Werk UMS Leben Kamen. All Auszeichnungen der Investigative Reporters & Amp; Editors conenz Finden Sie Hier.
Kelly Lewis, Absolventin der J-School IM Jahr 2008, founded our Weniger Als Einem Jahr Das Reisunternehmen Damesly, das in der current Ausgabe von Travel + Leisure Bereit's AUF Platz 4 where list where the 10 interesting test. Lewis founded auch go! Girl Guides (Reiseführer für Frauen) und das jährliche Women's Travel Fest.
Jade Nunes ('15) Verließ Ihren Communications Job Bei Habitat for Humanity in Tucson, Um IM Reduction Team where Kim Komando Radio Show "In Phoenix Zu Arbeet. Nunes verwalt the twitter-feed und replaced the analysis für Komando, one digital Expertin, die in über 400 märken in the USA und im armmed forces network auf sendung ist.
June 2, 2017
The school project "Bordering110. com" took first place in the "Best of the Web" competition organized by the Journalism and Mass Communication Education Association. Ten students - Brenna Bailey, Maritza Dominguez, Mark Flores, Jenny Hijazi, Erik Kolsrud, Genesis Lara, Chastity Laskey, Julia Leon, Amanda Oien and Stephen Oliver - with the help of Celeste Bustamante and Mike McKisson, compared the city of Nogales to two cities in Montana/Alberta. The project will be presented in 2017. At the AEJMC conference in Chicago on August 10.
Carmen Valencia began an internship at the NBC affiliate in Phoenix this week on the 12 News watchdog investigative reporting team alongside Joe Dana and Wendy Halloran. "I love it," Valencia told practice coordinator Renee Schafer Horton. “The environment and the people are wonderful.” The station's website is 12news. com.
The Arizona Daily Wildcat/UATV-3 interviewed new UA President Robert Robbins on his first day on the job, June 1. Journalism students Chastity Laskey (Editor), Nick Meyers, Jamie Verwys, Kathleen Kunz, Alec White, Hector Ponce, Simon Asher and Heather Newberry.
Leah Merralls letzte Lehrlingsgeschichte für den Arizona Daily Star, "Tucson-area schools shell out $2. 3 million for Arizona's new minimum-wage hike", war das A1-Mittelstück am Sonntag, 21. Mai.
Alex McIntyre ('17) took second place as College Photographer of the Year at the Arizona Press Club Awards for his work at the Arizona Daily Wildcat. He also completed a six-month internship at the Bloomington (Indiana) Herald-Times.
Jordan Glenn ('17) nahm einen Job als Reporter beim White Mountain Independent in Show Low, Arizona, an. Neben der Stadtverwaltung und allgemeinen Aufgaben plant er, Geschichten aus dem Bereich Outdoor/Umwelt und eine Videoserie zu schreiben - und bei der Berichterstattung über Waldbrände zu helfen. The website of the zweimal wöchentlich erscheinenden Zeitung finden Sie unter wmicentral. com.
Alex Devoid ('17), ein frischgebackener Masterabsolvent, hat ein Stipendium für Umweltberichterstattung bei der Arizona Republic angenommen. "Er wird mit dem Reporter Brandon Loomis an aufsichtlichen Geschichten über die Ressourcen arbeiten, die für Arizona am wichtigsten sind: unser Wasser, unsere Luft, unser Land, unser Tierwelt", so die Editorin Nicole Carroll.
Rebecca Noble ('17) began her Fotopraktikum at the Billings (Montana) Gazette und scherzte über einen ihrer ersten Aufträge. "Heute schickten sie die Praktikantin aus Arizona, die seit vier Jahren keinen Winter mehr gesehen hat, in einen Schneesturm auf 10, 000 Fuß Höhe," she said.
Mike Christy ('11) from Arizona Daily Star took third place as a photographer of the News of the Year during the awarding of the Arizona Press Club awards, and also took third place in the picture history department.
A graduate Hank Stephenson from Arizona Capitol Times won the SledgeMmer award awarded by Arizona Press Club for efforts to reveal the truth.
Curt Prendergast ('11) from Arizona Daily Star took first place with Perla Trevizo for Spanis h-language reports in the Arizona Press Club Awards competition.
Alfredo Edwardo Araiz ('80) from Arizona Daily Star took second place in the portraits category in the Arizona Press Club Awards competition.
Colleagues, family and friends paid tribute to the graduate of J-School Bill Bill Walsh on May 19 at Washington Post, where he worked for 20 years as one of the best editors in the country. Read more about Bill, Arizona Daily Wildcat Hall of Famer, and read the praise of his wife at journalism. arizona. edu/walsh.
May 19, 2017
Mikaayla Mace, Stephen Choice, Jenny Hijazi en Bakina Wellars Hebben Hun MasterondereksoExartlen Geaccepteerd Voor Presentatie op de nationale aejmc-conferentie in chicago in Augustus. “We Zijn 4 Voor 4 Dit Jaar," Zegt prof. Carol Schwalbe. "Het is Relatief Zeldzamam Voor Masterstudenten Om Een Paper Te Presenteren Op Een Nationale Conferentie." Mace won de eerste plaats in haar divisie. Click hier Voor Het Volledige Verhaal.
Tien Student van de Herfstklas over de Grens Tussen de V. S. EN Mexico Behaalden de 16E Plaats in de Hearst Team Multimedia Competition Top 20 Met Hun Project "Bordering 110 °". Julia Leon, Brenna Bailey, Maritz Camila Dominguez Azua, Mark Flores, Jenny Hijazi, Erik Clark Kolsrud, Genesis Lara, Chastita Eva Laskey, Amanda Oien en Stephen Oliver Vergelelen de Steden Nogales Met Twee in Montana/Alberta Met Hulp van prof. Celeste Bustamante en Mike McKisson. Heta was de tweede Hearst van de school dit Jaar, Waarbius Maritz Cruz 11e Werd Met Haar Arizona Sonora News Video "Shelter Me".
The students of the Linda Lumsden history course published on a new website interviews with 15 Tucson journalists. The "Sonoran Desert Journalists" site contains anecdotes on the coverage of September 11 (Ryan Finley), the Gabby Giffords shooting (Christopher Conover), the undocumented (Margaret reward) and the Jaguar "Macho B" (Tony Davis) . The students interviewers were Nick Cada (Alfredo Araiza), Reina Morrison (Douglas Biggers), Victor Herrera II (Cathy Burch), Ashley House (Conover), Chris Stidley (Davis), Gabrielle Mix (Carmen Duarte), Christian Torres (Joe Ferguson ), Fernando Galvan (Finley), Marie Teemant (David Fitzsimmons), CJ of Innocent (Sarah Gassen), Joshua Steele (Stephanie Innes), Nathan Delfs (Irene McKisson), Elsayed Issa (Todd Miller), Zeina C. Peterson ( REGAN) and Ashley Mikelonis (ZAC Ziegler). Click here to read the full article.
The presenters Riley Brown and Spencer Halliday, as well as Danielle Fork, Chris Delgado, Andie Milkis, Jamie Hewitt, Cherie Cole, Jamie Lobel and Steph Soto produced the latest "Arizona Cat's Eye". The information emission managed by students includes articles on the new president of the AU, the growth of local employment, the UA Campus Pantry and a DJ Radio a blind, to name a few , as well as a promotion with Savannah Guthrie, a former student of the AU and co-presenter of the program Today Show. See the episode.
Absolvent Anna mē ludlūma aizstāvēja Savu maģistra Projekta priekšlikumu ar nosaukumu “tūkstošgades paaudzes apoloģijas”. Viņas Komisijas Locadekļi IR: žanīna relax (priekšsēdētāja), nensija Šarkija (nancy sharkey) a renē Šafere-hortone.
SBS SASAUKUMA PASākumā MCKALE CENTRā Niks džonsons uz skatves vēroja īpašu vēstījumu no savas māsas, kura dien àrzemēs. Spiediet Šeit, lai apskatītu fotoattēlus. SBS Absolventu Ceremonijas Fotoattēlus Skatiet Šeit.
Džastins spiSSS PIEņēma darbu cox media group atlantā, lai atspoguļotu pac-12 sporta veidus yellowā vietnē, kas ietvers stāstus a podkāstu. Spearss Saņēma Donald Still/Arizona Daily Wildcat Balvu No Studentu Plašsaziņas Līdzekļu Padomnieka Bretta will (Brett will) Pasākumā Just Desserts.
Studentam Tobijam Šmitam (Tobey Schmidt) An nesen maģistra grādu ieguvušajai kendalai blustai (kendal blust) katram no viņiem bija pirmā lappuse attiecīgi jaunākajos izdevumos tucson business a territorial Daily. Blusts, Kura Stāsts by “Mātēm” Atrodams Vietnēurl. com/lstg8xp, Strādā Laikrakstā Nogales International. Šmits, kura stāsts by “ywca” atrodams vietnēurl. com/mjql88n, drīzumā sāks st stut aļaskas laikrakstā skagway news.
Pičere Mišela Floida, Kura Beidz žurnālistiku, a SoftBola Komanda Vakar Pirmo Reizi Kopš 2007. Gada Izcīnīja Pac-12 holders.
Fernanda Echavarri ('07) received the Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Award for Radio Journalism for "The Strange Death of José de Jesús". Echavarri, from NPR's "Latino USA", worked with Marlon Bishop on the tw o-part documentary. She will be honored on May 23 in the Newseum in Washington. Click here to see the winners. Echavarri was also named finalist for the Livingston Awards for young journalists for the story.
Jazmine Woodberry ('12) won a prestigious Ragan & Amp; PR Daily Ace Award for "Newcomer in the industry". Jury members in the worldwide communication match said that Woodberry, from longboard Asset Management in Phoenix and a former journalist/editor of the Arizona Daily Wildcat, "knew what journalists wanted". Click here to view the awards.
De Kentucky Derby had more UA connections: Lexington Herald-Leader Reporter Dan Desrochers, graduated from the J-School in 2015, and Louisville Courier-Journal Reporter Justin Sayers ('14) helped to beat the event at Churchill Downs. Trainer Todd Pletcher, graduated from the UA Race Track Industry Program, won his second derby with Always Dreaming.
Til Minne Lynn C. Elder, sum tok Master's degrees I Journalist I 1976. Lynn, 68 År, Fra Naples I Florida, Jobbet Som Reporter OG Redaktør for Aviser I New York Og Massachusetts. Senere Skrev their Skjønnlitteratur, Blant Annet and Selvbiografisk Roman, OG FLERE SPUSPILL OG FILMMANUS. VI Kondolerer Til Hennes Family. Klikk Her for Å lese neckrologists.
5. Mai 2017
Christianna Silva, Chastity Eva Laskey, Jamie Verstys Og Jenny Hijazi Fikk Topp Utmarker Under Skolens 51. Just Desserts-Prisut Division 4. Mai På Arizona Historical Society. Silva, Som Går Siste Året På Skolen, Fikk Philip Mangelsd Orf-Prisen For Årets Fremonscrazende Journalist, Laskey Fikk Sherman R. Miller-Prisen For Årets Fremonscrazende Sisteårsstudent, Dolays Fikkbell-priseni for iksi-priseni for iksdeste iksdeste iksdeste iksdeste iksdeste-prisen-heets for iksdeste iksdeste iksdeste-prisen-heazy-prisoners for iksdeste-priseni for iksi-prisenian For Årets Fremonscreen Avangsstudent. Klikk Her For and Artikin OG and Liste about all pris-og stipendnernne, OG SE Vår Facebook Live-Video Fra Arrangementet.
Die Schülerin Julianne Stanford Gewann am 29. April the Renomten Maggie Award in the Kategorie "Bester Print article/student" für ihre report über mittelamericanic child, who for tire, political instabilität in those Vereinigten staplohen. Kendal extinguishes the leisens im Letzten Jahr won und damit zum switen males in folge the leek für die Schule. Lesen sie who is split (seiten 16-20)
Nels Bergeron won the Spring photo competition Drew Gyorke Memorial Fund 2016 for a photo of the homeless at the bank. Simon Garelick-Mettler took second place with a photo of Kademem Allen's basketball player, and Cory Kennedy took the third place with a photo of bungee jump. These photos and nine other from class 203 of Professor Kim Newton are now displayed in the corridor near Marshall 327. The other photographers are: Katie Fletcher, Addie Stansbury, Tommy Kearn, Sienna Leone, Gabbi Sam, Victor Garcia, Michael Webb, Pearl Dixon and Jiaqi Gao. Click here to see photos.
Alex Devoid defended his master's thesis "Collaboratively Mapping Militarized Borders and Law Enforcement: A Crowdsourced Mobile App", May 5 at Marshall 340 Believed the members of the Celeste González de Bustamante Commission (chairman), Chris Lukinbeal (by Skype) and McCisson. Devoid receives a master's degree in journalism and Latin American studies.
Riley Versfelt defended her master's thesis "Finding Hope Through Dance: The Healing Properties of Dance for Victims of Sexual Abuse", May 1 in Marshall 340. Celeste Bustamante (chairwoman), Rogelio Garcia and Mike McKisson were members of her committee.
Jenny Hijazi Aizstāvēja Savu Dubultā maģistra Darba project "Perifērijas: Starpdiscipināra un kopīga stāstīšana, Izantojot Pierobežas reportā Bustamante, Mike McKisson Un Maggy Zanger. Hijazi, Kuras Maģistra Grāds ir žurnālistikā un tuvo austrumu un potat o-frikas studijās, nodrošināja virtaālās realitātes brilles, lai varētu apskatīt dažus no viņas stāstiem.
UA Vecāko Klašu Skchnoiece Britana Bates, Kura Šajā semesterī ir pueblo vidusskolas žurnālistikas brīvprātīgā, 29. Aprīlī Pieblo Pueblo Vecāko klašuk klaškiek units units a paddomniecei Medhi, Medhi, eagerly. Nensija Šarkaja (Nancy Sharkey) un palmitinators maiks Česniks (Mike Chesnick) archemstīja groups of Sącz.
Vecāko Klašu Skollniece Džordana Glenna (Jordan Glenn) Četrus Mēnešus veidoja īsfilm "Out of the Gates" Ti Jūs Varat Izlat Arī Vņa Agrāko Arizona Sonora News Stāstu Par Ameliu.
Students produced the spring edition 2017 of El Independiente: "Living in the shadow: The Long-Term Undocumented." Elisabeth Morales, Christina Duran, Brittan Bates, Jorge Encinas, Andrew Paxton, Erik Kolsrud, Lauren Renteria, Jordan Glenn, Taylor Dayton, Chastity Laskey, Amanda Oien en Fatuma Shiwoko schreven verhalen, en Lilly Berkley , Reina Morrison, Ashley House en Paxton deden The reporting and the design for two double truck graphics. Gisele Smith and Maxie Ruan helped with production. Read the edition.
In “Mexico: The Storytellers”, 21 students of Celeste González de Bustamante presented their research on 25 April during a symposium in UA Special Collections: Christina Duran, Genesis Lara, Victor Garcia, Monique Irish, Brenna Bailey, Julia León, Zeina Cabrera-Peterson, Fernando Galván, Natalia V. Navarro, April Lanuza, Justin Spears, Hannah Bloom, Amanda Oien, Carmen Valencia, Mike González, Elena González, Simone McCarthy, Emily Ellis. Click here for photos.
Senior Madison Brodsky spoke with Rogelio Garcia 'S 385 temporary school about how you break into the entertainment news industry. Brodsky completes her internship at TMZ's Toofab. com, where she reported on the Academy Awards and interviewed actors such as Salma Hayek and Rob Lowe (see Clip).
Gloria Knott, a trainee at the Arizona Daily Star, wrote the CoverStory about the Folk Festival of Tucson for Caliente on 4 May.
Five members of our student department of the Society of Professional Journalists - B Renna Bailey, Chastity Eva Laskey, Ava Garcia, Jamie Verwys and Andrew Paxton - attended the SPJ Western Regional Conference in San Diego last weekend. The Arizona Daily Wildcat won two prizes.
The Graduate Student Interest Group has Mikayla Mace's Manuscript, "Newspaper Coverage of Mars in the United States and the United Kingdom 2011-2016," accepted for presentation at the annual AEJMC conference this summer in Chicago. The paper was assessed blindly.
Graduation student Ashley Mikelonis defended her thesis proposal entitled “Exploring the Success and Defeat of Ronda Rousey: A Content Analysis of Twitter and Newspaper Coverage” on Thursday. Her committee members are Jeannine Relly (chairman), Linda Lumsden and Terry Wimmer.
Doctoral student Anna Mae Ludlum defended her master's thesis on Wednesday entitled "Apologias of the Millennial Generation". Her committee is the following members: Jeannine Relly (leader), Nancy Sharkey and Renée Schafer-Horton.
José Galvez ('72), who helped L. A. Times won the Pulitzer Prize in 1984 for its Latino series, became the first Mexican-American photographer to receive a separate exhibition at the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis and in Women's Rights National Historical Park in Seneca Falls in New York.
Andrea Esquer, who graduated in journalism in 1988, died April 15, 51 years old. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer five years ago and was responsible for information for the Maricopa County Department of Transportation. Andrea, who in 2011 graduated in law at Asu, was also press secretary for Arizonas former Justice Minister Terry Goddard and worked for the Ministry of Energy and NASA. The funeral takes place on Friday in Phoenix.
April 21, 2017
Hannah Dahl won Mark Finley Gold Pen Award in the school's competition for best news text for Jour 205 students in the spring of 2017, which was held on April 17. Gabrielle Mix came in second place, and Michaela Webb took third place. Dahl will receive $ 1, 000 in scholarships, followed by Mix ($ 750) and Webb ($ 500). Click here for more information.
Ciara Encinas Gavo CBS Naujienų Vasaros Stažuotę Vašingtone Encinas, Kol d-TV/Tucson News Now Stažuotoja Iro's Arizonos Dienraščio "Daily Wildcat's UATV 3" Report Enarijus IR Padė's photography, IR Tai Tik Keletas Pareigų.
Davidas del Grande Sutiko Atlici Vasaros Stažuotę Bendrovėje "NJ Advance Media" Ir nj. com, Kuri Kuria Turinį 15-Ai Naujojo Džersio Laikraščių, įskaitant "The Star-Ledger" Nuarke.
Dešimt Mokyklos Jav Ir Mexicos Patients Reportažų Klasės Mokinių Parengė Daugialypės Terpės Projektą "Patient 110 °", Kuriam Nogaleso Miestelis Lyginama's Suviem Montanos/Albertos Miestais. Brenna Bailey, Maritza Camila Dominguez Azua, Mark Flores, Jenny Hijazi, Erik Clark Kolsrud, Genesis Lara, Chastity Eva Laskey, Julia Leon, Amanda Oien Ir Stephen Oliver Projectui Patobulinthi Naudojo DioDojo DioDojo. Žiūrėkite čia.
Chastity laseey vasarą ir Rudenį buvo Paskirta Arizona Daily Wildcat Vyriaiuli Redaktore. "Esu labai dėkinga už visą patirtį, curią man soikė" wildcat ". Kasdien Susitinku IR Dirbu Kartu Su Puikiais žjournalistais Ir Nuostabiais žmonėmis ", - Sakty Lasley, Pastaruosius Šešis Semestrus Dirbusi" Wildcat 'Reports Ir editor.
Mikayla Mace April 14th He defended his master's thesis at the 340th University of the Marshall, "Newspaper Publications on Mars in the United States and the United Kingdom 2011-2016". Mace, who wants to become a scientific journalist, has obtained the UA Bachelor's degree in Neuroscience and Cognitive Sciences and a Bachelor's degree in Astronomy. Her committee members were Carol Schwalbe (chairwoman), Jeannine Relly and Susan E. Swanberg.
Bakina Wellars defended his master's thesis on the influence of foreign news programs on Rwanda TV and newspaper International News Rettlement on April 14. Marshall 341 auditorium. The members of his committee were Carol Schwalbe (chairwoman), Jeannine Relly and Sally Ann CruikShank (auburn). Wellars plans to return to Rwanda and teach.
Andrew Paxton and other Spj students on April 12 He organized a discussion at the UA Main Library "The Future of Press Freedom in the Fake News". David del Grande filmed the event for Facebook live broadcast. Click here to see it.
Justin Spears has published a $ 3 fee for visiting Tombstone for a visit to the Boothill Cemetery on April 10. On the A1 page of Arizona Daily Star. Read it here.
Michelle Jaquette, Star's student, saw her story "Tucson Water Old Treatment on South Side Now Unnecessary" ("Tuxon's Old Cleaning Devices in the southern part") announced on April 15.
Isaac Andrews wrote an article to the Arizona Daily Wildcat newspaper about fake news, quoting school principal David Cuilier and Arizona Daily Star editor Jill Jorden Spitz (88). Click here to read it.
April 19 During the Catsys Sports Awards, Michelle Floyd, UA Softball thrower and Master's degree in Journalism received the Wildcat Way Merit Award. Floyd met with Los Angeles Lakers coach Luku Walton, a former Wildcat star who hosted the McKale event.
Houston Chronicle journalist Susan Carroll (99) contributed to the Special Education Denied series, which has entered the final of the Pulitzer Prize for Public Services (read its story). The award was won by Propaina and New York Daily News newspaper, the main role of which was played by Sarah Ryley report on police abuse. Another graduate of the school, 2009 The winner of the Pulitzer Prize Ryan Gabrielson, working on Propaina.
The school adopted three new members of the Journalism Advisory Council - all of them are UA journalism graduates: Hipolitan Corella (90), Arizona Daily Star Senior Editor; Chyrl Hill Lander (76), former Star journalist and instructor; and Nicole Santa Cruz (09), Los Angeles Times reporter. Click here and read about all council members.
Kayla Samawi, 15, started last week to work at the Associated Press in Chicago as a news assistance responsible for southern Dakota, Indiana and Texas.
Samantha Monsi, 12, from the Arizona Daily Star newspaper, won two awards in second place in the competition in the West Regional to apply via the Internet and to provide border reports in the project beyond the wall prepared by the Star newspaper with a team that included Courtrdrigst (11 years) and Mike Christie (11 years).
Savana Gothy (93), the broadcaster participating in the "Toda y-Show" program on the NBC network, gave her advice and reflected on her career in an interview via Skype on April 20 with 50 students in Marshall 340. See the pictures here and watch the video.
Frank or Sotomoore (66 years old) has spoken to the start of the reports of Janine Riley's reports on diversity, content and sources. Sotomiore, who heads our Press Consultant Council, also presented an insight into his new book on the Internet “The Pulitzer Long Shot” - about the Los Angeles Times series that he participated in editing from the Latinians and which won the Politzer Public Service Award for the year 1984.
April 7, 2017
Maritza Cruz won the eleventh position out of 20 final candidates at the national level in the Hurst for multimedia news competition for the "Owoni: Youth without shelter finding help in Toxon."
Emmalee MAULDIN HAT EIN JORNALISTISISS SOMMERPRAKTIKUM BEI der Nasa IM Johnson Space Center in Houston AbsOLVIERT. Zu ihren Aufgaben Gehört Es, Elektronische Vorlagen Mit „Informationen Für Die öffentlicHkeit über Mond- Oder Meteoritenproben“ Zu Erstellen, Mit Beschreibungen Darüber, Woher Die Tromaterialien Stammen, Wie Sie Entdeckt Wurden, Wer SIE ENTDECKT HAT UND Auf Welcen Missionen Sie Esesetzt Wurden, Sagt SIE. Die Stelle Sei ähnlich Wie ihre derzeitig tätigkeit am steward obsevression, sagt sie.
Julianne Stanford Wurde AM 28. April in L. A. Für Ihre Geschichte „Seeking Safe Haven (Such Nach Eineem Sichern Zuffluchtsort) Als Final Für Die Maggie Awards Nominiert Und Wurde Ausgewählt, um diesen sommer AM War Studiees Gr AM Deer Hertog Foundation TeilzuneHmen. Klicken Sie Hier, UM Den Vollständigen Bericht Zu Lesen.
Christianna Silva Hat Ein SommerPraktikum Bei NPR In Washington, D. C., in Der Digitalen Nachrichtendaktion Absolvier. „Das Bedeutet IM GRUNDE, Dass Ich Schreiben Werde - Und Zwar Viel”, Sagt Sie. Silva, Die Bolles-Stipediatin der Schull, Berichtet Derzeit über Die Legislative des BundesStaats Und hat bereits ein praktikum bei fifthistyeight Absolviert. SIE WIRD Auf Den Master-ABSOLVENTEN Jorge Encinas Folgen, der Derzeit Ein NPR-Praktikant in Washington D. C. Is.
Tobey Schmidt will have an internship at The Skagway News in the Alaska Community newspaper that has won the awards. She follows Julianne Stanford, another student of the school, who overcame national candidates for the place of Skagwele's newspaper last year. "I have always wanted to explore Alaska, which will be a great opportunity to do so and work in a career," says Schmidt, who is currently practicing in Inside Tucson Business and Campus Rec's outdoor marketing coordinator.
Danielle Fork worked for ESPN during the NCAA Men's Basketball Final Four Glendale.
Saulius Bookman, Justin Spears, Alec White and Danielle Fork shared their experiences of the Arizona Daily Wildcat, UVA3 and corner radio at the Sports Journalist Club conversation "Tournament from the Tournament" on April 4. in the reading room. The four-year-old gave about 15-20 students' advice on how to become a successful sports journalist.
April 3 In the reading room, Brenna Bailey, Courtney Talak and Chastity Laskey hosted a round table at Jaws Tuson club about what it means to be a woman in a journalist. The discussion was attended by professional journalists: Andrea Kelly ('05) of Arizona Public Media, Becky Pallack, Mamta Popat, Yoohyun Jung ('15) and Mike Christy ('11) of Arizona Daily Star. Professor Susan Knight and Celeste González de Bustamante also participated.
Arizona Daily Star student Gloria Knott wrote the main article on Sunday Home & Amp; LIFE about seniors: "The Tuxonians turn to Taiči for health and tranquility" and an article on the cover in Caliente about the street fair.
Frank O. Sotomiah (66), with the help of Internet designer Kedi (13), published an online book The Pulitzer Long Shot. Frank, chaired by our Journalism Advisory Board, was one of the Mexican and American journalists' series written and photographed by the Los Angeles Times, which in 1984. won the Pulitzer Prize for Social Activities, Editors. Frank says the series "has often broken the haze of stereotypical Latin Americans."
Staci Matlock ('91) ist Die Neue Chefredakteurin Der Taos News. Staci, Eine Kommilitonin von Professor Jeannine Relly, War Eine Langjährige Reporterin and The Santa Fe New Mexican. Während Ihrer Zeit in Tucson Gründete Sie Das Zweisprachige Sonoran Journal und War Editorial von Tailwinds, Einer Outdoor-SportPubllication.
Josh Morgan ('12) Arbeit Jetzt and Den Greenville (S. C.) News Als Photo. Als Ehemaliger mythbeeter des Rapid City (S. D.) Journal und Freiberufler Hat Er Die Letzten Monate Damit Verbracht, Fotos von der Dakota Access Zu Machen.
Meryl Engle ('16) is a program/production coordinator at NBCS "Dateline" in Los Angeles. "I help with everything that is needed from the conception of a story to broadcast," she said Prof. Susan Knight. “I am in court on some days and report on stories. On other days I interview the families of the victims for web posts. ”
Zack Rosenblatt ('13) from the Arizona Daily Star, Sarah Kezele ('11), correspondent of the West Coast Conference for Campus Insiders, and Zach Clark (' 12) by ESPN Tucson. Anthony Gimino ('90) from Allsportstucson was also able to report on his first final Four, and Adam Green ('06) by Arizona Sports and Ktar in Phoenix was there at the University of Phoenix Stadium.
The American Copy Editors Society launched the Bill Walsh Scholarship, a national award for journalism students who are aiming for a career as an editor. Walsh, a graduate of the J-School of 1984 and editor-in-chief of the Washington Post, died on March 15. Click here to donate.
March 24, 2017
Michelle Jaquette, intern at the Arizona Daily Star, published two stories in the newspaper on March 11: "City Council is considering harder punishments for hate-driven offenses", and the up-to-maker on C1: "Arizona of the professional rehabilitation program shows more As his competitors. "
Michael Hernandez, Een Stagiair Bij Arizona Public Media, Maakte Een Verhaben Op 15 Maart Over Het Plan Van Gov. Ducy om Kleuterschool voor all the Dagen in Arizona te.
Elena Gonzalez, Een Stagiaire Bij Tucson Weekly. Zij Schreef de Coverstory in de Meest Recente Uitgave, “Eat This, Tucson: Passioneerde Createven Op het offered by drinking brengen Heerlijkheid naar Deze Speciale Eetregio.”
Twaalf Students Uit de Klas pers en Latijns-America van Prof. Celeste González de Bustamante Reisden naar Mexico-Stad om journalists te interviewing, mediacanals en other BESWAARDIGHEDEN TE HUN Projects aan het EINDE van de Reis te Presenter. Het were Amanda Oien, Brenna Bailey, Maritza Dominguez, Fernando Galvan, Victor Garcia, Moe Irish, April Lanuza, Julia Leon, Natalia Navarro, Zeina Peterson, Carmen Valencia en Melissa Vasquez.
Negen Honor student rice seeds MET Prof. Nancy Sharkey Naar New York City Om Een Bezoek te Brengen Aan Mediacanals, Waaronder de Today Met Alumnus Savannah Guthrie ('93). The students were Mariah Hope Latimer, Lauren Olson, Caryn Vieira, Christina Duran, Adam Kull, Teresa Velasco, Jessica Suriano, Leah Merrall en Isaac Rounseville.
Justin Spears, Saul Bookman, Danielle Fork, Chris Deak, Simon Asher, Alec White and Courtney Talak helped to cover the UA-Lords Basketballag in the PAC-12 Championship and the NCAA Tournament to Sweet 16 for Arizona Daily Wildcat, UATV3 and Fighting, Uat Student radio. See the coverage.
Michelle Floyd played the ninth perfect match in UA's softball story on March 11 in an 18-0 victory over Hartford. For information, Kenzie Fowler ('13) was the latest UA soft ball thrower that threw a perfect match in 2010. Watch Star's story.
Bill Walsh, graduating student from J-School in 1984 and editor-in-chief of the Washington Post, died March 15 after being diagnosed with cancer almost nine months ago. Bill, 55, three books wrote about editing and started Theslot. com in the mid-1990s. He was a member of Arizona Daily Wildcat Hall of Fame and was a good friend of the school, and he met UA students on a tour of the post last spring. Read our obituary on the site and Posten's obituary.
Arizona Sonora News Service published Jorge Encinas' history in connection with his master's project, "Immigrant Possessions Disappear During Deportation". Encinas has one month left of its practice period at NPRS Code Switch Team in Washington. UANEWS also published our web case about Encinas.
Eric Swedlund ('02) Recenseere Een Nieuw Album Van Moe J-School Alum Austin Counts ('11) “Pima County Soul” - In de Tucson Weekly.
10 maart 2017
Stephanie Soto Heft Een Nieuwe Promotie Video Ingtroken Voor de UA School of Journalism. De Video Werd Geproduceerd Door Master Alum Anna Augustowska Voor was called UA College of Social and Behavioral Sciences. The video Staat Op Het YouTube-Kanaal van de School EN Zal Worden Toegevoegd Aan De Website van de School.
Danyelle Khmara Schreef de Coverstory Voor named number 23 Feb. - 1 maart van de Tucson Weekly: "Tucson hip hop party is meer dan dope flow a strident rhymes."
Madison Brodsky, Een Stagiaire Bij tmz en toofab. com, Died Verslag van de oscars an interviewer beroemdheden na the best picture mix-up. Ze Interviewde Ook Elton John EN Schreef Een Verhaal over the cook van Zijn Oscar Viewing Party.
Brenna Bailey, Courtney Talak EN CHASTITY EVA LASKEY RICHTTEN EEN LOCAL CLUB OP DIE VERBONDEN IS AAN HATHED Journalism and Women Symposium (Jaws).
Brandi Walker, Een Leerling Gifts Voor De Arizona Daily Star, Zag Haar Verhaal, "Baby's Blootgesteld Aan Opioïden Zijn Focus van Tucson Drug program," ALS A1-Middenstuk OP 6 MAART.
Leah Merrall, a trainee at the Arizona Daily Star, published her story "Arizona LGBT Students Face Hostility, Survey Says" as an A1 middle piece in the newspaper of February 27. Further remarkable articles from Merrall: "Tucson Non-Profit offers reduced hearing aids in exchange for volunteer work" and "New passage service helps seniors to stay active in Tucson" and a top story in the business on Sunday: "A couple from Tucson makes a name in the tattoo scene as an artist and distance technician ”.
Courtney Talak, an apprentice for photographer at the Arizona Daily Star, recently published these galleries: "Ted Walker Youth Day at Old Tucson"; and 'Tucson Gem, Mineral and Fossil Showcase'; and saddle rider Taos Muncy ("A Decade Later, A Cowboy and Reporter Reconnect"); and other Tucson Rodeo Photos and a Salpointe basketball game; and Tucson Rodeo Parade Collection; and a photo on Seattle Sounders Football player; and 'Record Number of Mls Teams' Photo.
Nate Airulla, a trainee of the Arizona Daily Star, published "Nogales Produce Distributor Banned for Failing to Pay Growers".
Maxie Ruan played her video about Indian students and spoke to students of the Hopi High on March 4.
Marcy Jones ('10), Supplement Bij Fox 10 in Phoenix, Sprak Met de Klas van Prof. Rogelio Garcia Over Live Verslagving en Haar Ervaring in the Nieuwswereld.
Susan Carroll ('99), lif t-wound Bij de Houston Chronicle, worked the de Scripps Howard Public Service Reporting Award Won. Het healing dat ze Schreef Hielp Collega Brian M. Rosenthal Ook om de USC SELDEN AWARD for investigative reporting te winnen.
Jacquelyn Abad ('14) HEEFT Het ABC-Filiaal in Medford, Oregon, Lated om as a leverage feast Aan de Slag Te Gaan Bij Het CBS-Filiaal in Milwaukee.
24 February 2017
AFGESTUDEERD student Ashley Mikelonis, The Schrijft Voor Arizona Sonora News, Versloeg Other Publicaties Met Het Nieuws Dat and Interim Atletiekdirecteur Erika Barnes Op dit moment Geen Vastste Baan Wil. De arizona republic en other publice erden het vibraver online. Ze Schreef Ook Een Verhaben Over de ondertegenwoordiging van Vrouwen in Belangrijke Leidinggevenden Posities in Division I athletics.
Madison Brodsky, Een Stagiaire Bij TMZ EN Toofab. com, Verslaat de Rode Loper Voors En Het Elton John Aids Foundation Academy Awards Viewing Party Zondag in L. A. Ze Interviewe Ice Cube Voor de Première Van “Fist Fight,” EN Schreef Meer Dan 50 Articles en Publicerde Galerijen en Video's voor tmz of toofab. com.
Lauren Renteria and her team at News Hack Arizona won in the Sensory Journalism category. The team used light and motion sensors overlaid on crime data to determine the safest places to run or walk on the University of Arizona campus. Yuhyun Jung ('15) of the Arizona Daily Star wrote an article about the event on February 18-19.
Senior Rebecca Noble completed a photography internship with the Reading Eagle newspaper in Pennsylvania this summer. "I'm very excited," says Rebecca, because the newspaper employs nine photographers, despite the fact that the publication's circulation is 50, 000 copies. Rebecca, a senior photographer for the Arizona Daily Wildcat and a former Arizona Daily Star intern, covered the Trump inauguration and the Women's March on Washington.
Junior Eric Kolsrud saw his Arizona Sonora News report on the new Naco border fence appear on the front page of the Feb. 13 A1 Arizona Daily Star.
Arizona Daily Wildcat reporters and Saul Bookman were thanked by ESPN's Jay Bilas and Lewis Johnson for their February 22 "For All Balls" Ukraine basketball article and cover ahead of the USC vs. UCLA game.
Former J-School student Murphy Woodhouse, a reporter for the Arizona Daily Star, broke a big story on Feb. 15 about Monsanto pulling out of a property tax deal with Pima County.
Seth Pines, who graduated in May 2016. i was an editor at KGUN TV in Tucson, where I worked as an editor at czasie rzeczywistym at ABC-15 in Phoenix.
February 10, 2017
Christianna Silva, scholarship student of Bolles, published the article "Organy ścigania w Arizonie muje nie poprzeć nakazu imigracyjnego Trumpa", as well as articles on wynagrodzeń nauczyciele, Ducey's "miracle cure" and legislative summaries.
In addition to Silvy's history, szkolna strona internetowa Arizona Sonora News zawierała artykuly Erika Kolsruda na temat nowego ogrodzenia granicznego w Naco; article by Jordana Glenna about young dżokejce z Tucson; and the story of Taylor Daytona o zimowych burzach.
Niedawny absolwent studiów magisterskich Jorge Encinas, stażysta w zespole Code Switch NPR, had his second article on 1 lutego: "There's a Long, Ignominious Trail of Bans, Registries And Forced Relocation". Przeczytaj article about Encinasie:
The recently completed Elizabeth Eaton published already kilka articles as a trainee in Science News, in tym najności about penguins! Go here to see their articles.
Ian Friedman , a 2010 graduate, was named the 2016 Young Attorney of the Year by the San Diego Defense Lawyers. Friedman (bio), who earned his law degree from the University of San Diego in 2013, is a former editor at the Tombstone Epitaph and Arizona Daily Wildcat and a business intern at the Arizona Daily Star.
Sam Stanton ('82) helped the Sacramento Bee win the Northern California Society of Professional Journalists' James Madison Freedom of Information Award for his research on the UC Davis chancellor. Cynthia Hubert, another Bee reporter and UA graduate, received an SPJ NorCal Award in October for a report on the death of a homeless woman.
Annie Chandler-Grevers ('10), a seven-time NCAA champion swimmer and former editor of the Tombstone Epitaph, was inducted into the San Antonio Sports Hall of Fame. Annie, Swimming World's deputy editor and a swim coach in Tucson, and her husband (Olympic medalist Matt Grevers) welcomed a baby girl, Skylar, in November.
Jan. 27, 2017
Danyelle Khmara wrote the cover story for the Jan. 12-18 Tucson Weekly on Pima County's efforts to protect immigrant rights on the eve of Trump's presidency.
Julianne Stanford's final report for the Arizona Daily Star, "More drug profits slipping into Mexico as border seizures plummet," was the paper's centerpiece on Jan. 26.
D. C. Bolles fellow Christianna Silva wrote a firsthand account of the Women's March on Washington for the Arizona Daily Star's This is Tucson and collaborated with photographer Rebecca Noble on a report for the Tucson Sentinel. Noble also took pictures of the inauguration that were used by the Daily Wildcat. Michelle Jaquette also traveled to D. C., and Elizabeth Eaton, who began her internship at Science News in D. C. in December, took photos. Click here for the report on the J-School website.
Student Madison Brodsky began an internship at TMZ in Los Angeles. She works for the celebrity news website toofab. com and says she is "responsible for writing entertainment stories on the website, interviewing celebrities in the studio and on the red carpet, and researching story pitches."
Martiza Dominguez and Carmen Valencia spoke to Cholla High School students about journalism and the J-School on Jan. 27 in Marshall 340.
December graduate Emily Gauci has accepted a job in page design and copy editing at GateHouse Media in Austin, Texas. GateHouse publishes 121 daily newspapers and owns the parent company of the Arizona Capitol Times. Gauci was a designer for Epitaph and a designer and photographer for the Daily Wildcat.
Jorge Encinas, who graduated with a master's degree in December, wrote an article for NPR's Code Switch website, titled "As Trump Is Sworn In, Supporters Debate His Role In Healing Racial Wounds." its role in healing racial wounds). Encinas is interning at NPR in Washington until April.
Filmmaker Ania Augustowska ('14) and the team that worked on “Our Desert Farms” saw the short documentary become an official part of the Colorado Environmental Film Festival, Feb. 23-25 in Golden. It examines climate change, drought and the global market through the lens of a local story about Central Arizona farmers.
Kristen Davis ('00) says her biological daughter, Carlie Scupin, has accepted a scholarship offer to play on the AA softball team. Kristen covered UA softball for the Arizona Daily Star in 2002 while pregnant with Carlie. “I'm so happy for Carlie and her huge family,” says Kristen, who is now in charge of social media and “Best of” at cleveland. com.
Jan. 6, 2017
Jorge Encinas, newly formed no mestrado, got an internship with Chips Quinn at NPR in Washington, D. C. He will work with the “Code Switch” team, which explores race, ethnicity and culture in our communities. "I'm excited about the opportunity to work with NPR in D. C., especially with the inauguration and the public's anxiety in relation to the new government," says Encinas, whose internship runs until April 21. See the Code Switch site.
The students of the fall transmission class of the school published the last Cat's Eye do Arizona, including stories about the election, education, refugees, fundraising for AIDS, UA sports, a gallery of art and festivals. Anchors were Brandon Mejia and Madison Brodsky, reporters were Ryan Lopez, Samantha Stone, Stevie Katz, Brian Danziger, JB Coronado, Karen Cruz-Orduna and Maritza Dominguez. Assist the episode.
Hannah Gaber, who received her master's degree in May, saw her master's film about Oman, "A Young Nation", becoming an official selection in advance for screening at the Global Cinema Film Festival in Boston. This is Gaber's third film festival, who is a video journalist at the Arizona Republic. Watch the video.
December 2016
16 de dezembro
Senior Julianne Stanford 2017 received the Arizona Republic Pulliam Scholarship in the summer. This spring, Stanford will also intern at the Arizona Center for Investigative Journalism.
Elizabeth Eaton since Jan. will intern at Science News magazine in Washington. The graduate student said she will be writing short stories about new research for the Science News website, adding that her goal is to have a major science article published in the journal by the end of her internship.
Michelle Jaquette won the 2016 Fall Drew Gyorke Memorial Fund Photo Contest for UA Volleyball Photo. Second place went to Elizabeth Kinney (Iraq Veterans Memorial) and third place went to Carmen Valencia (Gabrielle Giffords). The student photos are among 12 photos of Professor Kim Newton's Class of 203 that will hang in the hallway in Marshall 327. To view the photos, click here.
Jorge Encinas defended his master's thesis "Confiscated and disappeared: December 7 Terry Wimmer in Marshall Auditorium 341, and panelists David Cuillier and Michael McKisson.
Alexandra Adamson verteidigte ihre Masterarbeit mit dem Titel "That's So Last Season: Fashion Trend Agenda Setting by Bloggers or Journalists During the Summer 2016", am 8. Dezember in Marshall 340, mit Susan Swanberg als Vorsitzende und Michael McKisson und Sherry Lotz (Family and Consumer Sciences) as Ausschussmitglieder.
Steve Choice verteidigte seine Masterarbeit "Trauma und Resilienz bei Journalisten in Nordmexiko" am 9. Dezember in Marshall 340 unter dem Vorsitz von Celeste González de Bustamante und Jeannine Relly und mit Linda Lumsden als Ausschussmitglied.
Kendal Blust verteidigte ihr Masterprojekt Mujeres, Arte y Resistencia: How women use art activism to change the narrative on the border and migration" am 14. Dezember in Marshall 340. Celeste Bustamante (Vorsitz), Kim Newton und Maggy Zanger waren die Mitglieder ihres Ausschusses .
Michelle Floyd, ein Journalismus-Senior und UA-Softball-Pitcher, der zum UA-Sportler der Woche wurde und auf der Anzeigetafel beim Basketballspiel der Männer gegen Grand Canyon am 14. Dezember zu sehen war.
Natālija Navarro (Natalia Navarro), who works for the Arizona Daily Star newspaper, saw her latest story, "USS Arizona memorial UA Mall will be dedicated," which was published on Sunday, December 4, in the A1 issue. She is also preparing a story for the section of the article "USS Arizona ir vads goda vietu UA", which will be published on December 4th in the issue of E1.
Elizabeth Quinlan, student jour 105 and main subject Honors Journalism, was interviewed in this segment about the commemoration of the USS Arizona, which appeared on CBS News on December 6.
Brandon James, Sports Student at the Arizona Daily Star, wrote “Arizona Wildcats Watching ahead to Sweet 16 volleyball game with Washington” on B1 on December 7.
Alex Devoid, assisted by Mikayla Mace and Marissa Heffernan, published a story for the Arizona Daily Wildcat on December 14 about “How noisy are some popular study places on campus? A sound sensor tells us. " The team used sensors that were purchased with money from the school for journalism.
The Tombstone Epitaph of December 9 contained stories about the future of agriculture and water in Zuidarzona (by Elizabeth Eaton), the lagging economy of Cochise County (by Danyelle Khmara) and a proposed bus route to connect Sierra Vista with Douglas, Bisbee and Benson (by Luke Soroko).
Some of our Winter 2016 graduates attended a farewell party at Gentle Ben's on December 8, including Michael Evans, Jessica Kong, Ciara Bisco, Elizabeth Eaton, Emily Gauci and Sydney Richardson.
December 2
Vecāko Klašu Skolniece Tesa Patersone Ir Viena No četriem Arizonas Studentem, Kas Izvēlēti Stažēties Pie Gubernatora Duga Ducija (Doug Dencey) Pavasara Likumdošanas Laikā. VIņa Tika Izvēlēta Likumdošanas Prakses programi, Ko Piedāvā Sociālo un uzvedības Zinātņu koledža. Viņas Pienākumos Būs Atspoguļot likumdevēju uzklausīšanas. Stāsts
Trīpadsmit Skolas Kursa “Reportāmas asv un meksikas pierobežā” Trīpadsmit Studenti Salīdzināja ASV Robžas Pie Meksikas Un Kanādas 2016. Gada Rudens Studentu Pētiecības Simpozijā Specific. Spiediet Šeit, Lai Noskatītos Facebook Tiešraides Video. Prezentācijai ata trīs segmenti: robnežu ekonomika un ideolo groups ar Stephen Oliver, Brenna Bailey, Genesis Lara un Amanda Oien; Dzīve Perifērijā Ar Emma Lawlor & Amp; Noah Silber-Coats, Mark Flores, Julia León un Karen Cruz-Ororduna; Zeme un identitāte ar Erik Kolsrud, Chastity Laskey, Maritza Dominguez Un Jennifer Hijazi.
Brandon's Džeimss, Sporta Practikants Laikrakstā Arizona Daily Star, Laikrakstam Sagatavoja vēl Citus Stāstus, Tostarp: “Pēc 25 gadiem Arizonā Volejbola treneris Rubio Joprojām Ir spoopcīgs, 29. Novembris, B1; Un "Arizona Wildcats ncaa Turnīra Pirmajā kārtā NeapMeklēs Klīvlendas Štatu", 1. Decembris, B1.
Brandon Dawkins, a journalism student and Arizona quarterback, ran for 183 yards and three TDs in a 56-35 win over ASU. In the second quarter, he accidentally collided with Miss Arizona USA Tommy Lynn Calhoun outside the end zone. On Twitter, Brandon joked, "Dinner on me. I owe you." Watch the video
Arizona Daily Star reporter Yoohyun Jung ('15) is one of only five journalists nationwide named a Reveal Investigative Fellow. Her project will focus on how a small charter school in Tucson quickly became one of the largest and most prestigious school networks in the U. S.
Kellie Mejdrich, a 2012 J-School graduate and reporter for CQ Roll Call, wrote a piece about Sarah Palin being considered for VA secretary -- and the Chicago Tribune picked it up.
J-School alumnus Sam Standon, a reporter with the Sacramento Bee, gives an inside look in this Poynter story at how he and a colleague found the University of California, Davis paid $175, 000 in consultants to "clean the internet of negative online postings about the school and its chancellor, who resigned this year."
"I've got my sea legs," joked Sam McNeil, an AP video reporter from Jordan who covered an environmental group's Dead Sea swim this week. Watch his report and video.
Никол Грийсън (88 г.) мениджър по маркетинг, връзки с общественосттта реклама In the barette, the collar for the soldiers in the University of Arizona. The student joined the program, especially in Latin American media in Arizona, he and his cock are on the board of the director. Никол също така беше водещ на семинар на съвместното събрание на Националната асоциация на испаноговорящите журналисти и Националната асоциация на чернокожите журналисти през 2016 г. From Washington, from Columbia.
November 2016
At the age of 18, the teacher Kristiana Silva and the candidate for a scholarship “ Don't forget to study in 2017. This is a prediction that is now in FiveThirtyEight in New York, which is now clear The file of the organ in Arizona for the education of the new city of Arizona Sonora News Service is in progress. Please consider reading the history of Silva.
Младшият Джон Рикър спечели наградата “Златно перо” на Марк Финли зесента на 201 6g. In the teaching competition for the New Year, there is a note on the news from JOUR 205 The meat of this class is Elis Macklein's baby, and the meat is a cross-course чката Джордан Уилямс. Рикър спечели 1000 долара парична стипендия, следван от Макклейн (750 долара) и Уил yams (500 dollars). Look for the status of the competition.
Spencer Halliday won the main prize in the photo competition for all UA study abroad programs. Halliday, who received a $ 700 airline ticket travel coupon, attended a study course at Professor Kim Newton in Orvieto, Italy, and took this photo showing a new priest reading while two guards guard the outside of the Vatican. This image and other studio abroad photos were on view at the Student Association Gallery until November 18. Go here to see the picture.
Rebecca Noble, a photographer from the Daily Wildcat newspaper, saw her Trump rally's image showing Trump's supporter of "Jew-S-A", published on October 31, Washington Post A3.
Kochevar saw his story Arizona Sonora News, a record number of weapons found at airport checkpoints this year, "October 28 and Lake Havasu City Today's News-Herald.
Natalia V. Navarro (Natalia V. Navarro), who works in the Arizona Daily Star Journal of Features/Caliente trainees, recently published a number of stories, including "All Hail the Haggis and the Celts" (November 3, Caliente 7) .
Kristiana Silva prepared a number of election night blogs at Fivethirtyeight, including marijuana voting events and the Latin American vote. Follow the blog here.
Jordan Glenn, Fotografenlehrling Beim Arizona Daily Star, und die NASA-Prakticantin Elizabeth Eaton Folgten Archäologen Zum Great Bend of the Gila River, UM Einen Artikel über Ein Geplantes Nationaldenkmal Zu Schreiben. Die Senioren Waren Nur Zwei Von Etwas Mehr Als 100 Personen, Die Die Stätte in Arizona Besichtigen. Sehen sie sich einige ihrer fotos an. Glenn und Eaton Sprachen Auch Mit Ehemaligen UA-Journalisten Während der Homecoming-Veranstaltung der Schule AM 29.
Die Student Nick Meyers, Brieana Lewis, Adam Kull, Victor Garcia, Elizabeth Quinlan und Caryn Vieira Aus Nancy Sharkys Klasse 105 Besichtig Den Arizon Akteurin Jill Jorden Spitz ('88) Geleiteten nachrichtensitzung Teil.
Gabby Ferreira ('15) Wird Zu The Tribune in San Luis Obispo, Californien, Einer McClatchy-Zeitung, WeChseln. Ferreira War Bisher Als Reporterin Für Eilmeldungen Bei Der Desert Sun in Palm Springs, Californien, Tätig und Wird Bei Der Tribune Eine änliche Aufgabe ALS "Echtzeit" -Reporterin übernehmen. "Sie Haben Die Stelle Gerade Erst Angetreten, Und Ich Freue Mich Sehr Darauf, Meine Erfahrung Einzubringen", Sagte Sie.
28 Oktober
Natalia V. Navarro, trainees in the Feature/Calient area at Arizona Daily Star, has published further articles: "The cubes for Winding Road's staging of 'Julius Caesar' in Tucson", October 19, page 19, Caliente; 'Frida Kahlos Influence means more color in the botanical garden of Tucson', October 27, Caliente, cover story; and 'Artifact lists' Animal Farm' ", October 3, Caliente, page 16.
Gabriella Vukelic, intern in the field of education/politics at the Arizona Daily Star, published several of her articles: "Marana High Schools Fail to meet Required Hours of Class Time" and 'TUSD Students Are Followed Through A Video Series for the Next 5 Years'.
Christianna Silva, an intern at Fivethirtyight in New York City, led a live blog during the last presidential debate. She pursued questions, interruptions, attacks and references to scandals and then worked with the 538 chart team to create graphics for the data collected by it.
Rebecca nootraukų ir nufilmavo zengerio apdovanojimo už spaudos laisvę vakarienę "Westward look" Spalio 21 d. Spustelėkite Čia, kad pamatytumėte nuotraukų galeriją, o norėdami peržiūrėti vaizdo įrašus, eikite Čia. Renginyje, Kuriamen Buvo Pagerbta "Washington Post" Žurnalistė Dana Priest, Padėjo Ir Kiti Studentai: Emily Ellis, Mikayla Mace Ir Nate Williams, O Jordan Glenn, Gabby Caparelli Ir Nick Smallwood APTARNAVO NUOTRAUK "AUCCIONO STALą.
SPJ Studentai David J. Del Grande, Andrew Paxton, Danyelle Khmara Ir Ava Garcia Spalio 15 d. Per Šeimos Savaitgalio Susitikimą Skaitykloje Tsteergė Ekskursiją Po Maršalo Pastatą ir Pristatė Mokyklos Droną. Anksčiau Ryte del Grande, Paxonas, Garcia, Jamie Zeys, Alexas Mcintyre'as Ir Nickas Meyersas Dalyvavo Jameso W. Foley Laisvės Bėgime, Skirtamen ISIS Nužudytam Žurnalistui atm.
Anna Augustowska (14 m.) Laimėjo "Rocky Mountain Emmy" apdovanojimą už documentinį filmą "Donnie". Augustowska, SBS Koledžo Multimedijos Dizaino Specialistė, Buvo Pristatyta SBS Reportaže, curia name Ji Sakė, Kad "Be Žurnistikos Mokyklos Nebūtų Ten, Kur Esu. Ji Suteeikė Man Practin stress Patrits, Susijusios Su vibualiniu Pasakojimu, įranga, Redagavimo Programine įranga ir visa day care center. Jie Moko Etiško Reportažo Rengimo ir standardų ”.
Sandra Westdahl (12 m.) Iš Arizonos Visuomeninės Žiniasklaidos / Kuat Pasidalijo Tris "Rocky Mountain Emmy" Apdovanojimus - Du Užmogiškojo Intereso Istorijas Programs Skilties / Segmento Categorized Dar Vieną "Emmy “Žurnalų Programos Skilties / Segmento Categorijoje (“ Remembering Mukhi Singh ”).
Morgan Loew ('96), a research reporter for KPHO TV, CBS 5 in Phoenix, was included in the Silver Circle of the National Association of Television Arts and Sciences.
Washington Post Multiplatform Editor Paula Johnston Kelso ('91) visited the facilities of the school with director David Cuillier. Kelso, a former Arizona Daily Wildcat employee, also visited the current Wildcat editor-in-chief Sam Gross and Student Media Director Brett Fera ('05).
Author Michael Downs ('86), Professor of Engels at the Towson University in Maryland and former sports reporter of the Arizona Daily Star, received a Rubys Artist Project Grant from the Greater Baltimore Cultural Alliance. The stock market will support "Sefton Stories (miniatures)", its series of short non-fiction essays that explore his Baltimore neighborhood during the big recession.
Steve Hirsch ('76), which will be admitted to the Maricopa County Bar Hall of Fame in the Hyatt Regency in Phoenix on 27 October. Steve, member of the Journalism Advisory Board of the school and lawyer at Quarles & AMP; Brady LLP, was also honored by William E. Morris Institute for Justice. See story.
Jodie Snyder (88 m.), "Banner Health" Vidaus Komunikacijos Specialist, Parašiusi Knygą "Laimingas Šuo fyniksas", Su Savo Bigliu Arti Dalyvavo "12 News Arizona Midday" Laidoje. Sndyer Yra Buvusi "Arizona Republic" Ir "Phoenix Gazette" Reporterė. Segmentą žiūrėkite čia.
Spalio 7 p.
Jacquelyn Oesterblad Iš Laikraščio „Arizona Daily Wildcat“ Laimėjo pirmąją vietą už geriausią nujienų straipsnį 2016 m. Arizonos Laikraščių Asociacijos organizuota čonym. Laikraštis “Wildcat“ Taip Pat Pelnė Šešis Bendruosius Apdovanojimus, įSKAITANT PIRMąją vietą Laikrašio Interneto Svetainės / Tinklalapio Kategorijoje.
Jordan Glenn IR Lauren Renteria Londėo Londono Londono Laikraščio "Times" Reporterį Beną hoyle'ą kaip photographs, rengdamos Jo Straipsnį Apie nelegalią imigraciją ir donaldą trumpą. Jie Susitiko Su Documentumentų Neturinčiais Migrantais, Senatoriumi Johnu McCainu Ir Ginkluotais Piliečiais Pasienio Gynėjais Casa Grandė. IconJA bus išspausdinta laikraščiuose "the times" ir "the Sunday times".
Christianna Silva, "Fivethirtyeight" Stažuotoja, Pamatė, Kad Jos VP Debatų Pertraukų Diagrama Panaudota Laidoje "The Daily Show" Su Trevoru Noah. JEI Norite Pamatyti Klipą, Eikite čia Iki 1:50 vaizdo įrašo žmos.
Students Genesis Lara, Amanda Owen, Karen Cruz-Aurna, Maritza Domingz, Berina Billy, Jenny Hegazy and Julia Leon, have traveled to Montana with professors Celeste Gonzales de Postamanti and Michael Macison to study the American-Canadian border and compare it with the borders in the Navis. Watch some of their photos here on Facebook.
Michaela Mais published her story in Arizona Sonora News about the night sky of Toxon, which was published by the International Association of Dark Heaven. Read the story here.
The Arizona Republic and Kasa Grande Disbach picked up the story of Jessica Kong in Arizona Sonora News about Toxon Airport, which adds new flights to New York and Mexico. Read it here.
The Arizona Republic of Arizona published the article of Lea Miral in Thompeston Ebitf/ASN on the livestock leasing of the meadow. Read it here.
Alexis Wright published her article on the herd mice in Arizona Sonora News in the "A" section of the Arizona Republic. Go here to read it.
Gabelilla Fakhilic, a trainee in the field of education and politics in the Arizona Daily Star newspaper, has published stories about an internal training program in TUSD and an inspection of the state's parliament race in region 9.
Brandon James, Ein Sportpraktikant Beim Arizona Daily Star, veröfffentlichte weitere VollyybaallBERICHTE, Darunter: „Wildcats Eröfnen Pac-12-SPIEL in MCKALE GEGEN ASU (B1) ILDCATS-Buo VERSTURKT SIT MIT VERLETZTEM VOLLYBLLSTAR Kalei Mau '(B5)
Vierzehn Schülerinnen under Schüler Führten Ein Vorstellungsgespräch Mit Aric Johnson von Usa Tody Network, in Der Hoffnung, Praktika Oder Jobs Bei Gannett Zu Bekommen. Es Waren Jordan Glenn, Ciara Biscoe, Tobey Schmidt, Lauren Rendia, Alexa Wallen, Brenna Bailey, Brooke Goldstein, Rebecca Noble, Danyelle Khmara, Courtney Talak, David J. Del Grand E, Julianne Stanford, Elizabeth Eaton Und Sydney Richardson.
UA J-SCHOOL-ABSOLVENTIN Jill Jorden Spitz ('88) Wurde Zur Herausgeberin Des Arizona Daily Star Ernannt. Sie War Als Leitende Redakteurin, Writschaftsredakteurin Und StellverTretretaende Chefredakteurin Tätig, Nachdem Sie 1998 Zum Star Gekommen War.
Mike Christy ('11) Wurde Beim WettbewareB Der Arizona Newspres Association Zum Fotografen Des Jahres Ernannt, und Der Ehemalige Student Hank Stephenson Erhielt Die auszeichnung ür Die Story Des Jahres. Weitere Erstplatzierte Waren Murphy WoodHouse (Nogales International, Jetzt Beim Star), A. E. Araiza ('80, Star), Adam Gaub ('06, Maricopa Monitor), Dan Shearer ('85, Green Valley News), Rodney Haas ('10, Casa Grande Dispatch) und Bill Coates ('78, Casa Grande Dispatch) . Insgesamt Wurden 28 Journalisten MIT UA-Bezug Mit Einzelpreisen ausgezeichnet. Lesen Sie Die Geschichte Hier.
Bethany Barnes ('13) was named Nevada Journalist of the Year for her investigative and public relations work for the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Barnes now works for the Portland Oregonian. Find more details here.
J-School alumnus Richard Gilman ('72) spoke with Professor Bill Schmidt and the audience after the Oscar-winning film "Spotlight" - part of the school's Journalism on Screen series at The Loft. Gilman was publisher when the Globe won the Pulitzer Prize for its investigation into priestly sexual abuse. Guests included former professors Don Carson ('51) and Jim Johnson, and alumni Frank Sotomayor ('66) and Betty Beard ('69).
Kendra Paige Hall ('15), a reporter at ABC7 television station in Amarillo, Texas, spoke with students Rocky Baier and Simone McCarthy, and internship coordinator Reneé Schafer Horton, about her career.
David Diaz ('99) is now a page designer at the Sierra Vista Herald after working at the Arizona Daily Star, the El Paso Times and the Miami Herald.
Suzanne McCormick ('82), a former reporter at the Arizona Daily Star, works in strategic communications and advocacy for Full Sun Communications in the Phoenix area.
Joey Fisher ('15), former editor at the Arizona Daily Wildcat, is a page designer for Gannett in Phoenix and creative director for Bottle Magazine.
Michael Schwartz ('08), a jobber with sports skills from ESPN, was born in SportsCenter broadcasting on the same day as the Cubs' World Series in 1945. September 2016, September 16th The student from ASU has a scholarship for a student who has an innvandrings status.
Brandon James, who wrote in the Arizona Daily Star, wrote a report on the volleyball game Penina Snuka on September 15th.
Avgangsstudentene Kendal Blust and Jenny Hijazi deltok på Online News Association-conferansen in Denver.
Natalia Navarro , a master's student, is the first Arizona Daily Star-sak om painter fra bruktbutikker published on forsiden. Hun he feature/caliente-lærling hos Star.
Rugsėjo 8 d. “Talk & amp; Tapas” penki magistrantai praskaidrino miesto centrą pasakojimais apie savo vasaros projektus. Mikayla Mace (Green Valley News), Emily Ellis (Gvatemala), Bakina Wellars (Lute Olson & amp; Mo Tangara Classic), Kendal Blust (Nogales International) ir Jenny Hijazi (Egiptas, Libanas) kalbėjosi su maždaug 30 studentsų, dėstytojų ir darbuotojų Casa Vicente.
High school senior Brandon Dawkins started at quarterback in place of the injured Anu Solomon and helped the Arizona Wildcats win at home against Grambling State, 31-21, on Sept. 10. Dawkins ran for 97 yards and two TDs and threw for 223 yards and another score.
J-school alumnus Dan Desrochers ('15) of the Lexington Herald-Leader was nationally recognized for his story on Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin, in which the Republican told Desrochers that blood might one day be shed if Hillary Clinton wins the presidential election. The Washington Post mentioned Desrochers (tinyurl. com/z5u8o5h), and Dan followed up with a story on the Democrats' reaction (tinyurl. com/zj99wxk).
Fernanda Echavarri, a 2007 graduate, and Perla Trevizo of the Arizona Daily Star won the national Dori Maynard Award for Diversity in Journalism from the American Society of News Editors on Sept. 12. Echavarri, currently working for NPR’s “Latino USA,” accepted the award in Philadelphia, while Trevizo was on a fellowship in Germany. Both collaborated with Star photographer Mike Christy (’11) on the film “Divided by Law” (tinyurl. com/hvpbsbg) when Echavarri was at Arizona Public Media. Click here to read more about the award. Η Jane Kay ('61), πρώην ρεπόρτερ των εφημερίδων San Francisco Chronicle και Arizona Daily Star και αδελφή του καθηγητή δημ οσιογραφίας Mort Rosenblum, έγραψε μια πρόσφατη ιστορία για το National Geographic σχετικά με παραμορφωμένα πουλιά στην Αλάσκα (tinyurl. com/godk5l8).
Ο David McGlothlin ('16), συνεργάτης συντάκτης στο azbigmedia. com στο Φοίνιξ, μόλις δημοσίευσε το β ιβλίο «People and Projects to Known in Commercial Real Estate» (tinyurl. com/hflob7c).
Η Linda Valdez ('80), συντάκτρια της Arizona Republic, συζήτησε το νέο της βιβλίο «Crossing the Line: A Marriage Across Borders» στην πρό σφατη εκπομπή του Jorge Ramos “America” (tinyurl. com/zn2whd2).
Η δημοσιογράφος των Arizona Public Media, Sara Hammond, δημοσίευσε ρεπορτάζ την εβδομάδα της 5ης Σεπ τεμβρίου από το Ακρωτήριο Κανάβεραλ της Φλόριντα σχετικά με την εκτόξευση του OSIRIS-REx. Η Σάρα, απόφοιτος του J-school, είναι μέλος του Συμβουλευτικού Συμβουλίου Δημοσ ιογραφίας μας.
Ο απόφοιτος του J-school Alan Davis ('15) έγραψε ένα δοκίμιο για την εμπειρία του στο UA και π ώς τον προετοίμασε ως ελεύθερο επαγγελματία στην παραγωγή βίντεο - και τον βοήθησε να κερδίσει μια θέση στο διάσημο master class οπτικής αφήγηση ς της Canon.
Ο Rogelio Yubeta Olivas ('85) είναι αρχισυντάκτης ειδήσεων στην εφημερίδα Yuma Sun (yumasun. com).
Η Katelyn Swanson ('13) είναι σχεδιάστρια ψηφιακών μέσων στην UM Worldwide, μια εταιρεία μάρκετινγκ και διαφήμισης στην περιοχή της Νέας Υόρκης.
Kyle Mittan ('14) is a reporter of education and crime at Bellingham (Wash.) Herald (tinyurl. com/zgfeyzp).
Christopher Wuensch ('03) is a football reporter for Sec Country (tinyurl. com/jrn3zju).
Nicole Cousins ('15) is a reporter and weekend presenter for KLKN-TV (ABC) in Lincoln, Nebraska, and also produces content for social media, shows and the Internet.
Shelby Hill ('10) is a content editor at Wayfair. com in Boston, where she writes, edited, edited and curated products.
H Darr Beiser ('76), formerly at USA Today, teaches as an extraordinary professor of photography at the American University in Washington.
August 26th
The student Christianna Silva has completed a prestigious internship in the field of political data at Fivethirtyweight in New York City. This means that it will be there in the middle of the presidential election campaign and, in addition to the reporting and letter for the publisher's website, Nate Silver, which is concentrated on opinion polls, politics, business and sport, also operates data acquisition, input and analysis. Click here to read our website story.
Photo photo dari 12 Mantan Mahasiswa Jour 203 Kini Dipajang di Lorong, Sebagai Bagian Dari accounts Dana Peringatan Drew Gyorke Yang Dikoordinasican Oleh Profesor Kim Newton. Para photographer Mahasiswa Adalah: Brooke Cambareri (Juara Pertama), Elise McClain (Kedua), Pablo Lopez (Ketiga), Victoria Hudson, Ciara Encinas, Alexa Morelli, Pablo Lopez, Mackenzie Booulter, Erica Szpylczy, Maritza Cruz Olas Smallwood. Klik di Sini Untuk Melihat Photo Foto di situs web kami.
Mahasiswa Pascasarjana Jenny Hijazi Menulis Cerita Sampul 12 Agustus Untuk Tucson Weekly Tentang Upaya Seorang Warga Palestina Untuk Mendapatkan Status Suaka.
Elizabeth Eaton, Seorang Pulliam Fellow Musim Panas Ini di Arizona Republic, Bekerja Sama Dengorn Mentornya Daniel Gonzalez Untuk Menerbitkan Cerita Utamang Penyelundup Narcoba Remaja Dan Sebuah Program Anti-Penyelundupan Narcoba Perbatasan. Ia Berbicara Dengan Para Pengacara, Mengunjungi Ruang Sidang, Berbicara Dengan Seorang Remaja Dan Mengambil Photo.
Senior Justin Spears Dari Daily Wildcat Dan Radio Mahasiswa Kamp Melakukan Wawancara Dengan Mendiang Pemain Sepak Bola Ua, Zach Hemmila, Beberapa Hari Sebelum Hemmila Ditemukan Tewas Dalam Tidurnya. Klik di Sini Untuk Mendengarkannya.
Senior Zoe Wolkowitz Menulis Sebuah Cerita di Situs Web J-School Tentang Magangnya di Abc Sports di Los Angeles - Mulai Dari Meliput Dodgers, Rams, Hingga Espy Dan Banyak Lagi.
Brooke Goldstein ended a summer internship at Sony Music in New York.
Brandon James ended a summer internship at KCRA-3 TV in Sacramento, California.
The victory of journalists is an annulled decision to force John d'Ann (83), editor of Page 1, an editor of Arizona Republc, to give an interview notes in the murder case. Click here to see the story.
Propaina's Ryan Gabrielson, a former student of the UA J School and winner of the Pulitzer Prize, won the August Sidney award in August: "As $ 2 drug tests on roads send innocent people to prison."
Jan Rydzak, a doctoral degree in journalism, published an article about how the Polish government strengthens Internet control in the name of the Polish government.
The New York Times Travel section printed questions and answers with J-School graduate Kelly Lewis (08) about tips for women traveling alone. Kelly is the company "Go! Girl Guides.
Erin Shanahan ('15) works in The Learning House Inc. in Luisville, where she is a Marketing Specialist at Software Guild.
Natalie GRUM ('15) is a Mighty Media Studios associated producer.
Jessie Webster ('15) works as an experience researcher at Projekt202 in Adison, Texas.
Paul Giblin ('88), 2009 Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, who left Arizona Republic and became an official of the US State Department of Foreign Service.
David Mariotte (16) moves to San Diego to work as an editorial assistant IDW, the fourth largest US comic publishing house.
Kyle Hansen (16) works as a sports journalist in Billings (Montana). Click here to see some of his work.
Alex Devoid, a graduate, Arizona Daily Star practitioner, wrote the story of a "dreamer" on Sunday, September 3, in which he described the student's scholarship for his immigration status.
September 15 Arizona Daily Star practitioner Brandon James wrote an article on UA volleyball Penin Skaya.
2016 In July
July 29th.
Elizabeth Eaton, the Arizona Republc Plliam scholarship, submitted an article on a controversial power line passing through the wildlife shelter and the pensioner territory.
Jordan Genn filmed a video report on Pokemon Go! Santa Clarita Valley Signal, giving viewers a respite from the forest fire to the north of Los Angeles.
Luke Soroko played the seventh goal without points and helped the North team win a 6: 5 Great Western League star match July 26th. In Medford, Oregon. Last month, Luke and UA baseball team took second place in the college world series. Click here to read the article.
A team linked to the School of Journalism worked in a program for National Geographic. Hyperlink Reference Not Valid. For National Geographic, including producers John de Dios ('05) and Alan Davis ('15), and the current student of Sustainable Plant Systems of the UA Matt Buster. Davis was in the inaugural class of scientific multimedia by Professor Carol Schwalbe and Buster attended her environmental journalism class. The ecologist Cecil R. Schwalbe, Carol husband, is interviewed in the video.
Dan Desrohers ('15) accepted a job as a political reporter at Lexington Herald-Leader. During the last year, he has been a government reporter for the Charleston (W. va.) Gazette-Mail. During an interview in Kentucky, Dan told Terry Wimmer, a professor of journalism, that a editor taught him a conference room that had been remodeled to look like an FBI office in the nineties. The film that was rolling was "Ampa Suspicion", by the attached teacher Joe Shakyy. Terry said: "UA journalism is everywhere."
Brittny Mejia ('14) and Marisa Gerber ('11), part of the Los Angeles Times team that won the Pulitzer Award for Last Minute News, are helping to cover the serious forest fire north of L. A. See Brittny's story. See Marisa's story.
Jackie Tran, Een Lowing Van 2011, Schreef Een Herinnering Aan by Lokale Chef-Kok Odell Baskerville Voor Tucson Foodie.
Ο απόφοιτος του J-school Alan Davis ('15) έγραψε ένα δοκίμιο για την εμπειρία του στο UA και π ώς τον προετοίμασε ως ελεύθερο επαγγελματία στην παραγωγή βίντεο - και τον βοήθησε να κερδίσει μια θέση στο διάσημο master class οπτικής αφήγηση ς της Canon.
Ο Rogelio Yubeta Olivas ('85) είναι αρχισυντάκτης ειδήσεων στην εφημερίδα Yuma Sun (yumasun. com).
Jeffrey Jackson ('98) is redacteur/ontwerper geWordden bij of Casa Grande Dispatch om Dicht Bij Zijn Familia in Kleindochter you kunnen zijn. Hij Heeft Gewerkt Bij Gatehouse Media Center in Austin, by Roswell Daily Record at De Arizona Daily Star.
Juli 22
Stephanie Soto Hielp Kold Bij de Lancering Van "News 13", Wat Het Television of Erste App Voor Hispanic Nieuwsconsmously in Zuid-Arizona Noemt. Soto, Die In Mei 2017 Aphstudeert, Vertaalt Verhalen van Het Engels Naar Het Spaans Voor of APP in Helpt Verhalen Verslan in Het Veld. Voor Een Verhaal, Klik Hier.
Graduates Jennifer Hijazi and Kendal Blust were awarded scholarships through the Internet News Association to attend the National Ona Conference on September 15-17. In Denver. Professor Michael McKisson will also be on the trip, consulting the UA Ona Club. Here is a story.
The Green Valley News published an infographic of saguar, which was examined, drawn and written by graduate student Mikala Mace. It shows how "a wood nurse enables the saguar seedling to germinate and one day become a desert giant."
Jennifer Hijazi wrote an article "Tucson Weekly" about the Bright Eyes Project project, during which Tuxon's homeless can document their lives with photos.
Danielle Fork, WBNS 10TV (Columbus, Ohio) trainee, learned how to operate the golf camera and registered the Jack Nick NICKLOS MEMORIAL tournament.
Madison Brodsky, a Conan show trainee, said she had "amazing opportunities to participate in Spike TV Guy Choice Awards, Red Carpes and Reviews to express my views on films such as 'mastery' starring James Franco, Seth Rogen and Zac. Ephron. '
Luke Sorok, Hoofdvak Journalistik en pitcher in het hongbalteam van de ua, werd geeselecteerd voor de Great West League All-Star Game OP 25 Juli in Medford, Air. De Week Ervoor Behade Hij Zijn Eerste Overwinning in de Competitie.
Sydney Dennen ('16) Nam Een Baan Aan Bit Bell Televisie in Tucson Als de Nieuwe Weekend 9 p. m. Producer En Weeknight Assignment Desk Editor.
Verschillende Alumni van de Arizona Daily Star Hielpen Bijpe de Productie van Een Project Gebaserd Op Het Planald Trump Om Een Grensmuur Te bouwen, Waaronder Curt Prender Prender ('11, Business), Mike Christy ('11, Fotrograf), Samantha (' 12, Videoproducer), Peter Sibley ('81, Redacteur) EN Jill Jorden Spitz ('88, Redacteur).
1 Juli
Alex Devoid, Leerling-Versloggever Bij de Arizona Daily Star, Schreef het posterhal op de voorpagina van de editie van 27 Juni Over Arbeets Zonder Papieren. Alex Studeert Journalitik En Latijns-American. Alfredo Edward Araiza ('80) Maakte de Photo's.
Jennifer Hijazi, a journalism and Middle East and North Africa major, wrote a story for the Tucson Weekly about her adventures in Lebanon. Her senior project in immersive journalism involves filming 360-degree images of Middle Eastern borders. She previously traveled to Egypt.
Jordan Glenn landed a summer internship at the Santa Clarita Valley Signal near Los Angeles as a video and multimedia journalist. It’s the same paper where Luke Money (’12) got his start as a political reporter before becoming the Costa Mesa City Hall reporter for the L. A. Times Community News. Alumni Roman Veytsman (’07) and Mandy Schackmann (’05) also worked at the Signal.
Accelerated master’s student Elizabeth Eaton , a Pulliam Fellow in Phoenix, wrote a story and interview with the U. S. surgeon for the Arizona Republic.
Luke Soroko, a journalism major and pitcher on the UA baseball team, returned from the College World Series after the Wildcats fell one win short of winning the national title.
Michael Evans shared his cool monsoon photo on the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Facebook page. Here's the direct link. Fernanda Echavarri ('07) riporter, Mike Christy ('11) fotos es Perla Trevizo riporter megosztva kapta a 2016-os Edward R. Murrow-díjat a legjobb kis piacú radios hírdokumentumfilmnek járó elismerést a “Divided by Law” című, az Arizona Daily Star is a Arizona Public Media project, a mely arról szólt, hogy a bevándorlási törvény hogyan választott or négy America gyermeket az édesanyjától. Echavarri, aki korábban az AZPM-nél dolgozott, most az NPR “Latino USA” című műsorában dolgozik. Christy is Trevizo a Starnál dolgozik. Kattintson ide a cikkert.
Három 2012-es öregdiák is feljebb lépett a televisiózás világában. Charlie De Mar a chicagói CBS 2 televízióhoz csatlakozott riporterként, miután Indianapolisban a CBS és a Fox tévéállomásokon dolgozott; Rikki Mitchell a tucsoni KGUN 9-et hagyta ott a milwaukee-i TMJ4-hez, ahol teljes munkaidőben tudósít majd; Charlie Misra a californiai San Luis Obispo és Santa Barbara-i KSBY-t hagyta ott, hogy a Kansas City-i KCTV 5 riportere legyen.
2016. június
Junius 10.
Kendal Blust írta az Arizona Daily Star május 29-i, vasárnapi A1-es posztersztoriját arról, hogy az UA legnagyobb műugrója edzőként esélyt destroyed az olimpián.
Elizabeth Eaton , a Star gyakornoka volt a C1 plaque sztorija május 29-én, vasárnap, a “City of Gastronomy kitüntetés többről szól, mint étel” címmel.
Kendal Blust , a Nogales International nyári gyakornoka több történetet is írt, többek között:
Increase in cross-border foot traffic not noticeable in stores
Essen programs support students during the summer months
Dentists from Nogales try to compete with the low prices in Sonora
Amanda Martinez, an intern at Arizona Public Media, began a series with stories from Tucson's South Side: What makes a place a favorite place? She was also a mentor and dormitory at the Journalism Diversity Workshop for High School Students.
David del Grande was a mentor and dormitory supervisor at the variety of journalism workshop for high school students.
Christianna Silva, together with Professor Michael McKisson, gave a lecture on virtual reality and drone journalism for students at the journalism diversity workshop for high school students.
Bethany Barnes ('13) accepted a job as a reporter at Oregonian in Portland. Bethany has done a good investigative work at the Las Vegas Review Journal in the past three years and was awarded the Nevada Press Association as a journalist of Merit in 2015.
Mariana Dale ('14) works as a digital producer at KJZZ in Phoenix after working as an online editor for Arizona Public Media for more than a year.
Justin Sayers ('14) is the new reporter for the latest news at the Louisville Courier-Journal. Justin, a former Pulliam Fellow at the Arizona Republic and intern/freelancer at the Arizona Daily Star,
Hipolito R. Corella ('90) OG Irene McKisson ('03) Har Blit Forfremmet I Arizona Daily Star. Corella er midlertidig Redaktør mens avisen gjennomfører et nasjonalt søk etter bobbie jo buel ('79), som Trakk se fra stillingen. McKisson he team leather for et nytt product for millennium generators.
May 2016
May 20
Kendal Blust, Julianne Stanford, Christiana Silva OG Hannah Gaber Fikk Topputmerkels under journalisthøyskolens 50. Blust, Som er Avgangstudent, Mottok Philip Mangelsdorf-Preisen for Årets Urste Journalist, Stanford Fikk Sherman R. Miller-Preisen for Årets Urste Senior Student, Silva Fikk B. P. Campbell-Praumen for Årets Urste Junior student, OG Gaber BLE Kåret Til Årets Urste Avgangstudent. For en articles og en list over all pris- og scholarship novings, se here.
- Graduated student Kendal Blust won a prestigious Maggie Award in the "Best Print article/student" category on 6 May during a banquet in Los Angeles. Her winning story was about Tucson's Southside Presbyterian Church in the fall of 2015 EL Independiente. The event attracts TOP publishing professionals from 24 states to honor excellence in printed and electronic publications. Go here for her story.
- A paper submitted by the recently graduated Ary Hermawan was accepted by the International Communication Division/Markham Student Paper Competition for presentation during the annual meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. The paper is based on Ary's thesis: "Framing the 2014 Indonesian Presidential candidates in Newspapers and on Twitter."
- Cole Driver, who already brought in an internship at Cartoon Network this summer, received even more good news: the junior has been selected for a paid research internship for writers of Saturday Night Live in the fall.
Maggie Driver's last story as an intern for the Arizona Daily Star, "Unlicensed Tunes have high-end steak house singing the blues" (May 8 D1) is here.
May 6
Brooke Cambareri's photo of UA Lacrosse player Celina Sanchez won first place in the spring 2016 Drew Gyorke Photojournalism Contest. The second place went to Elise McClains photo of the Silhouette of Lillie Richardson who plays the Violin while the moon stands up behind her and went third place to Pablo Lopez 'photo of Liliana Norzagaray who poses for a portrait after a dance class. Story, photos
Hannah Gaber successfully defended her master project with the film "A Young Nation: the future of Oman through the eyes of the youth", which she made in the country last year. Hannah gets a double master's in journalism and studies from the Middle East and North Africa (Mena).
Seven Student Science Journalism adapted their "Sciview" stories for TV and will be shown in "Arizona Illustrated" on Sunday at 6. 30 pm on PBS 6. Grad Student Elizabeth Eaton finds the "Indiana Jones" of the old earthenware, followed by John Palting (Motten), Eduardo Estrada (Trauma Docs), Angela Hoover (below, beetles), Stephan Dong (fruit flies), Kalyn Miller (gray hawks) and Emily Huddleston (leopard frogs). Eaton was the editor of the magazine and Alicia Vega was the design editor. Click here for J-school story. Click here for Jeanews story.
The Green Valley News published an opinion contribution by the student Mikayla Mace. She wrote "In my view - I want a better future: But until I know that we have it, the foundation of a family can wait" for Carol Schwalbes Environmental Journalism. Click here for the story.
Those who have a reference to the J school and the UA were awarded 13 first places by the Arizona Press Club, including the Community journalist of the year Murphy Woodhouse from the Nogal International (below), the employees of the Arizona Daily Wildcat and the graduate and Lecturer Sarah Garrecht Gassen from Arizona Daily Star. Click here for a report.
Under the direction of the editors Alexandra Adamson and Christianna Silva, the spring edition 2016 by El Independiente was published. Among the stories: a threat to the San Pedro River (by Jordan Glenn), the fear of the San Carlos Apache nation of a planned mine (Ashley McGowan) and migrant children looking for a safe refuge (Julianne Stanford). Glenn, Stanford and Baraha Elkhalil took most of the photos. Click here to see the magazine.
April 2016
April 29th
The UA Journalism graduates Brittny Mejia ('14), Stephen Ceasar ('09), Marisa Gerber ('11) and Kristina Bui ('13) were part of the Los Angeles Times team, which for his reporting on the mass shooting in San Bernardino received the Pulitzer Prize for the latest news last year. Brittny shared the headline of the story of December 13th, "The Pursuit", while Stephen and Marisa contributed to reporting from December 3 to 5, and Bui was an editor for reporting. They are among the six UA graduates, who, alongside Nicole Santa Cruz ('09), a reporter of the Times, and Luke Money ('12), a reporter from the Times Community News in Costa Mesa. History: www. journalism. arizona. edu/latimes
Marissa Heftfernan, student in the second year of the academic, won the Mark Finley Gold Pen Award in the spring of the 2016 school for the best prospective news writer. The twelfth graders Nate Airulla and Michelle Jaquette took second and third place. Eleven students had an hour to write a story after a conversation and an interview with Lynn Nadel, Chair of the Faculty and Professor of Psychology and Cognition Sciences. Report: journalism. arizona. edu/finley/spring16
Kasvitietreiden Pääaineopiskelija Matt Buster Julkaisi Ua New s-Lehdessä Jutun, Jossa Hän Kuvailee Biosphere 2: SSA Tekemäänäänä Tutkimusta Carol Schwalben Ympäristöjournalismin Kurssilla: https://uanews. arizona. edu/diving-ocean-bottle.
Arizona Daily Sta r-Harjoittelijan Maggie Driverin Juttuja Julkaistiin Lisää, muun muassa:
Starin Harjoittelijan Fernando Galvanin Urheilujuttuja Julkaistiin Useita, Mukaan Lukien:
“Waddell, San Manuel hope to end the season with 'Big Bang' (April 12)
Pusch Ridge Sprinter Lovett doesn't leave it after winning State title (March 25)
Badgers ready to build on a breakthrough season (March 5)
Dorado Classic starts on Thursday with a kic k-off softball season in Tucson (25 February)
Tucson High Boys bring in another surprising defeat for play-off site (February 13)
Tucson Girls beat Ironwood Ridge to conquer section Crown (13 Feb.)
Pueblo, Safford girls again opposite each other with section title at stake (12 Feb.)
Cholla Heavyweight Doss hopes to conquer the first wrestling title (Feb. 10)
Born boys beat Sunnyside with State Tournament at stake (27 Jan)
Newly graduated Baleigh Shufeldt spends the summer to the Publishing Institute of New York University, intended for "newly graduates and young professionals interested in a career in publishing books and magazines".
Eliza Molk ('13, left) will complete her law study at the University of San Diego. She goes to work at the Juvenile Dependency Division of the San Diego County Counsel in the appeal team, where she "stands up for neglected and abused children," said Molk, a former Daily Wildcat reporter and legal assistant at the office of the public prosecuto r-General of California.
Sveikiname Fernandą ECHAVARRI (07 m.), Dabar Dirbančią npr "Latino USA", Perlą Trevizo ir photographought Mike'ą Christy (11 m.) Iš "Arizona Daily Star". Jų Documentinis naujienų Film axis "Divided by Law", Sukurtas Bendradarbiaujant Arizonos Viešajai žiniasklaidai ir Dienraščiui "Star", Pelnė Regioninį apdovanojimą r. Murrewekses irweksek. Projektas Taip Pat Pateko į Nacionalinio Peabody Apdovanojimo Final:.
Kitą Meesį Bobbie Jo Buel Pasitrauks Iš "Arizona Daily Star" Redaktorės Pareig ". Bobbie Jo, 1979 m. Absolvent, Yra Mokyklos Žurnaligalikos PatarariaMosios Tarybos Ir Arizona Daily Wildcat Šlovės Muziejaus Narė. "Esu Tikra, Kad Labai Pasiilgsiu Naujienų Skyriaus Ir Kolegų, Bet Drįstu Teigti, Kad Jie Vargu Ar Pastebės Mano Nebuvimą", - Sakė Electroniniame Laiške. "Tai Puikus žeNalistų Kolektyvas, Kuris Myli Tuksoną Taip Pat Stipriai Kaip Ir Aš."
- Balandžio 15 p.
- Jennifer Hijazi, žurnalistikos ir artimųjų rytų @iaurės Afrikos Studijų Magistrantė. Ji Gauna 1 000 Jav Dolerių Bonine/CMES Kelionių ir tyrimų apdovanojimą iš artimųjų rytų studio, kad Šią vasarą galėtų keliauti į egiptą ir Lebaną. Jos įtraukiančios žurnalistikos Magistro Projekte Numatyta Sukurti 360 Laipsnių Vaizdus Apie Jav, Kanados, Meksikos Ir Artimųjų Rytų Sienas.
- Cole Driver this summer was given an internship in PR/Marketing at Cartoon Network in California. He was the only trainee selected after a national selection of more than 100 applicants.
- Departure students Kendal Blust and Jennifer Hijazi and senior student Christianna Silva attended the University Steamworks' Technology Day at the University of Arizona on April 14. The students showed the work they do with the Online News Association at the UA Club, including Virtual Reality Journalism, Drone Vidography and Reporting with Sensors.
- Jessica Carpenter and Arizona Wildcats' rugby team for women have qualified for the Collegiate Rugby Championship in Philadelphia 3-5. June.
- Max Lancaster, who expired in December 2015, has got a job as a reporter in Boulder City (Nevada) Review, where he will initially cover local authorities.
- Annie Dickman, who expired in December 2015, placed herself among the top 20 on a national basis in the personality/profile writing competition in the annual Hearst Journalism Awards program. Her article on art professor Gary Setzer, published in Arizona Daily Star, ended in the divided 18th place among 112 profile articles from 63 schools. Annie accepted a paid internship at Gannett Design Hub in Phoenix after graduation.
- In March, Luke Money ('12) was hired as a reporter for the Costa Mesa Town Hall in Los Angeles Times Community News, thus leaving Santa Clarita Signal (California).
- Michael Schwartz ('08) is still researcher at ESPN, but he will work in the office in L. A. (Instead of in Bristol, Conn.) With programs like "The Jump" and eventually "NBA Countdown".
April 8
Kyle Hansen, journalist apprentice at Arizona Daily Star, received her report on a memory match in Lacrosse published on March 31.
Silvia Sanchez, journalist apprentice in Arizona Daily Stars La Estrella de Tucson, recently published three stories:
Pablo Lechuga, Radioman from Nogales Sonora (March 4)
A woman who feels nostalgic during the Lent (25th March)
A bishop from Nogales, Sonora, who became the diocese leader.
Maggie Driver, journalist apprentice at Arizona Daily Star, got its article "Tucson Museum of Art Needs $ 500K to Fix Crumbling Buildings" published on A1 on March 28.
Alex McIntyre, photography flowering in Arizona Daily Star, recently published several photos:
Helping Gardeners Grow, E9, Hels page post, March 27
Wildcats falls into extras, B1 & amp; B7, March 26
TEP changes discount program for trees, A2 & amp; A5, March 22
Another Grocer on River; CVS Pharmacy on Silverbell, A11, March 19
Baby's Down Syndrome Gives Young Mom 'Bigger Purpose,' C1, March 19
Cats Round Up Mount St. Mary's, Get Revenge on BYU, B3, March 5
Club Loves Lucy, Helps Her Through Rescue and Rehab, C2, February 27
Bunbury Outpaces Revolution by Dynamo, February 25, B1 & B6
- Paddle Boats and Kayaks Now Available for Rent at Sahuarita Lake, Biz Front, February 22
- April 1
- State Department student Hannah Gaber received a critical language scholarship to study Arabic in Morocco over the summer. Her planned Pulliam Fellowship at the Arizona Republic has been moved to the fall, and Gaber will present the film of her master’s project, “Young Nation: The Future of Oman Through the Eyes of Its Youth,” on May 4 at 4:15 p. m. in Marshall 340.
Caitlin Schmidt (’14), a reporter for the Arizona Daily Star, will receive a Sledgehammer Award from the Arizona Press Club for using more than 50 public records requests to expose a prostitution scandal involving Tucson police last year. http://tucson. com/news/local/crime/tucson-police-employees-fired-over-prostitution-probe/article_c5844708-e3bc-5275-af3a-401aeb4d9676. html
Ο Azhar Abdul-Salam διευθυντής/καθηγητής σχολής Nanyang της Σιγκαπούρης, μίλησε στις τάξεις του ΗΑ για τη δημοσιογραφία στην Ασία. Ο Azhar, πρώην δημοσιογράφος του ESPN Asia, ήταν το 1994 συνεκδότης της El Independent μαζί με τη Sarah Tully ('94). Η καθηγήτρια Σούζαν Νάιτ συντόνισε την επίσκεψη και το πρόγραμμα του Αζάρ στο ΗΑ.
- Μάρτιος 2016
- Μάρτιος 25
- Η Madison Sloane Brodsky οποία δίνει σε κορυφαίους φοιτητές πρακτική εμπειρία στον κόσμο της νυχτερινής τηλεόρασης. Η εκπομπή του Conan O'Brien προβάλλεται στο TBS.
- Kendal Blust ανακηρύχθηκε φιναλίστ για τα βραβεία Maggie Awards στην κατηγορία «Best Print Article/Student» για το άρθρο της σχετικά με την Πρεσβυτεριανή Εκκλησία του Southside στο El Independiente. (Άρθρο: https://issuu. com/elindependie.../.../1-56el_inde_2015_all_pages) γίνει στις 6 Μαΐου στο Λος Άντζελες.
- Η Christianna Silva βοήθησε στο tweet των πολιτικών συγκεντρώσεων των Trump, Sanders και Clinton στην Tucson για την Arizona Daily Star: twitter. com/#BillinTucson andtwitter. com/#TrumpinTucson και twitter. com/#BernieinTucson
- Η Jennifer Hijazi και η Christianna Silva εξήγησαν τη Tucson Festival of Books στο εμπορικό κέντρο UA στις 12 Μαρτίου, Η κάμερα 360 μοιρών και τα γυαλιά είχαν μεγάλη επιτυχία.
- Corinna Tellez, Miranda Lopez, Mariela Cabrera, Erika Yee, Sandy Rocha, Michelle Jaquette, Tessa Patterson, Leah Gilchrist, Josh Saulson, Connor Oswald, and River Ludington visited New York during Spring Break for Professor Nancy Sharkey's Inside the New York Times class. Students met alumni Savannah Guthrie ('93, Today Show) and Rob Alcaraz ('12, Wall Street Journal video journalist).
- Hannah Palaniuk , Karen Lizarraga , and Christianna Silva visited Washington, D. C., over spring break for Professor Susan Knight's Inside the Beltway course, where they met with various JA journalism alumni working in Washington.
- Ally Aldrete, 15, who spent the past year as an editor at KGUN 9 TV in Tucson, is moving to New York to work as a client services manager at Eco Branding Public Relations.
March 11
Julianne Stanford , a junior intern at Arizona Public Media, was selected out of 52 applicants nationwide for a paid summer internship at the Skagway News, an award-winning small newspaper in Alaska. She will receive free meals, write stories, take photos, layout the newspaper and cover events such as the Yukon River Quest. A total of three UA journalism students advanced to the final round out of 10 finalists.
Jordan Glenn maakte de coverfoto voor de High Country News van deze maand. Hij heeft ook vier foto's binnenin bij het verhaal, “Tracing Borderland History on the Anza Trail,” vanaf pagina 14. http://mazdigital. com/wereader/37653? page=14
Glenn Cook, afgstudeerd aan de UA Journalistiek in 1992, is de nieuwe hoofdredacteur van de Las Vegas Review-Journal. Als voormalig hoofdredacteur nam hij in januari de leiding over van de krant onder leiding van de nieuwe eigenaar Sheldon Adelson.
Ryan Revock ('14) was selected by the North Carolina Press Association as a community photographer in 2015 and received a new job at the Statesville Record & amp; Landmark, een dagblad ten noorden van Charlotte. Ryan had worked at the Cherokee Scout in Murphy, N. C.
March 4
Kendal Blust, a final-year student, wrote the CoverStory for the Tucson Weekly of 3 March as the start of a multimedia project, "Security 360 °", produced by the students border reporting of Professor Celeste González de Bustamante at http: 360 /.& amp; nbsp; Alex Devoid, Taylor Nye, Hana Pape and Alicia Vega participated in Blust's story. Other students in the "Security 360 °" team were Sophie S. Alves, Amanda Burkey, Justin Campbell, Mónica Contreras, Carolina Espinoza, Alejandra Fisher, Ana Ilie, James Myers, Kristina Savage, Barbara Yuill, Lia Vásquez and Madison. Kedi Xia was also the project designer. For more information: http://journalism. arizona. edu/security360
Elizabeth Eaton, student reporter at the Arizona Daily Star, recently published various stories: "A taarter experience to remember" and "It is to be: Shakespeare's first folio stops in Tucson" (both E1, Sunday, February 14) HTTP: //tucson. com/entertainment/arts-and-theatre/a-pie-experience-tore ... and http://tucson. com/entertainment/artsand-theatre/shakespeare-s-first-fo ... and "Debate Will Make You Laugh Think (A3, Thursday, March 3) http: //tucson. com/entertainment/artsand-theatre/trump-vs-Bernie-the-de ...
Amanda Martinez, Julianne Stanford, Malena Larson and Corina Gallardo have done good work as trainees at Arizona Public Media. Martinez, an accelerated master's student, recently put together a radio story about children's stories (https: //news. azpm. org /.../ 82964-Magic-Box-Turns-Jildrens-S .../...) . Stanford reported on various topics, including a story in December about the use of medicines on prescription and heroin (www. azpm. org/s/35855-arzona-frontline--nationwide-drug-.../). Larson has been published on AZPM news broadcasts (https://www. youtube. com/watch? v=HRB_usi-wru& amp; feature=youtu. be), just like Gallardo (https: //www. youtube. com/watch ... ).
February 2016
February 26
Maggie Driver, a student reporter at the Arizona Daily Star, had published an A1 story on February 18: Pueblo Vida Brouwerij Expansion Stokt with surprise historical status-http://tucson. com/news/local/govt-andpolitics/puebl o-Vida-BREERY-EXPANSION-STALLS-Surprise-Historic-Status/Article_043949999999999999999999999999999-5FE9-959F-D86B7FC99310. html
Alex Mcintyre, a student photographer at the Star, saw more and more published work, including:
Kendra Paige Hall ('15), graduated in December, starts her journalistic career as an investigative journalist for ABC7 television in Amarillo, Texas.
Kayla Samoy ('15) said she took her “first real reporting job” two weeks ago as a digital trends writer for The Arizona Republic.
Krista Schlyer, a 1997 MFA graduate, will talk about her new book, “Almost Anywhere,” about visiting 84 national parks and historic sites and 70 other state parks and sites at the Tucson Book Festival on March 12 at 11:30 a. m. in the Kachina Room in the Student Union. The Sunday Star has a profile of her: http://tucson. com/entertainment/books-and-literature/author-finds-solac...-
February 12
Alex McIntyre, a photography intern at the Arizona Daily Star, saw several of his photos recently published in the Star and sent to the Associated Press, including “Preparing for the Season” and two others. In the AP, all three photos are at
Lance Madden ('10) became a revenue optimization manager at Republic Media in Phoenix this month after leaving RightThisMinute.
Nicole Santa Cruz ('09), who runs the Homicide Report blog for the Los Angeles Times (homicide. latimes. com), reported this week on the fatal shooting of a 1-year-old Compton girl as she lay in her crib. Another 2009 graduate, Stephen Ceasar, is a reporter for the Los Angeles Times covering civil courts and crime.
Stephanie Casanova (14m.) antrus metus pradėjo dirbti „Rapid City Journal“ (Pietų Dakota) editor.
Vasario 5d.
Andrew Paxton dirba design ir copyagavimo srityje laikraštyje „Sierra Vista Herald“.
Gabrielle Ferreira ('15 m.), kuri dirbo laikraštyje "Indianapolis Star" kaip "Pulliam Fellow" stipendininkė, pereis dirbti į laikraštį "The Desert Sun" Palm Springse, Kalifornijoje, naujienų reportere.
Hannah Palaniuk (15 m.) buvo įdarbinta dirbti visu etu televizijoje KVOA-TV Tuksone, įskaitant savaitgalio prodiuserės pareigas.
Briana Sanchez (15 m.) tapo nuotraukų editore laikraštyje "Fergus Falls Daily Journal" Minesotoje.
Britain Eakin ('15 m.) dirba reportere Courthouse News Service Vašingtone, Columbijos apygardoje.
2016 m. sausio mėn.
Sausio 22 d. Ant koridoriaus sienos priešais Newtono cabaretą (327) Exponuojamos 12 buvusių Kim Newtono JOUR 203 studentų nuotraukos, kurios yra Drew Gyorke fotožurnalistikoskonkuro dalis. Nuotraukų autoriai: Andy Alvarado, Brenna Bailey, Ciara Biscoe, Cherie Cole (trečioji vieta), Taylor Dayton, Hailey Freeman, Erik Kolsrud, Sally Lugo, Monica Milberg, Jordyn Owen, Tobey Schmidt (pirmoji vieta) ir Courtney Talak (antroji vieta).
Gary Crooks, Alumnus of the UA J-School, has been appointed editor of The Spokesman Review in Spokane, Washington. Crooks has been working at the newspaper since 1997 and started writing editorial articles and his column "Smart Bombs" in 2003. Follow him on Twitter @Garycrooks
Jean McNight-Guymon ('89), teacher at the Cienega High School in nearby Vail, received the 2015 Ed Eisele Excellence in Economics Education Award from the UA Eller College of Economics, the Office of Economic Education and the Thomas R Brown Foundation.
Freelance journalist and artist Mary Alice Kellogg ('70) exhibited "The Desert Reimagined" in the Degrazia Gallery. Kellogg worked after the J-school at Newsweek. Here is the link to a story by Johanna Willett ('13) of the Arizona Daily Star: http://tucson. com/entertainment/artsand-theatre/new-york-artist-s-work-an-ode- to-the-desert/article_24aaf1d1-e673-5aca-b177-1A5faa7f291d. html
Sarah Kezele ('11) leaves The Arizona Republic as a multimedia sports journalist and returns to the Bay Area to beat the West Coast Conference for campus insiders.
Jen Levario Cieslak ('02) has joined the new Enterprise Design Team of the Advance Local Newspaper Group. From her house in San Diego she helps newspapers like the New Orleans Times picayune to reform.
Betsy Kaplan wurde as editorsleiterin für das UA-Outlet of Spoon University Eingestellt, nachdem sie the editorial test "mit bravour" files hat, so ein mitarbeiter von asponuniversity. com.
8. January
“A Morning in Southeast Morocco“, Ein Essay, Den Die Frischgebackene Christa Reynolds für Travel Writing SCHRIJNS HAT, ERSCHIEN in Der Herbstausgabe des the Blue Guitar Magazine: http://ww. thebluuitarmagazineall +2015_dr ... das Kunst-und Literaturmagazin Wird vom Arizona Consortium for the Arts Herausgeben.
That aus-subbling des Arizona Daily Star, rebecca noble, hat einige ihrer bilder in the online galerie “Best photos of 2015“ des Star Veröffentlicht, Darunter eine Zeitlupenaufnahme Eines Schapielers, Einer Dust, Einer, Einer, Einer, Einer, Einer, Einer, Waffer, Einer, Einer, Waffer, Einer, Einer, Waffer, Einer, Einer, Einer, Waffer, Einer Einer, Einer Einer, Einer Einer, Einer Einer, Einer Einer. Einem Highschool-Footballspiel und Menschen, that Das Winterhaven Festival of Lights Genießen. http://tucson. com/gallery/news/blogs/photo_blog/best-daily-star-photos-of/collection_90d440-ae5 65
in 1992 Law School graduate and The Las Vegas Review-Journal senior editor Glenn Cook will serve as the paper's interim editor when the paper comes under new owner Sheldon Adelson. Review-Journal reporter Bethany Barnes, 2013 graduate announced this news in a tweet.
Cameron Moon (13) has landed a job as an assistant producer at ESPN. He previously served as an assistant producer for the NFL Network.
Andrew Cockrum (13) has become the new communications assistant for the Albuquerque Isotopes, the triple-A team of the Colorado Rockies.
Robert Zucker, 77, a former adjunct professor at the J School, donated four of his published books to the school, including a three-volume set on local music from the 1950s to the 1990s, "Jolly Tucson Through the Decades."
in 2015 December 18
Sophomore Tobey Schmidt took first place in 2015. in the fall Drew Gyorke Memorial Fund photo contest for a photo of a rock climber on Mount Lemmon's Hitchcock Pinnacle. Sophomore Courtney Talak took second place for her photo, Procession of All Souls, and junior Cherie Cole took third place with her photo of UA volleyball. Twelve photos will adorn the wall at J's school next semester. They are available at journalism. arizona. edu/gyorke/fall2015
Jorge Encinas, een legerveteraan die twee missions in Irak heeft gedaan, is selektung als ontanger van de College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Perseverance Award voor de herfst van 2015. Hij zal worden erkend tijdens de convocatie op 19 december. De prijs is een recognition voor een afstuderende senior die heeft volgehoden bij grote tegenslagen.
Tweedejaars Erik Kolsrud won de Mark Finley Gold Pen Award nadat hij met 11 andere 205 studenten had gestreden in de nieuwschrijfwedstrijd voor het najaar van 2015 op 3 december. Tweedejaars Brit Reid was tweede en derdejaars Jordyn Owen. Studenten hadden een uur om een verhaal te schrijven na een nieuwsconferentie met gemeenteraadslid Steve Kozachik. Juryleden waren professor Susan Knight en adjunct-docent Sarah Garrecht Gassen. Ga naar journalism. arizona. edu/finley/list om eereae winnaars te zien.
Junior Emily Gauci saw her Arizona Athletics photo of basketballer Ryan Anderson published last month in the Sports Illustrated college preview section.
Alicia Vega , David McGlothlin en Kethia Kong steldelden een twee pagina's tellende grafik over 100 jaar immigratiebeleid in Arizona samen en ontwierpen deze voor de JOUR 490-klas van professor Terry Wimmer.
27 November 2015
David McGlothlin is the new winner of the school's prestigious Don Bolles scholarship and will cover the state's legislative assembly during the spring semester of 2016. McGlothlin is the last-year student and plans to strengthen his coverage through social media to reach more readers. He replaces David J. Del Grande, who refused no because of other obligations.
Julianne Stanford won the University of Arizona's photo competition for foreign stays in 2015. Stanford's picture came in first place in the "Where's Your Classroom" category, and the winners get a $ 200 travel voucher. In addition, two other journalism students were among the 44 finalists in this year's competition, Elizabeth Eaton and Alex McInTyre. Professor Kim Newton was a judge in this year's competition.
Medical student Patrick O'Connor's Infographic for Environmental Journalism is part of the Vizzies competition, which is a collaboration between the National Science Foundation and the Popular Science. There is also an audience award where anyone can vote for Patrick's infographic: http://review. wizehive. com/voting/view/nsfvizziesgallery/27427/3108742/0
Alexa Portillo, which is in learning as a sports reporter at Arizona Daily Star, has available several stories during this semester, including http: //tucson. com/sports/football/high-school-and-prep/late-score-pushe ...
October 26, 2015
Minds nine journalist students contributed to a 10-page special gift on Vagbenvold in The Daily Wildcat. Jessie Webster (Chefeder), Christianna Silva, Lauren Rentia, Ava Garcia, Michelle Jaquette, Elisabeth Morales, Chastity Lasky, Brandi Walker and Andy Alvarado, Jesus Barrera, Rebecca Noble, Sydney Richardson and Allex Richardon and Alvisen. October, as indoor leadership articles, paids on weapons and interviews with local office.
David J. Del Grande Ficked three stories published in Arizona Daily Star: On October 10: "Veteran Fandt sits cold after the Japanese regret on Pearl Harbor« http://tucson. com/news/local/veteran-found-hi s-Calling-after-night-o n-on -... and on October 24: »Spoken futures, for young people, moves in in la Pilita« http://tucson. com/news/local/tucson-poetry-socia- justic e-Group-Moves-two ... and on October 29: »Veteran holds on to Sit Engagement Gennem Disaster Heel"; http: //tucson. com/news/local/veteran-keeps-Service-comitment-through-d ...
Amanda Martinez, Karen Lizarraga, Maxie Ruan, Lauren Renteria, Elisabeth Morales, Josh Morales and others from the National Association of Hispanic Journalists and the Native American Journalists Association created a Day of the Dead altar to honor the late AP photographer Anja Niedringhaus during the reception for her photo exhibition on Oct. 22 in the Student Union Gallery. Zenger Award winner Kathy Gannon thanked the students in her acceptance speech.
Anissa Tanweer, a UA graduate and doctoral student at the University of Washington, presented her research on big data at the Association of Internet Research conference Oct. 21-24 in Phoenix.
Cathy Rosenberg's article on desert bighorn sheep appeared in the Arizona Daily Star: http://tucson. com/news/local/why-the-desert-bighorn-sheep-crossed-the-r..., a recent graduate, wrote this article as part of her master's project.
October 12, 2015
Two of Susan Swanberg's science journalism students have published stories. John Palting , an entomology PhD candidate at UA, wrote about the immortality research for the Arizona Daily Star on October 16 - http://tucson. com/news/local/immortality-lecture-who-says-the-afterlife... ... and Emma Reed , a geoscience grad student, wrote about the same topic in the October 2015 issue of Tucson's arts and culture magazine, Zocalo : “How We Live Forever.” (page 28) http://issuu. com/zocalomagazine/docs/zocalo_magazine_october_2015
Derek Evans ('14) won two Arizona Newspapers Association awards in the under 3, 500 circulation category while working at the Verde Independent in Cottonwood: first place for a story about the start of the Little League season in Verde Valley, and third place for a sports team report on Mingus High School football. He left Arizona and now works for the Leader News near Castroville, Texas. October 5, 2015 The student Hannah Gaber reports on a press conference in Egypt and writing for the star in an article about Nicholas Reeves, a British archaeologist and a scholar of the university, the theory, that is the last story of the king s Grabes von König Tut befindet, für Schlagzeilen orgt. The link to this article is http://tucson. com/news/local/education/college/ex-ua-scholar-tut-s-tomb...
Star Apprentice Callie R Kittredge wrote: "Community Player's launch second season in new home," Caliente, Sept. 23, http://tucson. com/entertainment/community-players-launch-second-season- ... "' Annie' Makes a stop," Caliente, September 23, http://tucson. com/entertainment/annie-makes-a-stop-at-centennial-hall/a ... and "Let the scares begin," 30 . September, http://tucson. com/entertainment/
On September 4, Star photography apprentice Rebecca Noble created an online gallery for the Mountain View-Scottsdale Horizon football game http://tucson. com/gallery/sports/football/high-school-and-prep/photos-m... and saw her photo from Sam Lena library be the dominant A1 art September 19 http://tucson. com/news/local/south-tucson-agrees-to-sell-library-to-cou...; and created an online photo profile of a swimmer on September 8 http://tucson. com/sports/high-school/swimming/swimming-no-floundering-f... Noble also posted photos from a UA-Texas 18 volleyball game . September, http://tucson. com/sports/hansen-rubio-cats-holding-their-own-in-loaded-... and had an A2 post about the work at a veterans home on September 25, http:/ /tucson. com/volunteers-work-on-veteran-s-home/article_33bb9338-a4...
Die Reporterin des Las Vegas Review-Journal, Bethany Barnes ('13), wurde beim Better Newspaper Contest der Nevada Press Association zur verdienten Journalistin ammannatt. Sie belegte aouchter den dritten Platz in der Kategorie investigative/vertiefende Berichterstattung.
Stewart McClintic ('14), a reporter at the Silver City (N. M.) Daily Press, received two awards at the New Mexico's Better Newspaper Contest in Albuquerque. Er gewann im Bereich Bildung für eine Geschichte über umstritene Schulausschusssitzungen und für ein Foto über das Stackeln von Tassen.
Noelle Haro-Gomez ('15) nahm eine Stelle als Fotografin bei der Public Opinion in Chambersburg an, der Zeitung, bei der sie ihr bezahltes Praktikum als Chips-Quinn-Stipendiatin absolvierte.
Steve Elliott ('87) verließ die ASU, um sich dem Team für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit des Verkehrsministerium von Arizona anzuschließen, nachdem er neun Jahre lang Direktor für digitale Nachrichten beim Cronkite News Service war.
Der preisgekrönte Short film „Donnie“ von Master-Absolventin Anna Augustowska ('14) was die Titelgeschichte in der Tucson Weekly vom 8. Oktober und wird am 16. Oktober im The Screening Room und am 23. Oktober im Loft Cinema gegeizt.
Cathy Rosenberg ('15) published eine weitere Geschichte als Teil ihres Masterprojekt: „Back from the Brink: The Future of the California Condor“ (Die Zukunft des kalifornischen Kondors) auf der Website der Tucson Audubon Society http://tucsonaudubon. org/ condor
Alexis Bechman ('08) was named non-daily journalist of the year by the Arizona Newpapers Association. Bechman, from the Payson Roundup, and UA Grads Joe Ferguson ('06) and Caitlin Schmidt ('14) from the Arizona Daily Star also received Arizona Freedom of Information Awards from Ana and the Society of Professional Journalists, and retired Journalist Journalist ('76) Won the SPJ Career Award. Ferguson and Schmidt also won SPJ First Amendment Awards and J-school director Dave Cuillier received a Sunshine Award. Bechman and eight other UA graduates won individual Ana Better Newspaper Awards: Bill Coates ('78), Mike Christy ('11), Jeremy Duda ('02), Adam Gaub ('06), Rodney Haas ('10), Curt Curt Prendergast ('11), Dan Shearer ('85) and Maria Ines Taracena ('12). Go to http://journalism. arizona. edu/news/2015-ana- awards to view the list.
28 Sept. 2015
Two students from the J-School helped to make the "With Conviction" workshop of 26 September at the Law Faculty a success, according to Dr. Susan Swanberg. David McGlothlin, who received a "With Conviction" exhibition, took care of the social media of the workshop. Rebecca Noble provided excellent photography during the sessions and contributed to the nearly 20 Facebook posts during the event.
Cathy Rosenberg, graduated from our master's program in May, published a story in the Arizona Daily Star about the reintroduction of Chiricahua luipaardkikkers in Arizona: http://tucson. com/news/science/environment/how-defend-reopard-frogs -... wrote this story as part of her professional master project.
September 7, 2015
Pre-medent student Patrick O'Connor received a NASA Space Grant Stage and will work with Tom Beal at the Arizona Daily Star. Patrick has followed various journalism lessons and is this semester science editor at the Arizona Daily Wildcat.
David J. del Grande, an intern at the Arizona Daily Star, published a story on 3 September in the Star entitled "Bus strike leaves many riders with few options behind". Here is the link: http://tucson. com/news/local/article_29badc20-02e9-58b1-93f2-853aaaaa1aff9. html
August 31, 2015
Photographs of former Jour 203 students are on display in the hallway, Drew Gyorke Memorial Fund Photojournalist Competition coordinated by Professor Kim Newton. The competition was won by Baraha Elkhalil with a photo of her tattoo store. Jordan Glenn took second place and Joshua Rodge was third. Other students of the finalists were: Mihdi Afnan, Sergio Calderon, Maritza Dominguez, Meryl Engle, Jakyle Kochevar, Jaime Lobel, Alex McCintyre, Reina Morrison and Nicholas Quihuis. Brandi Walker's photo also hangs on the wall. Click here and view all the photos.
2015 August 17
Master's student Ary Hermawan, Fullbright of Southeast Asia, received a $ 2, 000 scholarship from the International Institute for Education, which will help to finance his dissertation on 2014. Investigation of the Indial presidential election.
2015 August 10
JESús Barrera recently published an article in the newspaper Tico Times News, called "Toast with Turtle Eggs: It's Legal in the Ostional". Barrera is a journalism student who has participated in the lesson this summer in Costa Rica with Professor Celeste Gonzalez de Bustamante. http: //www. ticotimes. net/2015/08/08/Toasting-with-turtle-Eggs-igal .....
July 27, 2015
Alexa Morelli, J-Coulun Opishella, Julkaisi Hiljattiva Odysssessa Articelin 'Mythä opin polyisien Tytärenä'. The Odyssey on Opiselijapohjainen Julkais, Jota Yläpitää Olympia Media Group.
Kendal Blust Julkušis Hiliatain Tico Times New s-Lehdessä Articelin ottsikolla 'Protecting Life in ostional: The Survival of 2 Surfers. BLUT ON Journalism Jatko-Opelia, Joka osallist Tänä kosta ricassa pidettyyn ulkomaan Opinojakson Professor Celeste Gonzalez de Bustamanten Kanssa.
20. Heinäkuututa 2015
Carol Schwalben Tydejokalism Luokani tuottama scientific tucsona n-lehti sai kunniamaininnan ajmc: n Magazine Divisionin Vuoden 2015 Kilpailun Verkkoleht i-Kategregsa.
Cathy Rosenberg, Joka Sai Sai Maidyri Tutkinonsa Toukokuussa, Kirjoitti Nenji Pitkää Artikelia Osana Ammattilista Projektiaan. YkSi Uutaist a-Mexicolaisen Harmaasuden Palautamisest a-On Tucson Weekl y-Lehden Kansijuttu: http://www. tucsonweekly. com/tucson/of-and-and-wolves/content? oid=5643889.
Maria Ines Taracena, (Tookokuu 2012), Tucson Weekl y-Lehden Avustava Kirjoittaja, Kirjoitti 16.-22. Heinäkututa Ilmestyvään Nueroon Kansijutun Sister Josén Naiskeskuksesta: http://www. tucsonweekly. com/tucson/dignity/content? oid=5546437.
1. Kesäkuututa 2015
Master's Student Kendal Blust (Kendal Blust) Research "What lies in the title?" The Renewal of Development Journalism in the 21st Century was adopted at the International Communication Department and presented at the AEJMC Conference in San Francisco.
2015 May 11th.
The graduate of the Britain Eakin, who is completing a Master's degree in Journalism and Middle East and North Africa, was adopted at the AEJMC Conference in San Francisco. Article titled "Permit to tell? Palestinian views in the US media illuminated the operation "Casting Lead", was adopted in the International Communication Department. The article is based on her dissertation investigation. Its chairmen of the committee were Jeannine Relly and Maha Nassar. The third member of the committee was Leila Hudson.
BU dönem araştırma yöntemleri's Alan Lisans VE Yüsek Lisans öğrencilleri, Arizona Sonora News'in içeriği, Etkileşimi VE Dağıtına Ilişkin Algıları Incelemeyi Amaçlayan Yerel ODAK GROP TASARLADı ve yürüttü. Öğrencler odak grubundaki sister kaydını yazıya döktüler. VE Sınıftaki Lisans öğRencilleri Haber Servisi Için Temel Bulguları Sun Yönetici özeti hazırladı. Sınıftaki Bir Yüksek Lisans öğrencisi, Odak Grubundan Elde Edilen Bulguları Kullanarak Haber Kuruluşlarının Asn asn Kullanını ve Imgi Alanlarını tespit etmeyi amaçlayan bir. Questionnaire, Eyalet Genelindeki Haber Kuruluşlarının Tmsiline E-Posta Yoluyla Gönderildi. Sınıftaki diğer öğrenciller, gazettecikik oculu'ndaki çeşitlilik ve capsayıcılı ia iliode potansiyel öğrenci algılanna odaklanan Birning geliode geliode. Questionnaire önümüzdeki Hafta Içinde öğrenci Liseline Gönderialcek.
Hannah Gaber Arizona Basın Kulübü Tarafından Bursla ödüllendirldi.
Cathy Rosenberg, M. A. Professyonel Seçenek, Home Bittersweet Home Adlı Projesini Savundy: Türleri Tarihi Yaşam Alanlarına Good Getermek "Başlıklı Projesini 4 Mayıs Pazartes Günü Savundy.
Christa Reynolds, Dobbelgrad, Las Og Jourpalistk, Forsvarte Sin Avhandling «ILlegale Barn: Metaphors and Terminology Used in Newspaper Coverage of Central American Minors TRING SUMMER 2014», Onsdag 6.
Jacquelyn Abad, M. A. Intern John Studier, Forsvarte Sitt Prosion, «We Are Hir: Moving Townard Transgender Equality at the University of Arizona», Fredag 8. Mai.
Shahrazad Encyclus, Dobbeltgrad, Las Og Journalikk, Forsvarte Sin Avhandling, «Freedom of Expression in Guatemala», Fredag 8.
Congratulations to Patrick O'Connor, who won the Arizona Press Club in the "College Feature Story" category with his article on "Research key to build organ stores". A juror wrote: “Patrick wrote a nice up maker, followed by vivid descriptions of both and scientific interest in a profile that justifies his existence, which seems rare in college journalism. The text is clear and confident, but not arrogant. To appear in a regional newspaper, it would not have taken much work. Very well done. ”Patrick is a medical student who wrote the story for Science Journalism.
A number of people related to the journalist school were awarded the Arizona Press Club. You can find a full list at: http://azpressclub. org/2014-writingdesign-winners/
April 20, 2015
Amer Taleb was recently appointed humanity in Action Fellow and will spend five weeks in Paris and Amsterdam shortly after completing his end. Taleb was also recently appointed Fulbright scholarship holder and will work as an English teaching assistant in Turkey from October.
Mayor Jonathan Rothschild spoke on Monday evening in front of 13 205 pupils as part of the Finley Beginning Newswriting Competition. He spoke about water, environmental protection and preparations for the future and answered the questions of the students in a forum in the style of a press conference.
The students who were nominated by their 205 teachers had an hour to write and polish a message about Steele's lecture. The winners who receive scholarships are:
First place: Brandi Walker
Second place: Brandon James
Third place: Alyssa Schlitzer
April 6, 2015
Two students from the University of Arizona, who have a double degree in journalism and Latin America studies, presented on the podium entitled "Threat on the Ground and Online: Media by and about Latin Americans" at the 62nd anniversary of the Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies in Tucson. Shahrazad Encinias provided her research work entitled "Journalists in Guatemala: Life and Working under the threat of violence". Christa Reynolds presented her research with the title "Illegal children: A study on the reporting of US newspapers about young migrants from Latin America".
March 23, 2015
The USO (United Service Organizations) has appointed Paul G. Allvin, graduate of the UA School of Journalism, the new Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications. Allvin will manage all aspects of the marketing and communication department of the USO, including strategic and entertainment marketing, brand and creative services, web and digital marketing, special events, the development of stories, publications and public relations. More on this at: http://globenewswire. com/news-release/2015/03/718204/10126109/en/uso-welcomes-pel-allvin-as-new-senior-president-of-of-of-of-of-of- Marketing-and-communications. html#sthash. agcltxhr. dpuf
Madison Brodsky and Kristine Bruun-Andersen traveled to Los Angeles from March 10th to 13th to report on La Fashion Week: The Truth Behind The Glamour. Further information on Brodskys and Bruun-Andersen's reporting and interviews can be found at: http://madisonbrodsky. com
Katherine E. Carroll, graduate of the UA School of Journalism 2013, was recently discontinued as a production assistant at ABC World News Tonight with David Muir in New York City.
Amanda Martinez, Az ua újságíróhallgatója És a Nahj diákszövetség ELENÖKE TAGJA Volt a no timely response csapatnak, amely a múlt hétvégi arizonai migrahack bevándorlási conferenceencián leader a 2000 dolláros f His. A CSAPAT AZ Arizona Daily Star Riporterei Által Összegyűjtött Helyi Megállási Adatokat Használta Fel Egy Interaktív Játék Létrehozásához, Amely a Helyi Rendfennartók "Bőrébe" És Lehetőséget ad Arra, Hogy Megnézze, Hogyan Kezeli a Helyi Rendőrség a Bevándorlási Státusz Kérdéseit a Közlekedési Megállások Során.
2015. Március 16.
Mariana Dale, Aki 2014 Decemberében Végzett, Mostantól Az Arizona Public Media Online Riportere.
2015. Március 9.
Az újságíró Iskola Három category category is excellence region 11 Mark of Excellence regionális díjátadón. Ezek a Következők:
Mariana dale a Fiatal Zenészek Felkészülnek a Középiskolai Zenekarok Világsorozatára Az Azpm Public Media Számára. Dale, Aki Decemberben Végzett, Most Az Arizona Daily Star Riportere.
Patrick O'Connor Az Arizona Sonora News Service Számára Az Orgonakészletek Építéséséről Szóló Kulcsokért.
Scientific Tucsonan Diákkiadványért.
A Győztesek Az Április 17-18-i, San Franciscóban, A Sir Francis Hotelben Megrendezésre Kerülő 11. Regionális Tavaszi conference fogják Megtudni, Hogy Első, Második Vagy Harmadik Helyezést Értek-e el.
2015. Március 2.
Kenzie Fowler, Az Arizona Wildcat És Az újságíró Iskola Egykori Végzőse a Pac-12 Networkshez Csatlakocik, Mint Softball-Elemző.
UA journalism school graduate Betsy Bolding on Tuesday, February 17, at the Pima District Supervisory Board meeting was honored with proclamation, which was celebrated as "Betsy Bolding Day" on March 1. This recognition was also expressed in honor of her upcoming retirement after more than 20 years of work in Tucson Electric Power. For more information on the Bolding Ceremony, see http://www. tucsonweekly. com/tucson/the-skinny/content? oid=4925059.
February 16, 2015
Justin Saires' article on how former football players live with cerebral turmoil was published as Tucson Weekly (February 19-25) title: http://www. tucsonweekly. com/tucson/banged-up/content? oid= 4921661 Sairess, a Master's degree student, wrote this story Science Journalism.
Feb. 9, 2015
11 former Jour 203 students are exhibited in the hallway of journalism school. It includes the winners of the Drej Gjorke Memorial Fund (Drew Gyorke Memorial Fund). The competition and exhibition are coordinated by Professor Kim Newton.
Student photographers are: Bates, Kristine Bruun-Andersen, Skyler Brandt, Tanner Clinch, Natalie d'Anna, Annie Dickman, Emily Gauzi, Lauren Jacobson, Karen Lizarraga, Tessa Patterson and Ashley Summerset.
February, 2015
Mark Armao got summer practice in the Wall Street Journal New York.
Wir Gratulieren Den 50 Journalism-Und JournalismSvorbereitungStudenten, Die AM 3rd February An der Informationsveranstaltung mit den nbc universal-universalverantwortlichen nadine selim (ostküste) und Miriam Ortiz (Westküste) Tilgenommen Haben. Die Anwerberinnen Waren Hier, UM Das NBC Universal-Pract Light Program Vorzustellen und Interviews MIT Studenten Zu Führen. Sie Besuchten Die Folgenden Course: Grundlagen des Journalismus, Multimedia für fortgeschrittene, Anfängliche Berichterstattung und Fernsehproduktion, Cat's Eye und Media ApprenticeSHIP. Briana Sanchez Wurde von SBS Beauftragt, Die Veranstaltungen Zu Documentary, Und Practice-Koordinatorin Lisa Button Initiierte und Orige Den Besuch.
Die National Association of Science Writers (National Verband der Wissenschaftsjournalisten) Verlieh Der Journalistenschule 13, 000 Dollar Zur Financierung Des Workshops "With Conviction: TIN Unseres Master-Program, Schrieb Den Antrag für Den Zuschus.
- Arizona Daily Star Geschichten von den Auszubildenden:
- Tim Towle
- Phoenix-Team Holt Shootout-Titel in der Ersten Saison (Online)
Kianna Gardner
Musik und Essen Begrüßen das Neue Jahr (Print)
Musik, Spiel und Essen Läuten das chinesische neujahr ein (online)
Jan. 26, 2015
Two articles by a graduate of Kendal Blust appeared in the edition of the Tailwinds magazine from January/February 2015: http://issuu. com/tailwindsweb/docs/tailwindsjanfeb15-web.
Graduates of Marian Dale and Drew McCullough visited the practice class in the media on January 21 to give students tips on how to succeed in class and internship at Arizona Daily Star. Dale and McCullough were both apprentices during their studies at UA, and now they are ful l-time employees of Star.
January 19, 2015
Melissa Guz was selected to participate in the Talent Development Program, a nationwide competitive program offered by Gannett. This month, she underwent a few days training in Virginia, and on Monday, January 19 she started working as a producer at KPNX in Phoenix. After six months, it will be assigned to the newsroom for the rest of the program. Melissa graduated in May 2012 with a bachelor's degree, and in December 2013 with a master's degree.
January 12, 2015
Noelle Haro-Gomez en Kayla Samoya Zijn Geslenteerd Om Deel Te Nmen Aan Het 2015 New York Times Student Journalist Institute. Het Institut Van 2015 Wordt Van 16 Tot 31 Mei Gehouden Aan de University of Arizona School of Journalist. Tijdens Het Institutu Zullen Student Samenwerken Met Verslaggevers en Redacteuren van the new york times en verslag doen van echte gebeurtenissen in tucson en langs de grends tussen de vs en mexico.
Jessica Schrecker is Geslelecteerd Om Deel Te Nmen Aan Het Talent Development Program, Een National CompaTITIEF program Aangeboden Door Gannett. Z Krijgt in Januari Een Paar Dagen Training in Virginia EN Begint Dan Op 19 Januari Met Een Baan Als Producer Bij Kpnx in Phoenix. On Zes Maanden Daar Zal with Voor de Rest Van Het Worden Toegedzen Aan de Redactiekamer program. HalverWege Het Trainingsprogramma Zal Jessica "Beginnen Met Het Controleren van de OchTendshow (4:30 TOT 7:00 UUR) om te oefenen". Jessica is Pas de Tweede Afgestudeerde van de ua school of journalism die geekozen wordt voor het prestigieuze tdp. From Treadt in de Voetsporen van Emi Komiya.
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