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Responsible Gambling

1. The risks associated with gambling and how to gamble safely

Betway strives to do everything it can to provide its customers with an enjoyable gaming experience, but is also aware that gambling can cause problems for a minority of individuals. It is important to know that gambling should only be for fun and never to make money or to escape your problems. Gambling can cause certain risks such as physical, mental or economic problems. We want you to use our platform wisely, so you should always be aware of how much money and time you spend gambling and familiarize yourself with the responsible gaming tools available to you to minimize any potential risks of gambling.

To ensure that you can continue to gamble in a safe and manageable manner, we support responsible gambling and have taken numerous measures to ensure the safety of our customers.

Please contact the following number for a complete list of information on responsible gaming: 910 470 240.

2. Registration process

To be able to play at Betway, you must provide your personal information during customer registration. Personal information includes, but is not limited to: first name, last name, date of birth, DNI/NIE, address, nationality, email, telephone number, etc.

Betway does not accept non-Spanish residents.

To complete the registration of your customer account, Betway:

  • verifies that you are not registered in the General Registry of Gambling Suspensions (“RGIAJ”),
  • verifies the identification data provided either through the identity verification system of participants of the DGOJ or through other third-party systems or alternative means of verification, and
  • verifies the data you have provided through a document check.

The accepted identification documents include, but are not limited to:

  • DNI, NIE, passport or driving license;
  • Copy of a recent utility bill confirming residence, e. g. E. g. a utility bill, telephone bill, etc. (important: the bill must not be older than 6 months); and
  • Copy of a recent credit/debit/bank account statement (note: the account statement must refer to a financial method used and must not be older than 3 months).

Registering your customer account is as follows:

  • As long as your identity is not verified in the identity verification service for the DGJ participants or any other service to verify the identity, you will not be able to participate in the games, nor do deposits or withdrawal operations.
  • Once your identity is validated properly through any system to verify identity and suspended documentary, you can deposit, up to a common limit of 150 euros, and share games, but you may not withdraw prizes, regardless of their value or nature. Your gambling account will be considered "waiting for the documents verification".
  • Once your identity is determined by properly checking the documentary, you can participate in games and make deposits and withdrawals. After that, your gambling account becomes active.

For documentary verification purposes, the following documents will be considered reliable:

  • For individuals with Spanish citizenship, the National Identity Document.
  • Užsienio Pilietybę Turintiems Asmenims - Gyventojo Kortelė, Užsieniečio Tapatybės Kortelė Mės šalies Valdžios Institucijų Išduotas Dokumentas, Raštas Ar Officiali Asmens Tapatybės Kortelė. Užsienio Reikalų Ir Bindradarbiavimo Ministerjos Išduotas Asmens Tapatybės Dokumentas, Skirtas Trečiųjų šalių Diplomatiniams Ir Konsuliniams Atstovams ISPANIGOJOJO Ioja Užsieniečiams Identifikuoti.
  • IMTINIAIS ATVEJAIS „Betway“ Gali Priimti Kitus Valstybinės Institucijos Išduotus Asmens Tapatybės Dokumentus, JEI Jie Turi Atitokamas Autentiškumo Garantijas Ir Juose Yra Urėtojo nuotrauka.


Kadangi Internetas Taip Lengvai Pasiekiamas Namuose Visame Pasaulyje, Atsakingi Lošimai internete labai priklauso nuo atsakingo tėvų auklėjimo. Siekdama Užtikrinti Vaikų Saugumą Internet, „Betway“ Ragina Savo Klientus Naudotis Filtravimo Programine įranga, Kad Nepilnamečiaii Negalėtų Pasiekti Netinakamos Internetin Edžiagos. Nepilnamečių lošimai yra ne tik Netisėti, Bet Ir Gali Sukelti Priklausomybę nuo azartinių lošimų Ir didžiUles lošimų skolas, kurias patiria neprižiūiūriimiimi vaikai.

Betway strives to protect vulnerable people and minors. Persons under the age of 18 cannot register on our gambling platform. Our technical implementations ensure that minors cannot register on our website. However, in the event that a minor has been able to register on our website using false data or the data of an adult, such an account will be detected:

  • Betway will repay all deposits and take the profits.
  • The gambling account will be closed.

3. 1 Tips for parents and systems for parental supervision

  • Do not leave your computer unattended when your gambling software is active.
  • Don't protect your gambling account with a password and do not use the "Save password" option of the browser.
  • Don't let people under the age of 18 participate in gambling activities.
  • Keep your identity documents, bank account number and credit card (s) out of the reach of children.
  • Do not save passwords on your computer.
  • Limit the time that your children spend online and use software to prevent your children from gaining access to inappropriate material.
  • Atkreipkite DJsmesį, Kad Galite Nudoti tėvų Kontrol’s Sistemas, Pavyzdžiui, "Cyber ​​Sitter" Arba "Net Nanny", Kaip Prevencinę Priotonę, Kad Nepilnamečiai Negalėtųtis. Tačiau tai yra mokamos platformos, toodes Jos kainuoja.

4. Nods Azartinių Lošimų Sutrikimų Diagnostinis Ekranas

Jei norite savarankiškai įvertinti, ar Reikia Keisti Savo Elgesį Azartinių Lošimų SRITYJE, AR IEKOTI PAGALBOS, Spustelijskite Šią nuorodą https://jugarbion-cuests/que-tal-tal-jue-tal-tal-stal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal-tal--tal-Tal

Jei į vieną ar daugiau klausimų atsakėte "taip", rekomenduojame o Kreiptis į bet kurią iš toliau nurodytų organizations.

5. Pagalbos Organizacijos Ir Nacionalinian Sveikatos Sistemos Paslaugos

Yei Jūs arba jūsų pažstamas asmuo turi problemų dal azartinių lošimų, patararame apsvarstyti galimybę kreiptis pagalbos į vieną išių pripažintų organacijų:

  • Funjar - Fjar. org
  • Anoniminiai Lošėjai - Gamblersanonymous. org/ga

Jugarbien Siūlo Interaktyvų žemėlapį, Kuriame Nurodomos Asociacijos / Institucijos, Siūlančios pagalbą dil Lošimo Problemų. Nacionalinian sveikatos Sistemos Struktūras, Kuriomis galite nudotis pagal savo gyvenamąją vietą, rasite passpaudę Šią nuorodą: https://www. jugarbien. es/actenido/ayuda-cerca

6. Jugarbien. es

Ιστοπος jugarbien. es είναι οπίσημος ιστοπος πημιοKers ιατίθενται πληροορίες και εργαλεία σεετικά τε τον υπεύtionbedνο τζcripts. Sleep, σσβαση στον εν λicles Δικτυακά τάπο είναι Δυνατή στη Διεύtion bas: www. jugarbien. es.

Among the available tools, a new video has been published in the general register of access bans for games of chance (RGIAJ) and Opting Out. This can be viewed at https://www. jugarbien. es/blog/nuevo-video-el-juego-y-la-auto Exclusion.

Jugarbien. es also has a section where you can find interesting links about responsible or safe gambling: https://www. jugarbien. es/contenido/enlaces-de-interes-en-materia-de-juego-responsable.

7. Stifting limits

In accordance with the applicable Spanish regulations, the following deposit limits are automatically implemented on your Betway account upon registration:

- Daily - Maximum deposit limit: € 600 - Weekly - Maximum deposit limit: € 1, 500 - monthly - Maximum deposit limit: € 3, 000

At your request, deposit limits can be reduced, raised or even deleted. To do this, click on the 'Limits' tab in the responsible gambling tools (you must be logged in): - Enter the new deposit limits with 'deposit limits' if you want to lower or increase your deposit limits - click 'Remove all standard limits' if you already remove want to delete your deposit limits

Wenny Ihre Einzahlungslimits Aufheben Oder über die Standardmäßig Geltenden Hinaus Erhöhen Möchten, Wir Ihren Anthrag Berücksichten, Sie Bestehen The Test Sie Bestungsvolungs Spielen Veralten; - Wird of the Test Nicht Files, Können sie 90 Tage Nach Ablegen des Tests eine Erhöhung Oder Aufhebung Ihrer Einzahlungslimits Beanboagen. - Wird of the Test Files, Wird Eine Analysis Ihres Spielverhaltens der Letzten Drei Monate Durchgeführt, UM Sicherzustellen, Dass IHR Verhalten Keine Anzeichen von Sucht Aufweist und Dass Sie in Diesem Zeitraum Kein's Veraltraum.

Wenn sie the test dearthen und unsere internal überprüfung ergibt, dass keine anzeichen für eine sucht vorliegen, trees those limits innerhalb von 3 Tagen nach abschluss of analysis with the positivem in kraft. Es ist nicht möglich, eine erhöhung oder aufhebung der von Einem kunden festivities limits zuberries, wenn seit der letzten erhöhung seiner limits nicht nicht nicht 90 tage (3 monate) Zind.

Senkungen der Einzahlungslimits became Sofort Umgesetzt.

Wenn sie ein einzahlungslimit Festlegen Möchten, Können sie auf diesy function Zugreifen, indem sie auf "Responsewortungsvolles Spielen" im Berereich "Mein Konto" Klicken, Sobald Sie Eingeloggt Sind. Alternativ Können sie Sich auch an den Kundendienst Wenden, UM Unterstützung zu Eraltes.

8. Selbstausschluss

You can request temporary or permanent self-exclusion from playing at Betway at any time. The available self-exclusion options are:

  • Temporary self-exclusion - you can temporarily suspend your account for between 24 hours and 3 months
  • Permanent self-exclusion - the account will be suspended indefinitely (please note that at the request of a customer, the account may be eligible for reactivation subject to verification by Betway and after a self-exclusion period of at least 6 months).

Upon immediate receipt of your request for self-exclusion, Betway will take measures to ensure that you cannot participate in the game or make deposits for a period of up to 48 hours until the self-exclusion period has expired.

During the self-exclusion period, you will not receive any promotions, marketing or other commercial communications.

Please note: In the event of a request for permanent self-exclusion, we recommend that you also register your details on RGIAJ.

9. Self-ban The General Register of Bans on Access to Gambling (RGIAJ) is a register containing the details of all Spanish citizens who have voluntarily imposed a ban on themselves or who have been banned by a court order from participating in gambling activities. The register is managed by the DGOJ.

Registracija yra nuolatinė, be to, ji reiškia, kad bet kuri kita anksčiau sukurta paskyra bet kuriame kitame lošimų operatoriuje Ispanijoje bus sustabdyta. Šį įrašą galima panaikinti po 6 mėnesių, pateikus išankstinį prašymą.

Betway kiekvieną valandą automatiškai patikrins visus savo klientus pagal RGIAJ. Jei klientas bus rastas registre, bus rodomas pranešimas, prieiga prie „Betway“ svetainės bus užblokuota ir Jums bus pranešta apie paskyros sustabdymo pasekmes.

Sustabdymo metu Jūs negalėsite atlikti įmokų ar dalyvauti. Be to, Jūs galite prašyti pervesti savo lošimų sąskaitos likutį (įskaitant prizus, gautus iki sustabdymo), taip pat prizus, laimėtus lošimų sąskaitos sąskaitos sustabdymo metu dėl ankstesnio dalyvavimo žaidimuose.

Panaikinus Jūsų registraciją RGIAJ, Jūsų prašymu „Betway“ gali panaikinti Jūsų lošimų sąskaitos sustabdymą ir leisti Jums dalyvauti žaidimuose.

Savarankiško draudimo laikotarpiu Jūs negausite akcijų, rinkodaros ar kitų komercinių pranešimų.

Daugiau informacijos apie RGIAJ ir registracijos formą rasite čia.

10. Customer Interaction and Detection of Risky Behaviour

Betway has developed a Customer Interaction Program (“CIP”) to monitor and analyse customer behaviour. If there are indications that you are a risk or potential problem gambler, or that you have changed your normal gambling behaviour, you will immediately be categorised as a player with risky behaviour and the following measures will be taken:

We will explicitly communicate your categorisation as a player with risky behaviour;

  • We will contact you to prevent potential or further gambling-related harm and, if possible, inform you about the changes in your behaviour that we have noticed and help you moderate your behaviour with our responsible gambling tools to reduce the risk of harmful gaming to a sustainable and safe level.
  • Please note that your gambling account will be suspended and you will no longer be able to access it until we have contacted you.
  • Among the measures we can apply to your gambling account to reduce risk are applying a deposit limit, applying a temporary or indefinite period of self-exclusion or even closing your gambling account.
  • There is no need to participate in the commercial process, and there is no need to participate in new promotions or for new customer service specializations that are part of the current categorization process.
  • After all, you should take into account the fact that you are in the right place and you are a part of the process of participating in the process. This information is very common.
  • After all, you are welcome to join us during your studies, without having to wait until the end of the year to participate during the course of your studies.
  • 11. Asistencia telefonica sobre juego responsable Betway present de un numero de teléfonica atención al que puede llamar las 24 horas del día, los 365 días del año, en el que se le explicarán de las funciones de Juego Responsable y cómo utilizarlas. In concrete terms, this is the information you need to determine whether you are interested in the information regarding the implementation of your auto evaluation iones o instituciones a las que el jugador puede recurrir en función de su residencia.

The drives directly from Betway, with number 910 470 240. 12. Andre verktøy for possible spilling

12. 1. Activities overview

  1. Information regarding each of your game sessions at Betway can be viewed up to 365 days. The information is available on your gambling account (you must be logged in) and contains the start date and time of your game session and its duration.
  2. You can also view more information about your activities at Betway for 365 days. The information includes details about your calculation balance, gambling history (including deployment amounts, profits and losses), deposits, recordings and other related transactions.
  3. You can also request a monthly overview of your activities by contacting our customer service. Once we have received your request, we will send you your monthly summary to your e-mail address that is registered on your gambling account.
  4. 12. 2. Time-out

The protection of the customer is further improved by the 'time out' function, which activates a 'time out' of the casino software and forces a new connection to continue playing. The 'time out' occurs after a set period of inactivity when you are logged in, which can be selected between 1 and 20 minutes.

12. 3. Slots

a) Sessie limits

Pasirinkus žaisti Bet Kuriuo iš “Betway“ Lošimo Automatų, Atsidarys Langas, Kuriame Reikia Nustatyti Šiuos Dalykus: - Laiko Limitas: Tai Laikas, Kurį Norite žaisti Lošimo Automatais. Galima Pasirinkti 30 minutečių, 1, 2, 6, 12 ARBA 24 Valandas. Atkreipkite demesį, gift jei by "slots" sean "žaisite bet kurį kitą žaidimą, laikas nesustos.

- Pralaimėjimo Limitas: Tai Didžiausia Suma, kurią galite pralošti per sesiją. Prasidėjus sesijai, turite įvesti sumą, kurią norite žaisti. Ši Suma Niekada Neviršys Jūsų Sąskaitos Likučio.

Pasiekus Laiko Limitą Arba Pralaimėjimo Limitą, Seansas Automatiškai Baigsis.

b) Priminimo Laikotarpis

Kas nustatytą laiką pasirodys įspėjimo / Priminimo pranešimas, Kuris Primins apie lošimo sesijos metu praleistą laiką ir praloštą Sumą. Galite Pasirinkti, AR Priminimą Gauti Kas 5, 10 AR 15 Minutečių.

c) Laikinas Apribojimas žaisti Lošimo Automatais

Nustatydami Lošimo Automatų Sesiją, Tursoing site Galimybę Nustatyti Laikiną aprojimą, Kurio Metu Nebus Galima Nudotis Nudotis Lošimo Automatų žaidimų. Galite Pasirinkti, Kad Automatais Nebūtų Galima žaisti 1 Valandą, 1 Dieną, 1 Savaitę Arba 1 mėesį. Atkreipkite demesį, Kad Gallion site žaisti bet kuriuos kitus "Betway" Siūlomus žaidimus (įskaitant ruletę ir Blekdžeką).

d) Priminimas Apie Atsakingą Lošimą

If you want to start a new slot session within sixty minutes after your previous session, a message is displayed that asks you to check the Betway guidelines for responsible games.

e) Payouts of the slot machines

You can check the payment percentage of the slot machines in the payouts, minimum and high stone sentence section.

f) rules of the game

Before you start playing, we recommend that you read the rules of the game.

g) general chances of winning

In order to ensure the maximum protection of our players, the payout rates of our games are published monthly and certified by Ecogra (eCommerce and online gambling regulations and assurance).

To see the payout rates of our game types, click here.

h) probabilities of winning for certain games

To see the percentage withdrawal rates of the individual games, visit our Payout rates, minimum and high stone set.

To download a copy of this guideline, please click here.

You can access the information contained in this section by clicking on the following link: https://betway. es/p/juego-responsable/en-es/

Last updated on: 17/09/2024

Betway ir spānijas azartspēļu regulēšanas ģenerālderectorāta izsniegta Licence AR NUMURIEM: 75/GO/1011, 79/RLT/1011, 80/BlJ/1011, 387/MAZ/1011, 440/ADC/1011, 442/AHC /1011 UN 441/AOC/1011. Betway pārvalda spānijā reģistrēts uzņēmums Betway Spain S. A., Kura Juridiskā AdRese IR: Calle Isabel Cabral, Número 2, 2ª Planta, 51001 Ceuta, Spānija.

Authoriesības © 2019 Betway. Visas Tiesības Aizsargātas.

Bonusa Noteikumi un nosacījumi

Vispārīgie bonusa contact noteikumi un nosacījumi

1. Mūsu elastīgā bonusa sistēma ļaus jums jebkurā laikā izņemt reālās naudas atlikumu, tomēr jūs zaudēsiet jebkādu atlikušo bonusa atlikumu.

2. Visiem bonusiem tiek piemētrotas minimālās liikmju liikmju prasības. Yes Vien concrete bonusa piedāvājuma īpašajos noteikumos nav nav nav nav nav nav nav nav nav nav nav nav nav nav nav nav nav navi, bonusa summa ir jānospēlē trīsdesmit (30) stimuli.

3. Dažādas spēles minimālās liikmju liikmes prasību izpildē piedalās ar atšķirīgugugu Procentuālo daļu. Lūdzu, ipazīstietices ar sadaļu “emaksas” par dažādām spēlēm.

4. Jei concrete pasiūlymo sąlygosis nenurodyta kitaip, visos "flexi" premijos galioja 7 dienas nuo actyvimo dienos. Jei per 7 dienų laiktarpį nebuvo atlikta nė vieno su prememija susijusio statymo, kad būtų įvykdyti minimalūs premijos statymo realavimai, prememijos liikutis bus pašalintas iš sąskaitos.

5. Bonuses are only awarded once per person, household, family, home, email address, credit card number or shared computer environment (eg library, workplace, company, university). Betway Casino reserves the right to cancel all prizes and games if this condition is not observed.

6. Any additional assigned bonuses will have minimal betting requirements that will be added to existing minimum betting requirements on your bonus balance.

7. The validity of all bonuses / betting / spins without the need for a deposit expires after 7 days.

8. The maximum amount that can be selected when playing bonuses / betting / rotation without the need for a deposit is £ 50.

9. All accounts are checked for cases of fraud as described in the "Fraud and Bonus Abuse" section.

10. In the case of free mites and bonuses, the following conditions apply:

Free spins and bonus mirches will be credited to the gaming account and the player can play them by loading the game in the action where the player will see the option to ask for a spin.

FREE and bonus spins cannot be replaced with free casino credits.

Vinnesti, Kas Tiks Vinnēti, Spēlējot Bezmaksas Griezenus vai Bonusa Griezenus, Tiksa Ishaitīti Kā bonuss, UN already attiecas as a vispārīgie bonus of Nosacīi Nosacīmi bonus.

Vienkāršs Cejvedis Par likmjju likmju pigger prasībām un iemaksām rafts

Piedāvayji AR miniālo likmju likmju pigger, KAS IR 50 Reizes Lielāka Par bonus vval Va, Lai to Pārvērstu Reālajā Naudā:

Dija piedāvjiji aceshajiem spēlētājiem: Shajos gadījumos noticus UN Nosacīumos IR scaidri norādītas miniālās likmju pigger.


  • Me jolic likmēsiet £ 100, zigzag of the summ of jolic iemaksāsiet?
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  • 100%

100 €

Spachet Automāti UN SPPLE Zāles

Visas Galda Pokera Spēles, Visas Ruletes Spēles, Visas Video/Spēles Pokera Spēles (Izaņmot All Aces UN Jacks or Better), Visas Blackjacks, Casino War UN īstu dīler Naudas Rat (Dream Catcher).

Piedāvvjumos IR miniālā likmju pigger, KAS 30 reizes pārsniedz bonus vvalibu, lay to pārvērstu reālajā Naudā:Piedāvji AR miniālo likmju likmju pigger, Kas aceosajiem spēlētājiem IR 30 reizesis of Lielek Par bonus vērtību.Shos Piedāvjumus jachets Sajemsiet 30 DiAku Laika Pēc account atvēršanas un verifičjcijas.
As mentioned above, do not forget that the proportion of different games is different, so we have easily created and presented the table to be illustrated and presented under it:The percentage of the share (%)If you bet £ 100, how much do you bet?
8% 8 € Games


€ 100

Slot machines and salon games


Piedāvvjumos IR miniālā likmju pigger, KAS 30 reizes pārsniedz bonus vvalibu, lay to pārvērstu reālajā Naudā:All table poker, Red Dog, all roulette wheels (except American roulette), Casino War, Sic Bo and Live Money Wheel (Dream Catcher).Shos Piedāvjumus jachets Sajemsiet 30 DiAku Laika Pēc account atvēršanas un verifičjcijas.
As mentioned above, do not forget that the proportion of different games is different, so we have easily created and presented the table to be illustrated and presented under it:Check out sections 6 and 7 of the General Terms.If you bet £ 100, how much do you bet?
1. Using more than one account to redeem several bonuses.

2. 2. ZWEUFUGIGE Wetten (Bei Denen Wetten mit hohem einsatz auf sehr variar erobnisse Platziert Werden und Dann zu normaller Varianz Überghen, UM Die Mindesttwettanforderungen Zu Erfüllen).3. Strategie mit Mehreren Konten / Proxy-Straate.



6. VERRINGERUNG DES WETTEINSATZES UM 60 % Oder Mehr Nach Dem Gewinn Eines Großen Preises (5-Facher Wertzen Einzahlung Oder Mehr) Mit der Absicht, Die MindesttaTettanforderEngen Zu Erfüllen, Wahrend ein bonus noch. Beispiel: Gewinnen Sie 100 € Bei Einem Beliebigen DREH, Einschließlich Einer Verdopplung, und Reduziere sie einsatzbetrag auf 50 € oger weniger.

7. Wecheln sie von einem spiel mit niedrigem beitrag (25 % Beitrag Oder Weniger) Zu Einem Spiel mit hohem beitrag (70 % oter mehr), nacdem sie einen guten preis gewonnen haben, um die mindtwettanforderungen zu erfülle. Beispiel: Sie Setzen Auf Roulette und Wecheln Nach Einem Gewinn zu spielautomaten, um die mindestinätze zu erfülen.

8. A player places a bet on any game that contributes 20% or less to the minimum bet requirement, the resulting winnings are 100% greater than the corresponding bet, and then with the initial bet and winnings moves to a bet on a game that contributes 100% to meet the minimum wagering requirements.

9. If you gamble more than 10% of the bonus in a single bet, spin or round when playing with a no deposit bonus, the bonus and winnings may be voided.

10. If you have come from a website that promotes gambling in violation of these terms.

Betway considers all of the above terms to be fair. If you require any clarification or advice regarding these terms, please contact our Customer Service Department.

*Updated on 07/21/2023

Betway holds licenses issued by the Directorate General of Spain (Dirección General de Ordenación del Juego de España): 75/GO/1011, 79/RLT/1011, 80/BLJ/1011, 350/GA/1011, 387/MAZ/1011, 440/ADC/1011, 442/AHC/1011 and 441/AOC/1011. Betway is operated by a company registered in Spain, Betway Spain S. A., whose registered office is at Calle Isabel Cabral, Número 2, 2ª planta, 51001 Ceuta, Spain.

Copyright © 2019 Betway. All rights reserved.


Elim Rim - Journalist, creative writer

Last modified 08.05.2025

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